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Show FRIDAY, JUNE LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHI, UTAH 23, 1950 Pres. George Albert Smith to Dedicate Snow Springs Monument Next Tuesday Final cement work is being completed this week on the large Pioneer monument on Saratoga Road, which will be dedicated June 27 by President George Albert Smith. R. Gam Holbrook, monument committee chairman, reported that all plans for the dedica. tion program are complete. The large boulder which will form the monument has been placed on its base, and the bronze plaque which will be set in it is being cast in Salt Lake City. The highway has been widened in the vicinity of the monument to provide parking space for visitors. Mr. Holbrook emphasized that all local materials are being used for the monument. The rock itself was brought down from the low hills to the Snow Springs site, where the colonizers of Lehi spent their first winter. Although it has been placed directly on the highway, a short distance from the actual spring, a small marker will also be laid at the spring itself. The unveiling will be carried out by Hannah Evans Anderson, oldest living daughter of Bishop David Evans, who led the 13 original families sent by Brigham Young to colonize the Lehi area. Bishop Evans also presented the petition to incorporate Lehi as the sixth city In Utah. Mrs. Anderson will be assisted in the unveiling by the Centennial queen. John D. Giles of Salt Lake City, secretary-treasurof the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association, is directing preparation of the plaque which will be set in the monument. 12-t- on er On the evening before the unveiling, he will bring the plaque to Lehi, set it in the monument, and place the veil over it The veil will be a piece of the huge veil used in the dedication of the "This is the Place" Monument in Salt Lake City, and after ceremonies it will be presented to the city as a souvenir. Dedication services will open Tuesday at 10 a. m., under the direction of Mr. Holbrook, and will be broadcast to the congregation over a public address furnished by the Deseret News. PROGRAM Lehi High School Band Band Selection Directed by Frank W. Shaw Congregation "Come, Come Ye Saints" President Herman C. Goates Invocation Patriarch Andrew Fjeld Historical Sketch of Lehi Pioneers Lynn R. Webb Chantante Chorus Selections Directed by Isabel B. Brown Unveiling of Monument by Hannah Evans Anderson, assisted by Lehi Centennial Queen Band Selection "Spirit of God" John D. Giles Presentation of Utah Pioneer Trails Secretary-Treasurand Landmarks Association Address and Dedicatory Prayer President George Albert Smith "0 Ye Mountains High" Band Selection Benediction Bishop Warren L. Goates er 8i$ JatHify'Sty New 1950 Frigidaire ' Wg 8 Refrigerator EG . $23475 only 7.6 CU. Wt big. The Lehi Centennial History book is being rapidly pushed to completion. Every effort is book being bent to complete the and it is as soon as possible, be will book the hoped that about distribution ready for August 1. The book was originally distriplanned to be ready for Centennial the bution during week, but increased number of weeks pages has caused a few contcill book delay. The new 1000 pages tain approximately of pictures and script, portrayLehi. ing 100 years of history in committee Centennial The urges those wishing to obtain do so copies of the book to celebrasometime during the tion that they may be assured is promp delivery when it Orders distribution. ready for wUl be taken during the entire week. Those who pay for a book at that time may it will be mailed to them immediately upon publication. T. F. Kirkham, Centennial History chairman reports that those who wish pictures returned may call at his residence Sunday, June 18. Ifi new. And hat Qulckube According to o recent survey, there are two big reasons why wo are America's loromost independent group in the lood lield . . . and why more and more housowives are switching to IGA. (1) Peoplt like the friendly, personal service they get htie . . and (2) our everyday low price policy assures them the most for their money in line quality lood. Why don't YOU give us a trial too ? Drop in today, won't you? . CATSUP Pierces, 14 oz bottle, SYRUP Lumber ,ack 5 lb PEACHES Sliced' 2 can 2 cans 43 c, 0311 .A. A BIUCOA 1 1 LX)ior 1 T" teauy TO BE ALLOTTED KEATING 11 10 WESSON OIL, pints, Kool-Ad- 65c MAYONNAISE, Best Foods, 7c .... 