Show Rededication Rites Held at Barren Spot Rail Dreams of Nation Where Came True — r Lower Weber 10 THE OGDEN (UTAH) STANDARD-EXAMINE- S 1951 — —— — — 1 w j JB8I ait-ft saJfr S The lower Weber river today Was its reported to be banks just south of the new Warren bridge but the condition was formed not serious by Lyman M ng Hess county commissioner Commissioner Hess In charge of the road department said the county would dispatch m road pat ml to the area Monday for the purpose of " Robert Mukai 19 son of Mr and Kay Mukai 2070 Washington has been elected treasurer of the stum associated ff dents at Uniyer-- I sity of Utah m fc ti A highjy successful speech student at the saw University Mukai will serve with John Naispetti o: sau Lane uu who was el I president In his junior year at the ln- Mukai stitution R Mukai Don hif debate colleagues and Lind Old BMBMrles of history-makin- g days at Promontory station Were revived yesterday when this picture was taken Standing before the rehabilitated Last Spike monument are left to right Mrs J P Holmgren who lived in Bear River ( ity at time soike was driven: lata U Giles exeeaftve secretary tltaft Pioaieer Trails and Landmarks lation Airs Caroline Klenke secretarv Golden Soike committee: John Baker Union Pacific railroad agent and Howard 'Watts" Southern Pgeifie chief clerk Fixing of monument was sponsored by trails and inamaras association rail employes of Ogden and U P and S P " railroads Lithesome Mar one Barnett TMiss Weber College of '51' 1 Jordan placed first in the national speech tournament held Lithesome Marlene Barnett was recently at Redlands Calif Winning over 63 otherteams from! f 30 adjudged fkirest of face and figure at the annual bathing beauty conwestern states colleges test last night and in addition to winning the title "Miss Weber College of 1951" automatically qualified for the Miss Ogden contest later Miss Barnett was chosen from a Sendees for Paul Harold Cun- field of nine in a contest conducted son of Har-olningham and Elvira Elwood Cunning- at the Weber swimming pool The who was contestants were juaged on perham 535 Twenty-sevent- h drowned- in Ogden river Thursday sonality and noise beauty of face will be conducted Tuesday at two and beauty of figure Judges tor 533 Twenty-sixt- h p m at the mortuary the event were Postmaster Bishop Orson T Foulger of Ed Vendell "RussOgden Hoffman Wayne the LD S Seventh ward officiat- Carver Al Enselburaer and Buss ing Friends may call ft the mortuary Theme Miss Barnett Was presented at Monday from six to nine p m and dance by Jay Moyes Tuesday until time of services In- student body terment will be in the Brtham president of Sigma Delta Pi men's fraternal campus organization and City cemetery sponsor "of the event later in the jb2la ms' & fflfnl r fBB evening Moyes crowned the new bathing' queen with a crown of orchids She was presented to Ogden townspeople after tee dance in ceremonies at the Egyptian theatre by Weber college student prexy-elefffK Fred Ball Selected as attendants to the Ann DETROIT May 5 (API — the shapely queen were scrap metal contract which brought Lund and Gloria Pratt Miss is an unaffiliated sophomore rebuke from the Kefauver senjate d committee to the Briggs Manu- student at 'Weber and was in the contest by the Weber facturing Co was out the window College Excelsior Men's club today "In order to avoid further controversy Briggs quit the scrap l flm f sales in question on the heels of 9p senate crime probers reprithe mand i Three days ago the Kefauver committee said in its official findings that the contract was made in exchange for "gangdom's influence" in Briggs labor problems Briggs has denied any ill' intent In making the contract § The contract which paid up to a reputed $100000 a year was held Two bicycle riders were injured of Santo in separate accidents yesterday by Carl Renda desSam Perrone cribed before the committee as evening Dallas East 12 pn of Mr and associated with rackets Mrs Harvey East bBO Thirty-firjyjpi iK Renda has no police record P'v'' shock'' bruises of the body However the Kefauver committee suffered and a cut lip when he collided with said the contract's "real purpose" an automobile driven by Paul was to "have Perrone exert his and W Merrill Marlfne Barnett 75 of 3541 Madison at gangdom's influence in the Briggs Thirty-fift- h Adams and Manufacturing Co labor problem" Merrill told officers the boy rode Briggs announcement it was quit- his bicycle directly into the path of Foiir-H'-s- rs was sales to made Renda ting by car without stopping for a stop the company president W Dean his The boy wassign at