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Show i. ...,womill ....Erirla.911,tos., , , 1 ., ' 10 0 . et PV:e!..:,)::4.9., giV I . '-- , TS a ) 0 L 0 Wh-qt- . .. , , , TheyDid --- -- Utah's 32nd Legislature passed a record of 193 bills and 13 resolutions, other than the usuat resolutions of condolence, regular session which ended Thursday night. during Its Of this moriumental list' of measures which passed both houses, 76 had been signed into.-- law by Gov. George Dewey Clyde. One bill was vetoed and. the others are on his by the Own- toea: trildettoo.dmonly desk awaiting his final action. .911 tag 'Davis and TowlesiDelettMajor function of the bills rig certain vetucles from exempttotti was to appropriate $80.250,- under public liability insurance laws and amending other sections of act. OK to state departments and SII!!11 iDay, Kerr and Selvini schools. a as was of interest Also top at the passage of a 665 million school program,' with $12,500,- "$ren anIr ono of that amount included vin oa,uittiti000r tittayttobea:It!b7snhi 'Tgil ei; Lwniths In the $80 million appropri- a public hearing. Signed by BOVernOf. ated from the general fund. PgrovLdo,ing thzt, coSrpo 1on'tnrw In the line of the spectacu- mortgages on prop. so as far iurtatyhutmstrtlautre Iar, debate, lobbying and Hopkini--9B t tO t Stringham and public interest was con- Too per rmotoittotoheingovfor reoin wcittios bills no received cerned, .greater attention than those de-- to conserve oil and f81. ingarticiles eorlo signed to permit naturopaths c'ol limited to NO Perpetual inatoad to practice obstetrics, minor years. Signed by governm. t Hot 34 Welch and Howe )To persurgery and to administer mit tiroacntset 'aeterineig efarpomdalsustr oocitoottobeaonoki: bY drugs. Both passêd and are tal account. Signed- by governor. now berore the governor. jig 112 eTseaYniet; GroiUdingugfloars Also paS'sed once more was and H o of securities dealers and gales nmateion a bill to give farmers refunds ' KB IN i Welch. Sheffield and Gunof taxes paid On gasoline se state to theriHequiring LectadtreY too Used in off highway far ma- refuse business any kilname Is the whose oton corporation chinery. This time the signs already filed are that the governor will ri ;red agy cioirrci.rnaotrion Taylor Jr HIoloko Hze,AG...1ic,uglatt Uniform sign them into law. Several times in the past, governors GHta to Minors Act' 1:irne:litsitensr; GA Doug have killed such measures new Utah food., drug and coimettcs act with the veto. to bring regulatory laws di this field up to federal laws. Signed by gover Considerable attention went nor ' to bills providing $500,000 for INII t(Winter-batConovor. W. W. Peterson 'awl. lieriUlon brecot. a Salt Lake of o0000roliTiritit totroaototoone et eneortLie,roa.t ite Memorial Theater on the UniIto per mil, of lines. Signed bkgovof Utah and campus versity el nor. MN 139 Howe and Brewster $200,000 for a new governor's ricotta residence. Both have been for ooroeemsorieetto ttitLeetoheoe,? uellefeicoa: ioo 'teener fee frofn 11 to 115 per signed into law. year BR Ile fRowberry. Burck. C. H Following is a complete list- Taylor Wan rdiAuthortzing of bills and resolutions to passbanks aond trust companies to re invest funds deposited under both houses: 4 - t I funeral agreements and providing for release of such funds to depositor on surrender of passbook. RR 141 'Cozier, ranee. Hurst, Collard and Froerer iSetting up a tom.mittee for regulation of manicurists and beauty culturists. EDUCATION 611 64 and HopkitilTo (Haien 1 a create coordinating board for higher education for the State of Utah with a $35000 appropriation. SR 54 (Bullets. Hopkins. Hunter To change the name of the Utah Mato Agricultural College to the Utah State UrilVeratty of Agriculturo and AtPlied Science. Signed by gover- e , ' ...., How ,- PR 1 (Davle. Bullen and Hunter) Allowing boards of higher education to ittatt one revenue bond for or remodeling of two construction or more buildings. Signed by governor 85 11 (Davis. Bullets and Hunteri To allow tees and proorketory funds of colleges and universities to be set up ta a specsal fund to make pay- merit ort rovenue bonds rather than returned to state treasory. 