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Show ' - , r.?f-j I 7f s iwuiu ult rTfteti claaalffei an n ' Daily Herald mw nfl fan vol. iil no. S3.. " Kill : THE SUNDAY . v Willi . - -- amparativa, 5jtT7 I;,jjjt i - Phil Heilbnt Installed aa inander-- of American Legion Post. way Thomieoaa,n4 the ABOUNDS AT UANqUET later Brush-Etect- ric BHAlLmUY 4. V ofgreater " efficiency were 'hefattxlltajafflcers " Jrecjjhenu : rln e 'W fCUl j jM, VWI . e T EWING GUILTY j Sentence to This power : Will e Imposed Jan- - tortus iteiiqksmur-;and liform true analyze,, compare, , - SteSLESSSEWiPSr TO GIVE FREE IfCnJRE STZ" f power and upon you depends the application of that, power.: Stop the leaks ; take off the brakes, and watch the old locomotive do the job, We have the power to; use the same sense In running bodies, that we do In running cars, but few of us see it in the' same " '.. I hn man. Awrting toadvlceVfrom' secutlve Time Win Cup " , , AT PROVO HIGH :V:. ' ''" e ,''...? Roland ,W. Toblason. a graduate of the:I"nivcrsijy.of Utah In the class of 1922 has been engaged to ' '' teach lu the eonimerciat department gotherto hear It; "The Business and Professional of the Provo high school by Supt Women's club have .taken as their It. Claude Lewis pending "the ap: project this year, a btfnd stand for proval of the board;': ''; Provo. On Wednesday evening, Jan-nar- y . MrJ Toblason has spent the last 21" the club will? present--t- he two years teaching Spanish In Mexdrama, "Strongheart," In the school ico and recently took a position as tudttoriuiarfof the benefttof . the accountant frith, a targe mining com-- , " ' J" T" psny, but returned home due to project of hirf father. He takes ..the who have "Citizens of Provo long who hss.ac-epte-d felt the need of a place a position with, the J. C Stand In Pioneer pnrx, now have the apportunity of aiding in tUe'cause." Penney company. til-ntf- $ KELLY KIDS 'COMING. . The Kelly-Kid- s, for a long time part of the Herald comics, have been delayed betweea sL Louis and Provo and could not be printed In this Issue on that ' '.' account. Traces for them hav - heeo sent out and indications are that the they-wiHerald office before lfthnary 25,- - after, which, time, they1 wlU once more- take their places with "Slim .Jim", and their new. found; chgm:FrwlIMLn4UL"rj - . ll Friends." safely-land-'ia- - ... Judging Contest One of the Best Managed. Says Prin ' ,v cipal JIarmon. The Prove high - achool stock team won their fourth con judging secutive victory at the Ogdea l4ve- stock show Friday and have added, another large silver' cup to their N fast growing collection. ; s' The team composed of Owen Hinoot, who waa second high man in individual scoring, Joseph Thirlot and Arlon Blddulpb, nnuer the dl- " rectlon of Wayne C3ooth, made a total score of 864 points out of a possible 1,200. ,: The Jordan high school came second ' with 864 and Davis high thlrd wlth 832. The winning teams were awarded cinfa prises of $29, $15 and f 10 re- specUvelyrfavla:tilgh, however, , w the right to represent the stata at the National Western show in ' DfBver for- - waking the highest average score for the state fair and . ' ',Ogden ahow cpntests. Alonto Freeman of Jordin high was the Indlvtdoal high man with a score of 322, Owen Smoot second . wlth.Sl!) and Golden Btok't of . Davis high third with 310 each winning team placing ore of their Hiembers In the high score group. Prizes of $10, $7.60 and S3 these boyt together with . tpeejBi !tBWt&?r-f,v The contest wat declared by Principal It B. Harmon to se one of the beat .hatidli-i- l and" most successful meets TCr fcrfd In (he stf 'e. Henry Oberhftosieyi tencher-tralalusuper- -' vltor at tj Utah Agricultural college, bad general aupervislon of the contest and was assisted George B. Cain who Judged the dairy cafleV Esra-r- J. .; Fjelsted of Pocatello, Idaho, . beef. Holstela cawsi Merefore Beef. Duroc Jersey -- - - were-awarde- d . s hfPtat. wvoRCismr FILED FRIDAY used itf th contest 1 After the judging in the forenoon, the entire group of students a ud assistants wero served a luncheon by the Ogdea packing A Provision conK-lan- y, whose hospitality during the' entire contest was one of the dis- tinctive features of the show. In the afternoon the respective judges in the four divisions went over the animals with the boys and pointed out the reasons ior t muking the , Custody of one minor child, Ssyne month for care of the child, 1X and general relief arc ankedm the complaint FallnM to provide te given in the complaint as the cause of the action ,The jbple were married March , -- Leander Kinjr, Provo Responds - : toFisherman, Last aumi Well-Know- -i- n - XeaBderKlngrj8,'' died:- Friday " at the tome of his brother .Tames King, 568 West Sixts South strext. Death waa due to ailments ' Incident to old age. born la Pennsylvania, King w Jatruat?2T, 1837 and came to Utah wlta his parents to 1WI. He made by home! in Provo coming here In 1852,,. Ten years later away, living for tome time In Salt Lake City and also at Coalville where he was engaged In farming RETURNS HOJIE visiting mirfiy points of PROVO DIES evenlnir DR. BRIMHALL .After ' PIONEER OF C"Hoover7rbneeTI"TT50rra at tarmington, Utftk i. awards. 