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Show The fa Sentinel, ! A fTwHjf .YiVi; A wai.'ttg ! t'le Erturte 'em al t:.e to .lio-- c mt: "J . "q An! v.c:e i::...b.et . tc.l !ca L.tt Mr. and wc.cil :iie pa vi.tlej was o' o,e to i:.f ria the and e:ne t! ..t the aut.ier a id wiiilen only lour ucis. Nocv wiien that taltn t" gets fooled we had better be on tire lookout. '1 here are only four acts. We give th.s tree c.l cost. I.KS'in. From the loregoing we gather that Mr. Lmdsa-lemarks to the audience w I10 witnessed the fust presentation ol Hael Knk,.was, as many at the tune insult. For the supposed, an intentionaltheatre-goers ol infoi motion of the Nephi, and the ed.tor of the Jinsiin we will sav, that Mr. Lindsay did not h;y An A, as many in the audiallcfazd he play was, in fact, sadly ence kne w. mutilated. If die clipping from the AV s own repi escalation, sqn is Mr. Laid-av'the n, indeed, he needs a good delender ; , but a for it is not univ a vei eery imp trdonable thing for a man to insult the audience who has patronized him, because they lingeied lor the usual announcement of another evening, or other v, be. li the above is not inspired by Mr. Lindsay as the public are left to Leliece, the columns of the Slntixll are open, and we caidially invite the gentleman to set himselt right. r 1 1 Devote J to the general mtere.-- t of surroundth people of San Veto counties. ing hilMcrlpiieu: One year. Six months. Three months, - :o: Advertising ltnteswu Apidirntlon. 0 Address communications to the Home Srntinel Company, P.O.Box 57, Manti. U. T. Jab. T. Jakeman, Manager. s 1 tiuu-ud- LOCAL ITEMS. Iron is being piled up at the junction preparing for the extension of the S. 15 V. Ky. to Manti. There will be a Ward Dance in the Council House Friday evening, Tickets 50 cents, can be had at the stores. i Mrs. Thomas Williams, of Mayfield, s serious ill with Pherperal Mania Dr. W. H. St.John is in attendance. Last week somebody broke into Mr. Phersons Saloon, in Ephmini, and turned all the liquors out on the tloor. The liquor filled the floor of the cellar to the depth of 4 to 6 inches. The proprietor was running a temperance (?) saloon, so he said. Miss Ida Jones is lying sick with the rhunratisiu in Salt Lake, hence the time of her return to her office duties is indefinite, The Kansas druggists, requited by women to sgn law to get tuenty-fn- e their petitions for permit to sell liquor hud it a hard condition. Several Salt Lake Real Estate Agencies wish to get Manti Properties on their will reach us yet, lists. The "boom and dont you forget it. Mr. Geo, Hales, who has been working on the Temple for a number of years lias left for Huntington, Emery Co., where he will permanently locate. Dr, F. R. Kenner left some fine specimens fiom his mines in the West Mountains, at this oflice, Monday, They are linking on their claims right along. MANTI POST OFFICE ROBBED A fine selection of apple trees ij nciiv forsale.it Joseph Breathwaits.six blocks west ol the Temple, Manti. Also Lum-Kirpopbr.shade tiees, from six to nine feel in height. 51 3 The total receipts of the Minstrel Entertainment amounted to j?6i. 77. The expenses run up to 31.15, leaving a net of 30.12 for Mrs. Geo. Peacock which funouni has been presented to that lady. d There is a gentleman in town who wonders why we did not make a local pf it. Call around to the ollice and give us the particulars and I asstue you that we will. It will make mighty interesting tending for a part of our subscribers. Dis. St. John would lik e to introduce the grand English International game of association football for summer evenings recreation. All young gentlemen desirous of joining kindly make application at their residence, Manti. The milieu' camp fires, though nine' miles distant, shine