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Show m r, K?r,v''pW y v-1,- ft4 THE DAILY INDEPENDEIjT x , 8airLake;CHTUtalt4: . ., tftei tell yfk wxiterinthe " NW.ToriIY the following ;.tbt factor of which; ha BODS. UIl OcUiiVOLLAJID BOB saya, in'fkui! for! the first time made - ;; ' 2, of public Give n tbtt Uorm vad .tempest Fore number of years previous to the deed the lhan anduclionfrather thought wer of the rebellion there resided in the cttfaaof ignoritaoo end fnith J.btoiidj me city of Wsshiagton a woman who, inad-diuo-n from EJeit wjwnott' to the of an excellent , - - . ;i- - : - advantagee ueectof the fruit of thrtreeof education, possessed "n5 charming manThis T the'splwriem on the ner; end - the means Vy which she was title pujjt of Colonel SlrJtrt O. Inger enabled to maintain a most excellent soFrom' whence those means Hull now famous book, ;'Th Gods and cial position d not was known to at strik- jam Other Lectures," a volume of nor did it inquire. Mo act ot imargo, ing and original merit. It is dedicated propriety of word dr : deed was ever imto Eva A. IngcntoU, a woman without puted to1 hor, but Sho ws received, wherever idle chose to herself; superstition.": The preface contains bu vifh all courtesy, and lapresent turn her hospJ-vilit- y two lines, .and these. !descripriv was I always : cordially . accepted, of two views. . The- first represent dhe was originally h from .one of the ' thr.--e high crosses with human beings Southern Stows, was a widow, or passed ss such, and hadV& v. retched upon tv o of them one ligure a sen omuenve nacoaTxaJ' thsl of a malefactor,' writhing in agony, like- herself, tnoved in the1 beat .Who, another a passive and loving I8r ' society : of the ; capita!,, esiwcially that a indicated is while ly circle of. it which was ; moat dishuinuuity tyr, gruujf made up of a Voman and her tinctively represented by the diplomatic children burning at the stake thick corps. A! distinguished attaches of j the British was,' in fact, eumqwhat forms the base of the cross placed be- marked Legation to the daughter in his attention tween the other two. This : view is herself a i married woman. A There scribed, "For theLove of God," ...The were those wbo.rde airing ro look beatcond shows three telegraph poles, with neath the surface of things pat this and of similar con- that together, and eonceircd ; tho' idea wires stretched, that tliu d'ldumatic representatives of struction to tlss crosses, btaring Eussia conid tell a greats deal, if they the iabwript.'J'Fib lhtf Use of Man.! cliot,aa to whence came the income that The fancy is ' suggestive and unique, to enabled two such charming ladies .to grace so effectively' the gay assemblages say the laast. So much for preface." where they were ever present. lie that The Table of ' Cdittcut H in ' tlm samp as it may, the cloud that burst in fury 1361 liruught original v. in:, 1 i'll 'OixU An honest over ibis unhappy luul in Wx-iu-l to ul the life of womlerf 2. iosin.r