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Show I t THE PRESS. WEEKLY. neaday. ANDREW JENSEN, rublwlier. gXCfrTS - jgPANISH FORK, ' UTAH r 8Ufl.SOKJI'XION HATES, One year Six months ?1,50 75 50 55 Four months Two months Sunday School men Id were servoij. Next meeting will bo with Mrs. Lee next Wed For dancing excursion from Sil ver City and intermediate points to Provo, May 23, R. G. IV. make a rata of 50 cents for round trip, Speoial train leave Spanish Fork 7;45p. in. Return special loaves Provo at 1:30 a. in, The Eighth and Nir,th grades ot this city will finish their schoo On that day there All bills tor, advertising will bo pre. work Friday. will bo about one hundred students en tod on the first of each month, in our city from other towns, They All changes of Ads. nmst he In no wjll take the State examination to later than Taesdty night. be given at that tint?, rAYA&LE JH ADVANCE, Thistle Notes. Con-- : feronce. Baseball is very common here Last Sunday there was held in the pavilion, this city, the annual Tha conference of this stake. stand was very tastefully decorated with beautiful growu plants and cut flowers. On tho stand wefc the superin tendents of the different schools, Brothers Richards and Petersen of the General Union Board, jresi-dent- a Page and Gardner, together with stake- superintendents and their aids. After the usual opening exer rises singing and prayer Stake Superintendent Brock hank gave a brief report of the schools in the stake, there were 15 of these, all of which were yisited every five or now-aday- s, Tha people here have plenty to do, and sure pay. There was an enjoyable dance in Smiths hall last- Saturday night. The Press ia getting to be a paper that Spanish Fork has a right to be proud of, The Isaac Iluff family have all been down with the measles and pnoumogia, but arp getting bet Blue Slippers, Red Slippers, :.vn Black Slippers, ter, that Span, People who saw it, tell me a steer marked S. Peterson, ish Fork, got into a cattle guard The Old Maids Convention given Suuday and broke its legs. Local News. in Tuesday nights cqnoert in Miss Nina Johnson of Spanish a the was on Fork vaa up here Sunday to visit soortcher pavilion Flowers 10, 15 and 25 oents a of some our sjngle men, and causec six weeks by one or more of the her father, John B. Johnson, who bunch at Parsons', the ones present to look up at the superintendency or some of tbe has boon working hgro for a long New Straw hats for the boya only old maids with a It aids; they held a monthly meeting time, silly snipo. 25 cents at Oran Lewis. was good just the same. of the officers of tbe different wards Mrs. Simmons is very sick, and and with teachers their Call on Wm. T. James and get has aids, been so for some tima, which For the Fifth Quarterly confer along Indifferwere also cakes. ice held the and there cream undoubtedly is end news to her yaur ence of the Nebo Stake of Jb'on ftt a meeting on the first many wards ent friends and relatives in Lawrence Ileed loaves for his Santaqutn next Suturday and Sun. of month all the of each Sunday Spanish Fork. day, the Rio G rap do Western will homo at Oasis this evening. aids and the teachers in officers, John TiiOrgbipson, make a rate of pne fare for the he reported that there were season is now d The ward; of round trip. Snip tickets May Houses and lots for sale at rea; upon usj the small boys are happy. 10, 17 and IS, good returning till over 400 officers, teachers and aids about 4500 schol-lar- sonable prices. B. J. Johnson, real in and the stake, Wm. T, James is now prepared the nineteenth. the teachers and those in estate agent, Spanish Fork, Utah. to furnish you with fresh breai Conference the the of annual Foj: charge were all alert and vigilant and cakes. Men's to their various duties, and active Primary Association, Young Do yon want your new carpet to Mutual Improvement and Young in the performance of them. Some class exercises were then wear well? Huy youp warp from Ladies' Mutual Improvement T'Church of the Jesus of Oran Lewis'. given by the schollars, one was a Christ of Latter-daSaints, and the kindergarten from Salem, in which Paris, Mop are at work today getting Celebration of the LowUm, Birthday of there were small pictures from the the pipo Rqo and tank ready for President Berlin, Brigham Young, to be infancy of Jesus, how the small street sprinkling. Vienna and held in Salt Lake May 29 to June tiny tots pointed thqm out, deYork JVew Fine watoh, clock and jewelery 2, a rate pf one fare for the