out brilliantly eve' ry eening and gives a lively appear mice to those rugged hills. There is some wry line rock coming from there and we think a mining camp of large proportions will be established there in the nearfuture. Andy, in the Provo inquirer, called the richest town in San Pete will County, lhe following figures show how well he was posted. Manti paid in taxes, last veaar, $2957.60; Mount Pleasant $228145, and Ephraim $2226.60. There is a screw loose . or someuheie Andy's" calculative powers aie at fault. Fish Lake Hospital Via, Lou, Tinte Co. Utah. not Sentinel. Dear Sir. Please make correction of the item in your issue if the 14th, in which you state Ei that Dr. Win II. St.John, performed the opeiation on Louis McGee. It should have been, Dr. Iorace H. St. John of Fish Lake Hospital, and late of Manti 1 City. Respectfully, If. St.John, -- f . da o ut On Thursday evening, March 29th. between the hours of eight and eleven, the Manti Post office was entered and robbed. Mr. Ictcr Madsm, the gentleman in charge during the tempoarv absence ol'M.ss Ida Jones, the Post Mistress, door, leaving locked the South out-sid- e the key in the lock, and going out at the front door which is on the west. This South door lgis but an ordinary lock that any key will open, and the kev was left in it for greater security. The upper half of this door is filled in wail glass. The luaglar broke the glass with a stone and unlocked the door through the apperture. This door leads, not directly into the office, but into a back room used by Miss Jones as a bed room. The thief entered the office through the middle door between these two apartments, whch it seems was not locked at all. Perhaps the strangest part of the whole affair is that the drawer in which The money was kept was neither broken open or picked, but uni teked with a ke, belonging to circumthfe guilty pat tv. This latter stance proves that the person was well acquainted with the interior arrangements of the ollice, aud that the robbery was a col llv planned affair. The loss is a sum approximating $2 50, and three registeted packages which wete in transit. The matter was ptomptly reported to the proper authorities, and telegraphed to head quarters. Up to date there has been no further develop- 1MPORTAN r R. R. before-mentione- V. d J Ry Changes. three-year-o'- d O-- A Mr. buibach representing the English Company, owners of the Pacific Coal: Company aud the S. P. V. Ce,i! Py.,came to Moroni on Monday and left 1'V sprcal to catch the U. C. train fur Salt Lake. Hi business at Moroni was to arrange matters as to the property at Moroni, belonging to the Company be represents, and later at tjie head office at Salt Lake City. This move displaces Mr. Bamberger and elevates Mr. Kerr to the office of Gent. Supt., as pel adverlismsnts posted at Moroni; also recalling all trasses issued up to date It would seem the Englishmen are on the track of perhaps substantial leform, if anv are needed. How or wheie this all piotends vvliat it of Railroad Will lead to what clap Thunder next liuy'burst, the deponent can not say; but as thunder generally dears the atmospheie. it mav be the English Company, aided by Mr.Burbach, in this will dear the atmosphere sometime foggy San Pete air. We can hardly guess, how this change in the Management of the road will effect the hopes of the citizens of Manti with regard to the cYtentiuii, but it it hastenes the long hoped for road, it will be most welcome. ani-ii.a- Es-iic- y mplemeni Company (Incorporated) cos'ts. given tLat the fuller in j Lam luttLlion to F:ti r.D haye led noticeortof their cf Choir rtT'oc lv n ro f til iiulm , therer-faud that ciac.cLual entry Hi.i f Hi ; th Jud bi. : j n- -f .'