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Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, Dec 'H. tiot.D liuj'inK, 10S; selling, 111. A Fkeh Sl'PPLY of Pi)!' Feet, just received from Chicago superior quai-itv. quai-itv. Joe Simmens. dv Hotel Basement, 2d South St. W. H. Wilkinson, Main Street, opposite op-posite Salt Luke House, has all the hoi i-dsv i-dsv luiuries, consisting of groceries. Iruits, spices, toys, and a large stock ot drv Roodr, boots fnd nboes. and generai merchandise, which he will sell at rea--onable rnti-. adv .Il'nT KKOEiver. a splendid assort-iiient assort-iiient of Lady's Fancy Work Boie3, ro-ewood writing desks and other- fancy boxes, at New York prices. Nothing like them in any other store in the citv. For sale at J. Dwyer a Book Store, adv Theatre. The theatre will be open to-monow night with an attractive performance per-formance for the fcreat holiday. Tl'KKF.Y, the finest and fattest, geese, ducks, chickens, Iruit, and other desirables desir-ables for holiday dinners, for saie by M. Chadd, poulterer and pioneer greengrocer, green-grocer, adv '. Anothkb " W00DEK-Ol"X Kkbkl- lion.'' r-anta Claus was o.it last night with a "wooden-gun." John McDonald McDon-ald had him arrested, and has him chained up in front of his store, loaded down with toys, prize-boxes and hairs, Ac. Go everybody and seo him. adv l!io Firi ON ihi L'.P.K P.. has prevented pre-vented the arrival, lor a short time, ol Fre.ih Oysters at P. Margtu' Kefresh-ment Kefresh-ment Koonn, 2J South Street, where the lovers ef a glass of G enl'INE English Eng-lish Ale can be accommodated by the pint, quart, or gallon. Oyster stows and lunches served up on short notice. "Golden Crown11 cigars and best lager beer constantly on hand. adv. ... ! Laiks' fur-bound Hoods, just the thing for sleighing, theatre-goers, &c, at Dunford & Sons, adv Keckivku to-day, a fine line of Alexander Alex-ander Agar's splendid Turkey Morocco Albums, all styles, from to S18 ; hold from oO to ilUO picLurcb ; for sale at iiiu'iul'ucturers' prices. Also a lot ol haiidi-ome musical albums; cull and hear them play, at Dryer's Jtook Store. Go a N it See the Christinas Trees at Henry Wallace's. adv Hkmoved. Tho 14th Ward Fuinale Itolief Society have removed th ward Co-oponuivo Store to tueir new building, build-ing, west of the Ass"iubly Uooms wlicro they bava opened with a choice stock ol goods and provisions of all kinds. Cull and patronise tneui. rutv A Fink Christmas 1'rksf.nt. The Intel novelty, .Musical Albums, at Kd Harris' Cigar Store. adv A lot of knit Dolls, iu fancy worsted colors, perfectly indestructible; can be washed. Also a lot of beiuiliiullv dressed dress-ed dolls, at il.OO chcIi. Toy books, all kinds, at J. hhvyor's !ook Store. adv Christmas Holidays In cor.se- 3uence of Christmas day fulling on Sun-ay, Sun-ay, we shall suspend business in ai, the departments of Z. C. M. I. the da following (Monday), to give our employes em-ployes an 0,-portunt y of participating in the festivities of the season, adv H. B. Clawson, Supt. For the be.