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Show THE MURRAY (UAH) EAGLE . i,0nn was Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Laney' Mr and Mrs. Newt MuUendorc. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and children. Following dinner, the group enjoyed records and cards. given for Josell Mansfield by her mother, Mrs. Perry Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bryan. 330 Belview Drive. Games were Mrs. Charles French, Mr. and played, after which the little Mrs. Clare Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. guests had a weiner roast out Franz Westover, Mr. and Mrs. doors. Glen Cornwall and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly, were the Mrs. Evan Jensen, 271 East 48th large crowd at the among LDS Taber-nacl- e at a delightful South last Friday evening for the party last Saturday observing the "First Piano Quartet " an evwit birthday of her young son, Doug- on the Master Minds and Artists las. A clown motif was carried series. throughout the entire party and 12 little friends helped Douglas , Mr. and Mrs. Claud Jardine celebrate. ana cnildren of Ogden were din ncr guesis Sunday of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly Mrs. Newel Judkins. were hosts at a dinner party at Mrs. Elmer Hughes, Mesquite, their home, 163 East Vine, Thurs day, March 17. A St. Patrick's in&v., is visiting with her daughtheme was carried out in the ter and family, Bishop and Mrs table decorations and the menu. Wilmer Bamett. . rnvers were w S57 Belew y Christiansen, i Tohnson, mis Mrs. Perry inden, and " l ia, , fifth birthday, .birthday partywas , nf her " ; Man." m mm ww. muiu Venetian and Best The latest Window Shades e. WHITE or V:o.J Murray a enteo-taine- Mrs. Harold Kelly was hostess at a delightful n at her home WednpsHav after noon. Guests were Mrs. Ralph O. Horton, Mrs. Vaughn Soffe and Mrs. J. M. Mullen. bridge-luncheo- A surprise birthday Dartv on Thursday, March 17 honored Wal ter McCleery. The event was held at the new home of his daughter, Mrs. Vearl Barker of Tayjors-villAssisting Mrs. Barker' was Mrs. Roy Liston of Murray. After inspecting the new abodei- the FREE e. Delivery Service Pickup and evening was spent in games such as Snakes and Ladders and Bingo. Twenty-fiv- e guests later enjoyed a delicious supper. Among the guests wore brothers and sisters of the honored guest. Kenneth McCleery, a son living in Long Beach, provided another surprise for his father by telephoning him during the party. We're a near as the Phone and we'll pick up your Car And deliver it when finished Call us DIAGNOSIS FREE Personalized Service Prompt MOTOR TUNE UP BY EXPERTS .... T ONLY 95 Special Low. Prices and Fender Work On Body Brake Adjustment Linings . . . Drum Turning etc. - BUDGET TERMS - tleate - Milne fifc " ' Hudson Dealer ' All 4201 Makes Solicited So. State St. J. Phone Mur. 1049 4 Housework done in exchange for furniture. Mrs. Ed McCune. Phone Mur. 63-- For Sale by Owner house, modern except garage, soil, heat, 23 acres land, fruit tnvs, raspberries, $5750. 311 Gcrmania Ave., Phone Mur. Female Help Wanted Office girl and marker, between 18 and no experience nccMapu 35, Cleaners, 4911 718-- , steady employment A-O- So. Help Wanted Girl not going to school for fountain work.Three or four days a week. Phone Mur. State. 393n318 For Sale-1- 942 Dodge radio and heater, $1025. See For Sale Automatic oil water nenry noit at Central Barber heater, good condition, $20. 