Show OUTPUT MUT BE INCREASED american chemists lie mists llad have anade such wonderful pi progress ogress in develop ng a g line of dyes that this is is ohe one tern teni practically ce certain t to 0 be erased from the list ok 0 t things tor a supply of which the united states stated depond depend apon germany says boston newt nei dureau bureau there has been some tall of this country also becoming self supporting porting up in potash supplies hut but between byor and potash there Is tho the fun d t ff eranee that while no ine can be ba manufactured the afie a ther aust be discovered the prospects of the united stater producing her own potash are nok no encouraging small quantities have jeen can obtained from the brines of vestern lakes kelp dl il unite cement dust and ana other baliet products byproducts by bugnone bilt but none if f those is important donough orsue or suf low in cost of A production pl action colato 0 cosa isto with german in normal timed time in the opinion oi of the iho authorities the e united states can never cope s sue c coss fully v ditl ger germany in etil v kiil unless de de mra of df actual potash alts are found cound like ailt tuross of be germany which ca can p b bo located only by at deep orang in regions where geographical loki may indicate indie aab theli presence such as the largo large feds beds 0 as co n bifi salt this is a for t the ic government being far too expensive 1 and uncertain for priva to caal capital tal A ingle boring Ti oring for example at the high level of prices for laboi labo r nd supplier lios woud probably pro babiy cost |