-t display and the choices! goods, at the lowest prices, go to G. W. Davis, Opposite Salt Lake Hou-e, also two doors north of Kimball & Lawrence. adv Grist TO tub VI ILL. Bring on yout grain to the B. Y. lower mill, which i-now i-now fitted up and turns out a 'u. 1 article ar-ticle of flour giving the largest yield t the bushel. 1 am also prepared to grino buck wheat. adv Charles Wilkins. Gents' Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Arctic Overshoes, at adv Dunford & Sons. Everything in candies and confectioneries confection-eries for the holidays, at Wallace s. udv Do yoo' want to mukea present to h gentlemen? What's better than a box of choice cigars? Get them at F.d. Harris' Har-ris' Cigar S tore. adv If you wasts No. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Second South St. adv IGo to H. Wallace's for your Chrisi-mas Chrisi-mas cakes. adv Gents' Caps, in every style, Gloves Hats, tbe latyst fashions, and Cue call' boots or shoes, at the mammoth She and Hat Store of Dun ford & Sons, adv Tickets for the Masonic Ball. M'c are authorized to state that those wishing tickets for the Masonic Ball at the Townsend House, on Tuesday Tues-day evening, 27th inst., can procure them by presentation of the iuvitation and payment of 0 to Christopher Diehl, Salt Lake House, Carriages may also be ordered at the same place. Mkw Books. Dickens' works iu sets, Waverly novels, Thackeray's works, Rcade's novels in sets, blank books, memorandum books, all styles ; diaries for 1H71 in great variety ; school books, slates, educational works, tfce. Subscriptions Sub-scriptions received. at publishers' prices, for all the leading newspapers and magazines, mag-azines, at J. Dwyer s Book Storo. adv To tue Frm.ic Before spending all your money, you are respectfully invited in-vited to examine an invoico of new goods, for sale at Ross & Burma's old stand. Open and for sale Thursday morning. Dec. ii, 1H7H. adv A Hocsf. without pictures is like a houso without windows. 1 offer the finest lot of Chromes and Engravings ever seen in L tah, at extern ext-ern prices. Call and see them at the Pioneer Art Gallery, near tho University. Univer-sity. C K. Savage, adv Time and Monet saved by buying your fruit at Davis', as 111 udd.tlon to telling at the lowest prices, hi fruits sre all cleaned. suv Sex the windows ut Duvis' for choice goods. adv Opposite Salt Lake House. Smrnxo 1'eacues East. Tester day the produce department of Z. C. M. I. va-s sackini up A1.0" "J lbs. of dried" peaches to sliip to St. Joseph. Missouri. That's eonsibic. Try Fd. Harris' choice Havsr, cigars ci-gars and tobaccos. A larco st.'CK ot gents fsncv notions jest rect.-. e... s .lv Paris is staring, the I'ru.s,a:is say. Golighlly & Harris, though, keep the Globe wcif supplied with the finesi bread, crackers, cakes, pics and psstrv: and msmiin-iiiro the choice-; tv "' pure i-annies. Try thorn. 