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Show r 1 A rmpEFENSE Newspaper Devoted to the People of the Uintah Basin FQjpEFENSE BUY Volume 13 Covers ALL The Uintah Basin DUCHESNE, UTAH, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1944 Duchesne County CANNING CENTERS Reports 8 Cases Of Scarlet Fever Seek Continuance Of State Aid For Teachers Salaries J. E. Wiscombe, of Roosevelt, president of the Duchesne County Board of Education was of the State named president association at a School Boards meeting of the organization in Salt Lake City last Saturday. Mr Wiscombe, who had been first president of the group for vice sucDa- the past year, automatically ceeded to the presidency and vid Tarbet, Logan, was reelected secretary-treasure- ond and First, third vice presidents, r. secrefol- spectively, were elected as lows: Ed J. Ted Parker, Hoo per; Lyle H. Brown, Hoytsville and Calvin S. Smith, Salt Lake county. Reenactment of the 1942 law appropriating $1,316,000 a year from the state general fund to increase teaohers salaries will be sought by the association when the legislature convenes next January. To Name Estimated Tax Returns Due April 15 n, a, While the majority of the na50 million taxpayers will find their 1944 federal Income tax obligations taken care of through withholding by their employers, an estimated 15 million will be required to file declarations of their estimated 1944 tax by April 15. Declaration forms are being mailed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue to all persons who filed declarations last fall. The first quarterly payment of estimated tax shown to be due on the declaration should be made at the time the declaration is filed, the other payments to be made on or before June 15, September 15, and December 15. Farmers who receive more than 80 percent of their income from farming may postpone filing their until December 15. declarations However, if they wait until December they must pay all of their estimated tax at that time. tions Will Replace Lt. Col. Pratt During Military Absence Committee Appointment of Judge Abe W. This was decided at the meet- Turner of the Fourth district ing Saturday when authorization court, Provo, as a member of was given for the officers to the supreme court to serve durname a committee from the seving the military absence of Jusen judicial districts to foster the tice Eugene E. Pratt, was andesired legislation. The present nounced Tuesday by Governor law will expire June 30, 1945, un- Herbert B. Maw. The appointment is effective less its life is extended by the on May 1, which will give Judge legislature. A motion was offered that the Turner an opportunity to conassociation also go on record fa- clude pending matters in the voring raising of the legal max-imu- Fourth district, which includes for school tax levies in Duchesne county. the various districts, but it was Justice Wade Gets Appointment Justice Lester A. Wade had withdrawn after several objections were raised that this might been serving in the place tempoJustice Pratt, jeopardize the main purpose of rarily vacated by he was recently named by but state the having appropriations the governor to the vacancy continued. At present, school districts, to caused by the death of Justice increase their levies above the David W. Moffat. Judge Turner will serve only until Justice Pratt maximums, must first obtain the col' consent of the county commis- now serving as a lieutenant onel in the army in Washington, sion and then the approval of D. C., is released from military the state tax commission and service. state board of education, sitting Native Of Heber as a joint board. Judge Turner is a native of HeSponsored By School Boards and received his law degree ber, Mr Wiscombe said one of the from Georgetown university law main reasons for the enactment in 1916. Three years laschool of H. B. 28, which appropriated ter he entered the practice of the teacher pay money, was the in Utah. In 1930 he was apfact that it was sponsored by law Provo city attorney, holdthe various school boards, who pointed office until elected to this ing are the elected representatives of district bench in 1932. He the the people. was reelected in 1936 and again J. Easton Parratt, director of in 1940. statistics and research in the He and Mrs Turner reside at state school office, said very few Fourth East street, 194 North districts have complained of the are the parents of Provo. They manner in which the money has