2 ;. The cup this year, donated by the Ogden Parking and Provision Co, is by tar the (argent one on display at the ; high school. It stands 18 Inches high and is mote than 12 inches wide. The prjjise money will KO .into th Ag tlVib fund and the boys will be given special pins by lody organisation liext spring", according to Mr. Harmon. the-stude- A suit for divorce was filed In the district 'court .Raturdayby attorneys for Eda , H. 'Hoover vs. Kenneth 1923, .. " has delivered the same message In various places throughout the state and has met with nnusnal enthusiasm wherever it has been given. The lecture has stirred parents and .students alike, and Is said to have caused many Mr. Brewer versity, NEW TEACHER- l " muslcalprogram has been arranged by the' music de partment, of the high school under of Prof, Ernest-Fa- x -- SPARKS FROM LIVE WIRES "Provo has many things to be proud of and not the least of these is her ..band," says Mrs. Elsie C. Carroll, .English teacher at the Prove high schooC ' "Few cities, the size of ,v'ours, have a musical organization as 'strong. efficient. and as loyal as (be Provo band, but we need a band stand, In order that the music, so liberally furnished by the band every sum mer, can be heard to hotter advad tage by the hundreds of people who ao : - - v ir . ,..., . - e - . n hlgk!-schoo- l " ' ' A lecture, aald to be. of more than at ordinary" Interest, ) to the Provo judltorlum o'clock by Monday evening at C. P. Brewer, sales analyst of thr University of UUh. The topic to - be - dlstuswd .Is "Where Are Tou OoingT?1'- The lecture la free to parents and students of the high school aa wol as to the public la general It win be given at the instapice' of the faculty of (he Provo high ach'ool who' h secured th! meryjcea of MhJSrewer., " . , i Provo Jligh School Arranges With Noted Efficiency Ex- -. nert for Lecture. , - . Be--w- as .', HERE young men and women, 'to think more of their activities Pneumonia Fatal to George in the seriously schoolroom' Funeral Monday v The lecture it preparatory to the Halladay; . in Second Ward Chapel. three weeks course in salesmanship and personal efficiency .to-bgiven by Mr. Brewer to the business men . George Halladay, 66, died late of Provo beginning next Wednesday. Friday evening at- the home of his t. nrjtll January lSL4rJng hkh time flephewHThBias A. Halladay, 683 attorneys for the. defendants hope Death West Sixth South street to grounds for appealing the case to the supreme court, it was due to pneumoniae wa stated. born In Provo July 12. 1858, the son Bissell and Ewing, in connection of the late Mr- - and Mrs. Abraham ,""""- - : . with Harrytlntfleld were arrested Halladay. when coming' down branch of Mr. Halladay had always lived to Spanish Fork- canyon, and a quna- - Provo where he had been: a farmer itXrpf Hquorrfound in the wag;m until about four rears - since In which they tlmft he wa, employed by the fieia claimea . ownerenip. pf. tM mrrtwL r t.4 liquor and plead guilty In the' city theJoBowlng aurvlveOy. court, "stating that Bissell and ljHelia brothers and sisters, J. Y.- and Ewlng "had nothing to do with the Arthur Halladay, Mrs." Sarah. . A. case. Mrs. Mary. A. Farrert.and Evidence at the trial showed. Jones, Mrt. Annie Mlldenhali; all of Provtf ; however, that the three men had Mrs. Phyllis Home,i Trementon ; jointly purchased a quantity of gro-- James A, Halladay, Salt Lake City atoreln ceries at a local SpaulshJ Walter Halladay, Los Angeles. ForkTetfcETpnTintr his share"otTthe and Funeral services, will he held In bill, and that ; Bissell and Ewlng the Provo Second, ward chapel Monhad also Jointly purchased a at 1 p. m., under the direction to day depart' preparatory L. L. Nelson, The body tug for Hatfield's ranch in the can- of Bishop may be viewed prior to the services yon. at the home of Thomas A. Halladay, 083 West Sixth South street Inter-me-I will be in the Provo city cemetery under the direction' of tha ' . , Berg Mortuary Uvet arelmoreJmportajU thao automoblteff- - orrhllwaysrrBo holjartliedln .... L , "the boiler, '"from wF should opera te in, theuTTdTng which this potential power is raptd- - of lives' as Intelligently as we do Iy escaping-.