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Show a itr itrtTaahbagton Tashtagtea "adalDdo adalDdo tTaahbagton " , , . 6 b 0- 0 C - . 0FEAB 0.CT2AK 0CT2AK . FEAB FEAR OIT 01 OF ' CAI 11ALTIES CSAYALTIES CSAYALTIESThe CAJC17ALTIXS CAJC17ALTIXSThe 11ALTIESThe $ The tasiae lDaide Inside stol'7 stol7 story ( 17 ' caa can new a.w aw . w be tah toh tahregar4tnc tohregarding tabregardlac regar4tnc regarding eme cue D of the greatest created wOI wor worrles wo worie ' nea rles rie at of . " the AJUed Allied Allle * High JDab .Iiigh Iiigh . Ceosunaaa Command li b h bconnectfon hconnection licoaxeeUer : coaxeeUer connectfon connection .s s , . with theTormandy the OfIDand7 ersssaay ' In In.a.l0n0am invaslonnamely lavaslea vaslon-namely vaslon namely .a.l0n-0am a.l0n0am .a.l0n al0n 0am . . - - asaaelly , , casualUes caaualUes casualties It W8I sou soufeared W8Ifeareet w wfear feareet feared fear the they , . waulel w.wd wwd would . he be teni1lca terrlflcalll terrlflcalllhigh terrlflcalljhigh J Jbleb bleb high . . . Intact In.tact In . -tact tact - , , . Prime Prim * Mtalster Minister Cburchll1 Churchill Cburchll1who Churchillwho Churchillwho : who bad ha 4 hunt bunc bung , bade back ! trvm .from from rem . a cro.s cros eroes cro.scbannel eroeschannel cresschannel . cbannel channel ! trot frelDt root fer for twe.e1U'8 twe.e1U8 twee1U8 two twa , . years ' fearee fears feareetbe fearsthe ( eare earethe < the tbe Allies AWe Aliiea . snight rnI&b rnIb might & auft sueT suffer lice Iea.ea Ieaea lases . * com corn comparable cornparable campara parable * ! * te to ' - the ear early days eta7 ay ' 6t cd t th 111 the . as tar aswar tarwar ) lacwar war , . , wkesi wbeD when tae the cream cre-.m cre.m cre .m m - . ef If of ( BriUa Drifts Britlsjmaahe ) ) manhgod maDh . , thea then relatively relatlveJy untrained untrainedwas untrainedwas untralaedwas was aneweel mowed down ew In Flanders riai crs fields Itelda IteldaHe ftelds.He fteldsHe . . He trequent1)o trequent1o frequently : tr uently ) teU toJd told IDA FDn FDR that he be wa was wasworried waiworrlea . worried aheut about todn leslac losing , the tb * ' . ' seed seedCf seeded feedeC Cf ed ) Britain . . . Thia This TU werry wo1'l'7 wo1l7 worry ' gives lives aa an laslght In.llht Inllht insight . lnt intc into intothe intcthe lntthe < the suddea sudden chance chane change , between the typ tnH type typeof typef ef 01 of slow lew ft flghtlag htlnl flghting dm-lag dm lag during durin - , the arst first nt feu feuweeks fe fewweeks " weeb weeks la In Neraaaaay Normandy and ana tlte t the ) . bead head beadlon headlong headlone lon long , oarush onrusb onrush ef 01 of toda todayAllied today todayAllied , I Allied AWed orden orders eraers aurlag durine during the th earb early earbwe earlyweeks earbweeks we weeks la in Nenaanay Normandy were to t * ad ad.ance advane advaace ' .ance ance vane . usder under a " "curtala curtala "curtain curtain " ef ot of steel AI Az Aza Aia a result . . , the freatest createst greatest artillery arW1ery bar barI barrae barrage barrace I rae rage , ever lala laid down ew la In history blsf'ory blsfory blslory ' w war warthrown waithrown . . thrown at the Gemma Germans * in advanc advance advanceof * of t ! Allied ADed lafaatry lntaot1'7 lntaot17 Infantry ' tt It was an nti artil artillery ) . , lery Jel'7 Jel7 fiery ' barra barrage , . . se .0 0 so heavy heaV7 that It wiped wtpe4 wipedout wtpe4out wipedout out almeat almost everything everythtn , : la In its pathHowever pathHowever path pathHowever However , . It waa was slew slow It took tookUrne tooktime tooktime Urne time te to unload big ble guns on shallow shallowbeaches shallowbeaches shallowbeaches beaches It a1a also took to k tune time te to bat batter batter batter ter Jow down Gemnaa German awsitlons positions But Butonce Butonce Buteace once these positions po.IUons poIUons . Wete were wee battered battereddown battereddown batteredaown down down . , . and ana the rim ef 01 of German Gennan de de- do- do detense