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Show THE MOIiXIXCS EXAMINER: OfiDEX. Published by W- - H. Wright ft Sons Co. No. 21. Special Selling in Several Departments Today On some ot thr lines vhirh ...Ladies' Ijuv Fan at the most wanted tor ssic. ahlch are gifts am prices are reduced remarkably. In the Handkerchief the best of are new, crisp handaerchief at an amazing rate. . .the filing' Inducements are great price Silne. Sieiens and Frau a J. Stevens, pivaideut and treasurer of ibe o.. bae Sidney Stevens Implement Jus returned from a bus.nen trip through Idaho. While in Idaho Fails they delivered a carload of the celebrated American saw mill machiaery. They are eriieviaUy furtuuate in se- worth one dollar, will be a feature ui today's selling . . . these fans are of the new size... hand decorated . . with . ivor sticks half way... me price today will be o9c. .New Leather Goods for Those Who Do Pyrography Todays ezpraa brought a line are stamped. . .the prices are very reasonable. Cushion cover, of leather are here. . .some witn the Indian head design. . .stamped ready to be burnt. This? make elegant gifts. of leather goods to be burned ...Some of our customers have aaked tor other goods than wood to burn nnd v now hava a s that dainty line of nick-nack- Special Se'Gng of Dolls This Morning The fact that our dolls come from tho foreign countries where they are man- lectured is responsible for the low prices. Today we wish to be busy in TOYLAXD and as an Inducement to morning shop pers we wiil ar.y doll iu nock . . .and there is a wonderful asortment. . .Any doll in stock at 11 to us direct a 10 per ceut reduction. This price applies to (he three hours in ihe morning between 9 and It o'clock. Great Show of Linen in the Sou'Ji Window offers a , Tho eolith window glvable. . .like flowers, they may be given to any one and the wealth of suggestion lor the beheart of every woman giaddeus lated gift buyer... A suggestion at. the sight of beautifully wovat this time la of value... The en linens... You can pay as south window was designed with that idea in view. . .of suggesting suitable gifts for the belated shopper. Linens are one of the few things which ara always much or as little as you wish fur a piece of artistic linen... . .Brnneriffe. . . .Drawn Work. g. There is bat One Real Soda Cracker because there is bat one that comes to you just as it comes from the oven. Others lose their value by being exposed to the air, absorbing moisture and collecting dust. curing this business in idabo ftlli for the reason that they hate mu house at that point, where the other implement companies are repreenied. IN FAVOR OF ! GAMBLING CAUSES A DELAY IN OBTAINING A JURY. be appreciated must be artistic, good and Our line of CA LEX DAUB, STATIONERY', BOO KB, LEATHER GOODB, TOILET CAFES, COLLAR and HANDKERCHIEF CUFF BOXEB, GLOVE and CCT BETS, CHINA, GLASS, PICTURES, ART NOVELTIES of all kinds, give you the bent opportunity to buy TOE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS :AT THE RIGHT To up-to-dat- e. PRICES. Sparg'os Book iStore To Heat Cold Rooms Quickly vrooos 88 and gams law by fishing for and catching trout o'qt of the streams la Ogden valley. Immediately after he discovered them be telephoned to Constable Albert Garner, who arrested the men and summoned them before Adam U Peterson, Justice of the peace. To a petition from George Welch, that a certain road in the southwestern part of the county be opened, the board appropriated the aunt of 6200 to be expended under the direction of Commissioner Madsen. A similar petition from Riverdale was referred to Vommlasioner McKay for investigation. Expense bills that Were not paid Mat meeting, because it was charged that they had not been itemised, were . '. 1 bare shunt lift, 000 of real estaia Hated with ire, which belong to old client, friends aud acquaintance in the east, who Instructed me to dose out these holdings In lHsh at prices. 