lioUest work of changes (iod is tho ' dtUni sud the AThe the bugle capital. Humboldt The universe ia govt-rneviolin ami harp j and the the replaced liia ' the by law. S. Thomas Paine With glitter of dijdo- epaulet outshone-J 5- A name left out the History of ' Liberty malic lace. naudina;' --vThe same that' . : : diplomacy over - A A Mteh lMOiaiue. Salt fk JAMES - v- ' 7 i .... ,1. JOHN A. FISHER ... -- fc t 7. . i s. a, i.. , i ' . O. Uos. uuiii,1 13. -- - fll s k .? - . Two doers kbtO. 7 .. V .. .s.jf 'i f jai-t- f - - . , . c- - br ?: y 'H .Vz-t- - ' V . ' - ' 'hv'I J - Vh, I z i - v'. ed ' Wiilk- - . V :. it s C ' .O' . sS- .is -J- 'i-.- f : - ? w. r noaiRSTia re&aiaxiAXB V' . jI ym. ! - ; , i, - s.tv r . ' . . , : v ,'k, . - . j 8 r , :, ir - j TS . j - : j; - i 5k Powder. Fuse. ; Fuse v; MARYSVILLE - : , ; MILLS la Blankets, yndarshlrtj, F:ann-.la- . CaWforvi 1 ;i-- ' VV : ly. , iltaworj an TlietFliaosi Cigsrs V- . :; ilfiri b I - Vf- - ft vd. ab-xeii- ce pr-itc-iio- aelf-posehsi- : H i ' head. "th ;Ct - S ou y) ? Wt? V- - .y-- 5 : 't IFIff. id judfa fur yuurarlvee. wt A b: . ' ; '.VS ?! V.Ti E&LlitHALE A : . s ': :r r'. JB. v. . . - - jii y - v iilf roi eay A&vrr & -i . . i A WV--4- , ' .If's PH O rACPl-- y.v- 5 M AI M -- ; yuaxEa-- iFt:u a ;j A? i a G AIUbr. ' i' iW- - , .1 v , ' tSs e :, v i A 3 .l! 3ET i- -j a full AN DISE ! tiurLTrnt of - iHtnUtia of the Jobbing oo--l I'hbUjt Trw tr i: liiiiM. , Cell eiul auit tuwiue for vu, ji-ittrl- t Pimmit'i ; '.;,vr S. - Existing between Turkey and tfw - m- uk K -j Petlrn. Opposite Wells, gargo X! 3BC 323 (V Reliable n u.Ibtit. . ' AVJS v: - Utli XO A Mi,,i(xt '.l...aj 3 . ' (mrMiick v ixt.iriM frf. it VS d Cq. aiala gt B A 33 S ? X3XX T Raou vi ro i ; a prolncr.1 l-- tiie me of soy such Wines and Ltquum aa an , kopt In atw-- at y X-.- ! A sv;r , ' -- i ! pecialty.Jg jjh, ' , WALKER yunOTHERS '&S COMPANY; yb V' T - d Wi . e . '4: A: Jr' J xe te ' OP' ,rtm I.J.U : r - ' s. : v ; ESdilSII SS . ALE tril Ceufe per xleu er iiftj iiu per iiian . t : ' ' - Better the assured and mighty cm Just turned friend, than the uncertain wth knowledge n tv trust w werid that in advance j it should oc.cuufidcil only to y patronage of jronaistant mercenary isle-- th(fM u turn im-To establish the eNfeatf etrdiafcM ith the : pyaUvely htcsfctry" that it eiwuid le lorio msy prove to be the causa of all known. In f net,' it voi a Cabinet secret. the mystery and secrecy ; nud delay on I imparted undt r .seal to the coiummlir the part of IlusHia regartling the urmis- - of the expedition, to Ui re vedbal only at d must 1m: the moment of .'sailing.". Twenty' tice: "We two, if you ph-asfo ar&fige the preliminaries of (and soldiers, 3JW saiiloni, and 7l vesels estate kfaY. -- ,L ' S. L. VAfv & CO., - "A Hoa tUous-alioWe- tfiiiT formidolile forec. ; ''r . . tiff' - - ,vr :5 ; v-- . TASCIXAXIXO SOCIH CS , FRIES li,f? IJtwfncHs Iropcrly : ' k,,i vli a'.'j , ' w . at most patriotic and America's ' . I worlars of c;libru, great hoiis, guns toils o! ammunition, stores of 111 kinds in eitorniocH qiautities,- trained' otihvrs tbs flag to victory iu wlisrhad follos-eoilur climes, .brave men who hod; given ail to their country.lTte :?'