Judge a son and a daughter. Continued On Page 8 Turner's parents, Mr and Mrs William L. Turner, are residents Former Myton Girl of Heber. Weds Hero Of Judge Turner is well known in Duand deeply respected African Campaign chesne county. It is his decision Mr and Mrs George H. Holder on water rights of Blue Bench, by of Salt Lake City announce 'the which is now being appealed court. marriage of their daughter, Leah the state to the supreme Dean to Lieutenant Walter F. Tubb of the U. S. Army Air Utahns Urged To Strive Force, on Saturday, March 18. For Special Notice The wedding took place at the s!t Lake air base chapel at 2 If Utahns can step up their P- m. extra war bond savings enough with Major James E. Stock-mato oversubscribe their March quobase chaplain officiating. Miss Donna Rae Fullmer was ta of $3,600,000, the Beehive state maid of honor and Captain Rob- may win special recognition in notice to our fighting forces. ot Butler was best man. The bride wore a Men in the army at home and blue powder uit with navy accessories and a abroad will be informed of the white orchid. 10 states exceeding their March Lt. Tubb is a son of Fredrick war bond quotas by the widest W Tubb of U S Treasury has Mag.nolia, Arkansas. margin, the He served in combat in North Af-tc- informed Utah War Finance comreturning to the United mittee officials. will be sent by States last September. He wears The honor list the air and cable to all service pubradio the medal, distinguished as to lng cross with six oak leaf lications overseas as well counthis in flusters and the middle east army establishments has Campa!gn medal. He is now a try, the war department Pilot instructor at Wendover agreed. SerFleld. Utah. Since Utah did so well in I Fourth the A wedding supper was held at ies E bonds during would certainly the Newhouse hotel Saturday War Loan, it if we vening attended by 22 close clinch that achievement fiends and relatives of the bridal could prove to our fighting men atfouple, that we keep backing their said too, Mrs Tubb, drives, between formerly of Myton, tack executive manttended the Roosevelt high D. Howe Moffat, school and is a graduate of West ager. two " h school In Salt However, during the first Lake City. in March, only $731,567 Wiss Fullmer is the weeks daughter which means that if Mr and Mrs Clyde Fullmer, was sold, Utah Is to make Us March quota formerly of Mt. Emmons. to sell more cal solos were sung at the It will be necessary In E, F wedding by Cpl. Harry H. Harter. than two million dollars former member of the Rudy and G bonds by April 1, Mr Moffat pointed out. quartat, - v Duchesne county reported eight new cases of scarlet fever and two cases of chickenpox for the week ending March 17, according to the state board of health. The general health picture of the state is encouraging with a total of only 522 cases of communicable diseases reported. This is 67 cases fewer than were reported for the previous week. For the corresponding period one year ago, a total of 1020 cases were reported. It Is also encouraging to note that there were no cases of tynor smallpox phoid, diphtheria reported. A total of 168 cases of influenza was reported 158 of these being reported from Salt Lake county. From all indications it appears that the epidemic of influenza is waning. Lee Merkley Quits Farm To Make Munitions Lee Merkley left last week for Pasco, Washington to work In the DuPont plant there. What they are making at the plant is a secret even to the employees, but it has something to do with the war effort. Lee, who is slightly over the draft age, decided he wasnt doing enough farming to Justify staying with it this summer and looked for a way In which he would be of more use to the war He applied for work in effort. a construction outfit going to Pearl Harbor, but later learned that it would be three months before he would know definitely whether or not he was accepted. Mrs Merkley and their daughter Laurel expect to leave Sunday for Heber where they will make their home. They have leased their farm to Lees brother, Hugh Merkley. New Rules Prevail On Gasoline Beginning April 1,the five-gallo- n R gasoline coupon for nonhighway users will be good for purchases at 'authorized filling stations, as well as for gasoline purchases at bulk plants or delivered to private storage tanks, OPA announced. The A ration for motorists Is now two gallons weekly In all parts of the country. On the Pacific coast, the B ration has been cut from 460 to 