855 East 56th South, Phone Mur. inop, 4892 South State. - 370-- A Bargain McCaskey Cash For Sale Large Register, brand new. Reg. $210, living will sacrifice at $165. Inquire at room set, in good condition. Ph. 155 Court Ave. No phone calls. Murray 801-For Sale Help Wanted, Male and Female Anchor custoAttractive profits for livewire speedboat. Very fast. Good condition. Boat, organizer and salesman. Two new trailer and cover for $1200. Phone products. No Competition. No Mur. 477. Write in detail. INTERMOUNTAIN SALES CO., Tor Sale Top soil, fertilizer, P. O. Box 605, Twin Falls, Idaho, sand and gravel and driveway For Sale by Owner gravel. Spread Free. Phone Mur. 815-1142-or 317. p422 modern frame home, large, lot 150 x 100 feet large double For Sale by Owner $4400 several excellent garage, sheds, modern home at 4147 So. Murray location, $6000. Phone Main St. 20 down will handle. Mur. . See Delbert Hinnen, 66 Regal St. . Phone Mur. p325 Local pharmacist with family would like to rent home or For Rent Small apt. for adults in or near Murray. apartment or only. Elderly working couple Phone Mur. 279, Mr. Beckstcad. preferred. Phone Mur. 493-ot inboard m-built , IMS VEY, DECEASED. Legal Nulicus Creditors will present claims with the vouchers to the undersigned at the. office of Wendell C. Day, No. 2 First National Bank NOTICES Murray City, Utah on Third Judicial District Court In Building, or before the 20th day of May, and For Salt Lake County, A. D. 1949. Probate Division Ina M. Peterson, Consult County Clerk or the reAdministratrix of the Esspective signers for futher tate of HESTER H. MUL-VEDeceased. Date of first publication TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN March 18, A. D. 1949 The heretofore Wendell C. Day, existing be and between Ivory J. Attorney for Admistratrix Reed and A. Reed Hardy under March 8, 1949 the firm name and style of Reed Electric Company, 5026 South Jiimiiitimi State Street, Murray, Utah, was on the 5th day of March, 1949, Eagle dissolved by mutual consent. ESTABLISHED IN 1S9 I. J. Reed 155 Court Avanua Murray City, Utai A. Reed Hardy Thi Murray Eagla l publlthtf avary Fri155 Court Avanua. Murray, Utaa. day (t Billy A. Baynes Entered ai lecortd data nattar Fa. I. IS27, at tha pait aftlta. Salt Lake CHy, Notary Public Utah under Act at Maroh 3, 1871. First Publication March 18. EDWIN L HEAL JAMES P. HEAL Last Publication April 1. Owaart aid Publitkara PROBATE-GUARDIANSHI- P The Murray NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF HESTER II. MUL- - high-pressur- e. J, Time for Spring Check- Paved street and sidewalk. Ph. Midvale 0696-R- Classified Section Sand, rravcl, mountain fertilizer. Murray 1251-- FRIDAY, MARCH 4. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Outalda at Salt Lake County In Salt Laka County. I yaar $1 SO MM "ttmimwmiiiiiMfmim 4.44. R 1085-R- 815-J- n318tfn For Sale New cottage with bath, garage. Nearly 2 acres of best soil, fruit trees, berries. NEW not HOMES build in Murray, Utah's city? If you have a good 'lot, or will buy one, we can build on it for nothing down but loan costs, if you are a GI with fairly good income. From we might need five or ten per cent down. Here are some sample Spring prices for clients who book their orders at once: frame, $7250; brick, $7600; frame, $8750; frame with dinette entry hall and fireplace, $8850; or a brick rambler for $8850. Fifty other fascinating floor plans to select from . . . and with full basements furnaces, water heat ers, hardwood Hoors and fully decorated. visit our bait Lake omce or call Glenn Browning, our Mur ray representative, at Murray Why fastest-growin- g unknown neighbor also pleased Mrs. Boyce by having a song played over the radio in her honor. In addition many birthMrs. Ada Walker recently re- day greeting cards were received turned from what she describes from a host of friends and neighas a very enjoyable vacation in bors. Los Angeles, where she visited Mrs. Doris Ottley, 4932 Poplar a neice. St. left Tuesday for Evanston, where she plans to visit J. S. Clark of Salt Lake, who