Show THE r HE most serious matter that will L confront footballs football's rule-makers rule at their next meeting will be unlimIted unlimited substitution where changes are often orten made In groups of 11 at a crack It is this highly diseased arrangement arrangement arrangement arrange arrange- ment ment t which permits squads rich in hi material to use separate teams fo tar for attack and defense It is murder for th the sma smaller 11 e r colleges e NT and those that have no such material to call caU on Imagine substitutions Int in inthe inthe t the Cornell Colum bia game I Here is a rule that tha t is ha hated ted by byI I most of the coaches that that is despised by the public- public that thai is highly unpopular with all real football players who happen to like both sides of ot the game game offense offense and defense Michigan and Army might be exceptions Under Its protecting banner fine football players can leave college without ever having made a tackle broken up a a. I block covered a hostile fumble or intercepted a pass Most of the better football coaches are dead against It which means I that some definite chan chancres es will be made this winter as assaid said coaches are arc backed up by publio opinion It would be exactly the same if a baseball team had a fielding outfit and in addition had a batting order that included none of the defensive players There are more than a few who can hit but who cant can't field There are still more who can field but who cant can't hit To be a real ballplayer you have to do both This isn't true in football As Earl Greasy Neale puts it It- It The real football player can give I you from 50 to 60 minutes If he cant can't then he isn't a real football player Here is another side presented by byone byone byone one of the best football minds inthe in inthe inthe the game In regard to free tree substitutions substitutions substitutions sub sub- there is a difference between between between be be- tween using free substitutions us us using ing mg from 30 to 50 players in a game and and employing offensive and defensive de de- teams When you watch Michigan l you always know who is 15 on the tho field There are two solid saUd units one for or offense and one for de de- de- de Each Is a well-drilled well team with perfectly coordinated co ed units By resting one or the theother theother other the coach always has a fairly fresh eleven In the field They are specialists specialists but but where dont don't you find specialists today There are specialists in dentistry medicine architecture advertising and manufacturing S Crisler with his two team Ide Idea has produced the most interesting football ever seen at Michigan His offense is the finest and most inter interesting esting in football Try to buy a sea seat for any Michigan game at Ann Ar- Ar bor II The only answer is there are tw two sides to every question the same as asa asa asa a plank S S SI I II I Dealing in Nostalgia I ROTH BOTH the Yankees and the Giants I- I whatever they might do in tn th the way of new material have taken ona on ona a strong nostalgic turn The Yankees keep the able Crosetti Cro- Cro setti and then send for Bill Dickey one of the real Yankees of all time The Giants send a hurry call to Frankie Frankle Frisch and Freddie Fitzsimmons Fitzsimmons Fitzsimmons Fitz Fitz- simmons to bring the past into the present and future S Both these moves are popular with the fans at large Frisch and Dickey are among baseballs baseball's im mortals They were part of the grandeur that was the Giants and part of the glory that was the Yan kees But Herman erman HIckman said when told of the thc famous amous stars from rom the past who once wore the Blue I know know but but I cant can't use em today Neither Leo Durocher nor Casey Stengel can win a pennant with th the material that finished out the campaign campaign cam cam- of 1948 Durocher needs battery battery bat bat- tery help and Infield help The Yankees Yan Yar kees need better catching better pitching and Infield rebuilding Cleveland will be even stronger than a year ago So will the Red Sox who In some fashion will come up with a pitcher or two so badly needed last season It Is difficult to believe that even Billy Southworth can cnn repeat with that collection of ballplayers he had hac last year unless the entire National league remains second The mighty Casey has bas put the blast on the Dodgers but they still have ha enough good ballplayers ballplay ballplay- ers to win a pennant if properly handled In the front office or It U Burt Shotton Is let alone I IThe The teams In the first division I should find tind the Cubs Phillies and Reds much improved If it properly dl di I But the Giants' Giants bid for s I pennant Is going to call f for lr a lar ar amount of smart rebuilding The Th sime Is true of the Yankees main mam strength last fast season was at ax outfield headed by Joe DiMaggio J S S I ro S |