's.W Ladies', Misses' and Children's fine Shoes, ki'l, morocco, calf, goat, &c. Also Al-so for Arctic Overshoes and Kubbers, call at Dunford & Sons. The fruits are all cleaned at Davis', adv Opposite Salt Lake House. A Fine Cham e. c'arl C. Asmussen has received, lor the Ho idnys, a splendid splen-did assortment of Toys, Je'velry, and other goods in his line, suitable for tbe -eason. Call at his Jewelry, atch, Clock and Toy Store, Main street, adv Go tor Him. George Chandler, determined de-termined to continue to please the public pub-lic as he has dono beretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. 2, right hand, entrance of Meat Market. ." adv Fine Fruse Honey in the comb, delicious aud cheap, at H. Wallace's, adv For a stylish pair of Pants go and see .M. E irl, Gioesbeck'5 Buildings, Second South St. adv Firs! Furs!! A. Anderson, sign of tho Big Glove, 2d Soutu street, Sciie ad kinds of furs, nmnufacturcs ladies' and gents' htney gioves, robes, vcc. First-c.a-s goods and moderate prices. adv Pay Voir Taxes. See notice of Col. Wiuder, Coikctor of taxes tor Salt Like Ciiy. Pay up before the new year, and save costs. Imtortant 1 D"n t 1. irget that Joe Simmons' s.H.i,n and Fo-s;jura.nt. hou-l biisement, 2nd coi.tn street. nil ue:l s.,l'p.o-d wun Oy.ter. Fir- Feet. C.vei" Tone.!", surdities. L.scc-r B ,-er. Tenant's .US Porter. Bare. ay Per-1 Per-1 kins' London tN0ii.Vi sp,u.;; .Ma.iet Fuie A, Brewer, Bem;,s ec Co. s Gn-.aha A.e. J. C P--;:;. wo.awi Crown Cirars nd Fine? C ut 'I ooacroi t.i rest specialty Mt ttus Saloon i. Fre-h Oysters, large, fat and ivi..u., served u; in evu.-j iiyl. A tuppiy Just re- C.-iV -d. This is tl.e plae to g--t a s.in'tar.iia'. Lurch sr v nour of trie cay. ar i at rerv C.leap rales. jaV WutTE H.TsE S. BaXborg T Bro. Pro r.eu r-: Sr-t-cla-s : ;::'. v ...; and resla.ira::;. recon-trcc;.-.! -i'-r r.ex n.ana.ccnur.:. Main street, s..!: Lase C:y. f -.a:;. Lare and -1 !'. ned ro. n s a:, i a.. 1 ,. e 'U . ICaC;oS , : .0. s- a. on at 1 1 asi T.aL .0 c n a-.c-s. A ..-oi --' d. r.-om all .cl.e.i ;:-.e na. : re:-o-"-nienr salo-n. Botrd ar.d r Q- p-:r 'lay: bv ;:.e - ti.i.' lay tv ari ;;.Uj icr ftoe. res.ri i-y-:. . ;ust received re-ceived and served -n m . rv s:v.e men: or Oay. Free cor.vrya:..- :o r..ect ; tr'.n. S. P iMBrROL 1. Cv Bar,., dr Pr jfsri-.' r. ! ' HOTEL ARRIVALS. l -'LI LAKE HOUSE. AH VTrnimaD. M ntaLu; G V,"a:-j V,"a:-j ton, C P K K; W S WoojluU, L ::le ' Co:tor:wv-cl: A Warren wei:rr. J M ' Daniel. Mr?' Lant. E P .McCurdy. East I Cancn: D Wjr.5y. townsend eouse. i El Z Partridge. S23 Franci-e : T E C nverse ard jadr. Loa-sT-lis?. Kv: Mr Ratsuki. Mr Isn,ba-hi. .Najaski. i Japan: W F Turner and wire. Ar.Zona: 1 Wm W Amre,. Badger Sta:e Saj-.-.t irg Works; Mrs Graves. Miehigari: j E.iiworth L'a.-gett, XcW Havcn. OiLiHA HOUSE. Boiri 11 jcr dav. Free 0a:iia :".-oi Ki-Iivad De. t t. W H Chlnn, Tintic mines: H B Latham, La-tham, Iowa City. Iowa: C L Conk.in. Quincy. Illinois ; John McCal'-t'ey McCal'-t'ey and lady. Americin Fork: Richard Burk. Omaha: I X Beadier, Montana: Joseph Marion, L'orinne: R B Ihompsjn, E.ko: I R Taeert, Corinne; Thomas Sappington. Bir.g-ha"i Bir.g-ha"i Canon; E J Bare. Bingham Canon; J M Donochue, Chicag.