55 101 'Anderson. Adams and Barlows--To set op a voluntary annuity plan to teceivo contributions from school employes to allPhtenlent state retirement and to define other sections of bill including temporary employes, SR 119 I Hatch and Hunter 1To raise per diem of school board mem- bers to a maximum of $3410 per year. SR t i Hafen and Hopkin -- To college-leve- l institugive tions in Utah the right of eminent domain in obtaining lands. Htt 40 sGunthor. Hopkins. Gordon and Hodgson tProviding for a tax of $1 on each automobtle to support (leaking did KeretProvidianimals for slaughtered privaW use need not be indeeted even when killed bi custom slaughter houses so long as such meat stamped "not to be sold." Signed by governor. I Reek la 118 lad authorise livestock marketing agencies to withhold up to 10 cents per bead for tat. tie and five cents per head for sbeeill All AA and swine for a Promotional fund. APPROPRIATIONS said Isekt SR 13 (Davis. Appropriating $100,000 for operation of hen Loke Area Vocational School to epd of current biennium. Signed by governor. 60Prolsrlilin ti tTher5.DPftCIt aton of $15,000 to the State Board of Alcholism, Signed by governor, ttJt SO I Adams. Clegg and 011aseal- -To appropriate 115.000 for eontiou- (once of Utah School Merit Study Committee to June 30. 1959 MI (Die and Davis)To correct In soproprostion made. in the 1953 building bill of 1250,000 by allocating funds to a chemical engineeringg building on University of Utah ,cam-diinstead of to an Signed be governor oII 191 itleed. Jenkine sad Dullest ...In appropriate $5400 for Utah students to particroste in international scholarships. CommitAds-IGRR tit I A agraWriatioas bill. eneral appropriationsS trated by liftVrrnftf.. deft-tit- CIi 143 SIR f to cover 195557 appropriations onerstions in the amount of $i.- 314"1"11. Signed by Rovernor NCI 111 Gootbd. iAppropriating to State Prison for prison vie, repairs and sopervisory training. and 111121 to cover deficit in litat tresasurers department Supplemental RR115 allignotheri sporopriotions bill I GaltihertTo make aoPM tl loroprilltinn of $11,450.000 to school fond cover two years period of 1957. 59 instead of making specific alive.- each year joist for Taylor pit 15 1.1, Anderson. C It 111.000 e nd IrrnererfAporooruning and materials raw of for purehase payment of wares to shop employes at nvden Workshop for the 118 173 aConoier. Howborry. Erickson. C W Larsen ond Brewster' S01.455 for ourehaseAppropriating of property adjacent to state fair mounds. State Imitating Rook in S egg bill calling for 101,70.000 fro!' otate bienoiono construction during 1957-5S igned by governor. alHookin and (Thorn Sada low Date prison to use 11000.000 build-fofor in bill building appropriation purposes as needed rather than outlined in bill. apES 17 (Thorp propriations of 117,300 to Department lif Business Regulation WITSINISS REGULATION 5119 (Fowles and BaTIOW banks-M-Irrreto bank buildiron frog capital or tin amount equal to paid-50 per cent of to on amount equal Dald-icapital and surplus, whtchever is greater. Soloed be governor. 115,100 r 'To lear-s- RR 114 HD 11 IFISI PR ? to administer drum, any (Giboon of a bank. ingtead of hist the 10 present reports of loans .,and investments at board of director meetiors. a SR Itat (Fowles and Stringhom Amendeng law pertaming to imitation diatricts to conform With prodistrict law to al- tonrvaney '7r7eed changes in assessments and thorges. SR dat that Lloyd tP'rovirling 111kg dick bearing a registered. Matte. 