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Show V 2A OEStRtf NEWS, Monday, rcrii-j&g&m- JSHm iridasatf 21, 1969 April Sew By Associated Press Swiftly rising rivers, swollen by rains, posed new threats to New England and the South while flood control today workers along tHp rampaging Mississippi held their breaths, hoping newly built levees would hold. In northern New England, some rivers began rising above flood stage over the weekend after a heavy rainfall. The U.S. Weather Bureau in Conn., issued a Hartford, warning of flooding later "on ' h v England, In the South flooding was predicted today along the Savannah River at Augusta, Ga. many major rivers in New England. Roads were closed by flooding in Vermont. Telephones in Westminster, Vt., were Knocked out when water damaged a cable under a bridge over the Cuiinecticut River. The Connecticut was reported to have risen five feet in 24 hours at White River Junction. A flood watch was set up throughout the state. New Hampshire and southern Maine are also menaced by rising waters. Along -jT W?0. H .. Chattahoochee the River in Blountstown, Fla., waters rose two feet above i flood stage. The the flood was expected to crest at 20 feet Tuesday. The situation was, for the most part, under control along the Mississippi, which began its rampnge last week. With the precautionary evacuations out of the way and levee construction virtually COUNTRY SAGE UNDER GUNS r6L-j2hiS 90 Adults Cornell Officials ,: . Sign Amnesty Press Internationa Cornell University administrators who signed an amnesty agreement while black students stood over them with guns have asked a faculty committee to drop proceedings against five blacks Harvard U. Students Take Over' CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Several hundred stua deans ignored request today and walked into an administration building at Harvard University and declared it "under siege to back up their demands that the university sever its military connections. The students gathered outside University Hall shortly after 11 a.m. and, as planned, entered the building at noon. Assistant Dean Archie Epps stood at one door urging the students to stay out, but they (UPI) dents AP Wire Phot 77ie Original Miss Clean of North Stonington, Conn., carries on her campaign to keep her free of can be seen almost She litter. community daily riding her bicycle around the area putting litter into the attached basket. Those wo snow her claim she is over 80 but Miss Price v vy admits to being over 21 Miss Maud Price one-wom- . Measles Posing Threat To Health - : WASHINGTON (UPI) The States, in a major public health decision on German measles, is gambling that predictions of a serious epidemic of the disease in 1970-7- 1 are incorrect, it was disclosed today. The most recent outbreak of German measles, or rubella, in 1964, caused at least 50,000 abnormal pregnancies in the United States. Of these, 20,000 children survived but with 9 a United a I 4 11 9 ' k t deformities, including congenital cataract, deafness, heart disease and mental retardation. in Epidemics of the disease run cycles. DESERET NEWS SALT LAKB CITY, UTAH ' Editorial OHIc. M I. Pint South Advartlilnt on Clrcvtalkn 141 1. Moll) It. : salt Lake City, Utah Mil . Establish Juno IS, 150 Published ot the Salt lake ch evening. Enter Olflco Post ot e.:ond class mat- city ta Act at Congress, lor occordm ' , Mirth 3, tit. Com. The Desorol News Puh"-hl- n tor pony assumes no rosoo-sibil. contrlb-and photegroohs , manuscripts 1ted. Photographs an articles may. . too reprintedin only with wrilton pormis-advance. oign given CARAIIR DILIV1RY RATKS CO One month (de'lv only) . Si SHOO . Six month (dolly only) 34 00 v boo year (doily only) s loo no month (doily and Sunday) SHOO , Six months (defy an Sunday) SJC go . no yoor (daily and Sunday) MAIL DELIVERY RATES 13.00 mo. (Sunday by conior) S3 35 mo. tally only and Sunday S3.50 mo. 4 mo. 1 SO . Saturday only , I . , Church .