1 am muh.ng tr.y si room No. C. First National, with Hunter ft Kennedy, and rau ba found after office hours at. the Heed FRANCIS RITTER. hotel. coil . A Few Cara Ara Received From tha Union Pacific, , To aid the wo;k of keeping the city warm retailer were made the recipients of several cars of coal Sunday and thin morning. It came at a time when the retailers were out of fuel. It la really remarkable 4 be variety of coal that the consumer la obliged to use. Yesterday the only kind of available in mine run, a combination of everything, that come direct from the ground without sorting. Mine run Is 1m Ing used for furnaces. The supply of alacl; has grown scarce allowed. pest week and ft 1. probable To aid in the press of work the In the It will be Isle in the winter before that had he assessor that reported county back orders are filled. employed T.' H. "Daria and J. W. Gin-so- u McGuire A. R. nnd aa deputies' and Mias Evelyn Henflershot aa AN EASTERN VISITOR clerk. The former two on n salary of (3 per day. Speaks ef the Unprecedented Prosperity of the Country. OGDEN MAILS Geo. J. Scboeffel, en route to Los a, is vlaiting Fred J. Kleael. Angel Arrival and departure of mails at Mr. Schoeffel is wilb the Erie railOgden postoffice: talker road. He In an entertaining North and Northwest, 0, 8. L. Ry. an active interest In all takes and Arrlve, 7:80 a. m., 6:80. p. m.; de- public affairs. part, 12:66 a. m., 11:50 a. m. He was a vigorous opponent of V.'m. East, all points, V. P. Ry. Arrive, R. Heart In the late campaign In New 4:80 a. m.; 6:15p.m.: depart, 7:50 a York, but admits that Hearat has a m., 2:25 p. a., 6:66 p. m. following and la a remarkable Southeast, R. 0. W. Ry. Arrive, great leader of men, with a lieutenancy un1:00 a. m 11:46 a. ml, 2150 p.m.; equaled. Mr. Schoeffel says that, per7:00 a. m.; 6:10 p. m. haps I10.o00.nnu was spent to defeat 8. r. 7:80 all a Ry. points, Wwt, Hearat for governor and the entire 7 '.00 m.; 1:60 p. 1:50 depart, m, p. m, Republican ticket, was sacrificed in a. m., 8:45 p. m." v to elect Hughe. Southern California and Nevada, S. order New Yorker la an admirer of The a. 8. 6:80 U LRy. A. Arrive, P Theodore Roosevelt, bnt fear that the p.-1:4s 6:60 m.; depart, m, 7:80 p. is undertaking to reform president p. m. nnd too many persons. too many things R. O. Rv. Arrive I Southern rtah, He Is also an admirer of the gen.us 8:80 a. m., 7:40 B- - m.; depart, 8:So of E. II. Harriman h a railroad finana m. 2:46 p. a. R. - -W.- Harriman, Q, Southern Utah. Ry Ac cier and operator. Back ofare the rive, 1:00 a. m 2:50 p. m.. 7:00 p. m.; It la generally tin of tiie Standard Oil. dn.-art-, 3:30 a. ax, 7:00 a m., 6:3o Mr. Schoeflei would not be surprised p. m. ft: a Lake City, O. S. L. Ry. Arrive, if the heals of railroads deliberately 1:00 l, 3:30 e. m.. 12:00 m., 2:50 set about to lesern the prosperity of p. bl, 7:30 p. a.: depart, 3:80 a. m., the country. The business la so great ,:50 &. m 10::10 a. m, 8:45 p. m.. that the roads are overwhelmed and with each upward more labor is be5:50 p. a. and scarce. Sait Lake City, R. O. W. 1:00 a coming too Jestan-Lntt.; ?:50 p. m.; depart, 7:00 a. m. g;8n ' oe-par- t, PERFECTION OH t Heater Device) (Equipped iviSi Smokeless or tow Mare's iw Turn wfek high Carry it about Immroon to mow.' and srneiL Essyto danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke Bram ofl lamp. All parts easily cleaned. bossed. KoMs a quarts dofl and bums ohouOwlmww heat. Twolinlslwsickeland Jaram HaMaome.wefuUreltabii Every heater warranted. II not at your dealert wrtw our nearest agency for descriptive circular, He v. yoww ',? Lamp inr van fett-- l to Hrtrt fcrlffn. tcruuat.out and fclckH library, dnimr-nmaad ratttfactor. awMl agwer M Ml hSiMMi ft all-r- e heunnaM M tr Errt (irov t'nir. Glr ew wilb cow, r Hrlwert-e- e. tarn. rwiJjA wrlr. row CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY j Cscke Valley Pnlbtr, O. 8. L. By Arrive, 10:46 a. m.; det.art, 4:50 p. Eden ft Liberty Arrive, . 5:00 e. m.: depart, 6:00 A a. R. F. D. Weber County Arrive. 5:00 p. a.; depart, 8:30 a. m. W3I. GLASMANN, . . Poataaater. a Week, Commencing Monday, Dec. 17 ' n The Old Clothes Man lois f Dramatic Artion. Popular Music. Speriaitiee. Pathos and beside Ciwneiiy. Artistic Eeeui-ry- , the Boxers Danny Dougherty ft Kid Sharkey They lend HeatUm to the Eshi-bilio- a In the Arena Scene in Last Act. NOTE; Boxing Exhibition perfectly proper for lady audience. finer HTAI1NA THEATER TONIGHT! THE LITTLE MINISTER WILL PROVO 200 BE MISS EFFIE PRUITT THE GIRL WONDER OP THE LITTLE WHEEL. Roller Skates, and ana Performing ovir 160 of tha mast difficult feats af the moat graceful and finest Coatumsd Skaters In the country. ADMISSION-AFTERNO- ........ ...........I...... ON ADMISSION EVENING see what you want for Christmas here? SPECIAL TRAIN OF GARDEN CITY BOOSTERS. They Are After the Teachers' vention far 1906 Salt Lake is Active. Con- Brownie Cameras ..... ... . . , 1.06 26.06 Far I man Kodaks, 15.00 to Prrmo Film Pack Cameras $5 to EB.06 5dc sod np Un) s' sad girls' sleds Ediaon Fhinographs, 916.66 and 6.06 Roller Skates, 50c ta,.,, 4 .nil lc. Skates, 50c, tu..,,.. fight la on between dike aud i'Mvo to secure Ike next convention. The two cities ore the only cautlldaius in the field and both are forming plans for a FOOTBALLS. vigorous campaign. The position 4 CARVING SETS. Is vote of but tne Ogden uncertain, tiie cil)'a tcacberg will decide tbe ' POCKET KNIVES, invention city for lUidL QiLLETT SAFETY RAZORS. 1'rovo made a fight for tbe c.mven ' t" tiou In Salt lska last yiar, but was In fact lota of things moat suitable def- - au--d In favor of Ogden. for Christmas present. As aoi.n a committee were o perfect the plana of tbe local v ii'Sthi-i'Ha telegram wax received trim l'rovo asking for beadqnari'-HUTCHISON and accommodation. A apeci train was then engaged lo ran; the delegation to ibis ciiy and it wiil' arrive oud No. 3C6 Twenty-Fift- h Street1 tbr inirniiig ot January 1. Uard-u vices Irnin ad iuile the l ily confirm liie first uiiprt-rsiutha the of the ill;- aud entire county .will ai:iid. ii is expectiM thrl Stud pcdHgngue wlli conn- - to boost for Provo. They w'.il b.ina wi-them buumu and bm'gea and a good supply uf eutbuiaRra, o that ihe cuii-tewill lie epiriled. ilit.tli-tbut cult lake lias the convention ia a good thing for Halt Lake and a qulm cainpalga hue already comuienoKl that lias iM.:k of it the buidne,a nien of the capital. liesdqitarir.ru torthe delegatou a ported ffurn Salt Lake ruuuiy have hern secured. A Sait 36-6- I T. S. HIE Crtel Driwicj Ft Iters Eve. BUSWELLS More. Jewelry On Itrkct given with each on dMiar purciwM1. lady'a solid gold watch, 16 jewel mrve-nienSee our excellent lino uf Diamonds and jlveuiy. tl-,YEHYAHE and plated ware, for dalntlnaas. Wo save you inorey on cirry purchase, 370 Twtnty-fourtStreet. L . h 'om si-u- i wuuarn the bowels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Ruguicta uperkte easily, tone tlia stomach, cure constipation. 2nc. Ark your druggist for them. BURIAL CF S. T. M' CAIN Young Man Waa Soon to Have Bean Married. Tbe funeral of S. Thru. McCain was held Sunday In the chapel of Ritchie' undertaking parlor. 8. Tbeo. McCain waa born In Kentucky, December 19, 1879. He came to Utah seven year ago, making Ogden his brune during the jurat four aud f years, being employed by the Southern Pacific railroad, as fireman. A great number at sympathising friends, including the B. of L. F., and laidlre Auxiliary to B. of L. F., In a body gathered to say farewell to their friend and brother. Rev. Carver, who officiated. In his remarks poke of tbe excellent qualities of the deceased, hla sunny diapoeltion and temperate habits; of ihe moat pathetic circumstances combined. He waa on the threshold of life In ha fullest realisation. Not only was he on the list for promotion in a business way, but he anon was to take to hla heart and home one of the moat lovable bud of womanhood. She la left alone at the half open door to mourn with the sorrowing father an.l brothers In far-of-f Kentucky,. The floral offering were profuse and beautiful. Interment waa In the City cemetery, where short, but Impressive, serrice were held by tbe B. of Ia F. at the open grave. one-hal- In getting into our new store. Therefore have had but little opportunity to dispose of our Holiday stock acd realize that the time I getting short. We offer, therefore, special bargains on Holiday goods from tills date until Xmas sir invite the public to call and Inspect ou. goods and prices. CEO. A. LOWE . CO.