1111 -- AND I Bullen - aks ,o . ) , ' 1 '''', 1001 - 't V I 4,), ., ,,,t,,,.. f tot t7 aorea01, - , ''' ''' ' A They fli i: ' Ifi. , ',' le-s- . Did , . ' ,, f--- ,1,- le.- , '1 r i s ,, - ,' ' . i i , ' 0 ,,... i , P 1 ,..e ' - , ; . , - ' - J,.., i , , 1' t I '', , s, t , I ' It )1 ' r '''''.' I Sens. Ti E. Hammond Lakel t and study bills and Dastrup ponder as they wait roll call vote. A Id Here's great many bill!-i'wer- e passed. Some will have only a minor impact on the majority of the citizens. Others will be Here are some of the things the 32nd- Legislature did and what they will mean to the average Utahn: Mony Spnt gram. $200,000 For all this money ,spent;here's what taxpayers got: governor's Buildings With money available, a building program with a new philosophy was set up program calling for funds to start construe. 'fk- - la 2' a ''' 1. 'ir '''s ,, , , "iir assistance was given cities, particularly .Salt Lake City, either through sales tax or permission to increase property tax. Several key measures of the Here's How. Governor Fared Commission did not pass. including proposals to give cities a choice of four forms of Municipal government and permit formation of regional Gov. Clyde did Local man- .'newi look" the same closing time for polls in both primary and general elections got no action. Neither did bilk to abolish the present convention-primarelection law in favor of 1957 Lezklaturv, lie vetoed only nne bill. and that tiecause of some ;,....,I technicalities ' i 461.11 i r f' 4, ' Gov. Clyde his tequested , If Itsh sit iq tloyd horse-racin- Strinsham. ,k.- ''.ea,,, ' - . i ,.,.. , , v ...4 4z'',. ... ,... 1 ' 44,A.ilmaoaswommilmmowmommditsial tutions got the right of city judges. It was perhaps emi- RevenueAnd Taxation Where did the money to pay for all this come from? Not from increased taxes. Legislators approved a withholding tax for workers (anyone who did not file a Utah tax return for the previous year or who has not worked in the state a full calendar year. Sales tax was extended to beer. cigarets and oleomargarine. A new unclaimed property law was passed. That was it as far as new rewnue producing measures were concerned. The rest of the $81.3 million expected to accumulate in the general fund to be spent during the biennium will come from present sales tax, levies and other sources the state now has. Much of it will come from surplus funds, which are not replaceable. There were a couple of tax hikes hut not for general fund revenues. A t per gallon gasoline and diesel fuel tax increase was passed. This goes to highways and to offset the effect of a refund to farmers of gasoline tax paid on gas purchased for off highway use. The other tax hike was a boost of $1 in vehicle registrations to finance a driver education program in high schools. t the most sweeping upward adjustment of salaries of governmental officials made by any Legislature. But the lawmakers did not raise their own pay. They merely are seeking permission, through a constitutional amendment, to set their per diem expense allowance at a more realistic figure. Schools - f nent domain. The minimum school fund was boosted upward to a record peak. with the state guaranteeing each school district which makes a 12mill local levy a $4.800 base for unit. The each classroom present state aid is $1,050. The state, more than the local districts, will pay the biggest share of the new program. Extra money was found for $1.3 million for state aid for school building construction. w a s Enabling legislation passed to permit the state to accept federal aid for school Construction when and if it should become available. Utah ' State Agricultural College became Utah State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. The school merit rating study was eontinued. So was a study of school currietilum. Brigham Young University and other t college-leve- l insti -- - One-cen- Other Programs There was other legislation passed too. For instance: A new divorce