- ; We puff ' great deal I cart and loeamottret, and make a great deal of noise, but Make your power work for-yo- u we made little' progress and bannot all the time. Concentrate and watch handle any Joad worth while., the things which looked as if they What are YOU doing with the were impossible-- be accomplished. powwer that you have? t It not only takes .real power, to do It is qulte'true that you Cannot things, but it takes real power: ap-ha ver every thlntMnJlf a- - that- - you pUed at the right pTaaTSTthe-rlgh- tmay think you want But: that time. ." does jtiot mean that you ' cannot Let ns resolve right novv that the have something ln life the- some- year 1925 will be the best and most thing whiohh. you, most desire i productive year thus ; far experi. Let ns first see to by analyz enced, because we, will', not- - only it ing and correcting our weak points, understand, the law,' but follow the mat wa nave the proper power, de law. veloped by our, power plants our Power, plus concentration .of that bodiesand then let ns realize that power, equals greater things acit is just as Important to see to it complished, a better position In life that the power.18 intelligently put and far more happiness. -- PASSES AWAY ary 19 by Judge t Parker. T do your work for you, directed, andi you have the power A verdipt of guilty was returned of directing It. by a jury in Judge George P. i Don't whine through. life and Parker's division of the district say that you haven't bad a chance, in the cflseof Austin - centrated. ; ' Many of us In life make me think of a loco motive on the track with a large quantity of steam generated but - with many ys - i vr g . BISSELL AND intoxicating JtdgBBt,B ah,d then you will know- liquor, according to Byron Dastrup; particular thing that if lyouare not showing the clerk of the court at a time, or proper amount of advancement it i&J Sentence was stayed, however, that it be con- YOUR fault Within you lie the -- down- mimmes7-tfge-Harrisrwa- -- f VyU POWER APPLIED ; -- Aaf ; JURY FINDS lit VV By C. P. BREWER, Sales Analyst, University of Utah. Power Is one thing, and application of power quite another. Intelligent application of power, both mental and physical, demands that It be tied ls " . : -- nt . - MEET MONDAY l - "ith activity-Tttutstn- - Repre- Con-"- OWEN SMOOT IS SECOND HIGH MAN WASHINGTON, Jan., 10. (UP.) -Secretary of State Charlea Evans Untitle will resign on Msrch i, tiidFrank B. Kellogg, of Minnesota, now ambassador to Loudon will succeed him, the Whit. House formsllyjiinfmnced tatf. today, Charles B. Warren; of Detroit, Ml( h, today was uotnljated by President Cbolidge to- - be attorney general of the United States to succeed Harlan F. Stone of New Tork, who waa appointed associate justice of the supreme court. y-- ORCHESTRATO , - . 7 In- jjjj WASHIXGTOS'. Jan. 10 (UP.) The growing dominance of President Coolldgt 4v'r' pongrewa was Increasingly apparent' with develop'" . ments today.'. Since his overwhelming majority In the election, even Democrat have left their party lines to praise him, the capricious senate has reversed itself at bit bidding and the house hat bowed to hit wIlL Today It became known he has released his Republican majority in the senate from party Uses on the Muscle Shoals bill and authorised them to vote either for the Underwood or the" Jones plan. White this will add some strength tor the Underwood bill the president's fall- ire to endorse It exclusively is ex- to lead t? ttiMlefeaV--- " the last few days Mr. Coolldge has exerted surh Ipfluence cltbothjn ri"'c concert-whlch7Jw- SAM " UTAH COUNTY - OP MARKET STREET FRANCISCO AT NIOHT, J pro- III , Cwlidga Allows Republican Preftident Coolidxe Tominate Warren of Detroit for Majority - Freedom - on Muscle Shoals Vote, r-Attorney General flectors,' refractors and globes of present order of tilings and the pro various shapes, controf the distribugreiis in our , methods of living tion or diffusion In all modern light- should be taken Into consideration. Possibly the most Certainly few of ourslreets are suf- ing units. An increase BnMSION OF TAX DOLLAR IN marked Jexample "Of .theyalugef a niiently illuminated. CITIES ,500,000, fixture for the control of light dis- in stret lighting wlthouTT3ecrease in other expenditures would increase tribution, is