Show 1 I ll 11 I 1 arrivals immigration on ao idar richards from liverpool slid and thomas S willia insa jo bahe lion of J M horstm Horii 4 r co arrived Ati august glist 2 Y pm I 1 I 1 E eldr idor richards left on the aith uy Y pir steamer niagara Nia gira anif and lind d iu in boutott bestold ba a the or the same sam e ro D i nth tonia by rall rail via albany Nia niagara gani palts detroit 1 and ana Chip agg where he arrived I 1 on the aft ft 8 14 t louiss atme day on 1 hoard ard tha the polar star for far weston where he arrive darly IW hf the of the le and fort leaveu worth bothe afternoon afern oon of the of X auguet agust in som pany with thomas cwilliams george ajl halladay and W 19 G dey for great greatly r tilt lt lake city where lie he arrived oj oft the of I 1 august agust iu in good health andi and i cioe 1 having performed the entire journey from liverpool I 1 to to G 81 8 1 L city in 49 days and in less than 43 4 days traveling tra velling time the di distance froni fort fart was made tn in I 1 I 1 hours of traveling a i velin g time br field arid and company on met hist werft were caropp adwar three thre e miles milea above luramie elders bams jam brown job smith and darwin 1104 arAson we were re camped wl with th their I 1 comp companies antes I 1 near scotts on dinst badr r 0 son and the danish dantsi inta with ab about 70 ww wag ons were camped 1 I d ner near el chimney piney rods 09 the instant I 1 elder diniel daniel D iniel curn with a company of about 40 wagons witt was camped about 30 miles milea above asir ash hollow afi ou the alth hist I 1 elder Eld eldredge an aud a company were camped I 1 about 15 aes inus below the crossing of the S south auth I 1 fork of tte the putte platte on on the logli dinst I 1 I 1 elders win vm empy dorr darr P carusi robert campbell Camp beH and william taylor with ditl the war roar coin jarw of wre were six P posed to be crossing the PI big Z blue about I 1 miles milea below fort I 1 kearney deyon on the ath lust I 1 the companies were generally well wel aad in fine spirits I 1 i I 1 1 the brethren who have been called upon on to furnish aid to their brethren ain on the route will see ae by j the above and by the letter published in this u number it aber from br pratt and others that thai enuch ps altaf steta aoe ift in trien teams and provisions provision will be eMary to enable those now far back on n the plains to arrive in a anything like io comfortable ea ih oh 1 hence it Is i expected that t ty ey wilt doly teal read toe their relative poul tiou and circumstances and promptly and efficiently respond to the call of the pint Pre presidency Monsy the bishops Bia hops to vend back I 1 to roll all ail up in lu good style and season sol I 1 aside from the counsel and requirements of f the first presidency on this subject and aside from brotherly kindness and lu in addition to the coin commandment t of doing un unto to others an a wt would they should dainto us as strict economy and world ly min mindedness d edne as indicate the good policy 04 of a speedy turnout turo turn out forwe for we aru are all one temporally as well as spiritually literally as well aag aang u curatively rat ively or of we are not what wat we profess to 0 0 be e I 1 and shall not attain to what we desire and are looking for andia and if fe we are not one the sooner we begin to act upon those principles calculated to make u us one the sooner we will he be prepared fr for the blessings promised to the faithful 1 in addition to I 1 the assistance required I 1 of y you b by Y your bishops it will be w wea OA f foU those who know bow I 1 they have friends or relatives oi on the road to cast in their help according to their I 1 ability for which they will in no wise lose their reward and confer for the additional bless ilig of q the heart glad fay by evincing a kindly sympathy for fop those these who who are winding the their weary way over a dreary waste to the present I 1 home of the sAl fits I 1 I 1 I 1 faders orson pratt horace 8 eldredge dredge Et frederick I 1 kesler ind and I 1 giorge george halladay arrived in good health and spirits on the of th e ath I 1 I 1 the aa laic na named med fo from in a I 1 short church busin rs trip louis erder pr tt from fri his miss mission bouto to I 1 I 1 washington and Pres presidency peacy over thoi the saints in n th statis states east of the rocky Mount mountains aind and br eld 1 ted red ae gefrom from the presidency Y over overt the lie branch at st louis i I 1 1 |