bill calling for marital counseling and a eooling off period. Seven recommendations of the local government survey commission to make county. city government more non-profi- fief!. A now statute, governing on trades and regulations professions - to come only where the public needs are to be protected. Regulatmy legislation for natur opath s. manicurists. beauty culturists and commercial feeds. -- "However." he said, "there apparently are frequent executive sessions of committees, to the legislative body itself must bear the large share of the responsibility in this field. Is tops The rating was given by the legislators themselves in s independent surey ronducted by Paul Simon, an Illinois publisher. Ile reported his finding in the March issue of Quill. a ,magazine for professional journalists. Utah ranked with New Hampshire for first place honors in "excellent" coverage of the legislature. Mr. Simon wrote. He. ranked the legislators on a basis of five points for excellent, four for good. three for fair, two for inadequate. ind minus, two points for terrible. On this system Utah tied with New Hampshire with 4.71 in coverage of their legislatures. The lowest ranked state had One big reason Utah is on top of the list is the Deseret News coverage of the legislature as typified in today's issue on legislative matters. Today's roundup of action is an example of the complete coverage the De:oeret News has given during the session. Three fulitime men have been at the Capitol since the Legislature opened 60 days ago. In addition special feature writers and others have aided the regular staff. The three fulitime men were M. De Mar Teuscher, political editor for the Deseret News, who covered the Senate activities: Conrad B. Harrison. staff writer, who covered the House doings, and Clarence Barker, staff writer, who reported on administrative offices. committee meetings. financial ,legisla' tion and the governor's office. "In Utah all believed the ma iority of reporting honest." said the article. "Biggest criticism in Utahwas on committee coverage. where only one ilegislator tern' ed it good." he continued. ) Isti ?41 and Davis ifkilowtrist state tr t. b. trviwed ' montos aarani, fund Frdei-a- l Housirs Admit, thmuoth the Estraitmts avid VI4Pclift9 Artimtrirstratmin 113 Monism, F Q Caroon Jr N W Pf ternon. rrntb! ot sod WO for a uniform kmoon accident and sickness voiles, PasYed by Senate, 21 yrs. 4 absent Ander-T- create tn ZORCS, of the presState Road Commission a commission of five non paid members with an executive director. 11B 1.4 f Palmer and Vimeriter egOtrIn it installation of advance notice signs on frtal.,,,eys preceding drop of 10 miles per hour or more in weed bout and requiring appropriate poisting of sneed zones with Y, Slimed by governor tyro sir' 11111 1011 Duncan n cm amount of hush-warem structme and maintenamee fund that triav be used for reftmdit '-' 1 , 4,0 nation-wid- .. by .SW' Ak, . general were raised to $10,000. The rest of the raises went to top state elective officials, state commissioners, city and county commissioners, court reporters, national g uar d leaders, 'district attorneys and Salaries In the nation. RIGIttigit g s IS Clean. DeVtli and re,. if, tO COT,,,111,,Cnn P,olittina ate Rhed toiocate faclOties of ,publo and Day cost of relocation airing riehto of way Sisoed by gmernor ent it. The record spending also produced a long line of salary hikes, ,ranging from 10 per cent to 30 per cent tin one or two cases going all the way to 100 per cent.) The governor, justices of the Supreme Court and the State Engineer were hiked to S12.000 a year. The engineer, trained technician, was raised from $6,000. District court judges. the superintendent of public instruction, and the attorney hill petennial met their expected along with well over 300 other 'bills of varying importance: Newspaper coverage of Utah Legislative sessions