Show G ties OPI FACTIONAL MY ClASH IS FEARED AI y DETROIT MEET Mich Sept 23 28 AP APa AP- AP a e. e Republican state state convention Say decided to todo do business without without without with with- out any representation from Wayne V bi county I ty Detroit e ie te convention refused to seat either cither the faction 6 supporting Governor Groesb Groesbeck ck or that Jh hat at friendly to Fr Fr 1 W W. Green nominee for the party's governor Then Then quickly followed the re- re frej of Frank D. D McKay ay it sTate slate te treasurer and O. O B. B Fuller auditor general Both were closely closely closely close close- ly identified with Greens Green's successful successful success success- fu ful candidacy for fop the gubernatorial fed DETROIT Sept 28 AP The AP-The The B l' state con ion con ton today in seeming ac accord od and harmony har har- h harmony r- r mony apparently having no need of the 30 policemen e special guards st stationed about the meeting meeting meeting meet meet- ing place to prevent a repetition of rioting which split the Wayne county Detroit convention last week DETROIT Mich lich Sept 28 AP- AP AP What promises to be one of the most tumultuous state conventions lions in the history of Michigan Michigan Michigan Mich Mich- igan will open here tod today y Approximately local and state police pollee have been a assigned to maintain maintain maintain main main- tain order ordel at the meeting where principal strife centers around an an an attempt I y r-y opposing factions of or the state organization headed by Colo Colonel nel net Fred W. W Green gubernatorial nominee an and anil Governor Alex Groesbeck Groesbeck Groes Groes- beck unsuccessful candidate andl ate t to seat separate delegations of 40 40 members each from front the Wayne ayrie county Detroit district The two sets sets' of delegates wore Were named at the recent county conventi convention convention con con- venti on broke up in a riot and both are claimed by their leaders leaders leaders lead lead- ers to be the rightful 1 group CIRCUIT COURT ORDER Circuit c court urt orders were handed down clown yesterday at Lansing ordering ordering order older ing the the- state committee to seat tho Groesbeck roun g-roun The com- com however at a special meet meet- meeting ing ng last resolved it would d dg dp- dp f fy Cy y th the e court order an and r refuse fus to 40 seat scat either delegation until It had heard the tho claims of of the rival faction fac fac- tion Green leaders also planned to ask the tho state supreme court here tl this is morning for ah ord order r setting aside sid the circuit court ruling ailing It was ru rumored rumored vu- vu mored that Justice John S S. McDonald Mc Mc- McDonald Donald and other members of ot the supreme court were prepared to approve approve approve ap ap- ap- ap prove such a petition If H th they y do dothe dothe dothe the convention will be free Cree to s settle Its own problems and seat the delegation derogation dele dero- gation it Jt believes entitled to participation par in the state convention It would not be surprising if tr the supreme court acts nets in the opinion of ot observers if H neither Wayne c county county- delegation should be In this event Green forces force probably wO would d' d control the out- out state delegates M MAY Y EXERT FORCE There Thero W was 1 a persistent belief bellef however that Governor Crocs beck would attempt to force Corce com com cont with the circuit orders seatIng seating seat seat- ing his hia delegation atlon with state police po police po- po lice if it necessary AS S a a. result there was a prospect of a cl sh at atthe atthe atthe the doors of the convention hall Through Mayor John W W. Smith of 01 Detroit Detroit were wele assigned to guard the convention Governor Groesbeck has at his disposal dis dis- disposal approximately the same number number num num- ber of state police pollee Mayor Smith was a strong adherent to the Green cause Consequently he is opposed to giving the Groesbeck faction recognition recognition recognition rec rec- in the convention The Groesbeck group is planning to present Andrew B. B Dougherty and Charles J. J Deland as candidates for for attorney general general general gen gen- eral and secretary of state Opposing this slate the Green forces will wm propose W. W W. W Potter for tor attorney general and John S. S Haggerty Wa Wayne ne county leader for secretary of ot state BUILDING GUARDED Police guarded all entrances to the Cass Technical high school I where the convention is being held and students on their their way t to o classes were compelled to prove they were students before the they were allowed to enter At 8 S o o'clock clock this morning there were patrolmen and more than thana a dozen mounted officers on duty admission being denied to o all all who were unable to show the special credentials issued for the the conven conven- tion |