-Ogde- tteh, Dec. 15th. 1916. EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS. WITH OLD HARNESS runaway may cause more thus trouble. Serious Injuries and semo limes death are. tbe awful reselrs. As old harness I often responsible, but a new harness with weak spots In :t is Just as bad. The kind we tell have . A NO WEAK SPOTS. You will get your money worth If gnu buy harness of us. Oar new addreas la 2277 Washing' Soa Are. J.C.PM UP FOR CHRISTMAS." Don't hide wall paper defects with evergreen or aurne other kind cover your walla with jl greesa paper that will look pretty until next Christmas. To get that sort at cbeenng prices get it at PAINT CO. GRIFFIN 2231 W. A. Both Phones. Wash. Mlan. WE CAN MOVE ANYTHING. MALAN The Only Twanty-ffft- h PHONES 1n4, 224. BelV Street. 220. sal bstwne j Chicaff, Overland! Limited jlhc Meat Leivlaas Trala is tbs 1 Warid Compartment and drawing-rooI claeplng cars, observation cars, dUu I and library tag cars, I cars, with barter, bath and Soak-- I lovers Library; entire train electric I lighted, through tc Chicago wffho I charge. Direct connection for m! buffet-smoki- OFFICE Rsffwsy Rirer The Vans, Drays and Saggags Wagons. OUR aPECIALTIES Plane, Furniture, Safe Moving and Stsraga. k tsMe-Trsc- fts Kasseri TRANSFER COMPANY ng SLPaclaadMiscapoSsj Ml TVM, mmn Hon. h rttameS Iim. GumM A. Asm, Walk. C EB3E23C5ZEEEin PLACE YOUR ORDERS "WITH MITCHELL LUCS. Monuments, Cop.ngs and Headstones. Don't buy from agent, aa they get large comralts-orand you hava tc pay teem. St your home penpie first. Tara opposite City Cemetery. j a Cuic2;o & 18 ; fcQ-Yssf- ta Start. Ukt car. Utah. Seeth Male fy.! v s ' New York. Dec. 17. A cable desfrom Laibach, Austria, publishpatch Dec. 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, II, Jan. 1st. ed here today, aaya the seismographs at tbe observatory to !:K Saturday evening. It la beto Oregon Short Use and Union record an earthquake calculated lieved to have been In Asia Minor. Pariflr Ry. Cheap errand trip rate. have been 94i mile dueanr. from 6:25 until Jan. 7th. Ticket good to 19,.. Ask Agnw for particulars. - WANT ADS YIELD BIO RESULTS. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. Austro-Hungsrla- -- FIXING Saddlery Co. 6. E. Malan. 406 WE ARE LATE holiday excursion rates. lit lOo 15o Do you STRONG a, m!l-llo- " and I'l.lrTORD woll-kaow- u ilareii physics react, SUPPLY . Every house has Its cold room. Abnormal weather -- conditions, inadequate stove or furnace host often result hi some parficulrt-part ot the house being cold and cheertera. You can maks hone want and dwarf ul with the 1 m bead-quarte- At a meeting of the county commissioners Monday Jno. 51. Grow, Huntsville, reported that he had caught three men in the act of violating the fish MISS EFFIE PRUITT Jas. kvrh dlacCurJv Mr. . Reports the Arreat of Three Men.' orth.estern Theatrical Association. Grant, Resident Manager. i in- - d Gama Wardsn AUDITORIUM RINK GRAND house: Kirni Prominent People Who Are Excused Born To ihe wife of Dr. Edward From Service because ef ExRich, a baby girl, yesterday morning. pressed Prejudice. Miss Eflle Pruitt, the expert roller skater from New York City, comOut uf ten mea sniumauad tu sit as mences a week', engagement at the Auditorium Rink trnight, performing jurors la the rase of Ogden City vs. over 150 uf the most difficult feau on Janies Laker fur keeping n gambling in his roller skates. She is one of the mcsi house and six men am-siegraceful and finest costumed skatera pl&' operating machine, seien uf them wsie excused. The esse ws railin the eountry. ed la police court yvsterda) and ta Mrs. Sean lan. 55 years old, died on til out the Jury a retuud venire was the train Saudav - at Elko, of gen- issued a few minutes before noon. The court rcon was filled wi'h eral debility. She was on her way fnun the coast to bar home in Des spectators interested in the ease. The Moines, la., in company with her ministerial assuolatkw wa represented. daughter, Mrs. M. iiugerald. A mild surprise was created in tbs The funeral of Johannas Von Woerk-o- audlenus when juror after juror was will be held at 2 o'cljck Tuesday, dismissed for the ssuie cause that of In the Fourth Ward meeting house. being prejudiced In furor of the deThe casket will he opened from 10 to fendants. James MrBeth was the first one. of 1 on the day vf the. funeral, at the home, ooiner of Monroe avenue nnd four called to be challenged by the Twenty-Uni- t city attorney, the attorney Mating street. flatly that he would refuse to try the Hon. Fred J. Kietel has returned cae with MrBeth as a juror. Can you try this rase talrly and imfrom a month's virtt to the Coast. partially and be golded by the eviaaked Hagiey. Judge Booth arrived on n belated dence?" 