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Show apg ttenarsene dn ‘Young 8 his out, + o he. Pode pliments, hepes you are well, and requests hate acquaintance of a small present. ? *<Does he?? replied the'boy, ‘return him ae Ail’s For thee Best, All s for the best! be sanguine and aot : Trouble and sorrow are friends in disguise and wise. —AM’s for the best—if a man would d but knowi it t; ‘Providence wishes all to b3 bles hig is no dzeam of the punait or poet, ? Heaven is gracious,and—all’ s for the bests Ail’s for the best! gst this on your standard, Wiurrnn but confiding, Providence tenderly goverus the rest, | by The Having gained had fre- for his trouble. — he opened the *budy door and putting the fish on the floor tried out rudely; ‘Mag ter bas sent Cae atur 4 ahd Sete so ee 3 t § P? 4 eo he te bot!’ “Advertising City, are York Ente RPRtst, at our lowesé Versus ° ease eash re. are two Opposing: of schoo citizens, and 3 @n the on er sp innerets, With one of issits from each ite Togs, and forth wi! ‘th there fibres of # ean exnet one: but a thou sand | presses (> ° a &ia'e -faim th, silk is prepared. spin a ifs read, it Whe the spider wishes to Te iis SrA pla ced four der eae ef the creature’s body are lenger ‘han th or six little knobs, each not are outlets of cer ‘tai, peint of a pin. — Tiacee owen, where the —yeceptacies within, the abd Dram Shops. and ~~ A SPIDER SPINS. thiogs ais more wonderful than spining app? ratus of thespidere hes is >} sbops. sy stems, the 30. eontering benefits; the other making. bad citizens, and soinflicting the createst of Rience the legislation evils upou the Sate, systems is i mmeas~ tuo that Feiates to these urable more important than any other. Which of thesa systems does most to — Tho work« the character of the people ? on similar errands, but had addmission, eS largely by its schools greatest never received auythiog Few ae charactor of its people. apd ivabis’ mad, the by he coolly most important‘interest 0 Dean Swift one day sent him a turbot as a gdently been EF Schools making zool "present, - *, A one servant lad who Co. HOW “Juss right through t} ere, sur?” of 2 where of the. stick. They friend tone, pointing to the end £ Pouiteness.—A de, Pet, turning to him, and BLE surround’d; angry an , who the owner. had cut that stick. ae Hope and be happy, that’s all for the best: A. Lusson. in New Row Al Park authorized to. receive aavertisements for ibe of plantation, was met “ei ees Providence reigns from the easi to the west Seta Hs Cur son day a a shillelagh from ayoun.,, unbounded, and, by both wisdom and mercy George P..Rowell & Sr, GBoRGE after having just cut ye strive like eman for the best! unbiass’d, fate, Agen TRI ad Rig a i Vaiss. Ir—OQne manded of Pat, in AlPs for the beat! then fling away terrors, Meet ail your feare and your-foes in ‘the yan And in the midst ef-yeur dangers and errors, All’s Newa. schovis Ne Pea Ses pnblic the Boston by done _ extensive¥work Emerald Isle, traveling on the highway, the And the frail bark of tnis creature is guidin& ; wisely and wearily—all for the best. BY hore is the preofof ar equally correction. Te public charity or public tien that demands epemern ereccmns em ee ote A way-wearied swallow, or heart stricken dove, Trust like a child while giade one eighth of iis population to a posi+ a ‘Who to the shores of despair may have wander’é. best! be aman Gflicial reports prove that the drinkirg heuses ef Bostoa ce- enjoyed the boy's coolness. mo NL “Soldier of sadness, or rilgrim of love, Ajll’s for the and overseers ef the poor. self! trap, The Dean, thuseaught in ‘his own and gave the boy a crown laughed heartily, for his ready wit. The teacher as well. as the teeter cteond will not he ager) ¢, jeason at that time that w encngh 4o | forgot.- me he bey certainly kne The Dean Make hig way through the world. and wee have: no dourt was very fond of fun, #4 Nothin: “but folly goes faithless and fearful, Coeur age forever is Bappy of those relieved ) into the bands ef the police for your naidshaal kg, and here 9 pas a crown by — Hilf a million is spent for ed « ueation, and four inillions for drink, Bes-(om sends some 35,000 pupils to its public S SCheols, and permits its dram shops tose n¢ more than 35,400,600 Cincinding the families | how, said; Bir,master presents: his kind com, Gowen families are s: ipported or four hundred quis te the knobs, finen’ss gbat it is only become visible tothe naked eye. six thousind strands. Using these clawa | when duets of all the spinnerets are united Pr aes eet example. an Boston: for the city of selling rum. a low up to the door, and making | ig (rite.. eeu eee came probably the cities In or four thousand byt ieaching, and three going Dean the and most patronage. Three ! Ybe boy sat cown the Take you how to behave esis ee the future teach EY Neuro jn ANN UM. PER 76 cts. TERMS SOs Places, and I will schools: hev2 the schools In the tcivus the the reverse change in my chairwe,will Si! down ners. Editor& Proprietor. : you better;"man- a.message P “Let me “teach Published Monthly ms SG 4B JOSEPH CARPEN TER, s you deliver the, way aay chair, ‘ 1s that ml erat AND that © dram shop is by far more direct than says the Dean, rising from of the spider is thusa tiny repe the pre re thatihey The ‘thread? of f2ur- ce The twistir g into one cord is performed by e hindmest pair of legs, which, like the Fest are furnished with three claws apree¢as fingers, the little rope maker twists his group of thread inte one with surprising r@_idity -~2x. mares BNPTRRPR RISE. IS PRINTED man’ 18/ JULY, Ul, tT ABORGE, MT. J ERE THR pa-) von. 4. et ORION EE | pers, rhe at Rice . (Combined VOL, y |