$ '$0? . ROFX OF A OURAY XAtlOX ctfi ittelf Upon a terrible V - i.- . . On the fcistallment- plan. - . Loan and STeyotlato ' o nmi ' ? s5l'.-kA- . - v.fv' '. Mt' !. IStaiy i, ym v '.' .a s , Scarchlni; of Records 'i .! ' 1 . ;. ? ESTABLISHED ?!AY1,187S . Th Public of Salt Lake WbolSMle and BcttU Dealers in Ctahand Califande rtnh saifd gnitiug to Ann! K. kteCInnnbnn. PafehdMit -- You1 are bcn?by minimi to appear In an aetton ferunfat milMt ,wn by lo nuuvm Uuart of thn rm'. named plaintiff in the WUfrM Tblnl Judicial District of tha Territory of PUH and to answer the complaint Sled therein with in ten daja. (metastve uftfao lUjrKMtiet) affe-the oervlre on' you ot Itb ouwimvbo If v Vegetableff, .. Served wltnlu thiscoauty r oe, if served out of vr;-vthis rounty, hat In Ihu dUtrlct, within twenty j;-'or judgment nays ; otherwise within forty dayn ' .f, j ' sj by default will be taken autlurt you, according tetbu prayer of aald coiupleiut.' obtain a P v i. The nid uutjoaia hreuKht bt butsv of thla Court dlaaolvlnji the boudaoruistrtauony w the plaintiff awl now exlatlng hvtu anl bareudent, open the gtonud of Wilffnl doner defendant. tlon of tdMutut by "t you ate bend mdlilwl that If you fall t above appear and euawerthe cold iwnpliliii aa to ap4y : the required, the oatd: plaintiff will Ctroccflcs, Court fur the relief domanded tbeft-ln-. M. HomrcmWo the Wltawt, Shooffrr.. JnJgc end tho awjl IMbtrli-- t Oort of the Third w tk the JKAL iudWtei Platrlet. in and for tho yl . Territory of Utah.tbia SRh'dey one thou ef Jan nary. In the year of cur Lord tfr sand tight hundred and sseventy-eight- . C. R. BILL, Clerk. Si rsi Soulh fctreet. By B.F. Hiul, Deputy Clark J P.O. Box. .y TUforJ k HOffan athwiMrya for piaintUL Have so far appreciated our odbrta to aosnbtoe FASHitn,.' ( Dutter, trf -- 0010 and JTih ULVrtng. that nurpn-Mu- t prendaaa aft tender Haring , taJ tw of for tto CLelS uf thn building wo hope toyoore pnt onreelven in a poritlon. with oar increased forilitko to v;y ft?Hwreh, A,-- , T :r- Voiutir, Gsosrd More than doublo our pros .v r: - VJP-- km n - RdCanyonf:ibv!.:-- 'y: ,yi :v Viv j f s j. y - 'St ' OPPOSITE 7 1 v--.-- ;- j.-- ' - ' y1.; tlahne MB .P7 .. : v Kr. It iu Bouxs Try BCCIiliE d: Sal Lrka Clty ' Salt Laes Cot, Cxailv uJ !? THE PARRCR CUH. : clean, airy, comfortable qnlfet, whore the truvJer mnl toaiid ran Balled. v. On. block frotu Main strsci and blocks friHn the, Btiliuvl htutbin. . . w ill lirtf , Uke - 81.69 T0 83. PSK day;: r M, - . A . HOUSe THE TKMPLB, cur or lamsilma I id lAidy, Assorts J 7 EithTOutrevt i,s The only reliable mii( ilouiw. tUe y'Hto SUd Eg Uuul. ' Ftfe'l you ; fa.1 weight guaraubnr-l- . Prices low. Hj rtataUenttos nivrn to the ,jnU of the public,, 1 Uffieoin tx Vuton Pm1x Sxrewt lnpaay b, Ui rt jnl Kites kVBJCNS .r; ? ..JOHN la.! V;: Main St. Opposlta Walker Houao, VA L L EY: v'Rocli Spring. - . v -- ent Business. 