- ' ' . Ntws only yr. mo. 4 4 00 3 00 In a statement released by the U.S. Public Health Service last week, Surgeon General William H Stewart recommended immunization of young women first European scientists at a recent ru.ella conference here argued that if predictions of an epidemic are correct, the first protection from the vaccine should go to walked past him and buildswarmed through the ing. Most offices were locked. Elsewhere, most of Harvards undergraduates returned to class on the first full day of classes after a student strike 4,800 was postponed for a week. Some of the crowd chanted "Dont go in but the SDS-lestudents went past Dean Epps anyway. Epps shook hands with some of the students as they went into the . building. d rc Blacks at the Ithaca, N.Y., school seized the student union early Saturday and evicted parents visiting for the weekend. Apparently some of the 80 demonstrators had guns then. Sunday, a yellow car drove up and two black students unloaded two packages of guns. "The revolution has come. Time to pick up the guns, white students chanted. tn-.- l cu.sida "I guess man understands better how to rake hit world a hell than a heaven." Court Hears New Charge From Powell The black students then emerged from the building, armed with 16 rifles, three shotguns, broken billiard cues and clubs and marched to the Center. They 12 armed guards posted around the center while university officials signed an amnesty agreement on the steps. Stephen Muller, vice president of the school, said the to wanted administration avoid summoning civil authorities to oust the demonstrators. "The university knew what the consequences of such an action would be and the trouble that would arise,. Muller said. Muller and Vice Provost V. Keith Kennedy also agreed to obtain legal aid lor the black students if civil actions are brought agdnst them; to make the school responsible for damage done during the U Ain; to station a guard around - WASHINGTON (AP) The Court's order of Supreme business today was a hearing on Adam Clayton Powells contention that the House of Representatives did not have the power to exclude him from his seat. The Harlem c o n g r essmans attorneys argument was that he had been legally elected and met all the constitutional qualifications for House membership and therefore had the right to be seated. Lawyers for the House based their arguments on the contention that the House had the right to judge of the qualifications any member and the court has no right to interject itself into the affair. Powell was denied his seat in March 1967 after the House concluded that he had misused $49,000 in government funds and demonstrated conduct "c o n t n macious toward New York state courts a slander suit considering against him. n the schooli center; and to grant amnesty to all demonstrators. The black students promised "further confrontation if the administration did not honor the agreement. fashion action. Todays fashion action turns on tradition with the newest body stylGreat new looks ings in suits sport coats and slacks at for spring and summer . . , color, patterns, fabrics. Everything for the fashion carr.er Church delivery fashion. Crowd Watches i Li if s man is ci: Hospitals in Baltimore reported locating more then 130 persons. Maj. William A. Harris, chief of the Police Departments Community Relations Division and a Negro, described the trouble as "the blacks beating up the whites. The Police Department confirmed that those arrested were predominantly Negro and those injured predominantly white. The rally, attended by YORK said, three of the gang attacked him with knives as the unidentified girl looked on, holding her rabbit and laughing. (UPIJ-- Ue several youths Although from the gang were questioned after police round the Sunday police tracked down the labbit, questioned his owner, and issued a alarm for Marty Ricco, 19. They said Ricco was one of those involved in the fatal assault on Mark Rozenfarb. rabbits owner, only Ricco 40,000 was being sought so far in the death. Police did not release the name of the girl with the rabbit. Police found the rabbit and the girl Sunday by touring pet shops and questioning residents, of a lower East Side slum neighborhood. Princeton Votes To Admit Coeds PRINCETON, N. J. (AP) -PUniversity has decided to accept 130 women undergraduates this fall, the first in its history. Police said Rozenfarb, 2a, another photographer and a model were looking for a slum backdrop for some fashion pictures Saturday when' six youth3 ordered him to take their picture. rinceton 223-ye- was cursed at, pushed, and window beaten with a sash as tenement dwellers The decision by the board of trustees was announced Sunday by university President Robert F. Goheen and James F. Oates Jr., chairman of the trustees executive com- looked mittee. When Rozenfarb refused he six-fo- on. Finally, police teen-ager- was s, mod- eled after an orderly and successful event last month in Miamis Orange Bowl protesting lewdness and obscenity in America. Its themes were "brotherhood, respect, responsibility and love. Wade H. Poole, deputy police commissioner, said some of those at the Baltimore rally apparently became bored during the entertainment and speeches. As the departing crowd streamed down exit ramps, fighting broke out. a Witnesses, including Negro police officer, said youths clustered around the exits began tauntand hitting ' shoving ing, whites as they passed through Negro the gates. 