the Novalux Highway ' unit i The reflect surfaces of this taxes wbhsh would probably w 4n- - bekj oue dollar, TheJest lighted fixture collect light usually wasted adviseable. A study of where your New York andin the in the air and adjoining fields and tax dollar goes may help solve this entire I'uited States, are now pay direct it to the road surface with problem. , from to $2 " per capit for $150 a maximum candlepower seventeen In 1019 the average total munlci ing street lighting. all for times the rating of the lamp used. pai expenditure per capita iThe yearly cost of street lighting Civic progress Is recorded in clean. cities in the United" States 'of-oOf will vary from about twoctats per well paved and well lighted streets; 30.000 DoDulutlon was J21.23. he well; lighted" street is '"seldom the $5.25 spent for safety and pro linear' foot of street fer'lhepfjorly village to over five doli dirty. . Cleanliness ,; and light go tection, only 72 cents was for street lighted for an Intensive "whlteway" hand in; jhand jnd -lighjtoihejByeralr service pur teni mvh as tar xm Market street; San selves In the character of the entire chased by the $5,25 expenditure Francisco. The latter figure may a be could by' community. greatly improved Increase the seem extravagant and would be lor that: which Protection is the basic, reason for a ninn4flnnllf v hnt miuM llirlif(A0 la well lighted streets. It has been Btreet lighting budget by a few S-'f considered as imJierdal4nveH said that a stret light 'is worth two cents. waa sustained by theaenata though ment and Is eost borne its usuallyl without the! ryearl tyexpeH3N mlnly, owners and it bad previously passed that body lights, crime would abound no mat- ture ber capita fo:V street lighting? by abutting property by TO to 8, merchants. r, electric rates, ter howjiftnywllce itereinightbe; iiocal Tondltion XavalDfflnrvliavi make streets htter streets, their Bright the ever Increasing night area per capita end many things In criticism of the navy and for are better the and a public I whole For in the onr.streets and highways, fluence this figure. traffic it Is the "equal of any In thi say aid. to both the police and world." O-;- light as a protective measure Is be- Tnited States it is 'about aeyenty fire, dej!.artmentreHlgWfng is Represents tive . Britten, Illinois, ing overshadovedby lta absolute five cents, Thcre are-- a; feWjJeities indicative of progress. The stock- dropped his plan for an Immigra necessity .to insure high speed traf1-fie- spending Over Mhree"dollars,;- - the th safety Wff to supply suffic- highest being $4.81, : The average holders of the city are Its tax- tion conference of only the "white payers and the succesrirf a eity as races" of the Pacific and announced ient light for our nornaTactiv!-tles- . for the fifty best lighted cities-wila business is reflected 1b Increased he would change his resolution to In this connection there Is ne be about $2.05. New York state for all cities real estate- and property values. Include Japan and China. Senator question but that one's health is If It Is a good Investment for a prop Robinson, Democratic leader, arose J4casvea4).S14 vert&lnunount of a&4 villages of over 8,000 population owner or merchant to pay over on the floor 6f the senate to defend the home after the only, obe expends over $2.50. per erty dinner hear,' and a well vllghh'd capita for stree44ightlhg. Three are five dollars for lighting one foot of the president- as an "honest execu .'. street will be an inducement j t.ike L.tween $2.00" 'aad.''$BOftivfl be-- street, surely it is well worth while tive." Senator Dial, South Carolina, for some pities to consider Increas ween $1.50, and $2 and twenty-fou- r this necessary exercise. - W . Democrat called the man in the In present day street lighting the' between $1 and $1.50. Others are ing their present expenditures. "White House as good a Democrat as anyone on this side of the senate w'a' "i chamber." ' I Kouone MtlriienTnThe sengtg or house since they have been la ses A sion to attack him personally an unprecedented record as compared with party attacks lb previous 'con ', gresses. -- m ::, . XM. ft w . Today series Mazda lamps stalled by Mrs. Jones were MM: It L. Edwards, president ; Mrs. Arnold K fiawlings and Mrs. Harry Bntler.'rvice presMentf Mrss W. W, rem secretary : Mrs. J. I Innes, Albert nickman, f . trcasurerrMrs. sergeant-at-arm- s ; Mrs. Seymour Gray, chaplain, and Mrs. B. B. '. Local JSymphony Orchestra u Patterson,, historian.;. (Commander Booth Installed .the rmanced by Extension lesion