'J 3 cans 21 pint e 2 pkqs. .. A TIDE, giant size tVVeVfyeV .........rff(ff(f((l))i 7c JELLO' package POWDERED SUGAR, pkg. , " "" SWIFTNING, 3 lb. can 12c Wrigley'sGum 3 pkgs ioc Bars" Baby Ruth 3 for only nc 77c . LARD, Pure Rex, 2 pounds , 31c Orangeade 46 02 Green Spot - 29c brand, can zf CEISCO 31b can CHEESE Mild Banuc;lb SALAD DEESSING 8K 3K iar NalIey's 35 '4 LUX SOAP, reg. size, 2 for 15 WHITE KING, Box 26c SPIC AND SPAN, box . . 23c CAKE MIX, Pillsbury -M PAN CAKE lb, Sjj CHEERIOS, pkg PEAS, Utah Favorite, can jjf Fruit CocktaU Del Monte ljs MINUTE-RICE- 15c Folgers ..1.49 FLOUR, Peacock 50 lb. 2.99 COFFEE, For Information call -i, Creamery Butter .... FOR t A i-in- $4 BABY FOOD, Gerber's, TUNA Flakcd' Marine GAS A to use, 3 OLIVES, Mt. Whitney, tall can Centennial Visitors Lehi residents having room or other housing accommodations which will be available for visit ors during the Centennial cele bration are asked to contact Armond Sabey as soon as possible. Centennial leaders reported that inquiries have been received from several former Lehi resi dents who wish to stay here dur- ine the Centennial week. Com mittee members are anxious to aid these persons in finding ac comodations and in making their Lehi visits enjoyable. ' 73 Cloverleaf Milk Fresh, 2 qts. 33c Rooms Needed for er only the Frigidaire Automatic Washer hasLive-Wate- r Action the wedding of a niece, Miss Elaine Norman, They will return home this week. Mr. Groves will resume his studies in government research at Stanford University. v. Fresh' lb. MORE Look Outside I Look Inside t You Can't Match A Frigidaire! 4 Type, 3 Serbs, 10 Sixes le choose from . . . 4 cu. ft. le 17 cu. ft Shewn above Is 9.2 cu. ft. Mastor Model History Book Nearing Completion FT. MASTER MODEL Ice Trays . . . mechanism with Protection ' Plan . . . twin, Hydratori. Come Inl See proof of Frlgldalre's greater value. Meter-Mis- Lehi Centennial and f vj p. Oroves car. anuj oua. California, Pablo, family of San are visiting in uian w" GUI Groves' mother, Mrs. Etta of Salt Lake City and with other relatives. They attended 21b. FLOUR-- , 4 lj pkg CLOROX, quart --- --- RASMUSSEN Just put In clothes and soap, touch the dial and your clothtt have boon forget HI In a half-ho- Live-Wat- ur washed, rinsed twice, er water, and spun so for Ironing. See f Just look at these Frigidaire Foaturoil al Action difference make. Rolling, penetrating currents of sudsy wator wash clothos through and through. No yanking or pulling. Hie Uvo-Wat- er clear, clean dry that tome art ready All porcelain finish Underwater Suds Distributor Setecs-O-Dlthat lots you stop, start, repeat ny cycle you want $299.95 in COM! N-- GT loads from the top No bolting down Cleans, empties itself automatically Heating and Ventilating Phones: Lehi . Pleasant Grove 327-- M 2323 -Yef iga Econo.Trim- mtQll (branded for quality and trimmed for value) are CANTALOUPE, 27 sz. 7c CUCUMBERS, each .... GREEN ONIONS LEMONS-- Sunkist, lb. 5c iiTIZr. WATER MELON -Ice Cold, No. 1, lb. ftleCofe) CARROTS, 2 bunches 13c 5 -- n PORK CHOPS, lb. 55 .4'c 15c, 1 1 MAIN STREET PECTIN Ik 1 All-Rit- e, 4c Aaduj whi in Jam & Jelly m-1- 4 STEAK, Grade A chuck jbjj pkg. A BACON, New Potatoes, 10 lb. bag . 33c PROOF! rn W79 . LEHIurj mi in iSiU "OH, GO TO GRASS FOR FINEST VALUES UNSURPASSED" All Nationally Advertised Merchandise TU7 alio 151 East State Street fKfct. JJLL1VERY . i phone 218-W- J |