goNernmentat enforcement , State Legislature Coverage Leads In U.S. he asked. . The governor ran into no openly partisan battles with the lawmakers and. in the 'end. sent the legislators a short note declaring he had "nothing further to place he. fore you. Thank you for the fine work accomplished during the 32nd session of the Utah Legislature." department. t Utah Newspapers 'Tops' at- - tempts were made to men ride the veto. lie g o t the major part of 0 li I 90-da- y reorganization program. Ins "loophole plugger" tak progiam iesulted in two of four bills passing the way he wanted. one killed. ant one giving him only part of what frit St... In bill, and no ' '' t'1 A" 's..4 - the drafting of the ; I i:...." ., - di- The House let die a, Senate passed bill to limit the paver of the itoard,of Examiners to grant deNcit appropriations. Several regulatory measures So did a program to died. provide added help .for, mentallyretarded children. And a pair of "sure losers.' proposed repeal of the "right to work" act and the metropolitan gOvernmenti The biennial effort to get right well in his dealings with. the either a direct primary or rect convention. Government Survey ".' 14411"7.;' . '. The State Road Commission commisturned from a sion into a advisory direcboard with a full-timtor carrying out policies of the board. Carved out of the control of the present highway comState mission a brand-neBuilding Board, also with five men as an advisory board and a paid director. A new State Land Board. designed to give the state closer control over rich state lands, was created and separated from the State Finance Commission. This also created another director post. Utah's tourist potential got a boost with the formation of a State Park and Recreation Commissión to set up a state park system. A study group was set up to ponder advisability of a single coordinating board for higher education. New jobs on the state level became cornrnonplaee What Did Not Happen No financial .. " ''''' , , A.',,,,-- ,. created. , This Is q - .)0' in some state departments and some new agencies were con- Reorganization Utahns got .. tigii. t Adioti gleans To To - long-rang- - Major legislation is thrown open for debate in Utah Senate as bill is read for final check of contents and legislative intent. sion on a site yet to be se IfTted. And, R $3 million State Office Wilding to be financed through 'borrowing money from idle state funds. - A t. ,, In corridors outside the legislative chambers lawmakers confer with interested partieson the building is completed. Major buildings the state will get include: A University of Utah Medical Center. with $1.5 million being spent this biennium and a complete state commitment of not more than $1.000,000 for the whole building. Two new classroom structures begun at Utah State University and one at University of Utah. A Vi WOO Salt Lake Memorial Theater on the University of Utah campus. bill-dow- 4 '1 : t,"1' Er- , t ' , ' ' , .- Debated tinuing appropriations until to $71.100 to priations permit Utah high school students to participate in an international scholarshM.,.. pro- The lawmakers spent for state government, schools, buildings and such a record $80.2 million from the general 'fund. If anticipated revenues hold up, there will still be $1 million surplus In that fund. The school bill cost $65.000. OW, of which some $12.5 mil WI.. rt 4- , C 1 - , - ion. slat ion. slation. tion in on biennium and lion comes from the general fund. A $9 million building program was approved. Another $1.5 million was found for state aid to school districts for school buildings. Upward of $2.7 million went for deficits from the 1955-5biennium. In all, there were 15 appropriations measures passed, etril,ing for expenditures rang ing all the way from $56.1 million In..the general appro- with new revenire, They used 'surpluses. instead. A E. r , , Conferred Pondered Lamar , '''.41:1"4 l'''S 1 ., ,,,, ,'..,. ....,,...4,,,:mtA0,aawa,a; 'k ' ','''' - , 1 " 4 4 to , - - , ; '1' 4 1.107( . ' , ! , " ' , a , Z. r, i - Legislators spent at a record rate, but felt they did not at this time 'need to come up . . ikl"rwai.a.99: , 1 '.7. without taxat"Spending i,on" was the motto of the 1957.Legislature. , - ' - ., . , ; No." 1 , ;. 