Show TELEGRAPH TELEGRAM TIDINGS by IV IT telegraph to tine the HERALD NEW yorm juno june fhe tribunes b aneg albany special says there was great commotion among the supporters it of colliding conkling and platt last n night ight reminding ding one of the confused movements of a community of ants on having their habitation d disturbed Is depots large gain y yesterday es and tile prospective accession slon today to day were t the c cause of an unwonted excitement throughout the evening conkling and his chief friends had a conference at the delavan house while scores of their adherents stood in the hallway near the room where the conference was had anxiously awaiting the newa news of the outcome of the meeting there were present at the conference ex senators conkling and platt vice president arthur governor cornell lewis P payne speaker sharp richard crowley and super dutcher tile best authenticated statement about the conference was to the effect that it was on the question of adjourning the legislature without electing clec ting lt S senators it is said on good authority this was the sole subject of the talk during the conference where there was a diffie difference rence of opinion on the subject railroad Uail road wrecks NEW YORK juno june the engine and some coaches of a local passenger n train on the hudson railroad were badly wrecked yesterday being thrown from the track the wrecking tram train sent thither came in collision with another passenger tra train in the engine of the hitter fatter and the wrecking cars were nearly demolished moli shed A daring stare bobber obber 11 GALVESTON GA T june A j single highwayman masked stopped me the fredericksburg stage on board of which were four passengers with the driver and rifled the mails and robbed the passengers the following arc fire the particulars SAN sax AN ANTONIO annio nio tex june last night the E el I paso stage waa was stopped seventy miles west of here by a lone robber there were four passengers two of the robbers command dismounted with cocked revolvers in their hands but dared not fire because the robber was behind a stump at the command of tile road agent a so soldier brought the registered mail pouch uc near the stump cut it open and poured out the mail one of the passengers had concealed coal ed on his person and kept it coli convict viet coliff conflict let TIFLIS june in a conflict at a small town of kouble between seventy persons and their military guard more than twenty five men were killed or wounded about thirty tris prisoners boners escaped carrying off ten ton rifles left I oft forthe for alio states C ri I caad juno the times learns from the cit city of mexico pacheco of bf california and gen ord left for the states state the latter will purchase machinery for a alx lx petroleum tro louin refinery for this city sold carld WINNIPEG june the canada pa pacific el effle R R sold two hundred thousand acres to a french agricultural society at per acre unfortunate utes LAKE CITY col june A courier from the cantonment on the below los pinos gays mys on monday last 11 william illiam may and one hundred other ranch men mii organized a coin company aai and attacked a band of hosai hostile I lutcs tes near the big bend of the dolores river after a hot engagement the alres were forced to retreat leavin leaving z D two of their braves bravos dead on theofleld the field the ranchman ranchmen ranch men declare their into to maintain their settlements and mutually aid in the defence the rho first gun is now fired in the skirmish with inith the band of ho hostiles stiles this Thi will swill be a serious drawback to commissioners who are now engaged in selecting a new reservation to remove the utes from the uncompahgre tall gre valley A general outbreak is only a question of a few days the commissioner of internal revenue has issued new negotiations in regard to cha changes in es in in the C capacity a VIC a ity of grain and molasses molasses dai till tilt erics erics |