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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD faster Play Pinafore Three Ways to Use Wooden Cornice Is Gay and Colorful VM cornicei LABOR ATE box-lik- e to cover all rods and fixtures lused in hanging curtains were thi height of fashion in the forma irooms of the period .They were often made of carve wood or of metal in intricate d signs. Again they were padded o, bedecked with tassels and fringe jt' a Z3 mid-Victori- Bv BOODY ROGERS ID r SPARKY WATTS HAPPY, THINKING IT WAS A GNAT, WIPED . SPARKY OUT WITH SOME COTTON AND THREW IT IN THE STOV- E- UjwEN THE COSMIC RAYS WITH WHICH SPARKY IS CHARGED ; their RtTURNS G&OOVIS CUT TO V T Sides of WINDOW Frame with WTAU AN6US hold hods RETURNS Of VlUHROt fACEOR PlVwOOQ ,The front of the cornice was called 'the face. The ends were called Returns. Cornices are still used ir simplified forms for our own windows and these terms are alsc jused, This sketch shows three different treatments of box cornices for modern windows. Thev all give a professional effect, yet any amateur may make them. The diagram shows grooves cut on the inside of the returns to hold wooden rods 01 slat to be used Instead of metal rods foi hanging glass curtains and overdraperies If you already have double curtain rods, just leave them in place and fit your cornice over them. If you decide to palnl the wood instead of covering It, the coloi may match the room woodwork or It maj repeat some color in the drapery material, . as shown at the right. , POCTAH-8E- I !? P' LOST POWER, HE BECAME THE QUICK BRING THE CAN TO MY IF LABORATORY . SPARKY IS THERE MACHINE , THE RAY i WILL RESTORE HIM TO NORMALCY MAYBE NOT, I PIP EVER INVENT THAT IT RAY MACHINE OVERCHARGE? SLAP HAPPY'S FEET AND EXPANDED THEM -- AND NOW SPARKY IS PEA I FO r MADE PE FIRE CLEANED PE GTOVE AN THREW PE ASHES IN PE CAN OUTGIPEa v I SMALLEST MAN AUVE "W INSTEAD OF THE STRONGEST tnow The follov 7 GO GMAIL, IN FACT, THAT HE GOT IN GLAP X, ; "St No. 5531 trudg rabbits and gaily v ored Easter eggs on a oinafore will please the little if two, three or four years! Mot1 :an make it in an afternoon use bright scraps of matert for the appliques.' I JIG, bold u HAPPYS EYE By at thi plc head 5 By RUBE GOLDBERG A Conundrum LALA PALOOZA THEY WONT GIVE YOU A FIGHT UNLESS YOU GOT A REPUTATIO- N- AN' YOU CANT GET A REPUTATION POT TM ON IN YOUR OPENIN' PRELIM-W- E DON'T CARE ABOUT DOUGH -ANYTHING TO UNLESS YOU A they FIGHT-FIGG- give -, j- ER IT This Is the fourth and last ot the series on modern adaptations of period curtain styles. If you are Interested in making scalloped wooden cornices you will want pattern 207 which contains designs of scallops which may be used to cut dozens of different types to fit windows of any size. Pattern No. 207 is 15 cents postpaid. Address: caiyc its na Id rim. To obtain complete cutting pattern and Appliques for the Ea oa un lay Pinafore (Pattern No. 5534) size Vht (, 4 included, send 16 cents in com j( dee v and the address number pattern lame, Due to an unusually large demand , pat in iurrent war conditions, slightly mores dif hi s required in filling orders for a few They lie most popular pattern numbers. fit to Send your order to: NOTE: Enclose 15 Jnei haL'wa Address fit fur V Address REGLAR FELLERS 2 drops Nose Drops in each lyj ar nostril help you Liki breathe freer alma By GENE BYRNES A Lean Deal U 8 Pat Ail ( niut ft I branes. Outside, warms like plaster. Modem medication in a base containing old fashioned mutton suet, only 25c, double supply 35c. Get Ienetn). Only 23c 10 By From the Sound of It J. MILLAR WATT THE WOOD FOR. THAT UKE WAS PROBABLY NOT HALF I LONG ENOUGH J swarm gered t i work Biey w one 0 hmd Suffers7 Theres real hope for constipation, sufferers in solicited letter corr.r its There w t this di Te Most 111 I I How can such amazing w! Tor thousands be explained? S. tists say its because Sear ma an and KELLOG' of Katv getting t is one most effective sources of tWilly elements, M nans ui which in the diet is a cm to Li ft-- , cause of constipation. They s Joy ( the friendly colonic flora fluf np skirt, and prepare the colonic vs for easy, natural elimuiat. role and u yof hear KELLOGGS ALL-BRAALL-BRA- N N By FRANK WEBB A Big Help RAISING KANE Wl BANGED IF C KNOW SEEN HIM LATELy kS HEER.D laxative. Simply chew before you ro to bed, 3 taking only in accordance with packnga directions - sleep without being disturbed. Next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again. Try iEEN-A-MINTastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply I t?cta-Eraa.