Thirty-fift- h Robinson who himself had been taken nome in a lire deto his rebuked by the senate group partment ambulance Vern Poulter 14 son of Vernon C Poulter of 2741 Fowler received head cuts and bruises when A training meeting for all Weber the bicycle he was riding collided county dub leaders was held Wil-lian with an automobile driven by E Bass 52 of 560 Tweniy-Sixt- yesterday at the Utah Power and : Light auditorium under the direc Police said the misrhap' occurred tion of Calvin W Funk assistant when the Poulter boy attempted to Weber county agricultural agent HOLLYWOOD May 5 (UP — pass the westbound Bass ear Just and Maud Martin county home Robert Mitchums attorney settled as Bass began making a right turn The bicyclist was demonstration agent today a suit for $2500 damagesal-Iegedl- y into histodriveway pass between the car and Present at the meeting were leaddone to a cottage in which trying police said heand three others were arrested theNocurb ers who had attended the Four-citations Were issued in either tor holding a marijuana party leaders school at Utah State Agri- Comedienne Nanette Bordeaux accident cultural college Logan' testified that the marijuana party climaxed by a vice raid Sept 1 Dave Sharp of the U S A C 1948 damaged carpets and furniextension service spoke on "How in ture the cottage she owned to Cornduet a Four-Meeting Mitchum Actress Lila Leeds and Fern Shipley also of the extenreal estate salesman Robin Ford sion service discussed "Fundamenv ere found guilty of violating the tals of Teaching" state narcotics act as a result of Also on the program were Mrs the party and served brief jail H R Parker who spoke on health sentences Another party guest An impartial evaluation of finan- Mrs A J McFarland who disDancer Vicki Evans was acquit- cial needs at the state industrial cussed community health and Tom ' ted school will be made soon by Claude Petrich who spoke on how feoyg can aid In safety pro H Pratt who has been assigned and the job by the state welfare com- grams Services Planned For River Victim two-year-o- ld dr - lS - "fS- Reprimand Halls Metal Contract t9H - ct co-e- ds Bar-ne- tt spon-sore- HH Two Cyclists Hurt Friday In Car Mishaps son-in-la- w st Hold Training Event Mite hum Settles 4-- H h Damage Suit H Stale WiU Study State School Needs H f DEATH Odeth Mr B mission H C Olson Odeth Branch Olson 88 Madison died yesterday local hospital p m in num Mrs v O i o Was - at attar Shoemaker commission chairman said today Mr Pratt will make the study following an invi2483 tation from Dr J Smith Jacobs abort industrial school superintendentfor- After the study Mr Pratt four-fift- y a born September 19 1882 in Or lean Ind a daughter of Mr and Mr- - LaM She atEdwards tended school in Or- leans and graduated from the University of Nebraska with a bachelor of arts degree on June 15 H8K At that time she moved to Boise Idaho she taught a c h o o i for four years In 1910 she moved to Neb and cam to Ogden ln 1919Omaha where she had unce resided On September 19 1910 she was married to Henry D Olson in Denver Colo Surviving are her husband two sons LeRoy o and Frank T Olson Ogden -W grandchildren and one brother Theodore T Edwards Eugene Ore Services wiU be conducted Monday at one p m at the mortuary 3408 n Bishop Raymond Sanders of the 1 D S Tenth ward officiating Interment wiU be in the Ogden city cema- - whr Wash-ingto- Lee to Address Wyoming Confab jnerly assistant superintendent of EVANSTON Wyo May 5 —Gov rne ate school in American Fork irammg will submit recommenda- and Mrs J Bracken Lee will be tions to the commission regarding guests of the Wyoming Junior future financial needs at the school chamber of commerce at its convention awards banquet tonight in the Evanston armory Evanston Jaycees 'headed by Pre Raymond Smith planned the three-da- y state conference which began yesterday Governor Lee will be principal Washington junior high of West high oft Salt Lake speaker at the dinner meeting toCity have been adjudged winners night Dancing will conclude the In the fourth annual Sears Roe- evening program buck and Co industrial arts contest in Salt Lake The Ogden school placed first in junior high school composite and West was first in senior composite SAF£T? division Each school will receive a $50 MRS DICK SOW eBftfficate redeemable in hardware 5SS Canyon Rd merchandise at the Salt Lake City Phone Sears Boebuck store Washington High Contest Winner -- the first transcontinental rail line was accepted by John D Giles as No 20 A in the series of pioneer landmarks' Giles from Salt Lake City is executive secretary and treasurer of