'Oentlesneu have no ereoahet to go either East or Went fur their clothing to prove the fact. ' I ntH. y; ,L. j & C OV, f--' -V ty- - .. TH 0M A S t . s . d 'r' - 's- u 1 Theneuiloot the IbIihI btl In tlteTerrihiiy : and . V- U of' . :-- - Lt J34m ham-tidor- ymf .1 9. mlH3hhrr8.'lTtqiricfor . . ! gands cannot mankind, to call and examine our stuck. Kimball block, 3- V$!$; Of the Secretory, Davis was inode aware of it at the wun time; Ilcuid cii c cu n Klceamt Nevertheless, the writer 'still kept his ' Hr-couusti-: knew that at the own moment of sailing a council ot war was ' to bo held, and,. the budget would be 0! c .d;CIicap.Ifo-iinanil there unfolded; sud, if the then formation given o him through n cImii-n-cl so laoustrous ishouhl nnforthuatcly prove la be trao, that it would not too late to make the terrible fad known. Al prides that defy competition. The hour came fur the council to be held. 'S, wai rs beheld i Never did Anicric-o,W seen that sight w. uigi'jlletnt us was '"'r ' Tb finest V- J day, in lampton Howls. TTi har kXil m few fir , stesnu-raf tho' Isig-eiioldect the a, v, frigates, U been gstli-u- d REAL ESTATE merchant:. ships ln FOR SALE CHEAP, together, filled wi.h cbthasiastie anil-Jefferson'- h , ' - 1 ' n . . 3 & - . . . JuOK-U- l - the the eve id its departure, bat was had its cmburUud, lmji inp;irted to, tho wriL-r- - not by tha lrws-iilu- il, T .. . i '&.with whom 'lie was', in' (uoislaut iue contact, Rot by a t'iia';t MiviaUTf ; zx.:3' uf whurn 1m saw nearly every day, not by to offer to Ibeir patrons a pjei-n- ra Java the the chief in' comiuan.1 of the expedition ; : : - hole twlcoUun of ;; ;caTtf bat the inhirniatiuti uune ; thnngli the - V . r .- L;tah Territory. Uuunty of Hut Lake ALKX-AhPKp: XuOUilAdtX, PlaimlLv. ASS K. JUUiULAX AH AX, PefcndonL bt-for- e ! T' f s t at I. Ofe's () 4.TJ- ? VVu :k, X 333 .' S3 : 'T are aa low as' la weirtonf, and onr Ctrl shown in this regln Car prices lnvtl the rea lm of THIS l.NPKPEgPE LIQUOR STORE. ; - r1f. t. ' eUABAXTBB ' SA TISFA CTIOX. J& WALKER BR6THERS a;' COMPANY ,ik iv T;: fi t Opposite Vest Office, Balt Saks City. THK DISTRICT COtT aTXHONR-I- X UUtrfct uf l3 In nud ithe Third agencies:5 Yi SALOOX , ASP 'sf 3;.' oct eterr, opporiU tb Port Office,' we have the flnewt atcck of ' 7., At ' ' s PAKLOK uiwo-mUi- Was li)ot to 2ZT- - Agrurp forMrae. - i;.. - i?r - - JX. ell cdil HOT : A' FANCV: D R I H K8 - con&tiluterl efee.o.eee m. v Yikitm Tuplr cwnltaliy Invited to attend..;. Koroci'o aXu soeexs:. sscset.'jOutmcx-- W. C. T. wirile success lav in thoin- Izna J. Xioasr. W. Jca fact, its it. ,rJ ': JlS-i- f Ir is not at all improbable, a a result t ' wllw were charged of those ... ' ij. violabxhty h .f the war, that Tnk IBl., X wjHeMgB8 sui-rv am this : i,vi .. ith tbi- - kiHjwlt-ilgi',Sj wriu-f.".v nnuh of an oily rouy ,i;afin, CENTER MAL RESTAURANT. th.it tbe lrnst who, at rTTUBRE la a rettanrant In the rear of Claaby stronger by such fc iiislii' erf ! a.ti, ran ly JOE KTtNH. .1 ever been and ) Hui't fvrKv-- t fart, w Hun voudt iluUonali f a ttexuan Heal.' UVbTEHK IX the ii portance require ' 1. L - X- yuUJ h b. rrded - - a Self-relian-ce : eu w Croccricil, Dry Coodii Bsts & Shoos; Kats & Cajs9 t Kardwaro. 