round scribing the picture that the teach; trip will to made by the R, G. W. er named, then sang a little verse ( Published repairing, Work guaranteed, O utouthly ia anent and the John W, iope, jeweler, recitation about it, Nephi Ilansen has done a good the picture was something quite Salt Lake and return May 28 and kind act in raking up all the rock? and showed remarkable 29, $2,25 via Oregon Short Line; on Main street in front of his unique, tact and training on the part of The good plaoe of business, final return limit June 5. teacher and taught, which was both work should be continued all the David D. Bowen, Sr is starting extolled by the visit The very highly way up aud down the line. brethren from Halt Lake, with a green grocery store next door street is not bad, but if the ftw ing he remark, north of the Rockhill saloon, That was just the holders on the street were gathered in the right place, espeWanted At once To rent a 3 up and disposed of we would have right thing the in cially younger classes, it Subscriptions taken by us, or 4 room house for a year or more. the finest main street, naturally, in Single copies 5 cents. of kind to a was nil revelation who the State. Let us see what can de Call at J. E. Lees barber shop. All seams allowed ln patterns. saw it, of what little children can done No guessing for a tit. A high when do George Jacques came over from properly trained. grade pattern tor a cheap price. Utuh Free Traveling Library. Brother Ietersen made a short Frovo yesterday afternoon; he ret turned this morning with a load of Going up and down through alk, expressing the peculiar pleasthe State, under the auspices of the ure it gave him to be present it hay. was he that organized most of the Calvin Cramer, who recently left club women of the State, are over schools in the stake lie referred of these libraries, containing here for the south, has acoepted a forty Tail and get the latest fashion several thousand volumes of Poetry 0 the very common habit of parsheets free at the position driving the U. S, mail at ents for their buying toy pistols Fiotion, books of reference, etc. Case Modena, Utah. No, 15 is now at Spanish Fork in children, that when they grew Young D. II. Lewis has boen down from care of Mrs. Theo. Lee. older, they very often use them, at i Consolidated Co-O- p, the sheep shearing camp at Colton It is a very good case, some of imes with dangerous results; also for several days. He will go back the leading novels, such as spoke of having on our wall that were not good gave an Spring house cleaning calls for up in about a week. When Knighthood was new imjtcr on your walls. We where were instance there a family are snowing about 50 beautiful Alfred Reese returned from Di. in Home, etc.; also Janice Mereof boys, iu tbeir bed room was a designs. Goods dedverod in 24 of work the late best the dith, latnara couple of days ago. He rehours, icture of two ships, one robbing Paul Leicester Ford. Several volports every thing looking fine at the umes of ".Smiles, also Thayes, and he other and how these boys Blizzard and Thistle mines. In vonr spring decorating don't in after life became sea rob The many other good things forget that we can frame your ers or pirates; he also told of a For the Sunday School outing to reading public can call at f the pieture piotiires at any time man's price. Castilla Springs May 27th a rutc of and get a book. cm that camo under his own observation of a yoiyig man that 50 cents is announced by the U. Q. A No Dead Doubt went to herd sheep, lie took w ith Provo. via beat, W.. Train goes lim one of these cheap, but trashy The general committee on Deco, Sheriff Burton has received a mes- dime novels, lie read it several ration Day- will meet tomorrow sage from the sheriff of SanpHe it took such ludd of tin imes, him to arrest one night at 7 o'clock in Judge Saxe) county, asking mind ami conduit nun's Chris Peterson, who has Wen truv. young office to prepare a program. ding through Utah taking orders that it finally landed him in the We are pleased to note that Ted for a Denver tailoring firm.. He is J tah Htnte prison TIME CARD. Brother KichnnU said be bad Woods is now sufficiently recovered wanted at Mt. 1'leusant for obtainArrival and Departure of Trains from from his sickness to again be alioiit ing money under false pretenses. een iu the Union Board from the Itlo Grande Western Depot: his stable tending to business. Peterson spent several days in Bea- start; there had been a meeting No. 7, for Spritigville. 