dotense defense - fense tense wa was . brekea broken . , . the Allies Mlles found foundwbat foundwhat foundwhat wbat what General Eis ElsFnhower Kisenbower nbower knew wa was wasthe waithe . the case-tt case tt case--a a case - - - a com comt complete lete military mUitary vac vacurn vac'um vacnun -urn urn 'um um - ' laaiae tnalde Inside InsideIn laaiaela tnaldeIn la In . ether .ther ther worda words wra * , . the Nazi Nazis N asls * bad bad.1uIc1 badstaked h h4stakaa 4stakaa .1uIc1 1uIc1 staked . ey overyihiag everything e ea . hoMlag bel4lnc holding the therim therim theriaa rim , had bad DO no e de defenses acfe ' " , ec la fa in the th fa- fa in- in - inlariar fatater f-terler f terler - tater lariar That Is . the explaas- explaas explana- explana explaasUeD explanaU.a exalaaa-Uea exalaaa Uea - - - UeD U.a Ua . for fer f.r fr . the tile headleag headloac headlong rwh rash rush of I AI- AI Al- Al AIUet1 Allied Al Allied - - lied Uet1 ' fereee terees .rce8 rce8 . la I In receat recent r t weeks weeksI'be weeksThe weeksrh I'be Ibe The ' Naala Hula Nests were gamkllag pmbUne gambling oa on oatbelr ontheir aheir tbelr their ( Atlaatle AUaaUo Atlantfo wan waD wall , , a . wall whicho.ald wkick wblch which o.ald oald . ald 14 act Det n.t nt . . ataad .ad ad stand Dp up UDder under Jer Drad Brad Dradle's Bradley's Bradley'e Bradleye le's les ley's leys , . ' "ourialn ourialn "ourtaln ourtaln " " " rtala . ef .f f , steel steelS teel S . ' NOTE - General Montgomery s , sraution , Cautious autioUII raution advaaces advances In Normandy Normandyprobably Normandyprobably Normandyprehakly probably reflected la in part Church ChurchIll's ChurchIB's ChurchIll's ChurchIlls Ill's Ills IB's IBs ' ' worry over casualties casuaJties How However However However ever he be baa bas has been cautious In other otherareas otherareas etherarea areas * also Before the Battle of ofEl ofEl o oEl < El El Alamein when wben the British armybad armyhad army bad had ad been pushed puhed pubed , $ back and back backacross backacross backBCTO across the desert toward Cairo CairoMontgomery CairoMontgomery CairoMontgomery Montgomery queried his hi * chief Gen General General Genoral eral Alexander ' "What What 'What " ' casualties casualtiescan casualtiescan casualtiescan can 1 I take talte ? Alexander with the theI thefate thefate thetat fate at 01 of the Suez canal at stake re replIed replied replied I plIed One hundred per cent centCaution centI I Caution of course Is ne DO no reflectionon reflection reflectionSAILOB'I on courage courageSAILOR'S . . . SAILOB'I SAILOBI BAILOR'S BAILORS SAILOR'S SAILORS ' OUTMODED UNIFORMNow UNIFORMNow UNIFORM UNIFORMNow Now that Adm Aden Ernie < ( 'Clothes Clothes 'ClothesHorse ' "ClotheHone ClotheHone " ClothesHorse * Horse ' " ) ) King haa has ha finally nally relented relentedand relentedand relentedand and win wiD will let naval officer officers omcers * shed hed theirjackets their their"ackets theiracket " "ackets ackets jackets ) under certain condition conditions * inhot in inhot inhot hot weather a lot of saHors sailors atlor * wish wishbe wishbe wishhe be would aso also aaso ) examine ! Ihe he the uniformot uniformof uniform ot of f the enlisted enUsted manMost manMost man manMost Most enlisted men would whoop whoopI whoopwith whoopwith whoopwith I . with joy If their present long-out long out long-out- longoutmoded long longoutmoded - - ou4 ou4moded - moded uniform was discarded What Whatmost Whatmost , most people-d people d people eople-doa't eople doa't doat - - dOn't dOnt n't nt ' realize la Is that the thelaUor's thesailor's thetailor's thetailors laUor's laUors sailor's sailors ' ' ' uniform was wu designed by theBritish the theBnUab theBritish BnUab British about 300 200 yean years ago and Is IsDOW isnow isnow DOW now Just as outmoded as the saUJngIbJp sailingship sailing saUJng IbJp ship hip hipTake IbJpTake shipTake Take , . for Instance the bread broa4 broad col colLar coltar collar Lar tar worn wont : eVer o\ler o ler