Show er f 1 I FLORENCE july 1862 1802 EDITOR DESERET NEWS SIR sim Presuming ng hlat hiat at a few items of nevis news concerning concertin the emigration ei I 1 ig a tion across the plain plains this season deaso n may riot not be unacceptable to your readers ens ers I 1 pen per a short detail of my jou ney with one of the church trains to begin with the roads they were in consequence of the late lile opening of spring and arid the great and almost unprecedented nse use of the streams on tiie the route of the very worst description during the erly eArly e part of the journey the wagons A frequently part between the little mountain Aloun tain and echo kai ka kallon layon ion lon were brunni runni running rig upon thir thin th ir hubs bubs and going through water often abot abote e he be magon wagon wagon beds A yellow creek we e found the tho stream so 90 much ch swollen that ia cov egv red the entire valley th through rou 1 which winch it runs from bluff to bluh bluff and I 1 again at hamb hams folk foik it was still till worse at i both these places we had to unload our wagons I 1 convey conveying in ibe the loads over oil on rafts or in lit a boat and taking the empty wagons ahr ugh with the eatn and at the latter atter place hav har harm ng 0 to float the wagons across and arid swim th the e team teams but mormon patience energy and perseverance triumphed ove over every obstacle yet I 1 will say that it is my fi fam m conviction that ro 0 other people 0 1 I 1 e would bave have gone through TC under such dl 1 t and trying ci cf cum stances without pause or besita hesitation tion in fact making nothing othin but b ut sport of laboi jabot day in the water I 1 e aid d mud B nie limes liwes to their knees sometimes to their waist an I 1 occasionally going out of sight captain 11 II duncan Di incan in lit charge of our train was w aab aae equatore quai very emer veric invariably taki taking rig the thle lead himself in going goin into in water or mud and the boys w were ere ever redy and wi ling to follow the emigration westward th s season is very great somewhere a out two thousand two hundred waon wa on 4 pass d us it tween hams ilams fork and loup lup fork ferry averaging about five souls to each wagon which will make eleven thousand independent ot of our own emigration gr tion which is also very large this seas beason season n I 1 presume over five thousand you have probably p liea hea ri of he ae acci aident derit which happened to our highly teemed esteemed ts friend and brother bruther brut her der J IV young youn during tb the e storm tm t of bacin the e ath instant by he the blowing over of some ac wagon boxes which were p paea leil up but not secured ills his chest was badly bruised his head and nose also cut rather sever seier I 1 am happy to say lie he is now abe a be to be fae about again and recovering reco recover inz rapidly two men were unfortunately killed ki lied in one of the cam caulis canals s of englis saints eider elder whitall laie late of the star sar office offic liverpool ai as d another brother from england at wood river I 1 counted four een cen telegraph shattered by the on the same sauie occasion and a horse killed I 1 on oa the ad of july we passed capt lewis Brunson 8 company tf snots saints consi consisting stin of thirty six wagons about ten mile miles a west if f buffalo er crek crek erek ek being the alist train oe of the season for utah A train of forty six wag w afons on 8 under tin lin d er capt wareham passed us on the ut and another left on the all independent companies the other companies will rov now iov lov be leaving in rapid success loi loy v u til all ail bae bave hae started capt duncans Dun cana train 1 reached here about noon on the I 1 and aud capt C p t murdocks NJ docks about two hours afterwards capt cp t irous irois jioras s train ht J expected toddy to today day tjay and tsa capt beao tib JI lia lla armons rmon s tomorrow to morrow or next day dy d y and the others er in a day or so afterwards the saints have all armed arrived here laere with t the 1 e exception of a small email company of swiss ex pecked by the next boat capt duncan is loading tip up today to day with english saints anni anti ani will mil start in two or three days tiie e missionaries m ies who ibave have armed rived here are well weli cene ne rany raHy elders eldera rich an andleman lyman are here also elders mcallister and adams returning miss nusa ona les lea iea lea with a few others whose names I 1 do not know we ive expect to leav for new yolk en route for our fields of labor in a few feo daja y K al ae |