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Show The Home Seoiine!, SHOCKING U rn. IlirLil ACCIDENT. G "A a Ilorr bit Me A (8 O M ! Death. A Weekly r Newtpitper, Yesterday afterno m a terrible acciwife and lour children were bereft of a loving husband and an indulgent father. Win. , to Joseph burden, brother-in-lathe well known brickniaker, who has been in his (Jackson's) employ for THE STATEHOOD QUESTION. years, was engaged with others in makout a ditch leading to the new buildMarch 26, Senator Cullom, from the ing the pressed brick ing containing committee on Territories, reported machine. The ditch was seven feet it to unanimously, resolutions declaring and three feet wide. The dirt lie the sense of the Senate that no new deep very sticky it often became necesbeing State should he admitted into the Union sary to clean off the shovel. le had just except on the basis of equality With stopped working for a few moments t other States. It was the opinion of the clean his shovel, out his knife committee that Congress ought not to whereby to do so, taking when unexpectedly exercise any supervision over any ami without a moments warning, the of the constitutions ol such States, side of the ditch gave way, and he was a secure is necessary to further than the dirt. by squeezed lightly republican form of government The some unaccountable Through lagans proposed constitution of the State of the hand containing the knife was viocontain to considered proviswas Utah lently struck upward, the knife entering ions which would deprive the State if his mouth, cutting the arteries, penetratis the admitted, of that equality, and it the gums and taking its course toing sense of the Senate that the Territory ward the brain. The head of the unof Utah ought not to be admitted into fortunate mail was covered with dirt, that is it until certain the Union as a State but lie was quickly gotten out by his the practice of plural marriage, bigamy, lie had bled profusely or polygamy has been entirely abandon- inwardly, the blood tilling his lungs anu ed by the inhabitants of Utah and until causing suffocation. Assistance wa it is certain that the Territory is not obtained as quickly as possible, Dr. H. J controlled by the priesthood of the bowers arriving about fifteen minutes Mormon church. after the occurrence, Life was then These resolutions, which no doubt ne.ulv extinct, only a flutter or two 01 since b the Senate, they the heart being preceptible. He was will be adopted are the unanimous report oi the Com- carried into a house and every mean-tmittee, mean that these is no statehood restore him to life resorted to, in tfu for Utah this session of Congress. of injecting liquor under the skii shape even is not unexpected, This outcome to produce ciiculaiion of the blood, and if if much to he regretted. Utah has, artificial respiration. Alter half an to justice should be done her, rightdone hours incessant labor, I)r. bowers found have Tire Statehood. people all attempt at rcsuscitaion futile, the their duty and applied ior it. but Con- body becoming cold. The unfortunate gress refuses. This is not unexpected, man was lhen placed in a wagon and for it is in full harmony vvitli the treat- taken home to his fam.lv. ment the Mormons so often have been No bones were broken and but for with subjected to, and can be received the knife wound having cut severa calmness, blood vessels and severed the largei believing, as this people does, that arteries in the roof of the mouth, no overruled is and by serious their destiny shaped wo uld have been injury hn almighty power, it lias been clear to sustained. The deceased was 36 years them all the time that when the right of age, a strong and healthy man, tut time conies, statehood Will be given down in the prime of life. He was quiet without any trouble at all. And until arid won the esthat right time comes, we cail atlord to teem and respest ofhaving all who made his wait. He was a faithful memIt is possible that a few more years of acquaintance. ber of the Church of Jesus Christ of of trials and suflerings, oppressions -day Saints, and his untimely death various kinds, are stored up for us, but will be mourned by many outside of his the trials coming cannot be worse than immediate family. If is wife and child those already gone. And one thing is ren have the sincere and heartfelt symcertain, whatever comes will serve to