..i he cia ; or Ctuutv I t- -u Coiii.ty curt of Saa i uLm nee tfore the (N.mity iikof bald hid vu SfctuiUikY the etil day of May Cuty raudeu Desert Entry No, 1177 for Ihe Lot 4 of Sec 6. Tp 15 5. K 4 E end narns the ful luUinr wiUiSfcs to prove the complete irrigation and rertlamaiioQ of said land, V12; John Koaenlof, and Mads Madeun, hils Kulphaen, JainesSimpson a2lof Moant rieanam San Pete.ComuT Vtahler. e, M. D. HaueC. li?l for the Insert Kntry, K 3 B, and i.the name complete im-gt'i- on and relamallon ot s Aid land, via: Jeus ,ir., dens audtro, Pexer O. Jenteu and Tetcr Sohaalbe all ot Ephraim City, Tetej County t iah Ter. No. Larb II. O. Christensen, for the h 5$ W of fcee 17, Tp 1J S, K OiJ, 1 to and uaiuea the loliowui? E, ,wUicas prove Sec 2. Tp 17 Li-- cuntimious residence upon and cuitivatioi i of said laud, tiz: NeilaCL sorrensrn, William Metcalf, Jameat. Sorensen and Frednct Ludvieea all of tiunuisou San Pete County I tah Ter William Ljtehfield, Homeetend Entiv No. 61tl K N W Sec 1$, and W Sec j N F wit ?;, Tp lSsH W, and name tiie tollowm !) Die his ciiitinuou4 residence amt i nltuatum of said land, ri4; V iliiam tie Jr , all of FayeU servii.e orumltvig, Philhp Sin Tere l ounty I tail Tei, aiiti ( hurlos A. Kuhm-eo- u of Dover San lcte Ceunty t tah Ter. for the 1 up-'n- D. liird k Lowe, AUja. H. J TV Fl-D- Reiiftster MarisMaJ Mortensen, Spanish Stores. F irk. Crediton. Estate of It chard Graham, deceased, Notice ia hereby Invent by lh undersigned adnunistiator ol the estate ot hichard Graham, dci easel, tj the Creditors ofamlrli perons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within 4 months after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator at his place of business in the City of i?an Fete County, Utah Teriitory, the same being the place for the transaction ot the busines of said estate, iu said County of San Fete. Fail-view- , Samuel Porter, Administrator of the Estate of Rich ard Graham, deceased. Dated, March 6, 1888. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shilohs Cure. We guarantee it Sold by I B Brunei, Manti & II P Larson, Ephraim Sleepless nights, made miserable py that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure is the remedy for you Sold by I B Brunei, Manti, it ll P Larson, Ertbriim For lame bad:, side r chest, use Shiloh's PormisFlaster Price 25ots Mld by I B Brunei. Manti and II I Larton, Eplnaim shiloh's cough and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee It sold by I B u.re3 consumption, V Manti P II Larson, Brunei, Epb- r; im Catarih cured, health and sweet breath secured, by shilohs Catarrh Remedy Price oOcts Nasal Injector free croup, whooping oough and brons chitis immediately relieved by cure sold by I B Brunei, Manti it II ? Larson, Ephraim shi-loe- a i ra llair Vigor keeps the hair soft ii.uit, imparts to it the lustre and ,. Vuss of youth, causes it to grow i,i'.,..i.i'ii!y, eradicates Dandruff, cures ..I uip diseases, and is the most cleanly u! all hair preparations. V ST n Q Hair Vigor has given mo i a S c.l 1 O perfect satisfaction. I was v. irlv liald for six years, during which 1 ;.,i I many hair preparations, hut success. ifdiiiiut Indeed, what little 1 air 1 had, was growing thinner, until 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two hurtles of the Vigor, and my head is now w ell covered with a new growth of hair. J udsou B. Chapel, leabody, Mass. that has become weak, gray, and faded, may have new lifa and color restored to it by the use of Mv hair was thin, Ay er's Hair Vigor. laded, and dry, and fell out in large quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped toe falling, and restored my hair to its original color. As a dressing for the hair, this preparation has no equal. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. Ay o 111 Oahoon. gzr undertaker w the may preserved lor an indefinite period by tiie use of Ayer's Hair Vigor- A disease of the scalp caused, my hair to be- ome harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to dd any good until I commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles ol this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft r.ntl pliant. My scalp is cured, and it o free from dandruff. Mrs. E. It. I'jss, Milwaukee, Mis. . :oCJzsrL.zvi syrn-pnih'-- nd n-- ' 7-v- V .e Z- . . 1 rsji - T- . 1 .mi-imai.- c - r'. Toiiet Use. vi , as Prof. I leine. The Artist next brought down the House with his marvelous performance upon a common tm whistle; playing upon that instrument opeiatic airs of a high order, with vacations that were exceedingly brilliant and appropriate. Prof. Heme is one of natures great SLOAN, MACHINIST. Hftchinery of all kinds rtp.tired, or new parts ma le to order. BLACKSMITH. Bkcksmithing in all its branches SHOING A s PECIALTY. Prices to suit the times, and all work guaranteed. Two and a half blocks east of Co-oStore, Manti. p. Notice For Publication. No. 2855. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 10, ISfeS. Notice is hereby given that tiro filed following-namesettler ha notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made byfoio the Judge or in his abacnce ti.c Clerk of the Co. Court at Castle Dale, Emery Co. Utah, on Wodii April IS, looS. vi : Charles Pulsipher, II. E. No. 590V for th N. W i N. E. 1 N. E. i N. W. 5. W. i tfec. IB, Sec. 21 and E R.i? E. Tp. 17, He naniL'a following uitno-- c to prove his continuous resident e upon, and cultivation of, said land, xi : At drew J. Alien, Willard Alger, William Marshall, Tbonn C. Miles, all of Emerv Co. Utah. 1). WEBB Register-TC. Bailey Attorney. Marl lApla d Nid final Prop, Fur Vublicaiion. Desert Land, No. 2845. United States Land Oll'u e, Lake City, Utah, March Ttlr, lh'yS. Notice is hereby tint given oi5 n Christian John Fountain Green, SanPete County, Utah, lias tiled notice of intention to make proof on Ids desert land claim No. 12S9 for the N. E. i N. W. j Sec 12, Tp. 14, S. R. 2 E. before the County Court of San Pete County; at Manti Utah, on Saturday the 214 day of April, 1SS8. lie names the following xvitnesses to prove the complete irrigation and rechumn tion of said land; Peter Oldroyd Thomas Oldroyd, John L. Jewked and Cornelius Collard all of Safi Pete County, Utah. D. WEBB, Register Bird & Lowe Attys. Chri.-tianse- MarllAprlV Notice of Final Pn.of. No. 2319 uantl Office rtSak Lnto city f U, 17, j that the folio a Notice is berl y notice of tlmr intention t have make final irx'of in support of tueir claims and secure final entry thereof. gaul proof will be lDni before tho 1 robute duufri of San Pete Countv L tah Tcmti ly, or in hi- - an Renee beiore the Oonnty Clerk of saiJ county Db santordJhdniaa Saturday the B1 Jay of March Homestead Kntry No 7 14 l"r tb Lot 4 Scu, 1) . H-r. , uf audN and Lot 1 and N C. N.W gee ?0Tp. 14 S. K. 3 L. and nanu s tue IoIKom upon witue'x'irs to prove his continuous and cultivation of said and viz: Amo? Jol.nn Rees K,LewelIyn. Lewis Anderson and John H Kobertbon all of fcomitaiti Gfeensau Pete County Utah Lewis fohancen Homestead Kntrv N'o. 722 I r ami y the S. H s. W f. H fp, U14 S Pi. 4 E and names the kdlowini? vritnesve prove his continuous rosmni e upon andcuitna-tur1. Nty, of said land viz: Niels Ljdn.iuu Kold dll Ilanstxi, Joeph Johanstn and Of Mount Pleasant hail PH1 County Ctah. 1. riicue tor v. h.aiid njiu-OTp. 15 It. t.ie following witness s to prove tl eomplel u r4ation and reelaimatmn dt sublland viz- ltasmu Rsuius- n,J amed iiundprMin, Mads Amler'9 aid Jens C Junsau all of Mount Pleasant -- au Ofiinty Ld Nh Ter: X S. for the E. William Dickson n. S. sec. 32 Tp.ls S R. 2 K. and he