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Show s THE GROUND THAT CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Mr. Godden TcIU How It May be Passed in Safety and Comfort. tu Fremont, O. "I passing throngh the critical period of life, being forty- .six yean 01 age ana naa ait tn. symp tomi incident to that change beat flashes, nervousness, and wat in a general run down condition, so it wat bard for ma to do my work. Lydia E. Finkhara s Vegetable, Compound was recommended to me as the FROZEN AGO AGES Scientific Explanations of Fact Which Has Puzzled Miners Who Have Worked In Alaska. Minors and geologists familiar with coutlltlona in AluHka are aware that lu muny places the ground iu thut country la permanently frozen, ex cept on the surface, to a depth of 200 Mild even 300 feet. While this has beea popularly attributed to loug continued low temperature In winter, the Interesting theory bus receutly been ndvunced by a scientist that the Is due to condition far colder weather that obtained In Home pre vious age, and that protective vegeta tlon on the surface has kept the frost in the grouuil pennuni'iitly since then. It has been found that when moss has been cleared away for open-cu- t mining or farming, the upper level of the grounds frost seemed gradually to descend. If such is the case, it may show that present temperatures are not low enough to freeze the ground to the great depths cited above. Pop ular Mechanics Muguzlne. beit remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved to be. I feel better and tr?nger In every way since taking it, anr the anr.oying symptoms have disapMrs. M. GODDEN, 925 Napeared. " poleon St, Fremont, Ohio. Such annoying symptons as heat SWAMP-ROO- T FOR flashes, nervousnsss, backache, headache, irritability and "the bines," may be speedily overcome and the system KIDNEY AILMENTS restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb'remedy Lydia E. I inkham's Vegetable Compound. There is only one medicine that really If any complications present themout preeminent as a medicine for selves write the Pink ham Medicine Co., stands curable ailments of the kidneys, liver Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to Slid bladder. overcome them. The result of forty Swamp-Roo- t sUmli the lr. Kilmer's reaaon years experience it at your service ao4 highest fur the that it haa proven your letter held in strict confidence. oe to just ine remedy needed in thou snnds upon thoumnda of distressing cava hwsmn-Koot- special a physician's prescription for , disrsat-s- . friends make quickly its nultl and immediate effect is toon realized in moit cases. It la s gen . tie. healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi um and large. However, if you wlh first to teat this treat preparation send ten rents to Ur, Kilmer & Co.. Minshsmton. N. Y.. for a ample bottle. When writing be sure and niention this paper. Adv. ICARTErtSf r t i m i For Constipation The Wail of the Two brothers, Angu who worked a small Carter's Little misfortune to lone ter, who was their houHt'Wiiper. They tried to do the housework t hem wives for a time, but It wasn't a mieccsu. So one Imv Angus, the elder, said to his brother: "Duncan, we'll need to look about an' see if ye canna get a wife.1 "No. na." replied Duncan; "you are (he oldest. Angus, an" the farm be. long to yon." "But you are likely to live 1ohr.1 Duncan," continued Angus, "so yoaV better be the ane to tiik' a wife." "Oh. ny!" wild Ihinrnn rexlKitedly; "it's aye the same way here; when ever there's any thankl Joh to lie done It's me that has to do II." Purely Vegetable Smafl POL Small Dot, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron la the blood, aa moat people do. WU! ed ofctolo r;M will 4 mm macm lr. IMrtd Hotm--u SS ?HYSIC HALL end HORSE "El" nm wiAy ihf TONIC mill Mm m m Utm IS SrrMrl Hats mmmtm fr ml If ttofl"i.r mr 4r mw stsrta' KI.U. . ImM mm ifmrn. 