9, ' kl -. t F,, ,'''''''-- - 4( , 0 , , ' '04 ',4 ' i s,"'a III I , , ' - ' , , askok.s., k i '''.1(4144L-44- 1 i, , - .. ,, 1. -- I ,,- (Day and rowlea,Allowing tor two or more todictmenta to be Included in a single complaint. Signed by reWtriter. S 8 ft .Linvd iPrntects merchants and employes from civil or criminal suits when arrests are made on probable cause by Peace Wirers. I Barlow IIII and Itooaln a domestic relations et,W1- PR iIR N Pr, i CO git Vt 4 Fowles and MT itiefirt- Ms uniawful entry as a misdemeanor.. . NB tIS by governor. WeichiReetiirine atm," t- Signed Oka 32 'aark"11 241 Kerr vpro.. road commbeton to determine octane (if recreation 'trims that ratios for arysoitnes, or nutats with trach will be PR EST irrneeerspenv.setynt tor 1. areas msdemeinor Signed by Sovrrnor changes in state road system, Alk i ltsti tHaten and Cleti'iReINTat'll ASICE all1111,11 I to be li, county on tItA (Davis and PaillentAltow- - 1 cert,ed WI erarticerkitorneya IOW in titab. MI groau OnnirOnee coverage hi itie laft flat 4 Hatch end Cleee iAllow. set tits On I relloM,Met ot IQ feerSont 1 Ire antatoultsnewS or rminty ettorheve . StigtHid et 25 melons,by 'county commisaions without re- - uirma annototee to he realathent. , 10541 enur iv. effective B Hatch and tleaa 1PM ennestv erwoineenormses tA tiopoirit a crninly attoreny oho is not a resident of the eounty, tnan IRS t Doe and Seivm erease penalties for 'violattori of uniform narcotics drug act PR 134 DR,1 and Pullen iProvid Ina penalties for addickaio co tics tin 133 Dag. Thorn and Harwartfl any persons yintanne narcotics act is !entity of felony instead of a onsetemeanor Sli 113 Hopkins and LloydtPro. sorting that any convict. not Just those lOPr teneed to life. Dumshabte ith thet death nenalty for a Maitrto warden., guitrds 941 lfjous, al-.4-r or ether tomatea At the state prim, 19111 71 Hurvi. Lamer and Vancei state prison term mastfrom IS months rmitn for to fire years,. signed by vly.rytor NM IS fn. Hodgson and Welch cressma maximum license fee for members of Utah State Par from Sin to ell!A Siltned by erevernm Iffr Ills ( Sheffield. Welch. D J. 1,,-- , CarIVOirt Howe and Worley.. eteesthe the etuthher ef d,striet jkinliPS in the trIct Judicial- h., I litter, I I -- se V en new Medicine !turned by Inver.. Land Board. funds. NB Jet ulmp and galloon in Matching Tighter irtoi 'ft IS Imoi and Gibson Mg that isiapontit of owners ers of one third of nnvertv most he on pestilent for extenrassoporniteel sion of Ilmits of cities and towns. bY governor. Signed at, State federal adminisof unemployment coninensatzon---ar- t and providing for to 1.ture acim istrator lig lee 'Hopkins. Howe. Gunther and BrewsteriAPPropriating (WO and other monies from the state reshare of federal unemployment serve surplus for administration of deoartment of employment securito and for purchase of building lets tnr security office build. unemployment slit LEGISLATIVI &TIMIS COTrITOPregle litt I Daels11,--Sett- ing siml of Senate and HOW, empinyes. 