the Uah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association Marker No 120 will be dedicated May 10 actual - anniversary of Golden Spike day at 'Ogden's Union station t Presenting the rebuilt shaft was Mrs Caroline Klenke of Ogden secretary of the Golden Spike committee made up of the presidents and secretarierof railroad employes ' organizations Mrs Klenke said it was a pleasure for her personally and tor the Golden Spike committee Which she represented to be able to to the Pioneer Trails and present Landmarks association this monument She expressed the hope that it would some day become a national shrine Reviews Events Mr Giles thanked Mrs Klenke and in accepting the historic marker reviewed events leading to the pounding of the spike symbolizing completion of the railroad and permitting travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific "To get the proper perspective we most realize what hopes were culminated in the pounding of this $425 golden spike And to go into even deeper perspective we must realize that this event fulfilled the dreams of many men including President Abraham Lincoln Perhaps many of you have seen the monument at Council Bluffs la dedicated by him marking the eastern terminus of the Union Pacific railroad "The dreams fulfilled here were those tor which many men gave their lives and a great many their fortunes' he said W Vosco Call president of the Box Elder chamber of commerce asked members of the committee if residents of the county might not have an opportunity to take part m future observances of trie completion of the line He said a group of Box Elder and Brigham City residents had plans for digging a Well near the site and making a park Might Stage Rodeos Judge B Cx Call of Brigham City said they might even stage rodeos at the site in commemora tion of the pioneering event Included in the small crowd attending the rededication ceremonies was Mrs J P Holmgren 6f Bear River City who was two years old when the original spike was driven in 1869 She was also On hand when the present monument was dedicated in 1924 ' and rode the last train over the ntd tracks when the last spike was (removed in 1942 Also here for the' presentation was Mrs J P Jensen of Bear River City whose aunt Mary Ipsen cooked for the original construction crews When the actual spike was driven she was in the cook tent down in the hollow however Howard Watts chief clerk to the superintendent of the Salt Lake division represented the Southern Pacific railroad while John Baker Ogden general agent officially represented the Union Pacific: the two road- - whose lines were joined' ' at the spot Other Rail Officials Other rail employes and officials from Ogden and Salt Lake City were also present At the moment the historic monument was turned over to the landmarks association a commercial air liner roared overhead almost drowning but the Words iSf toe speaker and portraying even more graphically the speaker's words that the West would witness even greater developments iA progress during the next 82 years coaft-to-coa- st Four fdahoans War Casualties the gathering England was off the Marshall plan and headed tor economic stabilization Mr Barff was invited to speak in Ogden by the international relations committee of the Ogden Rotary dub' He spoke at a luncheon in the Ben Lomond hotel He also spoke to two classes at Weber college classes at Brigham Young university University of Utah and Utah State Agricultural He will be featured in college a broadcast tonight at seven-thirt- y over radio station KLO Britain's rearmament program said Mr Barff is expected to cost $14 billion over the next three He said- - great sacrifices years will have to be made by the British people to effect the program without seriously injuring their present economic recovery Mr Barff also spoke on British international policies painting a picture of English thinking and national conditions which have resulted in such policies He emphasized that in of the current controversy andspite harsh words flying between the United States and Great Britain the ultimate objectives of both world powers were the same Mr Barff also related his nation's policy in regards to the far east He said it was in British thinking and policy towards China and other Aihttie countries that the largest divergence of opinion arises between U S and Great Britain t However he said both countries objectives were the same halt the spread of communism to remain strong and keep the iron curiam from falling before the countries of Asia He said Great Britain views k with much disChiang favor much more than