Show SUNDAY SCHOOL V WORKERS DEMISE Thomas C Passes Away In Teton Basin Idaho V VICTIM o Will AMU Arrive Hern Tomorrow a e U l Known Pin on Special to the News New Ida Mig Aug U C of f Salt Halt yesterday nf If at lit the of his son eon James Jamas In Teton Ila n 33 35 miles malice cast of here the tho cause of loath being V The Thi camp here iier some sometime time ago for the tiie benefit ot of M bum health but hut wa such on lii il arrival that hiop wore were for forbin bin hta A 4 party left there with the bod body at arriving at thin where time the re timing ACre AWO placed In a casket antI and made ru for far shipment to Halt Sait Lake Inke this V Time The party lurty will arrive there nt at 9 ii Mm Mis N ml several of time the family will accompany time the body on the Hie red fail journey home V V ott was WOR one of hit tho hiest known residents of If Salt Lake in hs born June 19 1345 In Dover County of Kent where lie Joined time the Church ot of Jesus Christ of r Saints M dimy y II T 1826 being t In time the Straits of ot Dover by El tier Thomas With AVIth his bits widowed mother who was also n a member of the tho Church he emigrated to American in arriving In o oston ton July ll hoC of that tiit year liets he and his mother remained for sonic years Thomas meanwhile of his opportunity to study Ho lie became Identified with ft a brass bond band organized by mem meni hers of the Church nad A trading leading pait until out ot of the war when he and his mother started for or Utah reaching Salt Halt Lobe Lake City Sept 13 1881 1801 Here he ha became prominent In music circles and lent his nid to the Tabernacle choir of ho lie has imas been n a member since the tho winter of 7 In April 1880 while tilling flump t a mission Mn in Great Britain he ho was appointed this with Prof Ebenezer hereby a as assistant The latter took charge of the tho choir during Elder s absence and continued in charge after his re to turn home Elder preferring to take tn place at of rather than Interfere with time the good rk of Ho Ito MA tIO o leader jeader ot of the tho ward vard clinic tar for matiy years and was an nit ardent school worker rising from time the ranks to one of the tho senior settlor members ot of tim tho Sunday 8 chool Union board of which he wap wai manager at the time of his For 6 mt number ot of years he ho niti superintendent of Sunday schools In the Halt Stake and held other In time the Church which m made d hint him quie prominent throughout the state life lie wa tuii the author of a great many Sunday school and other and wan VUN one nf or the president of tho th Second quorum of Seventy when death claimed him an as Us its own The funeral linn not boon been arranged but will likely be held In this city on Sunday |