namefi aa his Tvitae ses Jasper Larsen, Joeejrh Lmice. Thomas J. pt tn and selah Atwood of Merlmg, bin Psd County Utah. D. WEKC, Kp.st(r. TcbalMarP Bird A: Lowe Attya, Limb WmkDr Desert Entry H Sec. tin-- 1 - 1 1 Agricultnral A large and fashionable audience greeted Prof. Heine and his ac- Ono block, south of Theatre Salt complished family on 1 hursday and Lake City. Fiiday of last week, when the lovers of theDiiihe Art enjoyed one of the liraii&h Houses at Ogden, M'lforO greatest treats of the season in a truly The Pro), handles the bow anil Logan: magestic manner, while his phrasing and delicacy of expiession is beyond the Erastcs Snow, Trh.i power ot language to express. His first Barnard White; Vice-prnumber a M.Ymrka, was an Opius by F. R. Snow, Secy iSc Treas the celebrated german violinist and in German the fust composer; played CORIirAPISDSCE SOI KTT? D style with its massive and somber harmonies, after which the Prof, played it the style of the modern Trench School, imparting to the nnmber such a wealth of exquisi'e melody, and rhythm, as to if- render the piece baldly recognizable as one and the same. Phe applause bestow ed upon the perfoimer was hearty AS!) CITY SEXTOS. in the extreme, and demonstrated beWill iake tiie entire charge of Fu- yond a doubt that tiie audience could apa of music classical order, high preciate when interpreted by so great a master O. f4. R. . Notice to sincl Imjileraants. exc-edu.- , lr,; the following witnesips prove Desert Land, Final Proof. for Publication. No. 282 ' Hair Vigor, AyersDruggists rerfumers. Eold by Notue . United States Land Office, Lake City Utah, Febuary 28, 1SS.( Notice is hereby given that John A. Anderson of Gunnison San IYu inCounty Utah, has filed notice of cUfcere tention to make proof on hia land claim No. 1612, for the N..U i of S. E. Tp. 10 S. i Sec. 22 Court at E. R-- llanh the 10th day of Aura. names the folloxvir.. witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of situ, land : Jens C. Sorenson, ILans Hanson, Julius II. Christenson any Peter C. Christenson all of Gunfi San Pete Co. Utah. D. WEBB Register Fe2'JAp B- .A.M.Froiseth, Atty, before the County on Tuesday' 1888. He Notice for Publication. a!-- 1 dv-pcp'i- Jent-eu- , of N E S W l ir..i i; n 'OTrt3o:o.iC Mr, A E. Meriana the inventer o the new Steamboat Wheels took them out Some of the finest specimens of galena to Funks Lake yesterdav, with a view ore, ever brought to Manti, were shown of placing them on Mr. Funk's boat to Y?a730, Da P:9 Co., 11! nois, to us the other day, from the "Last test them. The test will take place at Chance mine in the West Mountains. the lake on Monday and Wednesday of HAS IMPORTED FROl'.l FRANCE Perclieron linuses lalurd at $J!,50(),0U0, The owners have a vein of this rock next week and v. e understand that the lie performs extempoie in nhieii iaflu 'cs Rlio'it iuhich is showing up better eerv too nni.iheis of the Ciry Government, mem lias hers of tiic press and other digniurif-ar- e fugal style on both organ and piano, 70 PER CENT. IIF AM. HOUSES they sink. A C.il.f iiiiia Cnpn.ni-'wide his accompaniments on the latter TVhn purity of bloM r pe grot Invited tube present. dguifie.l his intention of tailing nil incorded iu Uie Percftorci Ho ov of f rnnec. instictm l.t are simply exquisite. terest m tue min. The dec d. pment of Look evr j iDm pG pi u.ui got.mn , Mi-- -, lime as a violinist developed the tbeouiy Stud this property w.ll give employment to, EVER IMPORTED TO AICFRICA. an site fact tli.u possesses m mv of 01. r young men, and we look STOPS ON EMSi) Mrs, .Sun t'r wishes to announce to her e of placing, coupled wall forward i it with pleasur-- . 