400 miles a month. The greatest business in the world Is the building of character," stated County Commissioner Willard Day at the chapter meeting of the Moon Lake Future Farmers of America which was held Wednesday, March 15. Mr Day also stressed the statement that "no boy can be beyond what they are in He told several themselves." stories to illustrate his point Other business taken up In the the chapter meeting included commita of nominating naming tee to select candidates for the chapter offices, and appointing a committee to draw up the next year's activities. Chapter President Harry Fleldsted was In charge of the meeting. Per Year In Advance Rehabilitation Plan Inaugurated For War Veterans TO RECEIVE AID FROM W. F. A. Schools, local governments, ciThe state welfare commission vic clubs, victory garden groups has organized a division to be or similar organizations which known as the Veterans Rehabilisponsor community canning cen- tation Division, according to inters can now get technical as- formation received this week by sistance from the War Food Ad- Mrs Florence Bates, Duchesne ministration, according to DeVon county welfare director. The Y. Stewart, area supervisor for purpose of the organization is to WFAs office of distribution. aid and assist veterans and their families In securing such aid and The offer, said Mr Stewart, aca recent announce- assistance as might be theirs uncompanied ment by Buell F. Maben, west- der state and federal acts. ern regional director of food disThere has been a committee of tribution, that two food preser- veterans appointed from the varvation specialists have been ap- ious veterans organizations in the state to serve as an advisory pointed to assist local groups. The services of Ben H. Body council in directing the affairs of this office. and his assistant Bernice O. Judge George A. will be available as con- Faust, judge of judicial district sultants to any group interested No. 3 In Salt Lake City, is chairman of the committee. in community canning. Mr Body has been engaged in Judge Faust and the members commercial cannery operation for of his committee will be glad to many years, while Miss Reding-to- n meet with clubs or any public i;s a graduate nutritionist meetings that would be Interested with practical experience in food in hearing discussions as to the nature of work this organization preservation. One means of effecting con- proposes to do. servation and efficient use of our fresh fruit and vegetable produc- Bit. Emmons L D S tion will 'be through locally sponWard Holds sored canning centers when and where local surplusses may oc- Annual Reunion The ofcur, Mr Stewart said. MT. EMMONS: The Mt. fice of distribution is ready to Emmons annual ward reunion help these groups get started in was held Friday night, March 17 their operations." the ward hall. A pot luck at for Information sponsoring supper was served at nine p m. groups can be obtained at the While still at the tables, the folarea office of distribution, War was presented: Food Distribution, 416 Beneficial lowing program vocal duets Two by Mrs ArLife Building, Salt Lake City, thur Snow and Mrs Arnold Utah. reading by Gwen Case, a skit, Old Town Gossip, by Mrs Max Simmons Attends Lavon Atwood and Mrs Glen L D S Service Ames, piano duet by Mrs Evan Hansen and Mrs Arthur Snow, In North Africa and remarks by Bishop Walter letter Kerksiek and Bovee Mecham. An Interesting was received this week by Mrs After the program, the floor Charles Simmons from her son, was cleared and dancing was enMax, who is serving with the joyed to Mr and Mrs Leroy troops in North Africa in which Thackers music. he tells of attending L D S on the various Those church services He makes casual committeesserving were Mrs Lavon Athad mention of the fact that he wood, Mrs Birch Bennion, Mrs been In battle at one time and Dell Thomas, Mrs Evan Hansen to write. was unable Excerpts and Volney Boswell. from the letter follow: I went to the L D S services in town yesterday for the Longer Periods For first time in a number of years Food Stamps and to cap things off 1 had to Under the ration token plan; bear testimony. You can imagine how I felt and the kind of testi- three red (meats-fats- ) become good every two mony I could give. We dont stamps on weeks, Sundays, and five blue have a chaplain In this theatre stamps so some of the enlisted men from (processed foods) Utah act. as the head of the become good on the first day of church in his plt.ee. Our