'Etc., Etc, All kind ot 0 - - r s' A5T35I v 5S3iJ TO S B'AIB',(t1 Itit I'rniin, Vi:i;iir E N E UAL M E RC II J f. - oio - ' r - Ve u " o w ;- e e y MV - , ".A,! r. ke : - 4 n- o i f itstlT urn. :.!:'Ter c. I - y. r "M - .- - . 4, s . - -f- ' - tC-'- . e: . vs.1" 't, ;f. i :tT, uallu.e. ale. asp Lie.. ; Mans , mV' X' MAuarrTa W H-iy- i y. Knit Goods, iC3t and Boys crt. - - .?rTy Repo, Watorprocfs. Furs. Nub'ss y''-'- AVJ'i,. - r .' ?s5 vh. . teo-Vr- ' it'' Pure Wtno3 and Licuoic, - i WSfllAKEASPlClALTf'OrfAMiLYlilADe. r.,m " . licmi ill riciHuesf Z 'J. ; 'V. : Canned GooJly pf ferftry Klnd.'y':'.''. . A;V; a - v - T i d V .nd kku oKiarsAi.. .. . 1. Lad 10s : Flannels. Linseys - Bacon, Lard. Currsrts, Ham. Raisins, Extracts, Candies ; ' 4 lvv- - Jl-- tf . STOCK or-: Blankets. 'Shawls, coats. ' s' M - Spises, Sauces $.. Pickles, , 'I J U - pitM-lui- e AFUU ' SI4 j. n, it-LT- Lfrfl :d - ' ' Of Stpplo and Fancy coods,Teas, CotiOM, Saga rs, Toaaeoos. 1 in-rao- r AFUiL Ll N B - 5 ; 4y ' . ; - -- ' rice. Genuliis Riveted Blanket Lined Goats. Hunt- - C m Coats, Vets and Overalls. C kighrirs Myers.teMining; candlss; .. V. J rij - ug ?' Oriental V,- Blasting (r . snf-teri- - For Strauss Blast-k-y WINE3vAU&xLIQUORa ' - . y tis ' , .. - v sr5 f r & : Thk best divorce lory wo remember tfl hearing lately cornea from one of the 'Northwest fern States, the facts in which are abonfc ns follows: A : Milesian lady, whoxo marital relations had become distasteful; called upon n prominent attorney in that section bf ' the country, with' view of securing1 hits service in a divorce case, she behtg , about to enter suit agaiust her huabainl. In answer to as to the gror.ads for an apfor divorce, thfc lady itatnl plication with empluisis, Fat gets diunk.v But finding Itfch complaint insufficient, and evidently intending to ; remove furiLer objection, she made this still more emphatic d?clarAtion, "Bat be bates m3." The remarkable vigor,' lolk naiiUl and muscular, exldbltrd by the Lt:ly Ik jug strongly averse to the theory ei her to oiV marked extent upon that score, tiO we:ghty argiuoeat, which che h.nl prfcJiftbly design! "a a clinchr - f AQEN .. ;. iOt thenre iMWn S'?- fc Vv fair-haired on ' . f . jt. lvf- - 0; I .5. i; fun-lovin- " v ',c .' Ing and Sportint: Fcwdere. V , aff-iirs."- - .'i''-- .; Qualitiex a&d 'J' - ' . ' . f v- - - - Vi-sun- A, fcri Oi LARQEAHDFULLSTOC.V A'J : ;. j " e For Cola: Powder Company y d, 1owr; We shall then be pleased to call upon you' u or elsewh re. andrjmve n talk over Tiiis kind of diploEuropean macy puts us muchly in mind of the lion. Humuiir llowoktls taetias in the Burtun-Glint' bail matter V ti be ' ' : AGENTS jr . - peace, O ye watchful . : "''rt t - . ! - - lr.