Kai-Ske- Mad-tse-tu- ng He Said Britain's position on the Japanese peace treaty had been He refutgrossly misinterpreted ed any Suggestion that the British restrictions on JaphaveUrged anese to benefit ourselves or toindustry insert "other restrictive clauses which would make it more difficult for Japan to be self supX porting Mr Barff is winding up a speaking tour of Utah Wyoming and Colorado' He is expected to leave-foChicago today i T' ! r Vole to Okeh SALT LAKE CITY May 5 ( AP Dr Eilvert II Himes of Brigham Young univiersjly yesterday was appointed presalent of Dixie junior college at St George The state board of education announced its decision here arid said Dr Himes jwould' assi me his new duties Julyjl pe sue :eeds former Dikie Pfesidelt Gle in E Snow now assistant executive secretary of the National Education association Matthew Ml Blntley lias been interim president since Snow's de- it inception tn 1940 and one of lts largest accompjishments was the $1509 fellowship presented to Aleen Hunt Salt Lake City who is studying in the field of speech ther- ' B!?8 - apy and audloloe' wrth Particular reference to aged jren She also stated that the Casper Wyo club raised 51000 to maintain a clinic for training ajed children in speech therapy add that Greely Wyo- club maintains a school' for cerebral patsy child ren The Boise Idaho club ha taken- over the entire manage-wit- h mint of the civil defense program thare pre-scho- ehil-sho- w ol pre-scho- 1 1 ol - § parture j Dr Himes has been at B Y U tor ine past tnpree years He ts a l native of Utah who has taught at the University of Utah During Ogden Club Commended World war II He Was i director of rt" rfj ground training for tie army air Suf 0 force :j i?gaTw fi Dr Himes was gra iuated from ii0 uZJt the University of Uta i in 1931 as — at the Vil at also "rJri lounge Roy: infirmary an honor student and t lass valedic- end JIj for remembering ATr the occupants torian He received a B S degree" of the table eachon with gifts one's birthday in education Ifis Mi S degree Trie club also pro anniversary at ifhejSUnivei sity of Kan- Today's Activitiels Today's activities included a vides a musical program every oth- sas in 1937 and tie obtained his Ph D from Utah in 1950 morning session at which Mrsj Leoti er Sunday for the inmates and a k cov w ci He taught at I publi schools at uvau twviyt aAf wjji aa4$c 'vwu rejViiv iiiuiM jjai She stressed the fact jthat the 600 mountain Salt Lake City Wber county: rectorof of the Rocky clubs j executive business and professional Soroptimist presided Park "City and in Indej endence and gion gave a report of the region s ac- - women of the region accomplisn Sedalia Mot' 'I y and has and much in influencing good governDr Himes i marri ed complishments service and community and! a girl three children She stated that the Rocky moun- - ment through their ideals and efforts to promote worthwhile profects m leaders O C Hammond president of toe Round-Abo- ut chamber of commerce gave greet' ings from the city and Lawrence '! H Malajr gave the invocation GRANTS VILLE - The tourthville ballpark Chairman Ralph M Luncheon followed the session V annual Tooele counfly livestock Pace said today with the Logan club as hostesses show sponsored by the FFjA be- — — — The theme was "Soroptimist Ideals BRIGHAM CITY — Ernest L Wil- - — Our Ran here at ten a m today with Responsibility" Miss Una the first rotmd of judging set for kinson BrigHam Young university Vermillion was chairman assisted an hour later president Will be principal speaker by Helen H John president at the Box Jbider seminary gradu The Mrs new clubs of Grand Junction 18 ation oh May — CLEARFIELD Wives of Clearand Ldvelahd were honored and field Kiwanis club will be honored at this time welcomed FROVO— CommunProvo at eight p m Thursday May 10 The session included reafternoon to Set at a dinner in Brichartt Citv Dar- ity'j Congregationajl ehurch is and election regional memports of the bers of federation of rell Welker cdmmittee chajirman host the 65th anhual session comnomination on Utah Congregational conference 1 said today " mittee T r Monday and Tuesday when deleTonight a 'friendship" banquet FARMJNGTOfl-UA- n gates from Ogdefn Salt Lake City will elementary be given in the Crystal ballana xiounuiui school for thf vernai rrarf oaney win — room with the Ogden clup as hostwill Provo be- built on a seven-acr- e " gather together of plot esses Mrs Leoti Evans will pre- ground bought! by the board of — Slue FARMINGTO! The American iymr - w wiuwHf from education Wilforid Wood of of the Ogden Club wil be and president will hold its Legion