chap- each month. To reduce last minlain is in Italy though I dont ute rush buying just before the know who he is. There were stamps run out, the OPA Inabout 12 of us at the service creased the period for which but it was fairly good consider- stamps may be used. Thus, the 60 red points and 50 blue points ing. There was only one fellow from around home and he was which become good each month may be used at any time during Continued On Page 8 a period of from 10 to 12 weeks. Red-ingt- Me-cha- .... nt nt LOCALS Dear Doug Vere Neilson of Bridgeland Here I am, way down near the wrs a visitor at the Record ofand fice Monday. of the Colorado junction Mrs Joseph L. Murray of New Green rivers, starting this while we wait for "Bish" Taylor to Ycrk City, wife of Joseph L. finish his chores and come down M.irray C. M. 3jc, U S Navy, is to his shop. a guest of her husbands mother, We left Duchesne this fore- MjS Carrie Murray. , Mr and Mrs E. II. Peterson noon, Stuart Baird and I, called at Helper and Price and then on lei t Thursday morning, accomdown here. Stu, our paper panied by Mrs Carrie Murray, for salesman, is making his regular Salt Lake City, where Mrs Murattenround of the newspapers and Im ray will receive medical tion. deadheading along, taking advanMrs Donald Bench and Mrs tage of his hospitality to call on some of the publishers. I know James Hatch returned Tuesday most of them but there are a evening from a short visit In few who seldom come to the as- - Salt Lake City. Clarence Wayne (Babe) Cassoclation meetings and it sort of seems like the association presi-- 1 per is spending a weeks furdent should meet as many of lough with his parents, Mr and M s Wm Casper. them as possible r Mr and Mrs Ferrm Van Tomorrow we go down to returned Tuesday from Caland call on the only weekly publisher who isnt a member ifornia where they spent a week of the state press association. vi itlng Mrs Van Wagoners broPerhaps if I turn' on the old ther who is in the service. charm enough I can get him interested in Joining. After we finish there, well backtrack through Carbon coun- Date ty and down 89 where Ill get to Mar. 8 see Bob at Mt. Pleasant, I hope, Mar. 9 Mar. 10 ending at Richfield. The rest of the week well cov- Mar. 11 er all of Southern Utah, and Mar. 12 perhaps Ill have "something inter- Mar. 13 esting to tell you about the trip Mar. 14 Mar. 15 after were done. This is the first time Ive been Mar. 16 in Moab since we had our sumMar. 17 mer meeting down here nearly Mar. 18 five years ago, and returning to- Mar. 19 Roosevelt Drive Nears Completion; Send In $750.00 Meet In England Duchesne County Hoys Have Reunion In England Pvt. Boyd O. Mott, son of Orson Mott of Duchesne and Cpl. Jess J. Hamblin, son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Hamblin of Roosevelt had a happy reunion in England on January 16 according to word received by Boyd's sister, Mrs Robert Belt. The two boys, having learned that their APO number was the same, had been trying to meet for some time.. A photograph was inclosed In Mrs Belts letter showing the two boys together, proving that' they "did meet." Besides being staunch friends, the boys have another bond. They probably will be brothers-in-laafter the war la over, Jess is engaged to Boyds sister, Betty. Mrs Boyd Mott of Denver recently spent three weeks in Duchesne getting acquainted with her husband's family. The American Red Cross war fund drive which began March 1 is lagging, it was stated Wednesday by Chairman J. L. Oman. With only a week left to go, Duchesne county has less than half the amount of her quota of $2,900.00. Roosevelt and vicinity seem to be moving along faster than the west end of the county, Mr said. They have sent In a total of $750, while the west section up to Wednesday had reported only $261.90. Fruit land Over The Top Fruitland has reported the drive complete there, with a total of $62.50. Every family contributed at least $2.50 with two families contributing $10.00 each. Mtn. Home has reported $53.80 to date and will have more when the drive closes March 31, Ged-de- s Lindsay reported. Talmage has turned In $58.20 and are not finished there. There has been some difficulty In lining up an organization In Duchesne, Mr Oman stated and the workers have just gotten the drive well underway. Up to Wednesday, only $87.50 had been reported. Eisenhower Urges Contribution General Eisenhower said, in a broadcast February 29, "If all American citizens could see for themselves