-com-e 0 . Pcnnd in 7belr and Hetfccil ' ' I Sstablishmexit, .?' Coxa isoa asd fully Solicit an ZUpectlos ' ' r fy'1 ? . pm ii. n ..!- '&f . , EVR-AT-LA- tr Buss.-TdrRis- ruaicYSE O'TOCK LlUUilK v f evt-ulug- ' 7 ''13 . qtocs L tJiou Iiams fI - - :. .f - J, ' tv Alarays v om WHITE . j ' OTOCX OTuwT 1BMEVSK ftmM tb M u-- v W k..-- ? IUitta ef Mnfal bajm fer tLo Retail or FoiuRr ; ,'f j- Invite tho ; ETC.1:";'' LIQCOBS, - 'Vs" at WcU. YtffO hOes. oc : . . 4Si' ' - ; iul-mir- lletf. . - .srf.-- HHHMRHOaanUfNM! 0' '. V-- v er - . 1S-- ris .'u ; . . - XfiTAIft DCALEBR Goods, i CroooriSS, ' Miners Dry .?: hUiese kma tho ploue of TO TBB RtOhLB BOCii i'' ;c : : tuA.wi' ijk-. I S - . CARPETS. CLOTHIHG, HATS'. & BEHT8 FURISH1NGS, ' f,' i. .1 t feji-r! STATT TUX SSCCS1S cannot be vritteifi :'4 Individuality jurarf1 Usaa. 5rT-'y.i :V .''H dwelt Vseerets star and war. A nation r.Tuim.' a like Became was soul the of apart. Ilis AGANf liinl the on divided of freemen dkH : a T ILFORD question 5. Heretics aiid Heresies Liberty, idnvc; tho A'ortli manned its ' A TTORNEVS - AT LaVT oases In Trowword without which all other 'words are 01116 battlriut-ntto its A btido-- 'a RuUding. Xsia U, and jtbc South WyiSrtn fain. , iA covi-i-b- , Hll. wivb onr .two Southern-tor- n titlvn Vtlciirib iMSa ' worn in, who had XLis volume Is having an immense and Southern-braso basked in the ; and junshiue of SCHiial heard who IhcHOi U. Eaxohx long K. OiccBiuix. sole and, to those ; best hekrts tender tlicir Mot. that favor.1;'. Col Ingereoll when he woi' at less 5 ib sympathy i for the home of their Ql L C H R IDTs'A; KAIGHH, v.5 Salt Lake, will .he a feast of fat birth, but to them it was verified: "Where said ColleeUon agents. klaiu Strurt, Helt lk Cilr.Lh. things," while those who are uiifuaiiliar the treuHure is, there will the heart bo ATTOKS llodiuM.- Oive KplctoldovoJ rd v wife ..that IVa Keuwal-nathe lilso.' LikeA a with this preacher lay; sad tei.tlwa to Milling Matter. . aetsiy lead Dickens bae made iunuurtoJ they would to as he of (M world, delights preacher never desert Micawber." , Washington call himself, declaring it a magnificent Was their lh-land tln-- bunted; in it fiENNETT A HARKNE88, clearatill The gay attache of Britain waa world" will be surprised at the Office over tbe W. nt by : ail nsorious officer f of AihZSZiZSi ness of view, thatren-balogic, the replaced M.U Mt. Jou, tbe Adjutant-GbUcral- 's Department, and eloquence, the bold icduoclasm and, a diaiingoishcd Cabinet .Minister of. the belt LskeCUv. f g withal, the healthy, breezy, new, regime become the" recipient of the M C KN I Q H T blandishments'1 and smiles of the these which pages. pervade spirit - i. w 6buV tkinixdor daughter, inatead of those whose Attorney - Af A dim, religious light" is 'highly Bank-- ; hsmt formore places were to know them no reof much the but tod "dim, poetical, ever. Often has1 the writer when servLOMAX, ligious" is not healthy. What theology ing under arms' in drieuce of the naTTORSET-AT.lAneeds is o h&vo daylight . and sunlight tional capitol, met : the ' distinguished Ssll Uki Clfty.Vtsk, J- let in upon it. Tm !M described as Minister stroJlir j through-.