100 V HI M f- t- und Duncan, farm, had the by denth their sis Liver Pills will set you right over night. pale-fac- Injured. las Can mnim aataak. S Have a Clear Skin. Make Cutlrura Soap your every-dn- j toilet aoap and swlst It now and then by touches of Cutlcura Ointment to soften, soothe and heat. For free samples address "Cutloira. Dept. 3C Boston." At druggist and by malL Soap S3, Ointment 13 ami SO. Adv. The 6uspense That Kills. St rnngr There doesn't appear to Unusual Weapon. te much tawleKsnes tihout yotir town. John n anted to go to the store to Und Hilt Ko. We wu't stand fur grt a lx-f- i of egg. On bi way a boy liMik away bis list snl John begun to tt round here. St ranger Ah. I suppose w hen any cry. When he got In the Rl.ire the man lied tlriftr Into your tow you ake1 : "Who hit you. him. "A Omen ecf v" was the reply. ltniuAlntely irrtvexl liud lull w1end Vns. JtnT frequent Well-er-nm- we Domestic Example. The lurk sin above Kiel la the Komellmoa a train of thought gets gnna. IVIla That' aofhinc: IVe kept up ltcbd becjuts It larks the: proper crnilnnl ffirlllties. my music- since I marrlml. - TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S. UTAH BUDGET A I're report received from Ohlenuo tell of the selevtlou of Suit Luke lis the 1010 convention pluee of the National Association of ltetall Grocers. ' The move to provide Suit Lake City rST therein lies the and children ? Insurance agaliiMt poMnlbie coal shortage by the acquisition of coul lands that illicit be mined for a munlolpul coal supply has becu revived. Four cottages ore belug built to boiiHO deputy sheriffs whose duty It will be to guard the tour gates of Salt Lake City against the Ingress of bootof automobile leggers and the egrc-ethieves. Itystanders during the parade at Suit Lake on May 21 contributed cash to the lied Cross cause amounting to AH the. money was thrown $2sC27.07. on the three flags presented for voluntary offerings. Two hundred women of Ogden, representing all the clubs nud relief societies of the various churches, including the Herman Evangelical church, made a house to house canvuss for lted Cross subscriptions. Under the changes In train schedules I'acl-C- v on the. Oregon Short system, effective June 2, there will be four trains less between Suit Lake nud Ogdeii, including through trains northwest, east und west. Under direction of S. O. Sargent, n force of federal reserve bunk examiners Is at work in Salt Luke, exumlnlng institutions which have mudo application for membership lu the federal reserve, to determine their (nuililleutions. Albert IVmeaux, a Itelglan soldier, while lit Suit Luke lust week, upou belhg shown Princess Alice at Liberty Park, usUed for u drink of elephant's milk. The keeper culled his bluff und the soldiers declared the drlult ull Satisfactory Terms Why are any but Reasonable Rates. Why are Syrups We make a thoughtful study of your parmost laymen?. ticular requirements, which enables us to Why has tho Ctov give your business more than ordinary service. other poisonous drugs, (j and under its innumera Ask us how. Keep you loans at home! These are s Line-Unio- Money To Loan on Improved Farms V questio: Any Physician j house for the common The Geo. C. Whitmore Co 1 Net ContpnttlSTluidDrai xraxooooooooooooooc n pal mm We Sell Oils Varnish Kalsomine similalincroodbyfcuU 1lnt;uiC3tomaCflS nnu t iilVlVI'l right. . , .A tJ.t ftffltJt r .i ncldUTOpium,Morphuicnor linertu. i j The town of Treinonton has become a city of tho third class, according .to tho results of an election held there recently to determine whetbrr or not the bustling burg should rem Ju a town or become a city and be luuuuged as cities ure. A Red Cross shop, which In reality is planned to be a clearing house for every sort of Kuleable second-hanSoods, Is to be opened at Suit Luke, Juae 1. The place will be under the management of the lted Cross shop " j jitd jm.x otitic. S. J. Brings & Co., of rrovidencc, R. I., say : "We have sold Fletcher Castorla in our three stores for the past twenty jeurs and consider it one of the best preparations on the market." Mansur Drug Co., of St. Paul, Minn., says : "We are not in the habit of recommending' proprietary medicines, but we never hesitate to say a good word for Castoria. It is a medical success." liegeman & Co., of New York City, N. Y., say : "We can say for your Castoria that it is no of the best Belling preparations in our stores. That is conclusive evidence that it is satisfactory to the users." W. II. Chapman, of Montreal, Que., says: "I have sold Fletcher's Castoria for many years and have yet to hear of one word other than praise of ita virtues. I look upon your