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Show INTER-MOUNTAI- N MINING REVIEW. 3 been performed. He says there are dumps at the mouths of prospect holes from which gold can be panned at the rate of 30 AND WESTERN MINING RECORD. cents and up to the pan, and that too, without crushing the quartz, and that this can be done in many cases. to the Mining and Smelting Interests of the West. The isolated position that Marysvale has occupied up until the present year, has retarded the development of the country, but now that the Rio Grande Western has constructed its lines to Published Weekly by Alex Hyslop, 212 Atlas Block. within seven miles of Marysvale station, capital has a better TERMS: Payable in advance. opportunity to investigate the mineral deposits, and the result is One Year $2.00 that promising prospects are being gobbled Nor is this all. up Months 1.00 gix The Review informant states that with the coming of Months spring there e 50 jhr will be a rush to these new diggings that will exceed anything of To foreign countries except Mexico and Canada, $3 per year, postage prepaid. the kind ever seen in Utah, and that even now. the owners of Entered at the Salt Lake Postoifico as second-clas- s matter. prospects are putting a price on their claims that would have the whole country a year ago. One Salt Lake San Francisco Office; 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, where this paper bought nearly is kept on file. Advertising contracts can by made with E. C. Dake. Agent. capitalist who invested 1,000 in a claim four months ago, refused hicago Office: 761 Monadnock Building. absolutely to consider an offer of 10,000, the development work he had prosecuted in the interim, having proved up a rich gold SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Hov. 19, 1896. mine. The same authority asserts that there is a Cripple Creek at Marysvale, and that within a year the assertion will be verified. INTER-MOUNTA- MINING REVIEW. IN Inter-Mounta- I I I I in C In all probability Russia will be come a buyer of American silver in the near future, and the result will advance the price. That nation has undertaken to retire its extensive paper currency MISSED SHOTS. and substitute rouble and half-roubl- e is and as it not a propieces, ducer of silver it will neccessarily become a buyer. France will A Colorado mining paper contains the information that exploalso be a purchaser for some time to come, as she is undertaking sions caused by picking out missed shots can be wholly avoided extensive silver coinage for her Asiatic and African provinces, by tamping the charge with soft or moist paper to within two and while the loss of India and Japan will not be overcome by inches of the crown of the hole, and that this kind of tamping can the purchases of France and Russia, no material decline can be be picked out with safety. be anticipated and an advance is possible. We can suggest even a safer way to avoid such explosions, and that is to so load the holes that the shots will not miss. Shots miss fire from a variety of causes, all of which can be classed under the I The recent decision of the High Court of the Transvaal annulling one head of carelessness or indifference in loading, and the perland declaring invalid the MacArthur-Forres- t cyanide patents, centage that is due to causes over which the miner has no control, I appears to have been based on the established evidence that a is like one in ten thousand. Even with broken fuses it is not I dilute solution of cyanide of potassium had been used to extract necessary to take chances on having the shot miss, for it is an easy gold from some kinds of refractory ores, at a period antedating matter to grease the fuse from one end to the other, and in any the issuing of patents to Mac Arthur and Forrest. A great deal mine where there is a tunnel car or a windlass there is always of the testimony in the South African suit was given by American axle grease that be used for this purpose. experts, a special commissioner acting under the authority of the As a preliminary to loading a hole the miner should always see Transvaal having been sent to New York for that purpose. It is that his powder is always properly thawed, for while it is a prevacf interest to note that the first company to make any extensive lent belief that frozen powder will not explode, there are conditions use of the cyanide process on this continent, was the Mercur under which it has been known to reverse the rule. In fitting the company of Utah. The witholding of royalties by the Mercur fuse into the fulminating cap the end of the fuse should be cut off ,1 people brought the matter into the courts the only time in America, square and then inserted into the cap until it touches the fulminate. but the suit was finally compromised on terms favorable to the Not i pressed down tight, but merely coming in contact with the mining company. As it now stands the question of the validity inside end of the cap. Many miners give a little space between f the patent has never been adjudicated in the U. S ., but from the the end of the fuse and the fulminate, and the result is many rms of the compromise with the Mercur people it was evident missed holes. When the fuse is inserted the cap should be tightly 'l that the patentees were not so sure that their claims would be squeezed around it to prevent its slipping, and then inserted into confirmed in the courts. the cartridge. The cartridge should be wrapped with twine and r of the fuse so that there is no possibility of tied around the cap-en- d its becoming detached. Then grease the cartridge and fuse to MARYSVALE DISTRICT. within an inch of the end, use ordinary precautions in tamping, A gentleman of this city who has established for himself an using fine dirt and a wooden tamping bar, and this shot won't miss j viable reputation as a mining engineer and geologist, has just fire. This rule should be followed invariably in wet ground, and turned from a trip into the mining district around Marysvale, if adopted in dry workings it insures greater safety and increased where he made an exhaustive examination of the mines of the efficiency in the explosives. A great deal of the fuse that is manregion as far as they are developed. His profession has taught ufactured is defective in the wrapping, as can be easily proved by him better than to become enthused over a glittering showing of lighting a piece in the dark and noting the number of places in mineral, but he states it as his opinion that the region will make a which fire will show, although the train will carry through. In dry shr in the defect would not show in the majority of cases, but in mining world on account of its rich gold values and its ground this extensive mineralized area. Ilis conclusions, moreover, were not water the fire is extinguished through the openings in the wrapper, based on and if the fuse is thoroughly greased the defect is overcome. prospective development, but on that which has already an ; ; - : ' I ; - I -- II r nm I |