Show THE MB JURY ake tiie 01 work done JOSIAH GOUGES CASE he is with having committed adultery oases set for trial 1 court resumed session at two oelia nielsen was called in the christian andersen case she knew anna maria jencen lived within half block of her in 1890 had asen einerson Eine raon visit anna maria gensea once he came into her fathers houam at 12 in the night he lived at her fathers house on cross examination aha testified that emerson had hia washing and baking done by anna maria jensen anna had lived a block above anna maria lensen in the of had seen einerson at anna marians housa frequently once be came in there in the evening at 9 when witness was therland there and he had remained after she left on cross examination ebe testified that einerson Eine raon had his washing and baking done oy anna mana sha had also seen anderson there once he was a pi up ha came after ahe did and left before she did C 0 webb the husband of anna webb had frequently seea einerson at Ann aMarita louse once in abe morning he was going away then mr christeneen Christen aen had tod witness that be believed mr anderson was eusty and he would convict him if he could witness had expressed doubts sons ruilt and Ghrist iansen had aard he would convict him anyhow if ha could crose examination had seen ander son at the homo in july 1890 he was taking flour there this was m the after noon to mr booth had scan anna maria at hauae frequently in the bummer of 1890 had boen anderaon at anna marias in the fall of 1890 anna maria jensan waa called by the prosecution and testified that binn arson had never stayed at her house in the she had washed and baked for him and sometimes taken his clothes and bread to his house the case waa submitted to the jury without argument john warwood who had changed his plea from not guilty to guilty 10 the charge of adultery and requested through through W H king bis attorney a stay of sentence for 20 days i which was granted J K ingle appeared for sentence in a case ol 01 unlawful cohabitation to which he had guilty mr kine said there extenuating circumstances circum in the case and asked for a lenient sentence mr ingle promised to recognize the authority of the united states A sentence of 50 fine and coat of prosecution was imposed the cases were diml sed on motion ot J 8 district attorney varian united states vs julia goods JOB ephine christensen Magdalena Kemp frances monroe anetta tucker william 2 and amass tucker the cabe against jacob nielsen ia set for oct and the caad agabios aga ios openshaw is continued for the term the jarv in the anderaon And ereon case came in and presented a verdict of guilty sentence set for monday morning ILS Kielsen M 0 edwarda alfred dunckley Dunck lcy and J T leatham excused from further service aa petit jurors for the teim court adjourned till monday the at 10 the first district court resumed aion at 10 christian anderson appeared for sentence when aaker what he had to gay why sentence should not be pronounced upon he said he was of the crime of which he was convicted the court sentenced him to six in the penitentiary B A corria was arraigned on a charge of gracd larceny and pleaded not guilty case set for trial oct 23 in tho case of the people vs gray A G sutherland presented an affidavit for continuation the case was continued for the term A jury was called in the allworth case W H king presented an affa affi davit setting forth that witnesses ims to the defendant resided in mexico and could not be brought here to testify and asked for a continuation an that ground E M allison objected object ad he did not think the evidence of the witnesses was material and they were outside of the jurisdiction on the court the cort ordered the case continued for the term E M allison asked to have the bail increased and it was increased from to sarah wag arraigned on the charge of incest and pleaded not guilty bail fixed in the sum of the jury that was called in the allsworth case was im paneled in the case of the united states vs joanah gough charged with adultery committed with Jua sphine american fork on the isab of kept E M allison prosecuted and dudley and woods defended mr elizabeth goah was the farat witness callea by the prosecution I 1 am the wife of the defendant was married elohim 21 years ago know josephine she lives in american fork and is about 16 years of age she was at my house about alie middle of september alo left the house to eo home when she left the house she to the corral eliere my husband wm saw them there talking my came in the house a abort lime after ivr josophine sophino Jo again that eye niri die was at her bobae cross it was a sunday ai tera oon that josephine waa in my giouse dont know what my husband waa doing at llie cornil went down to ahei e my lueband was on the outride ot i he fence when he came back from chrt fence he remained in the house all the direct I 1 the mother of josephine iu tho evening of that sunday at her did not toll that paw my hubn i try to pull chine down on the around in the willows hie grand iury here came in and presented ono indictment the aten will be ignored people vs win edar etal people vs sullivan and people fl aco 8 bridge the case will la ted to the jury people vs L A scott elliott and