-. Lis. HMNES' TREATISE. Just PublUhed, bj E. B. MYERS, Chieaio, a INEW EDITION OF HAINES' TREATISE. Revised and Enlarged. An IcJi-peor-ible Book for Jus ioes of the Peace, Po ice M affisiracre. v'cuuty Judge-. C"roners, CoD?taoie .and publ"- i'LQcet generally. gen-erally. VTaiU-ibi ijjofc 01 Rclcrmce iur every Lyer, and useful for erery Eusineas Man. By ELIJAH T. HAIXES, Counselor Coun-selor at Jj'iic. Fith Edition. R vised and improved, cooiiti inp tbe .aw? and drci ions down to thn presea; t inu. OsjEqp ete in uce e ga .t octa.v TuluintJ 01 over !' uagei. Bound iu be.-t iaw sheep, Pnco STO. is a book well known to every justice f the peat-e. pricticiDjf la..er and jjuoiij oce in X i I in--is rnd thi iS-irthwesiem st-.te? aud Territont-s, s the most useful and complete wo k of the kind -xtant. It hac laiely been rvieed by the author aDd oidteriaily improved Dy the addition of much i.ii port nt in ilUT. giviug a i tun ime laws and pU'ilibed uecid ons d-wn to iv.1-fhi? iv.1-fhi? book ha, up to the prt-eut time, re-ch-e l a largf r guie tUan a'-y ther w rk ofihe kind iu thi counfy. This f ci uia te uit-n Lio td as tvi leuce ol its e uperiur ui(.-rit. Its xcelienie ous-sis both iu the mut er em oraced, and ha arraugemeut or cia-sifica-:iuu ni uuject. Jn 'he co lecion of matter contain d in the w.., k t 1.- inte-'titd t give all the eta me ia v and tbe geaeral princii.lei oi the e m Hon law in coQueciio.i therewin, wh ch a j'lel ce of the pea'.-e, polic ui. y iirai e. c u--t;ibleor crone wit. rerinire in d M.'h'.ri;! ne tbeir dutiL'i or that a i-r.ic t ic i Uwj er will net-d tor re eren .; in o . di u.iry c i--e-r, or th tt may oe rcuirei for tr e int' r uatiou of very bu;les luau. This will entire y eupeis.a-tiie eupeis.a-tiie neceMtj fur relereuoe to toe vulumes ol me slatuter-. h-i arrneement of tho work is mc'hcdi cal, anti ft e e;;cnci; o it value, pr bent ing e ch subject in i ? -rder and a its proper reUtttoQ wi;h O'he'i. The plan o! the ;r"fingement is entin-ly original wirh ihe author, being the result 01 s u y and 1 racuca experi nee. It ha- long been a su' ject of g-;ne-ai remark that t:ie auilio' has, in thi" wrk, presented ihe law with a oleirnes-an-i iituiilic'ty ot';t le which ren-den ren-den the hol-ali e pla'n to the C"'i ni'u undercianuing as q the more ..dvnced law- T' c ju;ti;e ' f the peace, police inasi-trate, coi.gt cle, and coroner will rind in ihi-" b OK nil the nece-s ry forms ntid nis-'ruc tions n reg rd i- every b"r;inci ol hi-duty. Ihe prcticiug lawyer will find in tt collected col-lected and arrange i i concern u' f r - a 1 tho Mature 1 w and de ision .with reference t' adju'iiettttd enses appheabte in oidiu iry prnctice. The buine?