14 LBeenster. Sheffield. Welch Nig Rowe and amnion 1Prtiposing a conatitutional amendment to permit Legtsisture to set per item Ivens, itilowance foe lesislaters be statute. gig tle (Home and HopkinsiAofttammenta toe Leinslative Council ' interim. smite during IS57-51- ) LOCAL GOCTINIfirafT Ilfg tT Larson 1Alloweirtit imprnveM,e,nt distrirt . to aefnitre fAciltlea other than thoae orlinnallY contemplated. wkand. ernor. SIN 11 (Palmer. N. T. Peterson, Inereorni ismrherry and Ivers) stetkis benefits under workmen's companuaittort act from $10 to 1135 ande increasing masimumit Signed bY bey-tiprior St (Palmer. I C. Israel PpPetersonW Priel WineriteriPro- riding tor ennstruetynn aof a timmital tor oitabiad mulers ag rliv,sion of the Lniveraity oil Utah College tat - - and StringhStos Kow lea Amends water conservancy district law to promote water develnnment within the district anti allow within a district to levy and collect taxes. Signed by env. amor as aS (Kerr. Deets and Jack Providing for validation- of existing water districts and Prietropolitan amending law on bonds. contract and to give wider obligations existing int. iTo restrictions or drunken drivers and for narcotics addicts and peddlers. Increased benefits under workmen's compensation and occupational disease acts. A new state library and state library commission.. Permission for bow, and arrow deer hunters to wear only red caps instead of other red clothing. Gunther H.WP firyPkit15. and ' Brewster trative function 1111 1 Palmer and Mahonee) Authorising State Industrial Commia StOti to take assignment of Wage claims up to 144)0 trot:lied of $200 aa at present Signed be SoVernntNB 11 (N. W. Peterson. Palmer. Sou berry and NI a honey creaae benefits under the occupational diapate act from LIG to $35 mixing the overall Per maximum payment& Signed by' itov- - iI with eurnitiatd to ftti A Petel on -- MAktre (titmice', errivrnir ore meteohne meg-here truurv retienleonne In ellP. sults trnm the iscrldent AR 163 ,W. A. Peterson Mktnz drunken driving a felon," st here death is involved with sentence of one to 10 years. 100 BPI t Jt DICIalt" 17; three-ma- n - lenient. SO ISt (Davis and Irosales1--Allo-wa SO per cent of annual tat lasted each year on peopertlY - insurance colected by Insurance premiums committee to be used to maintain firemen's perittiOnt fund. Pelt, (Das. Davis anti llrowlesi. increases benefits for decendents of larybest officers and allows refund of .,foe contribution elischarged frneti force With ra tas - t ark tat ;Das, bncl Hatch iiolortes ,ft ytcalrfIT of Sitlt Lake City from sy.son, tol 6 WO per 'veer. with. Continued on Next Page , - , - , , . , , , , - ie.. I. . f --, ' -- . ., . ,. , ! 1 - j k ' , , -- , , - i t 4 -- - 4 I ,-- .. - 't ,, 1 - ' - t- , , 04 , t, , lit,........4t - 405--- . . . ,, .. ;', : - - C and Repealing loonatiors on number of Permits one-- perr,,r1 may obtain for special deer hums. RR al iWineriter and Palmeri Permittirg archery hunters to wear T1,1 tioadisoar at place of other rod hunts-Sireetothing for onerial archers bo R$ falt 'Albrecht. Smith end Stuart) Permitting canal CeIrrInaltllfli and Ortvete landowners to dostroy beaver on fret notifying game confirmation of darriogor being done. also removing rsocoon. muskrat and nutria from hat of furbearins animals. Signed by governor. PR Ilt tCortover. triektert. Plurrak. Tire., and atibreoht vFlortiorma lifts OrOSOIVOTO as traisrlard equipment in ad boats on 1.14ci takes - and provid- - ----P- od - ILICTION S tWinterlon. Hopkins. Taylor, Huest and Rowberry a Extending voting privilege to Indians and civilian personnel Poing II1 than Or military reservations. Signed by imoornor 40 I Koplin provide tar the certification of another candidate for oonvination where there are no more than two candidates for mmionatiost to public Woe before the Primary election and ono or both 'hall die. resign or borrow, disqualified. Signed by governor RR lets 4Alatioat and Fsolin if, ma taw dealing with riestion4lar orti. by governor 're,Nit Steneci A tqw,tt Ifif PprrrlytIng tips ttshirt vrwlry to far rrrrrn-a-t.I.7srr,t bv RR tat tAbt,,,,t1 flI4 Howe,- - Fixing July 10 as deadline for fon declaration of eandolacy in general elections. RR HU (Abbott and Howe. To Prohibit candidates from Ohne as indertentlents after Niro Is party candidate in same year statute regulating cornInercial feed and repealing old statIite SiIMP4 be governor. I Fowles SD iArriending law esgarnotiog from talt rood' moving In Interstate commerce whether or not they are moving on through rates. planedtle byI 'governor. Barlow .Altrowtog mvest S8 'dents by honks In stock of Federal tiational Mortgage Ado. S'igned by pao.errior. 