140 man it icinls and patrons, that she lias puie-t'land true intonation. But it is r. lived an elegant assortment it m ju- -t IirklEii'EErtj we would ewers of her vocal Tsc 77u ,ie says t'i t aftew tending Lid r children's hati, cco is M. sjV ; at pic'cnt. 5 i.e y our.g vocahst the acceptance if tue ;cge thrown wear. lVrs e ,n ! go.. .v d sm-ol OA 0 CS in pi.: Eu. the yj down troupe Mm.' au ' the surround u.g settelniavs : and djtc.tcy; and ef great ,' tetness OUf.v:,h' the S,Mivi.t. which " e con idoied v. ill do w:'!, bv 'pcirrg her a caff, and Fci'-: : upper Tijsi.ers 7 XQ v ,r ! V a f of in banter '. the udiy tk'.iduy light only her Miilm.nv grinds. babies Her s. ,!' w at ci.-'q. . 1. rt 7 I2J CCLTf., naive and '.'ople, it li mime h itely tdc-pnthey, l.i: .1 speciality. Hoods a. y TVo y ei.-- ? 4 .,,.U i ; some I wraps ; : ct g b vr.e' . Tuu'ic.r. ed Booth and Ikrtrrtt. We ) nrt know y ! s w force c amply has to da v ,t ;h s be, " ' o, - ul tins i mrt what the E Rccriiz 'eiX-r-'d.gt ro.de--tv l .tied for ; die irn 'cent cro jtvfHftSirttv.i.ivci ly fiit. ci m 'i I ut as " e understood the m t r, was t t ia r what tee chi'o.ra if Vital, t ot and zfr enu,.c;ata i home in you denvciy it.iul i hosevrtr cti to he a coutiact m reuipc ved.rtrrtts may bg 8i:rto talent of each cuy. How Bo, tl cv Bar trtf'l f ' (''igathiaf ion, lots of oj pe- vuing Ui tatt cc. I t p .. should l' valued om:v as i.r s short skefeh rf ivy th e c Ye do m 'not imu.e considered !i 9 't Dm r tea ill;-?11 L'.tir ran be fit stock h: vhrn anil prat re;t symptem-- ' of tite, 'c, Krte ven ed y fie r ujri,. .1 a n;.h,!t With the a:ur,.al sold.! ita Nepbi, eien Ly the v ildest stretch ?i is a Trice 10 anil "lemrts Si excdTnl French cri Seat ruV'r nl i w'rl '.Pusc f cuti.mea Lit i n i, r v.ouls a lev. s is 1. rrheron Stud Hook t f Knae. suym, .ledting pcih..ps of immagir.ation, fc ittb. w Mcnti !' bt of iree. I II re".-tha ? P.an.st ie G pf'gud evening. tiie Viyp, For of that editor tiiuiiy & N ortliwt 5tem r.y. die, Madam lie ne; who proved that sin I..1V west of LTnoaigo.C'U C.icao P L?,r;C'rt, Ephraim vplain. Xc-pe- fcrd'7 L N d IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF PPOE. HEINES ENTERTAINMENT. r mm'-taxabl- is 1 Jack advertises, this mornfor the Territorial bonds bids for ing, authorized by art of the late Legislature The bonds will draw 5 per cent, interest per annum, and mav run twenty years, although they aie redeemable in ten years, ami provision is made in the law 'for their cancellation. This loan should be readily floated at a premium as it will comprise the teiritoiy's only indebtedness, It is to be hoped that the best hiJs w ill come from outside the Territory, and that the bonds will go abroad; not that we would not like our own citizens to have a good thing, but if the loan shall be taken elsewhere, it will biing so much nune money into the Teriitory. As the bonds are their being owned hare will not benefit the public, Herald Trf.y-- OF FISAL 1 ROOF. Ko. City, March 2Cto, I5: , Ltil OHcdtSlt XOTICi: ! 111 CHANGES. 'anajewmt of the S, ! j 111 Hon. A. II. Lund, of Ephraim, went to Salt Lake on Friday to attend the meeting ol the Legislature Committee on Capital Building, of which Mr. Lund ment. Is a member. The elocutionary entertainment advertised by the Sprtngville Dramatic Co. fconsistmg of the Johnson Bros, did not come oft owing to some niiimndersta tiding about the hall. Piocht 'Accord. vlnt.us recui.-vpi- 10-1.- 1 i cf i:. mean order. The ot the lady is unquestionably dti.t Wi'Iiam R. Em. ill ol the grea., as ..Iso her touch and phrasing. Davis stake, was called dur.ug the after- Tne Selection from Gu.llame Tell demonnoon, t receive sentence on a plea of strated th.s very forcibly. We 'niertdv I14 e that Manti will lie gn. llv to t e charge of unlaw!, .1 coh.ibi'a-t- r nr. .1 h . 