Show ITEMS FROM NEAR AND FAR ninety thousand pounds of dally they corne from burgundy and provence Prove principally A natural aap bilna has been ered near ashcroft british 1 afta compo altion of the soap seemy to tn about one fifth borax A company has been ornies to work it A person with good eight can aee another persons ayea at a distance ot eighty yards at the day many cotton mills are working in bombay and more will fafa be started already the A yarn cupply of india and to ciomo extent p china and japan Is furnished by heom bay mills ten and a halt hours Is the halt hy law for a days work n tw for bowen and children a well aa men in arance twelve houra Is the day in factories men on ta railroads in canada it la nee esary yo keep over WO enow plows in operation every winter hy App lyli glucose or glycerin to their boota a trench dc clarea that he has apon able to stimulate the crowth of plants the housti in robert burns died nt Is now let ats a dwell ing place at a rent of 65 a year two years aeo the colonial society offered 0 arlye for tha finding 0 0 plant in the gerwan colonies furnishing gutta percha stilt abl for cable pur cospa it Is saad now that ini german mew guinea butla percha aa well as rubber ha been found in laree quantities there arc now ten M P B in the hauae af pf commons bea guile h seaf lt pen eulna from their rocks in the st tamea park lake london the pair of gloves and accompanying note sent by the princess of wales to a little canadian child were recently bought by a loyal montreal gentleman for in Pen tex 1600 residences were built in the last twelve months it has a population 0 when the last fras menta of the rueni pd campanile in venice were removed thirty 0 wine were found unbroken in the custodians room probably the machinery belt ever made la one recently made or a y 1 copper poyer house at anaconda mont it la ca inches aldo and feet loep pound toot hides to mak it anil cast nearly 2000 the average cot or a soldier Is a apar alie swiss soldier costs 70 4 it IB not enough to be so are the alna via are you industrious about in workhouse ipuh england ther ares inmates whose united affe amount to 1218 years iowa authorities have decided that any one cah open a savings bank in the slate eo lony aa he aw wa v the f words savings bank or savings an in describing the business of the concern the human jaw la very loosely bocki eted in the skull so that it a otten als located by the mere act ot five thousand dollars has been paid for the drinking glass baert byth late empress of austria while lakind the waters nt langen wiesbaden Wies baden mieor it Is asserted that the longest lived people are those who make br their chief meal A survey report on ladt la orccon as un assertion commonly made that ahk re Kable body 0 water Is bottome it took a line 2000 feet lony however to reach the bottom in the deepest P alie people 0 the united W largely in the development m catilda Cat idda the past year of do aara have been as and timber landai cwm and manufacturing W berlin public own d by the detato and 07 bytha W air present stated to be a or W or asoo an hohf i f S si |