preparation as one of the few so called patent medicines having merit and unhesitatingly recommend it as a safe household remedy." . jww sr. l--'i d committee. Ten per cent of the young men of the Mormon church who are eligible tot lullilury service are now either battling the Huns on the buttlellelds of uroe or preparing to do so at the many training camps or cuntou- xuetits of the 1'nlted States. A distinct .earthiiuke slun k was felt at 1'rovo, Monday ulKlit, May 20. at 11 o'clock by several persons; It last il for uhout a minute aud caused dish es to rattle aud pictures to move. A cluck which hud sipM-- for some time to run, nud U still going. The penny contribution cumpulgu among public school pupils for the tienctit of French soldier temporarily iucupiicltated by Illness contracted lu the trenches, conducted last week lu Suit Lake I'lty school, is being eteuil eil to other points throughout the tU'e liefore the Knights of Pythias coi. venlion land dosed at Salt Ijike on May 22, fl.tssj worth of war savings sul- Mumps hud been bought and cribed to the Iteil Cross by the tnem bers. In nddiilott. the orgiiniKution has nubscrllHtl f2.'t.iViO to the Liberty loans. For stsle taxation pnrisHM-- s sixe counties rejsirteil pro-itvnlnutious on May 21 to the state bosnl of eUiili-aatioi- i. liiTiaius are shown by five of them, mid III one a slight decrease Is Indicated. The totals for the sis omin li are S.:2.1vs,;.-.-2 for l'JH aud ", 3WJ13 for I'.tlT. William It. Holt bus turned state's n evidence ngnlnst bis alleged pirator In the prellminury hearing of Albert Mndison and liny Grant Mad- daugh. chsrged with having stolen three barrel)! of whisky from an Inter stale shipment on the tenvcr A-- Klo (ji'siide railroad tracks on May 3. A grenade throw ing machine or projector, which Is said to cover the dead field or fire lirtswn the grenade rifle and the hand throw, combining seed and accuracy, the Invention of two members of the Twentieth Infantry has for consideration to the war bwn department at Washington, after a demonstration before a board of offi cers at Fort iHiuglas. As the result of cranking hi car when it was In irenr, tJeorge W. Simmons of Halt Lake was run down by the 'machine, which rrsshv-- Into a sliow wlmlow. Simons was but slightly Injured, but approximately SKsj damage was done when the machine crashed through the plate glao. The annual May fentivnl of the state hool for the leaf and Wind, at Og den. wUI be held at the Institution on J Wednesday, May 29. It Is the event will be attended by the gov ernor and other state officials, as well as by officials of the state school deaf and blind from many surrounding at ten. Itoxel-- r county Is Invaded by white top, a pernicious and harmful weed. 3. K. Walker, state crop st commissioner, says Unless the farmers of that region take Immediate stefia to eradicate It they will find themselves fonfronted with a serious situation. Twin boys. 3 years old, were run down by a delivery track at Salt Lake, one iH'ing killed and th other Injured. The driver, Joseph A. ?itha. who Insists the 'children ran In front of the truck and he was on-al-i to stop in time, has Ven sr Diarrhoei Constipation and i' resulting tterefrorajtnjlfr"? fat Sinilc Slinstai v i s 2 IatCRrrAiCoHPAi GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS BEARS Exact Copy of Wrapper. d J .ULL i Hep A Favorite Dish Eirryuhrre Prepared from dainty bits of I choke, selected meat, skillfully seasoned and cooked by Libbys own expert chefs these sausages rr have that delicacy of flavor, yet ficy Jest that makes them favorites everywhere. Order Libby's Vienna Sausage today. You, too, will find it a savory, satisfying dish and so easy to prepare! ."CV -- f-'- 1 ex(-cte- Ubhj, McNeill & Libby, CKkago Sapolio doing its work. .Scouring for Ub.Manne Corps recruits. Join Now I APPLY AT ANY SMS o SKMCMTt a f&4 POST OFFICE for Wf SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM rested. y strnp-Imiukit- s Owing to tho increase cost of all kinds of material the retail telling' prioa of trll FIIesI wIa Kill AII Try KOVERALLS nowsv-pniwr- ? . U.S.P.t.Off Las been dranced to 1 ASjPiPtt the Suit t, HAIR BALSAM A MM prrpmrmtum Mtli w mrmatmmim ommanl. Hlr I Pm,Rmim.CmlmA V? - ft ITrt W, r.1 to cull "ihn mr of iiulos wns the