- man w:ll find iu it r cmplet e eoilection of ibruis required in the trausac-tion trausac-tion of Duins. Students of the law will likewise find this a Tory valuable wo. k fr perusal and reference, refer-ence, as i ontainitig me general princ piee of the O'-mmnn law clea ly stated, in cinne'- iin with the ordinary branebes ot jurisprudence. jurispru-dence. The follo'ing brief rffe-ence to the contents con-tents Of this work will iiflf 'rd iu t-o mi d gree an idea of itd peculiar merit'. The book is divided in five p tr'?. t'-e euhjoct f ea-ti being be-ing methodically arranged in chapters or appropriate ap-propriate eubaivisione, as lollows : Part 1. Of Junicfis of the Fence, election and qualification, and proceedings proceed-ings before them in civil cases. Comprised in thirteen chapters, treating : 1 Of the offiVe of jutire of the pace. 2 Ot the jurndlctiuo of jotlce- ot the pio?. 3 Of tb diffprnt form of action. 4 Of the commencement of mite, and tlie -rri and i num ot procMi. n Of til" appearance ol the parties, 6 Of plendiNSH. 7 Ol"wituft-ni), compelUup. the attendance thTof. taking deposition, and of oath and afflrmR-tioni. afflrmR-tioni. 8 Of tbi trial, and Incidents thertr.. V OfMidenre. j I ' Oi th ilickpt, and form of docket entrif. II Ot jiiUrutQt, cc-tt, and tiling trunHtript. 12 Of apiHl" aud wi It of conio nri. lo Ol e.xtti Don jd iarai-'biiK'tit. Part 2. OT proceedings before Justices Jus-tices of the Peace in criminal cases. Cemprid in eleven chapters, tratiii 1 Of th powers ofjn-Mrf r.f the pttr relntii? to the snfurVBinent of th la-, for i he prv-nTion and piimhniciit nf iIfu-es, aud Lir(eration tmd oi-oervAiicc of the ji. i Of pT.iin L-Hp(ti '1- 0' c iimnittinR crini-", o!" ac-r-iri-i, and woo may ho wilnet-" iu cr-annul 3 Df firiition and pnnihmiu of r nms ani "f!rn- Vt . pricn'1 1-y t he cntu, n ru '' 4 Of pnH-eeUinz-- wneiQ a criUiUml fHen1- hac bn romniittd. T) Formi 'f -t;it mn t -.f fiSrcn,,i in wai-run : . 8 Ot V t'-J ti;: in reidii"u iu tn6 j;-ti vancc and Mirr-t .-f Tli. an. I lhku..r. T Ofiuiritiv itx.m juuie. 8 Ot rfrcu no:-. 0 Of D'cctdincs iinri p"-,..h.- in r-;a"ivi i ihe mid.-m;i rir.ra of 6h h t i,i I h - h 'mi Ll 1 1 . , ,.,J Uls- tnrUn r'-Lii inj, h--t n ' . 10 0 i -w-d. ti" in Mrult and t ii;ery. kite rT'tt t, 11 0; .i'-K"iri!'.- irrmn.l an-l j. r r- 1 1 n", aud j u-ticc'B te- in rr.niiwl r-i Pft-tC- Of ire j.-w-is Hr.d il'itii-5 of Ju-tikTi of the Poiue r. i..-r -.:;. c ! s:atut' j C- -: ;-. . .u t0iw rC..r-;.. i.iV ; 1 Ol ' he - i(n mtxi xn I pii ;" of ;d lu i ' T..a ..i:: l Lii"'.' . ? f' n" rliTiTiu bo;, r iur.i- r.; ir -'.. .1 i f ! h-! . i i'.- .a rfc-' : r. 4 "f .nl U t ' '1 ' 00 1. 0' c r.(.V-.ft T 0' -trB 5. f Mf - ..;,-,--r -k b Si Of Tfrl-.t; p. s- ; 1" 1 ui ... t h a .. , a - . pi - e-i rf- s? d wi He r zt.A. j 12 0: t.-.Ki o; r. r : rrrr . ' Part 4. (' t'-e ' n-,v L. r ti-n s". I ' : -:i -. i : ; .i,-.Qt;.-,i;.M LOU : : to fl1 r.-r" ; .r-: I 1 0' o-' on ' , 1 r r r-'- r. r I 3 :t- i , .. i-c;"- r.-:-i i .. . j :.:,- .r. -- - PRT C "t.-n - f T f r th" t-."H. tin -( '.p. 2 A . . .. - .. . : : A- . . : 't ft. CMtT liO. . 1 T h ..- " ' M & h..'