- : the, camps :j:. s: the with cheerful Christians Is happily on tin t :i;X E. M. BARNUM, axxi rAhcisAsa;rxMAlx fair ' cheersubdued even their increase, yet1 pill Lake On his arm, aa well a-- t at the soda ATfORXEY-ATJ-A- office Banding.: ; fulness is not quite he thing." There at the Ministers house. gHthoriugs lu-iis something inripid about it. Why wh-r- o madam was id ways prettent while, hV. M. HOLLAND. Tff. D., can't religious peeUs rejoice anti be with the aid of the; ide;; she'; added cLurnts AcBtTBd j i fw voluptuous rumens.' inued. gled V Most likely because the proper seldom,' W cbMrct iroui .. tbd eida Homeovatkio however; tw Uou.. balance ami. reeonetiiutiun between the of hc-- eminent host; in fact, in tbe bco, 'Aa. U, Klti estsAaMf ' ' " .V,r of a niuro legitimate hostess, she. sugcl and tho animal iu man has npt a. crfAwronsi..'- vet been attained, because aa the played the purt herself; and did it to and 'Scat1 at, ovo tUf'ikt. with KCuUtl grace BXTfST.' ia no health in Litany has p Thera - wu. However, D cilice. vmftpproaciiablrt. jwr. ns." Cno of Colonel Bobs most lictnmg iu all this to incur cemmre: of meaty rcmaiks dropped, asthe ostrich; the must ' fastidious:,. Unholy srandai SUFFIRED3 FWMTOOTK-ACH- E. i lays her eggs, ia the candy waste of would have been forced to Line it head Dcutist. Eiuiioriau .w. DR. . II. 0.WM.X, will aujd tn-t- with la itml et'Uiraon talk, and vmindin; one of ia Kuue s.l thu worid ttl tiai.- itiiiia- Util uud uycii Sidney Smith if bi.iacd mri.ry . uiiU fliH.'!1, 1uipunuiu re j'ii-t- t itiiUiuiijf. Grove eo could and entfene. coaW not ul, If I wtre omnipotent I would make. evenU were, huweixr lu.--, in tne :r , health contagions instead of disease." womb time, caul among tiieao, was a I SOOT MAKER. The tst i tli city." J. But htalih iiutaious when, us iu plan toof, to ilwr aurtte w( IVuavr' D I Joya rriuuvml itsheurt, u.liiUliitf. Ilis own cUoe, it realizes the high lloman ent off tetnkc the rebellion at: JI-r l)uut. Try Ekiyd'a and its the' very. 'life, cunyhtof. iiltul union of a noginl mind iu n sound fdriiiti what if.fceemiii-frfyowiitilotherlody.i It cannot bet bo contagious. was to A wise expedition grc:t destroy, his Whoever voice, lifts Iugi-rsofFRANK- FOOTEl says: in: foot Unit on nns set to rival proits, whoever Main rtmt. bait Lake City, three 'V of SSATKK. abuses prerogative, 'against swoui-legliiliRir inirtb ot bail Kate lama. ' hcMl td-- i ilie Iving to iluw bis comiaission, portions the bptmiidi Annala,and iul all the, tultson on. its prey wm' to aiui:taui peirl to Maile tMiUk-aor questions iko authority of the priest, Kaiuiilc acat iruua a dii. Iiiiim uf 'Lalllon. rciK-lliocoast of ith the daeud upon whoever arraigns