Woods Cross If is situated next to auxiliary toastraistress im- - spring district convention Friday the Orchard Ward chapel Ijfo A breakfast at the Ogden golf Tint a ivm into contem- - May 11 beginniing at eight p m - M l tl Uik UWU and country club will start the at the county courthouse here plated The Brigham Speakers will include Depart- Sunday activities This will be hostesses LOGAN 4- - Frederick P Chanm ment Commander David C Orsey City-clu- b followed by a general sesn be will Commander District of'Payson Cache Valley Banking president Buesle of Ogden and First sion- ' Co has been elected one of seven The afternoon will feature a U directors of the S chamber of Vice Commanded Howard Cheney luncheon at the Crystal hallroom commerce and will represent the of Kaysville with the Salt Lake! City and ' Provo" western division during 1951-5- 2 clubs according to iriiformatidin received A trip to Snow basin for visiting here f t guests will climax the event Hales is general chair- Miss FARMINGTON— Emil M White-side- s the conference man ofMyrta of Kasfsville will e principal of the North Davis junior high 5 AP SALT LAKE £lTY: school in l$51-ito rdplac Hor-to- n Salt Lake City linesMay has been e— Wii Is to wh Miller an adjustment in its fare uyuuuytwu THjM moving up granted -thefe new of school at structure bjr the Vtah Public Ser-- j principal high WASHINGTON May 5 (UP) — Bountiful school (board an- vice commission! W Stuart Symington took over fo ' nounced tod&r under the commission's new or-- j day as administrator of the much- aer tares win oe iu cental criticized KSfonstruction f inance KAYSVILLE — Wendell Max and straignt wilt be boosted from Corp He succeeded five directors tokens field assistant general manager of eight and "cents each to three of whom never were a food concern here is rtewi presi- eight and three-quartecents each by the senate dent of theKaytsville iufiiorfcham l ber of commercsk Charles Dredge is first vice! president Dale Kind second vice president: J P Colher secretary Richard Barber treasurer M'lvin Man ning LaMar Green aid Russell I - ' grape-colore- hois iiS 1 pu 1 enc4S tterj&r v ir - r- - fwo-boji- Utah " i SALT LAKE CITY May 5 -- j (AP) Salt Lake City teachers decided late last night to accept the pay boosts offered by the city board of t education Clifton L Cook president of the Salt Lake City Teachers' association vote reported that amargin decided the issue Teachers had debated whether to accept the wage offer or to hold out for high" er salary offers The board's offer was an average eight and one-ha-lf per cent boost Total cost was estimated to be $377i 000 Its effect on the school system" was not immediately known but certain services would have to be dropped - two-to-o- -- Traffic Mishap Injures Child Michael McCullough four son of William E McCullough 642 Thirtieth suffered cuts and bruises of his head Thursday nieht when he ran into the side of a moving auto in iront or ozz imroetn Police said the child ran across the street from the north side into an eastbound car driven sby Walter Blackwell 70 of 2972 Wall The boy was taken to St Benedict's hos- week Hampton said the mailing of letters to the 965 citizens was at his request City Attorney E Ray Christen-se- n earlier issued an opinion that Salt Lake City ordinances deny to Salt Lake Citv police and firemen the right to join any union The policemen's union is said to have some 115 members spe-ficical- ly LOANS AUTO FURNITURE SIGNATURE FAMILY FINANCE AND THRIFT CO uESSE kc: i rt-civ- - r :'rth-oli5v'- Do-ra- SLC Bus Line Gets Fare Hike 1 -- 2 te ''' :: one-thir- d eon-firm- rs carton aireetors- f - BRIGHAM CITY — haitles K Robinette Brigham Cityj has been advaned from master sergeant to Warrant officer at Camp Leroy Johnson New Orleans La t HYRUM 4- - JSrs 1 LaVol McBride ' Hyrum was naped state chairman of aetlvities moppet! for National Shut-i- n day to be observed June 3 Executive officers meet with Gov J Bracken Lee on Monday asking that he set the dair aside for that purpose by state proclamation LOGAN — Utah State Agricultural college staff merribers Will present a panel talk bn f rOzen j food locke"rs asthey relate to home food preservation at the annual convention of the Frdzen Food Locker association on May 20 Dr Carl Frischkneeht extension serv' ice director' said today Summit County HOYSTYlLLTg A livestock auction and jhorse disd Amerplay featuring a ican saddler will be held! at seven- thirty p m Monday in the Hoyts- j j er asum - ' Variety Program At Ward Tonight Uvd Ph 4463 region had increased to '25 clubs re-ta- in -r- Salary Increase