Iniiteiunliin ministi-r- . You under-slnnd- ; the niiiitemnlfiu inliiNterr "Ye, sah. I iitiiler-tiiipu!Tvtl.v, siih," he riiliei. iiikI Ihi-ti.uf : "The mr fo de watermelon nilniter." tJVI el Bridget Had little Trouble in Explain, ing Why She Had Used Poker on Her Hubby. M.J., Lurl Straasa 1 guanalmmd KOVTRAUS su.ut.HT.vr, Look for this Red Woven Label J5 diriH-tii- l TIME TO SELECT WEAPON NO of quality asd EseeDenc workmanship as lisrstoforsw He Understood. At n reception in Vn.hlnvton ofTii'lnl who looked after the C & STRAINS iCQ. C. SaaFraiicuo. P. f .1. t, Vh.ml "rrmmm,.AII," AssnM OnsstO rtllZE st k Tliere should be n mini for every was before the mnglstrnte nml'l. but some of the rlrls are limior-Iiir upon thi rhiiree of bentlnir for a dipiil.le portion. W. N. V., Salt Lake C.ty. No. r who summI th nVk with his Ix.und up In n tmiis of hand eit'S and snrrounihtl hy an odorous Tou know Ihst wl.n ou soil r.r b.ijr Ihrongh the hS Sbl"H , rlond of lllni. Investing thnt he hnd -sttI sroio's-r(snr, i. Tmirrnvflf,, )ieimtr. ,rll. onlv uh'Iiticoim. etn1ve trpntnicnt at the rurhwrs.s u" ,r'"t will soon ri.1 of lh. d.saw y,n hospitnl. Tin? tiiiiKlxtrnte rnlhil the mnm H as a sur , n motl.r how r wife to the bar of Justice. ,.o.. t nMum-- r. rvoial mmr ordr from fhr msmifsn h. "Now. tiindam," he siild, "ran mi with rrtr. ts oni an, urra. 1 tV, rmlMn. s M lis ot rton. eiplnln to tue why yon stmrk your fOM.H Mfc.Ull Al. )h. I O, Mtr. rtltr.r tm4, f. a. Am hushnnd over the hind with the poker?" P.riilsot laid her hand on the lnr I -m- TT find lfniiiic fnr over so she ronlil ImI answer uon the attentive press oflWr of the law, replied : "Kliiire. I hit him with the poker. your honor, heennse at that moment I eouMn't Iny tny hnnils on the hroom- stlrk thnt I generally uws." : ', Itrldft b h-- hus-hnn- d. ni-n- HORSE SALE DISTEMPER lu-a- tmr-mf- ..'f.y ,, rror,n."r i o.ri rr f hr mt 'A' '6 FRECKLESSr. IWw 'ft ts U Tism U Ct M W TWm U(ly txoc llw sltdilaxf sM ot TW'i fr slia fteri-mi1- e II-r- s M) s-- TS V 4 " How to Win a Seat. Is a lip for l"lttslnn;li on how to ln n wnt. It wns with surress rwi-nllon n I'.nmil way our hy a wouiaii who lHkil tln-i- l hut nmldn't Ituliici any of the nnn altti-rto give hiT a wiit. She looked Ss)2Sc Oinsl 25c ni SOc around ili!ulinly, hut nil those who . hnl wiits were ahsorhotl In tlulr The cut had cinic a Mork or Dais two hiin mmI'IitiIj a voire wns hinrd singiiig'. "Tl Stur SpniiKh'd Itunni-r.r- r r aril "Sw mtrni, It ii the wnimin who IukI just thi our. Kvry no onwi. llii-Klllec Oalay Fly th womiin mIkimJ Into a wnt Unit hnd Ikw wcuiiIikI hy oih of Hip tncii. SMNC MHn, M M His SMman, K. t. Whi-the woninn wna sontiil the song suddonly emhil. New York Sun. PARKERS Cuticura Stops Itching and Saves the Hair co-co- Sausage V.'WrMJlLlir'-- ...aiUSS.l iL.I.L n ?-- Vienna Shovels Forks Lawn Hose Brushes 8 Le Yomincnt Ifruggists addressed to Cfias. II. Fletcher. ov TVnmntinGw Dl Rakes Hoes Paints lcohol-- 3 rcn ccs AV.ctablcrrcpara!iont)ri 3 NEPHI OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. vrruw' tVviu Slmplf lintfc of l flht Snrantv4 ft from mm isw hmnrlt Olfctw 4n,M to rmnors tmmrm ml - I . l . i m nr, Is S m4 tsnllfnl nt llhs nmpwu rmr is rlrttP t iimpl, P mm In sk fn OKt Snnhl ss this to nM WW If It falls ! trwn trmrwm Mis rtmlr,li mmA .s w.v. suixrvAit 0H 1 nf mtrmf ftsrt l. 1 I f Many a man who poses as a puMie enefsetor never thinks of plvlng his v Ife n rtoiisr for her own use. When VourEvej Need Care Try MurineWrmEye Remedy I fVxrf'-W s ttr-- Sxlnft rv I. rrw Srmm t s.. Wfi(. frjf CO.. CHICAGO MkUMBtaKXltDI lr Trr I mmM E ATONtO tahhrts t mrf It s tmV'i tanrm feditpastlna. Urt m Wonderful Te?limontal Endorsing EATON1C ttrrn'.f sM fNl an4 rMr s llltl tut t" rtrniM mn. m stM mi sos-Mn- s rni.l, s lfc mrnrmt frartxs s tsal i Sls- M imrm lmm vsniHM s fcl mnrm mwo It ISsI llftf. pmtm tkS 9 f-- owumaui Trouble A Y ! t rmm 1. Mil S. - Quickly Removes All 0m St swl sll fxmm at t'w.iT. W. V.SlTIAXyAM. r- -p or ATONIC AJ All Dmmtimfm rlf math Misery Indieioa, I lalulence, IIaribun. Iypepia, Acid and Gasy Stomach Sosr, Hot's tb. moHj F ATONIC Dmsi tb Css of the body and the Bleat rrws sriik M. Guamntd to brinjy relief or money Get a bos today. Uosru on ty a cent two a day to use ft. r i 1 lk. hIi |