the past at the bar of hi; lud return lual fiuupu aitnidod of the hurricane, ani sweep Miur ou tidunriud Uotf.R nMiiuidi. Jl--lf the priiu nt( will lwiieuuncnid as the the force ojr. vsy from it all the power it gained by mtUiy of Gt.sl and man.the way of the 'sea. of course the plans,' has Wen thought n deadly sin." SALT LAKE LODGE NO.I, the details, the furc, and tspcciahy the By the ay, onr friend Judge Bennett destination of this n iormidablj orguuiza-tibI tEAirLE OF HONOR.;1 aiecta every Wed- Paine at rrpeats his lecture on. Thomas A' liiatiay valli!l o'eWk.it USicl'' teall, was ' ueccsiwriiyj writer ui hwt ifuiie au4 'ihiai buuca atrW. the Institute, Ibis ".1 . jr; ' t x'l . FUtAacsR ix Asxdaxczsra Halt Lkbr pnblio Itai ha kti Polmoa- Takrshia Si JWf. oo w,- s ; 'i i , - otm- Ilf-- Oflle - 1 the We w6rnenskojmdt TTORNEV-AT-TA- A1 r xwiMa - out-spoke- ' : KIHBAtL, rftj? H.- J-'- V.4;Y;'' mt ..f.srJ f'a' i VrilOXJUafilt A30 T' ' S Tfi BPAl toil 8 S ' , ...T-..- : ssiiiattJSgsii - JV. s a- ; V J rT J O M A 8 8 O a , , 5 rr i ' 'S o: City. Vv.'iYMi ; s,. si aS- ;r ' WALEERBUOTHERS, 1 m w mh 'V V;' ' ! oars la ri mm " f: -- js.-- i . ,1': war.-W:.'.- TTORSET-AT.LA- , - .Aiji - y 8. H. LEWI8, : - i A'FrOBXEkS - AT - LAW. - ! n : f f SADDLK IMfCK, . - d ' ' 4 ' ;' : se-cret- s,i: ; , ' i" 'rfi- : n. s-- - f , mid-ocea- AmiHEBraABiiiEE, ; LiQuona. v. , - . V iibTICBOff.tt!BWlOyAfci being enacted before high Ilearsn The writer conid not believe lii senses, nor conid the august council of.war believe theirs. Fortunately for, the cense. fortunately for the country the Cabinet had added to its instructions that the council of war could, in its,' discretion, change' the i estination on the eve of sailing; if in its wisdom it should doeia such a course expedient.- - - It is sufficient to say that, the expeuitieu sailed, each vessel under sealed orders,1 to be opened For Port Boyw and only iii Government first the for victoryrvbich m knew through rebel sources. 1 ;. and its fck mUch for diplomacy And reo much for the ,: power, of . ; . MBW'AtEiniSElClpni SiSS -- distinet-,l-y jnemnonrum A' - . '1' .; f:'-tt-' - V g friend of the Secretary' had v? named; ,What; tha-worl- . Ar-- ns tho;in-stnfctio- vtoiow-lrfdj- e. . ? & : - : v7 ' Upon the fiagadiip; were assembled the few who bad been selected to lead these men to victory, to guide this great expedition to success. .In the inner reeeese of the Admirala'cabin the council asr semblcd.' TheAdoora were I' locked a entihel placed fifteen feet frcrm the.doer on the : ontside, with ordere jthat nono should approach him within a like distance. The sacred budget was unsealed, and in low and iOeaaured ; tones 6f the Government wnamd, and in inspired ; words the ; destination, was told. it was BulTs Bay and Fer- - etata SVcrato'lVm tea SlMSt FaKiuUaai. ,1 ; Yielded 'tha ooundl earn ijaBls .ur ..Meet Xmper&nmt , ffi s 'i 6 'XOMJLXfm'wmLr' '',-.:. - - ftt CllRULAk 7:FARKER BRtfSl JSEND STAMP wcstmeriden.ct. i |