7sot SD 33- (Ifaferi stage p--y on iceisiation providtrill for rag ulation of professions., trades and orgpoationa, Signed by governor 5844 (Jack and htw to include sewerage compile-a- d under public unlit up ciamufica $R 44 (Lloyd Ilion of trade- Nervier under the tradeact. mark Signed by governor, ARS (Gay. Borward and Jackf Anieritffris law to dostite spoiwants for heensing as naturnoath to state yybieh field of practice .he tntends to follow. 58 SI Md. )forward and Jock 1 'To permit licensing of naturnooths to procure obstetrics and minor- surgery , taplin SI fotr000ta oritoptementat Appropriating state aid for school building eonStfl loral school chatricia RR toll t fipItn i A IlattOrat if, state board ofOpropriating education for speeding u0 program of curries anion construction and resogion. Erg for a new . Gunther and rut-lion Kerr and GastrirofProvtd- 88 in high schools, Signed by governor Hill 50 (Gunther. Hopkins. Gordon and Hosmson iSetting tila a complete behind the wheel training Program for Utah high school students. Signed by governor. RR ci Leatham. and Rotas-- - Providing for Wangsgaard creation of cemetery district on malorky of one-hal- f of votes omit instead of one-hal- t of Qualified sotors and Increasine levy ceiling on such district from one to two mills. Signed by govertior KB iGunther. EsPlan and HodgInn iInereasing alio-- classroom unit amount under the basic school program of S4.600 and increasing tha local leeway from 20 per rent or ftsro mills to 25 per cent or eight mills. Signed by governor Ha so iGunther, Esplin and Mortar motImplementing provisions of Hai 6S and retaining district levy ceilings under basic stateaupported school Program at a IllniaillMunt of 12 mills. Slimed by governor. HR IiI f littrat and Hopkins .ProViding that MANI be excused from at tending by school boards when studentsohool is unable So orofit from schooling Rvi III (Urns. C, H and C. Larsen iExiabluor Taylor the State Board of Education to participate in federal aid to school buildings that may be made available by Congress. 113Abbott. 13- J Cannon, Bowen, Brewster and HoWitl--TPermits. redistrictoor of school districts every four years instead of five, be.- ginning with June IL 1957, Mt IWO eltinther. Hopkins. Wangs(Bard and EapluriTo extend local levy for achOol buildtpg for another to purposes . - Gunther )Setting driver training l t .."0",-"""- ----i lorogr, ti. ..,,, i ,, - it 'Vi' , ' nor ng that Sit ., i 11104 iTo All 1 . lotlirlr'lait-to'Ho- -, e0 11 . . f SCR 7 St ringham 'aMemorializing Congress to make adequate appropriation for project planning and construction on Upper Colorado River project. SCR I Stringham tiling to assert constitutional Congreos utisority in, conservation and opment of land and water resources. Lloyd and Adams 0MesR morializing Congress to require the of Interior to revoke a withSecretary drawal of land in San Juan County. 45 pro$R Gastrup and Sullen vide that marketing orders on kartvoted be commodaties cultural upon Of the producers presby two-thirof ail ent rather than two-thirProducer,. Signed by governor. , t I , ,1,,,,or , - !kw ttoo act of 1957 II::, . .::1(11;ne, I Strinsharn to favorably consider the western- - water rights aetNement . .., --.7 ,.... Igt. mora.rokt 5 6h 160,31 k , ., t st'll 1 , 60-da- y AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING 0 tril r0-- ' 11;11 6 11 I , I , 1 o' , , ...... . - ' & . , , -- - , . Is .:This- , s , . ... Soh lakeCity, Flicky, March 15, 1957 I. DESERET NEWS AND 111.EGRAM, . ' k - . . , . ' , , . , . I - . ' , , , ? - . - . - - - .t , , . , , Imoo....aftedlowstoosommwmm...,;.-too- , |