the great good that their Red Cross contributions do for our fighting forces there would never be any slightest question as to the sufficiency of the Red Cross funds. The Red Cross More Thari 100 has been working in my command for many months. I have seen Attend Fifth it in cities, in bivouacs and at Anniversary Banquet the front, in fact, it is everyThe Duchesne Lions were hosts where that Americans are fightWednesday evening at a banquet ing or training to fight for the in the Plaza hotel, celebrating preservation of democratic the fifth anniversary of their orMore than one hunganization. dred Lions and their partners and Frankie Fullmer guests attended the dinner which At Gold was prepared by the Relief So- Reigns And Green Ball ciety. The local club was chartered Frankie Fullmer, daughter of In March, 1939 with 30 members Mr and Mrs Floyd Fullmer, and Since that time, the membership a Duchesne high school senior has dropped to six active mem- was the most envied girl in Dubers but has clumbed within the chesne last Friday night when last two months to 47, the great- she reigned aa queen at the anest Increase of any club in this nual Gold and Green Ball. The climax of the evening ocdistrict, it was stated by B. H. Stringham of Vernal, district curred when Prince Charming governor who made the keynote Lorin Allred set the coveted address at the banquet. crown on the queens head. F. L. Maxwell Toastmaster Attendants to the royalty were Lion President W. J. Bond wel- Misses Elaine and LaDene Poul-socomed the guests and introduced Ercel Merkley and Donna F, L. Maxwell who presided as Mayhew. Little Karren Carman toastmaster. Mr Maxwell intro- and Janice Stephenson were the duced the guests among whom crown bearers. were Mr and Mrs J. C. AnderStudents of the 7th and 8th son, Mr and Mrs Russell Mont- grades performed a colorful gomery and Mr and Mrs marching drill, under the direction On Page 8 of Miss Ilulda Parker. an w LOCAL LIONS n, String-Continu- Washington News Letter for the wool, the government, if anything, paid a little more than it should have done, but the great complaint is that there are composed of Congressmen Gran- violent discrepancies amorg varger of Utah, chairman; Zimmer- ious growers. The committee has man of Missouri; Voorhces of been given every assurance that California and Ilill of Colorado, such variations would not occur has conducted its hearings thru-ou- t this year. the last week in its investiS The termination of the gation of the wool stock pile as program and the subsequent well as the marketing of domes- availability of a number of male tic wools. Evidence has been dis- pilots in varying stages of flycommittee ing proficiency closed before the has attracted which indicates a wide variance public attention to the Womens in the grading of wool which has Air Force Service Tilot program. reflected the amount of money The WASP program to utilize received by the growers. women pilots for flyThe Commodity Credit Corpor- ing assignments has been found ation has concluded its agree- to be militarily sound and necesment with the wool growers to sary. Men released by the tertrainpurchase the 1944 clip of wool mination of the upon substantially the same ba- ing program can be used for sersis as was in effect for the year vices for which women are not 1943. The CCC has agreed, in suited, whereas women pilots are connection with the purchase of qualified for certain flying duthis wool, to establish a more uni- ties which they can discharge aa form and satisfactory method of competently as men. Women are grading wools to the end that currently ferrying combat airone grower will not be underpaid craft of virtually all types from and another, overpaid There are factories to points of delivery to day brought back the swell time Mar. 20 we had then. Mar. 21 ns a result of lust combat crews. They .also fly instances They took us (5 years ago) up Mar. 22 planes for planes, year's grading where a producer to a park on La Sal mountain Total Precipitation .41 of 15,000 pounds of wool was ac- gunnery training by air crew where a bunch of fellows were L. C. Winslow, tually underpaid $1500. It Is members, and do aerial courier Continued On Page 8 Cooperative Observer, true that on ths over-apayment work. Mon-ticel- Commissioner Day Addresses Moon Lake Future Farmers $2.50 lo Congressman W. K. Granger The subcommittee set up by of agriculture, the committee Wag-ore- CAA-WT- non-comb- at CAA-WT- S tow-targ- ll et |