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Show 6 Price, Utah Friday, December Sun Advocate, 12, 1980 Coping with tension attack Holiday , muscle relaxant in the form of blissful By Dr. Dale Nelson your A good organized. These nights sleep, not being fatigue. a clear muscles can affect up tight, your mind much more head, and a fit body go a long way toward than you realize. Theres nothing like your search for relaxation to help you happiness. Try it. Utah State University You are an animal, like it or not! Are you a good anima? You are also a machine, capable of improving with use. Are you a good machine? Incidentally, how many machines can you name that dont wear out with use? Sure I know, some of us are wearing out, but not through use. Good animals (and human get dinner program is offered The Christmas Day dinner with people who would otherwise spend the holiday alone is well underway stated Elaine Jensen director of the Karl Peterson Senior Citizens Center. Jensen who developed the idea of a dinner during the holidays claims the success of this activity is in its organization. This year the dinner is scheduled for Christmas Day at 2 p.m. at the Karl Peterson Senior Citizen Center. Reservations are to be made by caihng the center a. 637- - . bring a place setting for themself, Those who plan to attend are asked to participate in making this years dinner even more successful than last year s. Those who come are asked to bring tbeir favorite dish to pass, helpw,m seating up, or helpw.th Anyone gating formation interested In par th or Mping to sponsor obtS may be College of E machines) enjoy playing (use). The activity play and use improves the animal when performed correctly. So what does this have to do with the high cost of living?, you ask. Consider the fact that we are constantly Call being pushed. it stress or whatever you want, it is one of modern mans biggest deterents to achieving happiness. ( Surimm WEST BEND. I m Most of us, in ad- ji dition, lack hard manual labor, which all adds up to headaches, problems, bowel arthritis, pressure, heart attacks and a disorders, to mention a few signs of poor a and animal machideteriorating ne. Exercise, the play kind, will release the tensions you get from pushed, being miher mental of variety Sunbeam hand mixer has thumb tip speed control and switch. Model on-of- THE SHOWER MASSAGE SUNBEAM HAND high blood f by Water Pik n-in- on is xtra Sunbeam new compact, xtra light and packed I with xtrafeatures. Shower Massage helps relieve tension, soothes muscles. Model 1036. ELECTRIC SKILLET AUTOMATIC COFFEEMAUER electric West Bend skillet with Silverstone interior. West Bend 2 to 10 cup automatic coffeemaker with keep warm plate. which results in being angry. When you get angry your body prepares for action. Internal changes take place: blood sugar gets mobilized for increased energy, blood pressure goes up, your heart beats faster to supply extra fuel, adrenalin is secreted to dilate your pupils to help you see better and to excite your others senses. All of these physical changes are fine if you ' discharge the build up, the emergency ' preparations, through activity. But most of us dont do this on a regular basis, yet we are being stressed and t angered on a daily basis. ; The answer is clear: ; play Develop a program that you will enjoy. Learn to enjoy what you do. It is important. Come to think of it, I dont know WEST BEND, TOUCH N CURL MIST CURLER 2-SLI- THE SH0UJER CE ty Water Pik TOASTER : -- Compact styling, swing-opecrumb tray, toast control. . Model T17. Automatic n Smallest G.E. curler yet! Compact temperature and portable. setting. Model Hi-l- o pop-up- mnsSflGE THE AUTOMATIC GRIDDLE POPPERY West Bend "xl 7" gril ing surface is perfect for family meals. 1 1 West Bend hot air corn popper makes cups of fluffy popcorn. 3-- 4 : frustrations by unrelated to its true : : ; : Exercise involves freedom of movement. Exercise has a way of keeping us in touch with our limitations. ; Humility is a desirable ; quality unrelated to : anger. 1 M Q0 e & G.E. STAND MIHER AUTO. GRILL WAFFLE BAKER indicated speeds, motor adj jsts to mixing load. textured bowl. Model M44. 12 I FOLDING HAIR DRYER YOGURT MAHER 01 MODEL OM-- 5 Silverstone premium surface from Dupont. Model. versatility. non-stic- ri dual voltage, folding dryer. 1200 watts of drying power. Sultan yogurt maker makes quart of natural creamy yogurt at home. Super-compac- 1 G48. COMPACT STEAM FOOD DRY IRON PROCESSOR DAZY FOOT SAVER 4-C- UP HOT POT 1 MODEL ESI exercise provides that needed Lightweight, easy to use. Polished aluminum soleplate with 25 vents. Model F203. presented WELLINGTON An Christmas be will presented play at Wellington School Feb. 17 at 9:30 a.m. all-scho- ol and 7:30 p.m., said Stephanie Murphy, a fourth-grad- e teacher at the school. Theme of the play is Happiness is... The public is invited to either showing and there will be no admission charge. t, .. V Finally, Play is f WINDMEREd source. So if you have something you can regularly turn to for enjoyment, such as exercise, you will not feel you are forever being cheated. : T , i really many physically fit people with short fuses. Do you? Anger Grows Anger often builds up because it gets fed I - thermostatically controlled hot pot with safety cover. Slices, chops, shreds, grates, crumbs. Mod. FP1. PRICES STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE WEEKDAYS SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY on Relaxes tired feet with a warm vibrating water massage. 9om-10p-m FROM NOW 'TIL CHRISTMAS 720 E. MAIN PRICE, UTAH rand so much more by |