Show t It 1 Action Agriculture Open Burning Is Is' Serious Issue With Farmer By Fly Ken Utah Farm Bureau I rr recently made the statement that by 1970 no open burning would be permitted permitted permitted per per- on farms in backyards or anywhere anywhere any any- where else with the possible exception of campfires Behind tIle the statement is th the pressure of extreme emotional fervor fervor fervor fer fer- vor over pollution SOME WISER men who have been been around longer than I said that they have seen other similar flaps come and go and surely this one would goas go goo as well I t must disagree Its It's true that the smoke from open burning in farm farmfields farmfields farmfields fields i is a very small contributor to the total air pollution picture but that really really real real- ly Iy doesn't matter The fact that pesticides pesticides and herbicides contribute very littie little lit lit- tie tle to pollution in comparison with phosphates phosphates phosphates from detergents and other types of Industrial pollution in water doesn't matter much either The fact is U its it's easier to prohibit open burning than to control pollution from automobiles Its It's also easier to ban pesticides and other farm chemicals than control the industrial industrial indus indus- trial giants BUT THE emotional involvement Isn't likely to go away To assess the size of the problem or or at least the intense pressure behind the noise over the problem problem pro pro- blem consider these recent developments developments developments develop develop- ments Colgate who took a black eye from Arthur Godfrey when he denounced denounced denoun denoun- ced Axion Anion which he sells on TV as a polluter is sponsoring a CBS minute 60 special on ecology starring Mr Godfrey Mr Godfreys Godfrey's take from pushing the Colgate story is around 24 million dollars per year Kaiser Aluminum is opening a 15 s million s illion dollar advertising campaign dealing with ecology and the damage done by pollution The Nixon Administrations Administration's War on Pollution will open the door to thousands of speeches on pollution and environment by politicians politicians poli polio and would-be would politicians during the coming political campaign Every major news magazine in the U. U S. S has devoted heavy sections to the pollution issue Companies dealing with the pollution pollution pollution tion control equipment are the hottest issues on Wall Street The fact is pollution and pollution control control control con con- are glamour subjects and the thrust is a strong one not to be tempered with considered study d a and deliberate er ersome td df thought gb I still s say we e can n look for some hastily worked up legislation barring barring bar bar- ring this and banning that in an attempt at at- tempt j to placate those who are angry about pollution a condition to which we have all contributed |