1. n Je, i.s at . j ri.ey, as 1 across mot path on the homeward pyj jtpuuCiiiCli t for throe weeks, as ;oiri.e.'. the defendant had some business fie desired to attend to. CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. Peters objected, however, and the request was denied. The Court Mr. Smith, v.hat have not think Editor Sentinel. Do you t j say? Do you intend to obey the that Publico in the last you issue of the law in the future? in Mr. Mciikile said he had a statement, Sentinel was rather premature of onr that Ephneighbors desupposing wr.tten by the defendant, which he to remove sired tiie Court to listen to. It was as raim City were proposingManti? That the County Seat lrom follows ' and be to City Ephraim great aspires I to desire May it please your honor, is and doubt no and there good grand make a statement. I have lived nearly for which aspiration. I honor her, sixty-tw4 ears, and for the first time I that her people contemplate such am now arraigned before a court aButmove. I very much doubt. of justice, having been .charged with of Ephraim have the The people will I breaking the laws of my country'. of being keen shroud business tieie Vale that I married three of my credit in tiie wives between thirty and forty years men are the cleverest financiers class of that course and County, being wife some I last married my ago. of men could uot think of so twenty years since, and tor the last tnree absurd a they as the removal of the thing or four years she has been an invalid, a Seat and in sj doing waste great portion of the time confined to her Comty thousands of dollars of the unnessarily, bed. her of to much time the room and If there were such a money. peoples with The condiiiun and circumstances whicli site is now surrounded are likely movement on foot, we of Manti would as to hasten her to ail untimely grave. or should,Butknow it about as soon we are to the anyone, up present conwe entered the When marriage in blissful ignorance of any movement tract, to our understanding there were that direction and consequently no law against it. They are the mothers rumor iswith-oof my children and tiie grandmothers r.afumly suppose that thefact. 1 therfere ar.v four., it ion in of my grandchildren. Our children are his conclus in Publico that conclude our seals to the agreement and our ion was rather previous but notwithgrandchildren are duplicated seals to the same, and consequently parties in standing we sincerely thank him for at interest. If sexual intercourse of itself ins k.nd solicitude and should we his constituted the otiense with which I am any time in the future find that surmises are coriect we shall be pleased barged, covered by the time of the indictment I could not admit that I am to take up the cudjel in the common wield it with uilty. I can state that I have not coun- interest ol the County and seled or advised, in public or pnvaie, a giant's strength. Vox Pnsuco. any one to break the laws of the land. Manti City, April and, 1SS8. I hold that all men are equally responsible before the law. And w fnle I have no desiie, in the least degree, to put DOINGS OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL. myself in a defin.mt position to the laws of my country, unless I could stifie every The City Council met in regular sessense of honor and manhood, and blot sion on Monday last, Mayor Huiigaarc! out every feeling of humanity from my presiding. A petition was presented by Hans soul, I could not repudiate the conwithout the fiee Jensen and others asking the Council to tract consent and desire of all parties in construct a water ditch above 5th South and it is my desire, so far as I Street to carry water lor culinary may have die opportunity, to provide purposes. for thff wants and necessities of those Referred to Committee on Irrigation. women who