pathy of friends and relatives in this carry out the plans of Him, whose de- terrible hour of bereavement. Ogden crees are irrevocable and whose will Standard, March 28. can not be overruled. Ievoteil to the general interest of the people of San l5ete and surrounding counties. dent occurred whereby a w Has atta'ned a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. ft contains every improvement that Inventive genius, skill and money cun produce. Jack-son- : f -j J . - ' I Vr d t , i f. k H V 1 peace-lovin- Latter- libel su:t against the Salt Lake eretld, a brief note of which appeared The .1)1(010 Bavin a Victim , cunEs These Orcans fire cclctirated for volume quality of nme, quick response, artistic desii-u- . f.eauty in flmsli, pertect construction, iiuiki!.f them the most ucsiratilo organs for churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION. UXEQUALED FACILITIES, SKILLED WORKMEN, REST MATERIAS -a- THE FOPULAE OEGAf. ftHIS COOD OLD STAND-Bcompllshos for everybody exactly what is claimed forit. One of the reasons for the great popularity of the Must an? Liniment Is found In its uuiver?ni applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs it in case of accident The Housewife needs it forgenoraifamlly um. The Cannier needs it for Ills teams and his men. The 3let.huuic needs It always on his workbench. The Miner needs It !n case of emergency. The lioneerneedsit cantgofniongwlthout it. The Fanner needs it in his house, his stable, and li!s stock yard. The Steamboat innn or tlte Boatman needs It in liberal supply afloatand ashore. , needs it it is Lla best The Horse-fanci- er friend and safest reliance. needs it It will save him The JStock-t'rowthousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Bnllrond sunn needs It an ! will need It so long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The JtackwoodMman needs it. There Is nothing like it as an antidote fur the cancers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. Tho Merchant needs It about his store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Yaiistr.ug Llni.ro-u- ; is wanted at once. Hecpii Bottle In the Haus? riis the best of economy. . Keep a Bottle in the Ft; 'or?-- :i: im r.ediare . :d of wages. use in case of accident .;. p Kcrp a I2otl A !v.u when wanted. Y .UD. Produce taken at the Highest Price. Please give us a call, and be convinced COMP.I.VED, MAKE THIS P .3 Lfr a Instruction Books ar.d Piano Stcoio. & Co., eilstrup k Catalogues andTiice Lists, on api lioatioma CHICAGO COTTAGE Cf:GA!i Ccr. Randolph and Art) Sis.. CO. ?'! C. i.lttsjsff" Liriiiacnl J I 6tj35? CPd.j Sf3 , Ij Mexican Musta.mj Liniment, Penetrates Muwlcs u Very iivTHtf WiadvrluL Try it. lf5t PFi J 1 eJ csss ua rp T u1 I 28 KkJ C VJt 1 133. Monuments, Head -- stones, Tablets, Etc, Stone Clltt Tli. Executed in the Neate? White Oolite Stone g? Style and iron the beautiful of Ran Pete. O. RON SI ANTI. MAIN STREET, n .:.u ;j?ubo for rr-'f- - to the 'I Prevailin' Mania. : rT r 'l T gomery, representing the Home Missionary Society of the Congregational Church, has been engaged to oppose the admission of Utah and in favor of legislation against the Saints. But how much he is paid for this, is not stated. We hope he makes a little more than Judas did by lus famous little business transaction with the priests of his age. It is bought by some scientists that We understand that the District Court Fas issued an .ui venire ior jurors. No- the stature of ih human race is increas-inga- t the ia.e of one inch in I,OoO single man endowed with ordinary passionscan conscientiously take the oah years. prescribed bv law. It is a ddlicult r to get a competent jury. Hiocht Porf. Heme says that in his estimation '."cord Utah is the wonder of the mti cen'.-r- y. a s ai k H&S . r.'::: l r jrj? L U A'AlaLAili'A S S' r: ? i S F. S .r rt J ;v "Fl? A Mr'aHi MM if t i:i i C. ,1 u- 1 rr 5 AGE "'t - .' Fr.Ivgr;--'- V- v j V v N- F H d s.Vj Vf-- ' ' ' - n i p,e V. , j j I sU 4 : i :5 ! - J -- - Dry t '.P- - tur-v- - 1. Ifc A rev? k kA. V du. i. - '.5 a- ? j. .'?r r'. y . , V .... p k CLFmSX'E TOBACCO. 4 'saSygfli 9 p jS o - S - d 22 o w 0 a. & P.1 w d KVDIXAH A; fig. f iseisiun g PTT O mo rrsmo Eoumrrrst .. rH . h C2 KaTIJSdAnDXNHKIIil'X tlMVASaitt S --VM-r w re- -' THE Stro-briilg- mm mm AND SEED3 hsuthem Mont- s r:sr-- f IoUon. Alt Sort Mr. W. F. Daley, AJverti.