o'er oer \ ' the . shoulders .houlders houlders It was wasdesigned wasdesigned wasdesigned designed for verlnninfested vermin vertnln Infested We.red Wered . ships shipsof shipsof shipsof of the 1700s 17oos . , . when sailors saOors had to be bedeloused bedeloused beieloused deloused aad and a broad collar was waspracticable waspracticable waspracticable practicable to catch catcb the tar oils oUs used usedIn usedIn usedla In a sailor's sailors saoor's saoors ' ' hairAgain hairAgain hair hairAgain Again the bell shaped trousers trouserswhich trouserswhich trouserswhich which lap flap ap around the ankles andneatly andnearly and early neatly nearly trip the wearer when he runs runswere runswere runswere were designed for days when sailorsIblled sailorstilled sailors Iblled tilled lied their trousers trousera up over their theirega theirlegs theirlegs \ega ega legs \ to scrub decks decD Today dunga dungarees dungasees dungarees rees sees are provided for this sort of ofwork ofwork ofwork ofworkAgsia work workAgain Agsia Again the drop front 13 button buttontrousers buttontrousers buttontrousers trousers were designed for a day daytwo daytwo daytwo two centuries ago when tidiness was wasnothinJr wasnothing wa waaothing aothing nothinJr nothing like Uke what it is todayOne todayOne today todayOne One thing which partIcularly partIcularlygripes particularlygripes partlculirlygripes gripes the enlisted man is the tightIttlng tightetttng tight Ittlng etttng tting . waist vlast .Ist Ist . ( of his blouie blouse whlct whict whlcthas whicthas whtcthas has te to be b slipped on and off of oft ! ' over hishead hit his hithead hisbead head . . If U a sailor is dumped Into the thewater thewater th thwater water and has bas to swim for tor any anylength anylength anylength length of at time It Is almost tmpolst Impossi tmpolstble Impossible Impossible ble to get this blouse off ofT It Is tight tightlticks tightsticks tightticks lticks sticks ( to the body and you can t < tvel'J tvery vel'J velJ very ery ' well swim and at the thl " sametime sametime same samehead time hold tWQ two arms above your yourhead yourhead head while you wriggle out Qut put of your yourmiddy yourmiddy yourmiddy yourmiddySome middy middySome Some of the boys toys wish wisb that Ad Admlral Adiniral Admiral mlral iniral King ling would wouJd take off ofT his new newrrey newgrey newtrey rrey grey green uniform unUonn designed r hrhim fir hr Jr Jr111m 111m him 1m by His Majesty s a tailor In Lon London London Lonion don long enough enoUh $ te to experiment with withk witha a mldd middy , . blouse In the water They Theythink Theythink Theythink think that , , , des despite lte a century s a < de deI.y delay delay I.y Iy lay . be he would then design for them themt thema a new uniform overnightCAPITAL overnight . . . CArrrAL CAPITAL CHAFFIII CHAFFQ CHArr CHAFF III Q . < . Before every White House press pressconference pressconference pressconference pressI I conference , . scores of newsmen newsmencrowd newsmencrowd newnnencrowd crowd against a.lnat alnat , . the velvet rope rop out outaide outside outside aide side the President Preaident a ornee office fflce awaiting awaitingthe awaitingthe awaitingthe outI I the signal to enter When secret secretlervlce secretservice secretservice lervlce service men let the barrle harriers barriers " secretI down downthe downthe downth I the rush is terrinc terrific terrt c Cracked one onepenplrtnc oneperspiring oneperspiring penplrtnc perspiring secret service man man . . . Its Itsworse It . iworse worse worsehan \ than \han han a New York subwayt subway I t . L Pint First new international IntemaUonal magazine magazineto magaztnto * to be published pubUshed In liberated Uberated France FranceIs Franceb b is a French Frencb edition of 01 Free World Worldedited Worldedited Worldedited edited by b1 memben members ef of the FrenchI Frrncfienderground - French Fr-ench Fr ench Frrncfi I ' ndergreund- ndergreund nderJr enderground ndergreundI UI1d . . - I I |