are the mothers of my Andrew petitioned for a children ; whose gray hairs show un- sufficient stream of water to irrigate a mistakable evidence of their decline small garden in the cane field. life. If I could prove to your honor, Referred to Committee on Irrigation and it would fiee me from punishment, The Supervisor vva3 diiccted to comthat fid the tluee years covered by the mence slots against the owners of the indictment I bad not visited either of the Quarry Field unless they take necessary houses of those women, to inquire after steps to prevent the waste water from the wants of their families and provide their faints, washing the County Road. for their necessities, and had not visited Committee reports on Laws and revisthem in the hour of sore trial ; that I ions. had not given them .any more recogniRailroad Matters, and' water supply tion than though they were strangers, occupied the remainder of the session, the verdict of my heart would be that I nd Council adjourned. was entirely destitute of moral courage, aud that I was deserving of just conESTRAY NOTICE. demnation. I would prefer to sillier punishment undeserved rathet; than HAVE IN MY POSSESSION: escape under those circumstances, when steer branded it was justly deserving. Those women one brtndle on Left lup, crop offand slit in left have their own homes and farms, and hold the title to them in their own light ; ear, crop off right ear. One black two year old heifer, and so far as piece and good order aie concerned, they will compare favorably white under belly, branded L on left h:p n w,th the satire number anywhere, and I am gicatful to state that up to the square crop and slit in left ear and upper Same If the above described piesent not one disgraceful act has 01 ;t4rt are no! cl. :raed ib.fy vv ill' be sold can be rvordtd against anyone ot my on Saturday April the 7th A.D. I8SS, at families. H it please your honor, I ask yoa to defer sentence un- ten oclock a. m., at the Sprtng City round. til you have carefully considered all the I Ians Neilsen, facts and conditions in the above statePound Keeper. full confidence in ments, Having your intelligence :.nJ high sense of honor, trust that you will equity andjustict, me tire discretion you possess and nrete CONSOLIDATED out to me the same measure that you would desiie meted out to yon if our conditions were reversed. Thanking you for your indulgence and patience. I have no more to say. Pi esident Smith was sentanced to six months and to pay a fine of $300 and vms a PRESIDENT SMITH SENTENCED. JUST SO. Land Offico No, 2S28. it Salt Lake City, UtA -- J- y J Notice is hereby given th rt filed y ncoia has settler named ing intention to .make fnal pr' g ff port of his claim, and proof will be made before the tee his absence the UleiV. ci Court of Emery County, at as: f Cinery County, Utah, on P April ti e 4tli.,iSSS. viz. John g1. t of Emery County Utah on lus t 6 ; 5 for the E cfN E E sec 26 T i7z.n RSL. He names the followm: c prove Ins contiunous rt and cultivation of. said bC. Jorgensen, I engt ohns"i'.. j. gerisen, Alonzo I.nrkertyfil. i). ery Co., Utah. her-'- ' T,C. Bailey, Attjinev e and 11 y Prr.rFCT saxety, prompt action, and wv.'ifirful curative ruperties, eadly 1 Are Acer's Pills r.t the head cf the list of popular remedies for Pick and Merv-cu- s Headaches, Constipation, and all originating in a disordered Liver. I have, hern a great sufferer from Iicad;she. and Ayer's Cathartic: Pills are tue on!v me. mine that lies ev'r K'.ven me rhi'f. One dose cf these Pills "id qua My move my bowels, and free xi, y head from pain. VGUiam L. Page, lhchmond Va. ts Ayers Fills, Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I owell, Muse, ScM by ail Dealers iu Medietas, ', -- i -4 . . 1L it-.- 't - wEiii.f,: . |