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Show b-radstreets report. Expansion Watch.word of Trade Sltua-tlon; Sltua-tlon; All Lines Doing Good Business. feBW YOnfL Aug. 23. Bradstreefs tomorrow will say: . expansion Is the keyword of the trade It nation ai the -month, draws to s close, and buyers feel the seasonable spur to the' laying up -of suppHee for fall and winter. This- lei largely .predicated upon th prospect of assured or expected large cron vieids. and finds chief expression m the west, ncrlhwfsi ..nd soul Invest , where crop certainty has. generally speafcffag. suppltfhted -prediction. Collections Collec-tions show a tendenor to improvement and the money markei gives evidence of increased activity and strength of ouctati'MiK. Perrntps he only possible check to full present .or near-future activity ac-tivity Is found In tii gradually enlivening enliven-ing political campaign. . Trade demand hag expanded notice-ablv notice-ablv In dry gooda. Limber, coal, wool, shoes, leather and iron and $ Business failures 'n .Cjanada for the W-eek number 20. as compared with 36 'wnoat'tlnclUding Bour) expenia from the Dnlted Btatea and Canada for the week ending August 22 ggr?g' h S6B bushels against 4.27B.W8 last week- Corn exports for the week are i bushels, against 121.627 last week. Bank Statement. Nr.w. YORK. Aug U -Brsdstroft'i b rmor( for the' "il'ie AviruH tl l-.el tSt So? m -"'1 U.M.0M. in ON . or- rn4lnK ''. Th- follow ng I . tC"",...l'' S8SS S: :::: f.r :::: Kr mr M.su ooo n.o .... gf" , 1 JMoleeo .. u t w , I , ' U?,T7.OO0 16.1 Mlnnfpolli. . U Angl i? iM.oOn- If ios ooo rJ V;'":,llr tmloN iff; I'T'"1 II IM 000 "i n'J'r,0 n.ooo r'!lvr ' , i M4 000 W I spokes .w.-h J JgJ 1.1 gf "olnM ;; rno.ooo h i JiTl"."! ;:: . s... ...... w"h" , I T4O.0O0 M S OWI.tic.rr. . . . ., , :.. Sin Dl.go. r.i pj . i",0?,n " 1.H40.WW f- ToU I.SM.000 1 llflon 74..A.-r s-o-vton w- j m.m is-.e " V,','k08'nul. ;i4. 4J ': l"i""' h " l.0A '.". M,l k rfin. si-.. -v IS LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Chicago. CtUCACO; Aug, 23. -"attlc Receipts. loOOj market ,l.,ll, weak; beeves Jt:..v 1 1 Texas steets. 16 00 jj BE; Western steers, 16 263)8.85; stQckera and feeders; M.30 " i W: t i and heifi rs; 62.65 h - )0; c.H Si; o.2B. HogsReceipts, onnn, market steadv at opening prices, light, 18.1508.75; mlxeS, 8.008.7a; heavy, 7.858.67s; rough 17.8608.05; pigs, I5.60O8.15; hulk of sales. tl.2O08.65j Sh'eep Receipt.;, soon markei strcng to IOC up; native t3.264.SC; western 13.25 04.35; yearltrjgB, (I 105 30 lambs', native, na-tive, 64.6007.25; western, $l.507..",5. Kansas City. Kansas CTTT. Aug. 2.i Catti R-celpts, R-celpts, 500, In. -hiding 800 southerns; market mar-ket steadv-. calves, 66.75010.50; southern steers, 84.6006.50; southern cows and heifers. 63.2605.26; native cows and heifers heif-ers 88.26 08.50; Btockers and feeders 84:60 hulls. $4.0005.25; calves, $S.n)ni7i 8.25; western steers, JT, Tal'Ty D.fiO ; western COWS, ?,'! hWo 8.00 Hogs Receipts, 6500; market 5c to ide higher; bulk, 68.3508:55; heavv. 88.262 B;46; packers and bulchers. S. 10'' ij. W lights. 68-.8O08.6O; pigs, $6.0007.00 Sheep Receipts. 1000; steady; mutton! $3.50(5 4 2S: lambs $."..r.0',j 7 ."0. range wethers 'and yearlings, $3.5006.10; range ewes. 2i00Q 3 80. Omaha. OMASA,; Aug. CaL'le Receipts, 500; market Bteady; native steles, 6.0045 lo 30. cows.' and heifers $8.2606.76; western west-ern ? .-s. 0; Texas steers. $4.50 T.6 30. cows and heifers. $3.0006.25; can-, ners. $2.7504.00; Btockers and readers, 4 00 08.00; '-.Lives. $4.2508.25'; hulls, stags, etc . M-00 " 5 75. I logs Receipts. 43(10. market 3c higher; heavy. $7.0008.19; mixed. 87.9508.15; light. $8.2008 40; pigs, $6:5007.50; bulk of sales. $7.9508.15. Bheep-rjEtecelpts, 6800; market steadv ; yearlings, : $4.6005.80; wethers. $3. 50 "5 4 25; ewes. . $3.007 4.00; lambs, $5 oO0fi.7u Evap"orated Fruits. NEW TORK . auk '-'-" - BvaorgUd uppler nlwly. I.ilr ilcniuml Triints barrly ftesdy. Apricots, anil gnd bus Peschos; i Intotlvo. RhIkIiif. rim ' Bdston Wool Market,- - . BOSTON, Aug. ' ?3 Tho "Comniorclnl Bullctlr) will rnr toinor-.ow: "Ther. lifi bnn a Reifi wfk of Irinl In til Boston wool market. On wan to bo expc. tad with tli BUStslDlDS Of tbo wool yeto lii the mnat'.-lnnt mnat'.-lnnt WMk. Valuta are Arm ti1 nro tn.llng Jtrty blKhtir. . . "Trunia.-Mein lids week lure boon In Ui territory woolf. of irhloil Hontanu lime plyJ the lmllnK pari, although nlmoRt evorj thing In the linn nf territory -re, bn1 rombllic anri OlOtblngi hue been nolo" "Ori'lfrt wooIp hovo oM In liiriter quahtltle.n alao. Whtla orlfilnal wool:, have llkewjaa bion dop.lt. In hrvl! l-'lno r.lnplo Montane has been 30li! at 'J4c anl 14'j.- or about BU 7: clean, while half-bloo'ln has iioM at Itic. nnl DjaWntST and three-elcbth:- al $Sfl ami $7C, t1lee lnt lhre grades ibowlng reapeotlvell the following eefl-mated eefl-mated clean COfta MCCBc, f-n an1 .': New York Provisions. NEW YORK, Aug. X?. Tlour. si rid Wheat Spot. Irregular: No. ? red. $1 0 C.I f. track oa.i Ji.no .fob. tnat; No i northern' DulUtb. II 034 f.o.h". . afjoal S.'piember e1o:ed Jl .01 IB-K: December J! 11 t-lfi. llopn . anfl petirdonni. Itl I I; Hblea. Mroog. Wool, Brn Raw sugar, firni. ceo'rir.iKil N tut 4 lie mus'-ovndo. ' o to,'.. ;: Mi . niol.v -.- ;i i . , .1 84c Ttefined. flrnifr.' i |