-in- g Agfnt of tho Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, writes: Inflammatory rheumatism swelled my legs and arms to twice their natural size. I suffered excruciating pain. Your wonderful S. S. S., made a complete cure. Major Sidney Herbert, editor of the Southern Cultivator and Dixie Atlanta, Oft., writes: I have fuily tested the virtues of Swifts Specific, Loth as a rheumatism, cure and a tonic. It has done even more than its proprietors claim for it. e Mr. Michael Long, Jr., with the Lithographic Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: I suffered for two years with a 2.S. terrible itching and painful sores on my neck, arms, hands and lingers. No physician could help me. S. S. S. relieved BABY BUNTING AGAIN. me perfectly and I feel like a new man. Mrs. Amanda Ingle, of Gastonia, N. C., One of the greatest literary hits of the season is tke story of Baby Bunting; or writes : "My baby, when four months lie had two sethe Alphabet of Love, by Laura jean old, developed scrofula. neck. I sent sores on the and vere I risings is bbev, which at present being published in the columns ofjl'm; New York for ou? family physician, who8. pronounced S. S. for it. scrofula, and prescribed Family Story Paver. The paper con- Iit gave S. S. S.( and it the got baby the taining opening chapter of this the disease under control. The sores are wonderfully popular romance appeared healed, and the baby is well and healthy. on he news stand this morning. The I know S. S. B. saved its life, and I told tremendous rush for that number by the our doctor so. He is a regular physician, young ladies of the tow n shows cleailv and prescribed S. 8. S. for the baby as soon that the publishers have struck a bon- as he saw it had scrofula. anza. The Family Story Paper is lot Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases sale by all newsdealers, or will be sent mailed free. Tue Swx Specific Co, t ) any address tour months, postage free, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. lor $1.00. Norman L. Munro, Publisher, 24 and 26 Vandewater Street, New, It appears that Rev. R. W. Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Hats, Caps, Boots, & Shoes. Beady lade Ciothing a Specialty, home-scliool- York. 'New Mexico as a state into the Union will be opposed on the alleged ground that there are too many Mormons in the territory, or rather that the Mormons Want to take hold of it as soon as statehood is secured, and control it. We wiil .soon live to see that no territory in this glorious republic can be admitted When will for fear of the Mormons. 'some of our politicians become ashamed of themselves? brocenes FIVE in uur last issue, ami which went against the Herald .fro the amount of $5,000 It would seem that a veritable suicide damages is a case to be wondered at mania has struck this city, and people A certain gentleman was charged with are beghining to wonder where it is go1 lndeotis crime. ing to end. Yesterday one more misguidThe Herald published the charge, ed individual, Antone Davis, attempted to Gets as the supposed stating tnithfulJy own life by hypodermic injectike these were circulated among people tions his of morphine. who knew the peisons concerned. The At about 6 oclock afternoon mail was tried and acquitted, and if we Maislud SolomotTu asyesterday notified by telerue not mistaken, the Herald also published the acquittal. To any ordinary phone tliatof a man was in the enclosed Washington Squaie 111 an mind, this seems to be only wluit a news portion dying condition. The Marapparently inventshould do. The Herald paper Sheriff Burt, imed nothing. No malice could be discern- shal, at eompunied by to .the place indicmediately repaired ed in the publication. And yet, when and found the man lying under the llie jury considered the case, it was ated, f found that the 1 cralA was guilty of libel. benches i the old base ball stand. He was unconscious. Near by was a bottle need doubt not We that the jurors a solution of and containing acted conscientiously. They could an instrument for injectingmorphine the poisonous pn, bal ly not sec die case otherwise was placed in a wagon and than tliev did. Cut if a newspaper can duig. He to the Citv Hall, Where Dr. conveyed nut publish cui lent events without Bovver administered antidotes. He standing in danger of having to pay was soon alter conveyed to St. Mary's $5,000. if such ev ents are unfavorable to one