1 cannot," answered HcBelh. train yesterday morning, .but not ,1a Do you think gambling a crime?" time to bold n morning session ot court. There was a session yesterday further iuterroggled the city official. 1 do not." hlcBeth averred. . afternoon. Mr. MrBeth was excused. In succession L. H. Hocraft, Dsn En'Marriage licenses were granted this sign. Joseph Harris, G. J. Kelley, T. morning to Peter C. Pederson, Green-fiel- W. Hutton and E. A. Larkins were exIowa, and Miss Charlotte Wtlaon of Salt Lake: R. M. Peek of South cused, without objertloa. The majority of them were personalWeber, and Edith Hansen of Roy; J. A. Cbecketta of Ogden and Sllsa Myr- ly acquainted with the defendant e in a business or social way. tle B. Bradson of Ogden. One seld be wes in favor of gambling when run openly aa It was a A complaint was filed yeatrrdey benefit to the city. Another decMred with the county clerk by Slaa Jensen. he was not morally opposed to tha In which she prays lor a separation vice and would the defendants from A. B. Jensen whom she accuses the benefit uf give doubt that might any of neglect to support herself end fam- exist. Still a third sfliirmed that, the ily. Plaintiff declares they were mar- man who a gamopenly walked into ried March, 1896, and that for severbling bouse and lost money deserved al years defendant has felled to pro- hie loss which name by his own fault vide the common necesariee at life. not the trickery of the gambler. She also asks for the custody of three and A Aa a result be was prejudiced. minor children. fourth asserted that b was opposed to the profession and could nut sit as A mesage from Washington states a Juror. that Senators Smcot and Sutherland By noun Albern Allen. Fred Naishitl urged yesterday upon the president the and Mark Burns had been accepted. eppilntment of Arthur U. Hayes, an Ther declared Ihnmsclvee ready to Ogdenite, to he assistant attorney gen- try Ihe case up-- its merits and bring eral, upon the retirement of James C. la a verdict un noiitui but the Reynolds. Mr. Hayes ha been In the i. f men had been After ten aJdlti-'Uspublic services is various capacills I as of a. man and Integrity examined yesterday afternoon, a fourth regarded and devotion to duty. At present lie is juror wes rerun d in. the person ot solicitor of internal revenue in the Kdgur Short. . , department of Justice. Twenty uu-- lii'all were examined and the majority 'were biased in favor of the defendants. CAKD OF THANKS Attorney Horn for the defendant submitted the cgse to the jury on the Through the columns of the Standard-Ex- evidence furnished by the city. Chief aminer, and la b half of the ab- Browning, Sergeant Tin Cork and Tout sent parents, we wish ta thank the and Officer Critolihiw were examined. many friem)a who so kindly aselsted They narrated the manner of rerur-inentrance into the iramhitng hall during the Hints and Meath of our friend and brother, tf.'Tlieo. McCain. and told whatthe saw n- the inEspecially do wfl mention the pastor, side. While Ihe wltaesoea did nut ere Rev. Carver, who spoke euch eloquent money in actual rtcbarp. nunu-nv.- i words of sympathy; o the singers, ganres were operating bo 'hot cirruiu-ataulM- I rvidenic was not j.irk!ng Miss Pearce and Mr. Crockett, and orThe Jury arqi.!(ird lb? operators end ganist. Mis Johnaon. May you all be lie was fliird blessed with true friends in Joy or found Baker guilty, 699 or 99 Jaj. sorrow. ... . Miss Leonora Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Eastman, Mr. and Mr. O. F. IK EtSihESS AGAIN Tuckar. CGUITY COMMISSIONERS AMUSEMENTS. Wednesday Night AND - CHRISTMAS GIFTS mo.?. OPERA Direct R. A. g NATIONAL' BISCUIT COMPANY IS. On l The reall soda cracker is Uneeda Biscuit kept fresh and clean by the protecting package I'i 'EMIIEII I AMUSihiENTS. SENTIMENT! Wrights Store News vei. i. TlEMAV SfOKSlXu, UTAH. OGDEN 263 IlSf EXCHANGE Twentffiith St Raeea California and Eaetera D!reet Wire fa All Spertlnp Events |