.v In "-. -r" to1 - b i.t V .r. J r.z. w-1 1 r ' ' a i ?. c n E. It. MYElis. Pu' li her. T TT'k..r.;'i ;;. Ck.kj. THEATRE A fOR CKRIiTMAS ! Monday Evening, Dec. 25, 70, l i . YH .avil WlltW ..III W WM.Iaf BY THK SALT LAKE DRAMATIC COMPANY. Skaters, Attsntion! A (SPEC IAL TU11M will lev, h V C, t-pot. at )i 'V,o k n Mortr, Drrrrobtr SOU., f r WARM atKUNQ t,.A K K reiurn nr t 3 p m, TiekBts, Iwfuiy-uvo CiiLi tvr tb rooDd trip. Z. OJV1. I. A VOICE From ths Arctic Regions. iiUl'.INO THK We ui.. clow ,, ,t ,,,r (:-,. )-,t I iFURS! FURS! i I AT A VKKV LOW i'lilCK. ;s:arfpaisuyshawls, j BEDOU N WRAPS. : l ,ju ti ui-; r-- - f ' I' '. f ;CSHMER ROiE D CH MBRE. I i. 1 j.-.n'- I".'- V,' s.--.. j During t'r- Holidays ' t .1 11 i y jr.Ftv.t'y Kf".?:T'ET A i3;tio- - j 7 ' ' ' n , CHRISTMAS BAZf.R: luj-s..:: !r-:..-., J.;... ",. Op Mi. ry 1. 1 mi i y u.t i! j wn EASTERN TRADE, Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co,, WHOLESALE GROCERS 3 Warren St ., cor. C hnrcbi J. H. BULGER. Jfew Tork. ! CHASE, HAh'FGBD & CO., 1 outk Wsicr St CHICAGO. KeuaQa&rters for Oils, Paints, Glass. S.c, WILSON OIL TANK PAGE, 1JKO.A: CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 5 0 Livkt Street, W. W. ?r. lotoa. n ir j Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, wluiLER & C3., W nufcturT of Kniflnr, IIcmiI, Tallow, Lard and WOOL U1L. Dear in Heitaiih! Curbon, Wl-.a'.i, K;ephnt, aSt?i nd porm G;i, ifCU tCT lh ltd itf PRATT's ANTRAL OIL. AhjU of tb KM T.rini Oxi ui OU LvoJ 0. stTT4CTnxx or EX ELS10R CiR. RjO- AN IRON P 4 INT lor Tin fcod Cb;i;g:0 Koofi, Bnj Timlrv M. FactOT-y, CHICAGO. uc. A IlliDois ct 6. Water ttrcft, VAN SCHAACE. STEVENSON & RE.ID, AV1IOLKSA L lu DRUGGISTS Df.li.i la PAINTS, VARN.iHiS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHIS. Window Glass, Glassware, Patent Medicines, &o,, Ac, 0 0, t4 & 94 Lkt M., cor. L rbrn, msz a m u l2 Viih a Urco tspori 'nro in iho T,-vr -n 1 trd;, I rl p. ire ivi g jMi'Uou ) quality, rni'- hu.i rHoL.iif. MAT KLt Y, AILING CO,, Importer? urn Jobbers iu Hardware Cutlery r l.fi hf lrffl, CllirALO. .... ILL. .11 ore oi" Hie Al'.ir! A K IN PRACB PHKPAUK FOH M'AKf Oet y wr fluw. Piatoli, BiUt, li t, rrh-defence rrh-defence or for port. Alio. Rad'llw. Bridle. W'hipP. Hpuri, Ae.( fur rMiBf or fdiiji. from JAM ILK H A4JI K, Kirn of the Jig Qua. Kmt Trmpleitreel. . C. M. 0. BOOT AND SHOE Ijki i Iiim nt, At ILf Hifu "t tb 4lBIG BOOT" C!! uTid Examine our cb'Mm Sim U ef HOME-MADE Ami Import l BOOTS AMD SHOES IH'tic' art' (i r)ilrrii' rt'e S 1 p ' r" in ('M ;il anciy, mii i h I )"i IIoIil;i j Vrvtvut . ','-Jti.'i Mi'h - fi,r jh fj. u 'i'- t ' i 'ii y 'i.u a ir- . ''''"'"',' ,V"'y and 'it,f!,j,(i i Utf'ft'ul f. V ,.. .In' Kv U ;. n J.cl flu; ' i'l I Nt h t . I ii f I iili hlj r p ), .(! (.rr. all il... i-.kt ,.,..;, m glial tarl'tp- u f I ,,J k m .. U ll kimij. .t t i,,., , -ml - l.'U' 0 1.11 iui i r ia i mi i j ..('' - j'"n - j i i c-1 1 r. n uu 1 - j ' i r ' J fr iju ( i u. ' u . T . ' Si'r l Ji Kt(l-i,g fl, of n,,tl ,S''f Mi ft a un n ' ' H. b. CLAWkQN tupu |