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Show C'Xaai, at Qy7dm& THKKE are so many' things besides iipruns and curtains you can make for the kitchen from gingham It is a good Idea to have a few extra yards on hand for odd eisure moments. Above are sketched a few of the kitchen accessories found in the kitchen kitch-en shower her high school chums gave one of the autumn brides. The girls purchased a whole bolt, about thirty yards, and made It up Into all kinds of useful and ornamental things for the kitchen. Rather a unique shower, was It not? They made sis oven cloths, like the two sketched. These consist of a strip of gingham about ten Inches wide, padded with outing flannel, with mitts at either end doubly padded I'ke an lronholder on the Inside, to Of course there were several kitchen kitch-en aprons in the shower. Some were of the smock variety which covered the entire frock, or could be worn without any frock at all, but one of the most attractive models was the one sketched which could he slipped on quickly over the best dress, and afforded ample protection when preparing pre-paring a meal at such time as the bride had to be ready to receive com pany. There were several cook books by uoted dietitians, all resplendent in gingham book covers. But one of the j girl friends, who had a few favorite : recipes of her own. copied r hem on fairly thick white paper, put In a hundred more leaves, which she In closed between gingham-covered hris . 1 i SOME KITCHEN ACCESSORIES protect the hands. Five yards of ging bam made the sis. All the domestic ginghams come In the 32-Inch width and one yard will cut exactly three strips, minus the extra pieces for the end pocket into which the hands slip Two strips are sewed together with the padding between, and the extra padding between the ends as for up as the pockets extend. These ends should be quilted to fcoep the padding In place. The pocket piece should also be padded with at least one layer of the outing flannel. These mitts are for the purpose of grasping hot pans, and should be sufficiently padded to pro tect the hands from any possible burn The four yards will cut the six strips, and It will require about an extra yard for the twelve pockets. A small ring or tape loop Is sewed In the center cen-ter go that the strip may be hung on a nail or hook near the stove. Do not attempt to shorten the length of the tol board covers, bound w!:h slip rings, thus mnklng a loose loaf cook book for the bride's own recipes as i rhey were discovered. Every lassie who would hood t tie bidding of the mode must take t9 wearing a huge colorful Imodium knotted gypsy fashion about the 1 shoulders, n most picturesque touch ! do these vivid silk squnres give to even the simplest froek or sweater costume. v To be sure, these kerchiefs are essentially es-sentially a youthful Item and for that I very reason "all the girls are wearing 'em." What's more they are not restricted re-stricted to the confines of sportswear as one would naturally supp'.se These silken squares radiate the beauty of their exotic coloring and design throughout the daytime mode. j Theres simply no end to the Rtory of beguiling color and Intriguing patterning pat-terning which thf-se kerchief t" Jire tell. Ther ringe from opeclii' Jar ) f - v, ,-: ' : ': N fl -1 ry- JS .. , , t,-. i , t - - ' f . - Jx ' NOW COME POPULAR COLORFUL BANDANA3 tr!p or It will be too short to permit of freedom In using the hands. The Ktrtp between the milts proH'ls your clothes from Ihe eile of he hoi pun Another convenient kit'loai Here Kory found in tin- bride's 'honor a-hb a cord bag fasldorn"! from two piece? of t'iiighinn eilt In irrle, as "iioun In the sl;eiei and rllagram 'I lie clr rleii were hound logelher. and n Mlil extending ball way nrn Ihe dlaaie ter was cut In the upper i In le as an opening Tliii Is mii'li more convi-n lent llian tin' bug willi the draw siring, as ion ran lind what you waul wltn.i'il having to lake II down lo opuri II. II make n verv food eloilieu pin or final f hub bag t.l-i Maud painleij HortH lot Hpoii-wiai to respleiidenl lypeH t.f rich fabric for utiornnnn coHttjnie. i This picture sIioh two gorgeous squares Jijf sin h as the woin an of fashion will be chooMnj In I in part a touch of rhlr lo her alllllia' 'a-1 itrae. Not only Is the smart davilne scarf "on tin.1 square. " for eveiiltit efTeetH IlJ-e the Illicit wliiln o' faslilon These .shawl squared lire ait to la fas! loncd of alnaa i nn lu-aaiirui rnali-ilal from gold melal fabric to transparent while velvet. tip Is going away lo si hool are ue (ailing for festive nccavlons lv bluing a fitliiib square of geniirelle. I'lils they elilier border nil aroiitnl willi hand l iioiied fringe, or lake II to rhe tieni-i ilcln-r and bai-e ll pb ot eiigeil It fliliN to their lnvellnesH If liny la band painl' ,1 in gr.a-cfnl Hmal sinavs or In fcliowv uioilernl'il Ic deaign or per l.aps lie flyeil in rainbow ellcelq .11 I . I A lin lTdMI I .V. IS. I V 2 7 'ilin Nwiiir Union) |