- HAINTJ JUST s? PPESECi TS dizz y devices' He 0A9 LOST, iTHATfe ALL lr C3oto you can TEN MINUTES LON6E(3 in The moRnins Sy eat-in- s sleep youa breakfast toAy TO IVORKj ON THE tamm ( Female Weakness Lydia E. PniKimm s Veritable Compound la made e'iproinlly i rr V'omen to help relieve periodic pain with its weak, tired, nervous, blue fn Hints X&-CROS- out! Its .running ; "ay we c simply a i regulating food. lew w If you have constipation heaeath this type, eat KELLOGGS I ' ford aga BRAN regularly with mill IT ring eej fruit, or mixed with other must Drink plenty of water. See too, dont get real help! In5-- ' ores w made have beei genuine ALL-BRAby Kelloggs in Battle Creel F0 hip An Soldiers Appetite An American soldier consumes about 16 times as much food as the average civilian. relieve distress of MONTHLY a purgative. Doesnt sweep gentle-ac wh 0A o? due to functional monthly disturbances. Taken rerularly Plnkhams Compound helps build up resistance against such symptoms. Here la a piod it t that fu;a nature and tlmts the kind to buvl Fatuous fur almost a century. Thousands upon thousands of women have reported benefits Follow label directions. Hwfh try mo! LYDIA E. PINKHAMS comViXo n etn Lip and Thanks for what KELLOGG'S BRAN has done for me. I'm "A yean wa a salts and Had been taking pills a f'aned every night. 6 weeks ago, I started 1 mor ALL-BRAevery KELLOGGS Soon I had regular movements r ALLt .lc squ any trouble. I cant praise for a ... , enough. It sura works wonders nar Hr. E. C. Zook, Box 114, lairbuu FIFTY SLOW YOU UP When bowels ars sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy, da as millions the modem do chew f FEEIl-A-HINTT- Sae 1 DONT LET FEEN-A-MIN- her Bear RS Says Constipation YEARS i m If (or Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis chewing-gu- to FOR FOR. 1 at her he kne The easiest thing of all is ieive ones self; for what air. wishes he generally believes true. Demosthenes. ALL-WONDE- KEPT line them, CREOMULSION CONSTIPATION s NoseDropi moted in fron weiJieal Pa POP t A tc A Creomulsion relieves promptly because It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. times n Cauti.c directed much for 50c. Use only as Salb Beachhead, Bridgehead beachhead is a position established and fortified on a shore by an invading force. A bridgehead Is a defensive area on the enemys side of a stream, held to guard a bridge, ford or other crossing. so your pered. gets air Itl wh instantly, head cold n :r SEE ONE! Ceetinc Pfcise- PeMrs1 Penetro I'LL TAKE THAT I KNOW DORG A BARGAIN WHEN IVnetro on throat, chest, back men. Just YESSIfc FOR COLD MISERY Bronchitis tl Only Frank Jay Markey Syndicate, Inc. How To Relieve exc ed Name 1 carps Name Drawer 10 cents for Pattern No. cover with warm flannel eases muscular aches, pains, coughs. Breathed-i- n vapors comfort irritated nasal mem- &om ' No. gra 01 They Enclose 15 cents (plus one cenlt cover cost of mailing) for Pattr 207. K, Bit A meadc CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 149 New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Calif.. SEWING MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS New York Bedtord Ilills c row Eight-Foot- from out er Emperor Maximinus was eight feet two inches ? A I the tal fotths. Thre w; tjsh; anc of fnghte BACKACHE ratt e of run ga n, tj, a hey s had their I Child! e him Le e' ro for" fast FUNcT? joVPO WHEN KIDNEY LAGS from this "eed,'jjJtl r. diuretiff S Fuoaiontl kidney diswrbafl"', i3w of diurmc aid may cause i TOWN By X. Roland Coe M Heedless Person A To stumble twice against the same stone is a proverbial dis- grace. Cicero. 4i 1 achel May causa urinary quent, yet acanty and lose alerp from "getting W -- may feel dizzy, nervous, In luch cases, you kidney nction fast. So if ,i aystrmically or oreani'r, Gold Medal Capsules. lh moui for prompt actionaslot d care to use them only 7 00 substitutes. 35 L K,--. M'her. ove of enj 0 f I It J- tfc r ut t openln d . 4 n; t push e L (, , , k, Wren Ac Uck - Sc5,1'; w ht fist to It must be a relief to get 36 hours off, the way they make work In the army, Buck! Old yo METAL- , truck ICTOf 7 Joe, thia is Dan Newberry, the military expert f our school paper. I thought yu might like task hint a tew questions. i '-- SAVE YOUR Hers e Won - BUBEEW e fiv ure a i r fulling a hori in tt |