1rovo, ailed 35 yeurs ago, no officers were Salt Lake and ail points At lat reports from Lake Shore ver and took orders from a number appointed, it was some years later Hast and West, the drill ltitd again !ceti lost in of prominent citiezeus. He also fiat they were organized with Geo. So. 20, br Springvillo, Provo. Salt Lake aud all points the well being driven by the irri- took a small sum of money from Q. Cannon ut the head; how its Last and West, has extended to nil tho each customer. left lie for the gation company. Hard luck sure. ot her part. of the world, No. 8, for F.iireka. Mammoth and stakes, south seeul days ago and the ami Sdver City, and how the cry was heard today Lewis Reese and family have sheriff is No. S', Lureha. Mammoth trying to locate him. or more room; ho paid a tribute of aud silver City. been down from Clear Creek this People who parted with their coin irui-- e to the stake chorister week visiting relatives unit friends. will bo anxious to learn more in truth Connections mads In Ogden Colon Derum Mr. Keest intends to buy n home about him. Beaver News. le deserves it, he puts vim and pot with All 1 rains of Southern here. Iueille nod Urcgon Mmrt Line, Peteron done up Spuni-- h pork pint into his practiie, and beats out notes with n lively and tbe om its CHOK E OK For the it Y. Academy Reunion about two mouths ago, when he quick time, it was a treat in itself FAST k t jumped a $5 board bill at, the hear and see him leading with a ut Provo May 29 ill the Blue Shoes, Red Shoes, Black Shoes, Every New Style in Shoes at bare-foote- EJAN s; t i ; i . L Spanish Fork, Utah. LATES- y S ? t I 1 . i JS m The Largest Implement Dealers of southern Utah. -- 75.vV Are prepared to furnish you with the best Implements for the least money ever put on tie rnarket. -- ' MSCAfLL$fc Call and see our Stock, BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES. kinds of Extras Furnished. Prompt Attention given to Orders. All IT DRAWS THE Mens pic-ur- e, BHR-N- O PUSH. es ac-ual- ly 23 Jjf one-hal- - in-lui- ic THE WHEELS WILL MOT LIFT FROM THE GROUND. Cor. 2d North Main, Spanish Fork. mi FOR 3SSl send your a Domestic Sewing Machined fr Apply at 0' Christt-nson-an- 1 This Draws the Bar. Added Traction. The Press Office. Bev-ac- Oregon lloiixe. and we d lie Short Line will sell tickets May 2s, took a good many orders for clotln s 29 and 15, at one fare for round while here, on w hit'll lie collected trip; final r turn limit May 3l't. small Mims of money down. Albert b. M. Deltoll, agent. Brnckbank paid $2 on a suit, and The Fifth Quarterly Stake Con. nothing lias been heard of the suit ference of Neho Stake of .nm will since. Is held in tlu Santaqiiin meeting Teachers' I. cabui la XorMiwrM. house on Saturday ami Sunday, Portland, Oregon, and Spokane, Mnv 17th and istli, 1102. cmn VVadnngtof.. and return, $11 To. im'neing on Saturday at 10 u.m. ili in. Ail., it i I r Muller' gular monthly ih at the Imiee (if v ; f i M IS i w.is rendered and del, emus rifr.h under-fun- THROUGH TRAINS erv sweet voiee. Presidents Page and Gardner uidi spoke for t short time of the ensure they hud in listening to the various exercises. DAILY. AND Throe Distinct Scenic Routos. change. selection given was excel-nFree I!, linin' t hair Cars. and the solos were at! tlut oil Id be desired, it relied - great Irrsoimlly Conducted l.irnrehtn, red it upon their instructor. IVrferl Dining Cur Nervier, .1 o uo 10, 11 and 12. via Oregon The pavilion was well filled, lor rat-- s. folder, ete., impure of Slmr! Line, Finil nluro limit spei lally so during tlm afternoon, it. J. I ooi'hu. manv having to, or preferred being llckel Acini, For f.,ri!tT Septrinb-- r Mh. or w rile The was i.it'idi. a tonlereiue .,11 mi M. e It. I. A. It I MOV i.t. rand success. A spirit of unity General Agent, I'tn.-.'- Dep'm't. M. B. Agent. md love prevailed. Nall l.sk Utj, OWN YOUR HOME. town. The National P Ui t, X 'a par-ticul- ;, STOP Paying Rent of Brother John I'rcer also spoke with his usual fluency and to the Putman Pntdre and Ordinary Sleeping i rs In Denver, OiiihIiiv, Kansas mint niton the uhject' that had t Hr, M, Louis and I hlrago withont him. uhitted icen Til out it to the 1 r PRESS OFFICE. Home-Seeke- rs Association iitillc you tu a Imnm or farm "f V luiiO cadi, or pay olT your nmrtgni!'' and may be returned at the rate if 7 5n per m. utli on each liiOO vvllh in u re- -t ut 2 per cent per annum. Apt Will i ' either in eron or by letter la John Christianson, l'.o. Ilox 71, SpauUh rork,llf |