152 South Main TRAVELWARE GIFT SHOP o 'zottosfo ALE! limited offer ! springy fabrics in seersucker, tweeds, twists, or plains . .for all occasions this spring and summer. 18.75 final clearance special selection lurtlenecks $2.50 New selection, What Lovely Diamond HEARING AID' Another 52 persons, all juveniles, faced Juvenile Court action as a result of the wide, spread disturbances in the area of Memorial Stadium, home of the Baltimore Orioles, where the rally was held. lion-lik- Colors, and patterns bold and brawny break out for the nowest sport coat look ever. New No one is really sure. At an international rubella conference here in February, Pr. Saul Krugman of New York the conference University, chairman, was asked whether he expected a large epidemic in 1970-7"Id predict not, he safd. But I may have to eat my words. areas Souris River locally called the Mouse, continued to e batter Minot N.D. in sport coats years. This would leave the United States vulnerable if another rubella epidemic such as the great pandemic of 1964 should occur in 1970 as predicted by some epidemiologists. e.i.v way. The action young man. The United Stales has decided to begin a program to immunize the carriers of the disease, children ranging in age from 1 to puberty, but public health officials expect to htive vaccinated less than half f the children in k.,is age group in the next two News harms Jack-Davi- reg. $4 value ) ond only high-wat- girl stood laughing and stroking her white rabbit as six of her male friends stabbed and beat to death a young fashion photographer. demon- those who would be susceptible to abnormal pregnancies, malformations and stillbirths. Eurttu ot Circulations. Member Audit BALTIMORE, MD. (AP) Ninety adults faced trial on disorderly conduct or assault charges today as the result of scattered fights which broke out Sunday at a Youth for Decency Rally. The young fish which w'ere to have been protected by the levee, were hauled from their pools and shipped out of forecasts. More than 600 Wisconsin residents have been moved from dwellings along the Mississippi banks with as many as 100 more ready to move if necessary. NEW arrested in an earlier stration. yr. JSO All mall subscriptions are poyablt in advance. - high-wate- jium ' By United Charged In Fighting Army engineers were admitting defeat at another point on the Mississippi. At Genoa, Wis., efforts to build a levee around a federal fish hatchery were abandoned. completed, Wisconsin settled r down to a week of in confidence. James Gmentzel, deputy administrator of the state's Divicovem-men- t, sion of Emerg-- '' said the levees should unless unexpectedly hold, heavy rain upsets the wash & wear t n 7ima-arar- f(GGAG white slacks sizes for all Bargains PRICES ARE ; EXORBITANT! VL Salat commissions, ether sailing Costs not for moke tar higher prices Whiter hearing. Why pay for them? Special Selection Nylon Available in 1 4x. w'.tle cryelbvr windbreakers ld 8o all colors, all sizes, 3 styles ur price for fho finds) hearing aids merdo. TOUGH, LIGHT, MODERN AIR TRAVEL LUGGAGE FOR MEN & LADIES $110 is Playboy Magazine Approved Fashions Buy From Us SAVE ; $75 to $150 t Bt convinced. Phonj come in Be fitted by SAMUEL S. TAYLOB, the only hearing aid dealer to testify ot )he U.S. SENATE (KEFAUVER) investigation of hearing aid prices. ?K5I DRIVI-I- N ; ---- COMPANION Reg. $21.95, sale CONTOURA Only $100.00 Set Easy Credit k1 . 25 LARGE AIR PACKER Reg. $32.95, sale . . 25 . . . . I Reg. $21.95, sale VANITY CASE Reg. $18.95 .. . .17 14 No Other Matching Sizes, Attaches, Tates, rTi TAILC3S sad I. Fold-Over- s, CLOTHIERS 120 fio. Main 3612 SO. STH (AST -- . WEEKEND CASE by PARKING TAYLOR MAN'S SUITER Reg. $32.95, sale . . . ALL PARKING VALIDATED etc., to Choose From |