individual or another, we do not see, Hospital,Dr.vvheie he received the attenhow a newspaper can exist at all. For tion of whoPinkerton. was a miller by trade, has Davis, in occurrences of the kind under conbeen employed at William Coopers mill, sideration, some person is sure to feel an West Jordan, but has lately been offended. from a diseased arm bone, and suffering In the case in question it seems to us performed that the gentleman, whose name is recently had an operation vvheie he had Climbs L. Lowe, ought to feel suf- at St. Mary's Hospital, been stopping lor some time. He left ficiently vindicated, when file tribunal, that institution on ednesday morning before which he was tried, acquitted last and spent the night with a brother-in-law- , him. who resides in this city. He We believe that the Herald is right in was seen hanging around the Square verdict the following expression "The all day yesterday, evidently wait.neatly of the great public is in our lavur, and ing for an opportunity and looking for it is oui indication. a suitable place to take his own life. litis a manied man, but his wife does not live with him. FOOD FOR STOCK. The only cause assigned for the rash The following is said to be the relative act is the sufleiing caused by Iris arm. At 1 oclock tins mornig, it was learnValue of loud for stock : One hundred pounds of good hay f. r ed that Davis was rapidly sinking and a, id that Dr. Pinkerton had given up all hope of saving his life. Herald March : WAE- - YEARS. THE LAST SUICIDE. THE LIliELSUIT. -- lias rtopened with a good And well assorted stock of-- F03 fellow-laborer- n EV2HY CSOAJt BANT21 pro-visio- grief-stricke- - PKRASfwl GITY, Are acknowledged the best, h.ing hardier, more productive and yield better crops. FIXE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Coatalal&f oaly the T T bt vxrUtlc, Uon. WRITS TUT A -- FOR IT. V Jbt (th oa ppU 1 1 a zmm N The f - ' '' 1 AntasitiSi Eslf-ihrss- himM iSi il: Cjlisde? No. 3. Its ELDSEEGS B is sold Mith cf being tbc BEST tfca Wtferev- he will V With the same wfr Cough' Bron'r. m v. Sr.. r . sr gtiaantse that caa be r ;- v , - r in every to Widow Beloit. rni , WANTED. VtA"-- IJ AYT-CilfC.rc-r- L Ir. The evr CRt-u- Htrunffe. By It. i.. A Wlohed LI h NovH; written V.Msi drema-- j tt, hiimoTons, n ulsr. i..u o fU" :hi Laj t' ''OILT'Vi.. . .1 Ed3 ES t rr.d Ce5 ' J The following bonks are published in rifat pamphlet form, printed from pood readable lyr paper, and many of them handsomely lllasf.ratetl. Tltey are without exception tiie cheapest bokse lislied in any land or language, and furnish to tho masses of the people an opportunity to literature of the day at the most tritlin t expeue. In any other series tbee great works wouu timea the price at which they are here o.fweU. Each ooe is complete iu itself: Wonders of the World, Natueai, aso Otokr. The Forcell!nI Iwhlea. A Norel. By nd ilUiatratioim of the mi-d8oi i'ti-itwondorfal The Old Oulu nl 'i"U A Novel. workaof utur and of mau. Very intereBttne and Injurm'lire. The Pearl of the Ocenn. A Novel . P.yuUM Wonders of the Sou. A description of Ute many wonderHollow Ash Hulk A Novel. By 1IaRuaxT ful ami beautiful tlurtt, tyund at the byttor.: of the ocean, with THutrnled . . o ustt at Ions. pro- use t HITe House. A Novel. By Etta W. PtKr rieiianre and Other Pkotchca. T?r Under the Lilues. A Novel. By the auiov " JosiAH A li.knb LTerllon, A collection Of IrresistU.i? Thorite.' fanuy f kctchB by the most popular htinmroua writer of toe day. The IMflmend Erutclet, A NovelThe Aunt Ker.inh Inpers. by CtAaa AuuusTj. anthnr Wood. iUutiraied. , r of The liogf lKcunnte. a ntoat rtdtculouaiy funny book A N'"'1' 'k.. ss,:. .1-The I.nwyers 'rti-- ' C.v.-.- l rtroei.v. tun. . 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Aiimui .f Ilh,tr A life t .t d A N rel. By Uhi.n fi T? Rr. J i he Woman li tter I An Yii'i'i ucriiluv. A Novel, Ey Mrs. Ax 8. : 8ts UK S3. The C alifornia tnlflii. A N i. mr; will fopd ary fr'ir nf th9 ahore books 3 tnail pnit-pp.i;3ly by urrri ' i(. fA a - .IfPptr . 'F(i V ior f C ents;-- the entire ist (40bookafor T. ('uni i thn fit " Wi 1 iut-rtk"iu w.u. h;s:. o ail tj. earest barAia in books ever or. ,iO, crmonr.r-f,.'- ! U ''i1?1-4--"forfrasu-ru-a f ukn re A ,o oy . 'Y lYt wirnl A rvl) pl lishii',I in2i.Str YitK. I k- -,v ,n Cra nn J wMuajBau, ruiUftu .i MtiMii aiu-- i a. Z'f MtTOS,rsirtttitr, r nrtt, |