yes-erd- ay Wh The eleventh Rocky Mountain gional conference of Sorotirnist club of Utah Idaho Colorado and Wyoming got off tola good start yesterday ' With registration and meetings of the regional board the Jttotal Bert Lomond the initial schedule Highlighting for the three-a- y Conclave was the informal reception and fashion at the Institute of Religion in the evening The evening was under direction of the Ogden club! with Mrs C J A Lindquist presi-- ! dent and it honored Mrs Emily! Ziegler Sah Diego Calif secretary of the American Federation of So-- 1 roptimjst clubs The table was beautifully adorned a pink satin cloth and cen- d bowl tered with-of pink aristocratic roses Pink Bluegate candles arranged with k Srihedtbler°:enSdWaerninak Murine At Dixie College ' f com-missi- on 22 SO Gets Top Pdst ' SALT LAKE CITY May S ( AP) Douglas of Washington J The problem of a new policeman'sfderson C national renrasentatlvk union "here is snowballing and Williams and L B Hampton threatens to engulf the city presidenat-managof the industrial relations group were chief The commission yesterday met spokesmen at an open meeting of with representatives of the Am- the city commission earlier this Gf-'S- Regional Soroptimist Clubs Meet Here Begin Three-Da- y BYU Staffer News Police Stir S L C Ruckus With Scheme to Unionize cmm e I WASHINGTON May S (AP) — The defense department today released the names of four additional Idaho soldiers who have been wounded in Korean fighting They are: A Corp William A Adams son of program by Mr and Mrs Vincent Dn Adams the Lvariety D S Lake viewsponsored ward buildMontpelier fund committee will be prePfc Heber G Bevan son of Mr ing at eight o'clock in sented and Mrs Heber R Bevan Route the L Dtonight S Riverdale ward 2 Dnggs Lynn A McKinley of station Ffc Laird L Johnston Jr son KSL well-- k nmvn Georae of Mr and Mrs Laird L Johnston Ogden vocalist Frost and Idonna O'DeMN 595 Highland drive Idaho Fall? arama director of the Weber stake Corp John W Nicolson son of M I A board will be among those Mr and Mrs John P Nicolson participating in the program" Route 1 Post Falls The is invited Donations wounded and returned (Previously to dutyJ - Will bepublic accepted erican Federation of State County and Municipal workers (A F L) asking that a written proposal of the union's aims be presented However other hands were at work The Industrial Relations Council of Utah opened a campaign against the union by mail-ni- g form letters to 965 citizens jgarakg each to write a letter to the commission requesting it to refuse to recognize or deal with such a union Meeting with the commission were Bill Williams regional union representative and Hen -- was-receive- pital by his parents officers said ' - J A Lindquhjf president Ogden club Mrs Leoti Evans Colorado Springs director of Rocky Mountain region of Soroptimist Soroptimist clubs and Miss Myrta Hales general chairman are cmhin-- y to ing their efforts niake the region conference here a success Mrs C "-p- SLC Teachers Og-Bfcn- ! -u ! - Mrs-- 1 h-jh- - University Elects Ogdenite to Office ! I 1 building up present dikes Reports from other sections along the lower river Indicate banks are holding firm with) no flooding expected unless there is an unusually warm period Commissioner Hess said some seepage of water onto farm lands has been reported but it was hot extensive Clearing operations completed in the river by the U S army corps of engineers during past years pas opened the channel and prevented reoccurrence of costly floods experienced in the past Official Asserts tROMONTORY STATION Box County May 5— The snot in the center of this now abandoned Great Britain is engaged in as town where the dreams of men large an armament program per and a nation earn true wiiUapita as- the United States ah of marked again yesterday told a eroun of Oeden civic and Now miles from the nearest rail club leaders yesterday road the famed Golden Spike moo Stafford E D Barff director tor ument signalizing completion of the Chicago 111 British in'f orma SCTVlCe Offices also told I Elder Reported Over Us Bank over-flowi- By Charlotte B Kreher I ' Successful Conference Their Aim British Sacrifice Equal to U S R Saturday Evening May ! five-gaite- 1 IN THE SHOCK it i nimtorting to know where to turn for counsel and aid In your hour of bereavement it a pjriviiege and mark of trust to be Remember our phone number of sudden grief trxptricnttd we will consider called upon td serve Dial 5311 Day or Night (toredt 1fjc ' 836 36th Street Funeral Director "4 tivtjhg Shrine of Perpetual Beauty Dedicated to Sacred Memories" — inn 11 ed |