erickzon Erick Bon tha arand jarv presented report and were discharged croci further service report of grand jury for the sept term 1891 in the first district of utah to the hon fudge blackurn Blac Jurn we the grand jorj in nl for the dig brict aforesaid respectfully submit abe following report we have been in nineteen daye having spent fourteen days in tha discharge ot united states bo Binesa and five days in abe discharge of terri tonal we have heard 74 19 of which wera united caso t in 9 of sheea nth ft ere loud 10 cases ignore 0 the remain ny 55 cases were lal cabes 0 4 indictments were fonn dlo iu red inda to the next grand jury tue was in ejected and fondd to be in arnod condition the new is fast aar ing its corn will be when completed a credit to abo ua utah territory abere are patents of which 80 are males and 64 females fe malea tee sanitary condition of abe is bood considering the crowded condition th county jail of utah county was visited on oatho city jail dundei boing repairs re paira the premises were rans erred to abe coulty jail makins it couii aidar ably crowded but is in a good con as coald be expected ander alie i circumstances great credit is due the officers of the afore named instructions for ef fici in the of their re e warde credit is also due me attendants who very courteous and made themselves useful in conducting the grand jury to all parts of building and especially thea maible who willingly contributed to ua all information by ua desired and conducted us through the entire building we would respectfully call the attention of your honor to the condition of one fredrick blake an inmate of the asylum who made an earnett application to ane grand jury for hie release we recommend that a protest be lent his excellence tha governor of tha territory of utah in the apportionment made to pay the expend ol 01 of jurors and others jurors attending court have to pay cash for railway travel and board besides jeopardizing their business at home and have t take certificates for pay for whish only about 65 per cent can be realized isabella I 1 am tha mother of josephine Joseph ineis of age she was home during the month of september josephine wa away from the house on the of september she camo home about 7 or 8 her dress was torn all to pieces her under clothing appealed as if she had had sexual connection she was crying cross examination I 1 waa in meeting that sunday afternoon was away from my house till about G that day josephine was not at home when I 1 got home I 1 was in the house when she came in her dress waa torn it was not torn when ehe went away I 1 asked where she had been she said she had been down to mra dougha Gou gha I 1 havo had trouble with mr dough and his family I 1 had not spoken t mr gough bince we had the trouble up till the time I 1 am speaking of direct mr gough cama over to my house defoia my daughter that evening the gaid ahe had something to tell me ehe asked me where josephine was J told her I 1 did not know ehe then told me that she had ben with mr gough in the afternoon she wanted ma to look after her husband court adjourned till 2 CIVIL CASKS SET FOR OCT U S va joseph page et al 2 cues U S v john W shephard U B vs B M williams OCT 17 S v emma J dark et al U S vs E W fox et al U S vs geo A mardock et al 2 cases anna marks va duehl mcmurphy OCT ir hyrum V jonea vs J W stewart effal W L burrows vs john L pierce OCT altu D 0 barrott va nephi melean efa al W 0 burrows vs 0 G kimball Kimb sll W L burrows vs isaiah llewellyn bov ZD D C reed vs meadow improvement live stock cc bros vs M erlack co egbertson Eo bertson brockbank vs charles brash etal howe thomas fowler peter vs jaa VT hunts maa T hamback va orange seeley nephi robertson bertson Ko ys lare kielsen M mincer vs J 0 jenes et al NOV aru R E et a va sioux con mining co john U chirp ct al ati N S at al farat national bank of provo vs JA de valley ei al George vs Kliu cr kovath harry B hushes s bead jamas thomson ys feure 0 scott sarah morgan va aunie alaia moore andrew forayth vs james ci adu KOV ari andrew olson et al vs H S love leas et geo C thomas v W H monahan et al elista stevens yn thomas woolsey ot al john mcchrystal vs H selleck KOV joa grange vs philip E hontz et al wallace L dark vs marshal tilden bov petersen v joseph caiton Ya Iton teja ret erten vs john watkins KOV provo woolen mills co vs howe taft singer mag mfg co TB willum probert consolidated implement co vs J A DaVa llev et al john U william sharp et al NOV herbert lute et ai vs american fork city fabrian ys D C reed et al W E mahood vs pleasant coal co A wightman et al vs sioux con einink jo NOV win partridge vs rio grande wee tern hy co M E vs james burns et al george stagg vs A 0 smoot ut ul NO C E Sho abridge va ellen E G jones NOV anna va john T sullivan Suli ivan et al DEC mammoth mining company vs jenab conaty et al THE printers ball tonight tire party tonight at th opera giouse will be the ball of the asa son just step in and see them gnp the licht fantastic toe TICKETS are only a dollar for tho printers party at the opera houe tonight SOL smith eursell is not going to visit manader graham baa received word that in order to play at denver according to contract mr knisell will hava to skip aspen and leada till |