Wyo. ten for. days with her sons, obhas many friends in Murray, and Grant and their George served his 59th birthday Monday, families March 21. In honor of the oc casion an open house party was Thursday, March 17, was the given at the home of his daugh of Mrs. Edith Adams, birthday Mr. and Mrs, 343 ter and d East 6400 South. She Salt Lake City W. 0. Robinson at a dcJiehtful party. Din The party was held Sunday, ner was served at noon and March 20. In attendance from covers were laid for Eva Kirk-e- n Murray was a son, Roy Clark, d a 1 1, Renna Beddingfield, Poison, Hilda CarBson, Myrtle Mrs. Violet Boyce who ob- Anna Brandt, Lillie Carlsen, served her birthday Monday, Sylvia Carlson, Olive Anderson March 21 was pleasantly sur Anna Erickson, Donna Hansen, prised on that day by her friends Verna Barton, Ida Jenkins, and neighbors. Early in the day AmcJia Frame, Maria Larson, Mrs. Lena Sdrales presented Mrs. Ruth Young, Catherine Washako Boyce with a beautiful birthday and Mrs. Adams. cake and later Mrs. Carl Fors The day was spent sewing a and Mrs. Anna Lindman brought lovely quilt. her another beautiful cake. An Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Reading, 577 West 5000 South entertained Thursday evening with a birth- dav party honoring Mrs. Read ing's father, Samuel Denny oi Magna. The evening was spent playing cards and refreshments were served to 14. son-in-la- enter-taine- SHIMS riND cum rot misery dui congest mt on. aurrLT lut POWER .Regular savings Jo store power the power to protect your future 40-fo- ot and to get the things you want next year, and the next. Save now, save each payday. Save with u. i First National Ilank of Murray 1065-- PRUDENTIAL HOUSING 369 South Main in Salt Lake 4709 Box Elder in Murray 'ixftARCH "Auto 1 v CATARRH SUFFERERS to nasal lUinm null from tortura of aioua. and hay fmrtr dua to naaal toaiw In UxUr raporta of auecaaa with tion U a formula which haa tha powar to radura Man and woman with naul achat. tUxtrd noatrila. anuniting tmut hand ralw-r- r tall anaestn and aararha hawkmf of blaaaad ralW aftar ualnf It. KLORONOL ... ii (in hut ooniidarlnc raaulta, thla la nut apniva. amounta to only paonlaa par KLORONUL (caunan. uaa eau dnM with money-bac- k guarantaa by diracloi) n.ii.r caurrh. STORED non-GI'- s, ao -- wmim ALL AT YOUR .... ' -- - 1 - UIULU UtALtlO Murroy City Pharmacy Mail Orders Filled 1 Permalub n QUAKER STATE m 1 . . . take out the damages of a hard winter! hard winter. Now', the Ideal time to repair the damages of a Make an inventory nd brighten up your home and farm buildings. f needed get a free cost estimate repairs . . . come in to ond ak to finance the entire if desired. FHA terms job including labor to 36 months and as much as $2,500. Fix-u- p TRI-STAT- E, MODERN KITCHEN PAINT ShTII.$TATI fr cot stlmcrtti DECORATION MATERIAL INSULATION NEW ROOF OARAGE PLUMUNO H ' ing, of our tion's wealthlw two-third- Si A TUt furnish almost s cham'ion IATTW i'au nuot tilt M M OAlOliM 8:il jj "I nor-b- y Utoco D.oltr for V $ . . r . cmtr occmonei. YOUR Allot Windthittd Wiper Modot end Arms Alot Seat Covtrt QOE0I3(33 Allot Flothlight Rantritt UTAH MININO ATUJ UN na- Now I 477 Phons Murray 680 or atui run I Sm your Sea u lor free etimota on that minerals alone, i i! MOtOI And he goes on to say ing and manufactur- WINDOWS I T AT animalsand minerals. IUMRER WORK CUAKtt NIMMUW MOTOI OH on plants, processing, transport- STORM SUPPLIES comes from FENCES TILE CEMENT DRIVEWAY VICO M0T0I that all our wealth with their extraction, UNDSCAPtNO NEW PORCH ing, one of our big economic experts says FARM WILDINOS TOOLS EXTRA ROOMS t. CONVENIENT BATH p "In a book I'm read- ASSOCIATION i jjf- PLEASE ow A UTOCO DRIVE CAREFULLY . . . The Life You Save Moy Be Your Ownl UTAH OIL REFINING COMPAQ |