Show PATRIOT ISAL A NATION is made great not by its f fruitful r acres but by the men who cultivate them not by its great forests but by tho the men who use them not by its mines but by the men who work in them not by its railways but by the men who build and run them america was a great land w when hen columbus disc americans have made ot of it a great nation in 1776 out our fathers had a vision of a new nation conc conceived elved in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men me are created equal n ditl ut an ar army my they fought the greatest of existing world empires that they might realize this vision A third of a century later without a navy they fought tile the greatest navy i in it the world that thy might win tor for t their heir nation the freedom of the seas halt half a century later they fought through an unparalleled civil war that they might establish tor for all this continent the allon alien able right of life liberty and the pursuit of 0 happiness A third of a century later they fought to emancipate an oppressed neighbor and victory won gave back cuba to the cubans ans sent an army of 0 schoolmasters to educate tor for liberty the filipinos asked no war indemnity from their vanquished enemy but paid him liberally tor for ills his property meanwhile they offered land freely to any farmer who bould live upon and cultivate it opened to foreign immigrants on equal terms the door of industrial opportunity shared with them political equality and provided by universal taxation tor for universal education the cynic who can see in this history only a theme tor for its his egotistical satire is no true american whatever his parentage whatever his birthplace he who looks with pride u upon pon this history which his fathers tat liers have written by their heroic deeds who N he accepts with gratitude the inheritance which they have bequeathed to him and who highly resolves to preserve this inheritance unimpaired and to pass it on to his descendants ts enlarged and enriched is a true trite american be his birthplace or his bis parentage what it may LYMAN ABBOTT I 1 |