officers as follows.: Phil S. - Division of R. Y. U. O. John Hellbut," commander; Beesley and Hugh. Boss, vice com manders; James P. Clayton, adju-- J The Utah County SymphohK or taut; Sterling Bean, finance offl- will hold its first rehearsal chestra u Hinckley? chaplain ; Arnold Zabriskle, sergeant-at-arm- s evening January 12, at 6 :15 Monday Frunk Deraiiig, Arnold-E- . EawlingsHn College hall at JheBrlgham and B. Ii Edwards, members of the Young university, according to Prof. executive committee. Franklin Madsen1, director pf the or Commander Ifellbut, In outlining ganization. An Invitation Is extend plans for the. coming year, appoint- ed to all musicians of Utah county ed members to act as chairmen of to come and Join the- - orchestra: committees as follows: Community Fianclal responsibility for the sucwelfare, tJeorge Worthen; memorial cess of Jhe. orchestra, Js being1 assumed the extension division, and by and means committee, George some very fine music . has been These , committees were Leven.,. season. made responsible to" the first vice secured idr the present Last year there were representacommander; athletics, Earll Cotives in Orchestra from Lehi, ndi; entertainment, Clarence Har- American the " Fork, Pleasant Grove, mon and Hugh Boss t membership; Fork and Provo, Springvllle Spanish A. E. Bawlingsr; Claude Hinckley - and JesseBaaterjsiLiBtant finance Parson, the total membership being officer, Aldus Markham; and as an about 75. The big. feature of last as assistant to the post adjutant, P. year" was the staged la ll?e stake tabernacre to g T. Norton. Stanley i Dixon, LeBoy Hoover capacity house. The plans tor this year Includes a similar coneert for and StanlqrCmns were TtlC vrgtiuisitiiuu III LUU cpiiug. Those who desire to get credit for to second commander;: . The work, of the local post in se--r the work may do so by enrolling curing the playground for the city with the extension division In the and the plans for taking care, of It regular manner. ' ., : ' .'. oalcat-taWithithq-excellefor a period oi owyears, together l. with the work of the auxiliary in ent which Utah ' county has, it assisting with Bed Cross drive and should be no problem to mobilize . in preparing Christmas baskets was one of the best orchestras in the highly commanded by the" state om state" says Director Lowry Nelson. cers. , "Then, too, it further tlemonstrates lk was said that the Provo post !fiefat that Utah county la Just -' comhad found hs place in the one largB, community, Wltbour ex munlty and va looked upon as the cellent means.of communication, the leading organization for community from the ehtlre county-ca- n welfare and development " In the people be concentrated at a" very readily . . 'city. , Plana '. tot , the proposed central for, any purpose what place - memorial were discussed and the national program of providing fajr a teever. The Utah county symphony InVMwq welfare fund to" care for should develop into abepermanent source of , soldiers stitution which will a " American-orphans of pride to the entire county.' WjfoUned. activities of the VdeLIfcd v report I LOS ANGELES, Calif.,.' Jan. 10. O' 'At he auliliary for the' year, pre- (U.PJW. H, "Bill" Lane, for Mrs. retiring Edwards, . ared by - historian, was read by Mrs, Dunn, many, years owner of the Salt Lake and Commander Demlng outlined club of the Pacfiic Coast league, toxne day purchased the JTernoif; Tigers the -- work of the - legion the from Ed R. Maler, according Tto high in efforts assisting legion's Provo Chamber of Commerce in Its baseball authorities her -- Official announcement of the deal tnsnibaMh'tn. drlva. wim mentioned. fa and the splendid cooperation of the Is expected to be made at the Coast league meeting here Monday, It was 'clty offlclulH praised. ' ' said. V -- A dance followed the program.. 11 c .Ten-dere- disabled-vet-errtnS- i AT .,M -- of 2500' candlepower---ljave-ee- n standardized. These large Mazda lamps and the high powered luminous arcs represent the last word in street lUuminants. What the future has In store cannot be forecast. Present development is along the lines of further improvement of the Mazda lamp in its present form and -ut . tin of ' 'if pjfl -luminous are by be .betterment of MrsiilPoweti, Jones, vice pres- - the magnetite electrode, y Bemarkable advances have been ldent of the state auxiliary, was present and paid a glowing tribute made in street lighting accessories, to the work of the Provo unit of both in design and efficiency. Re- the auxiliary, for its work la assisting the legion in every undertaking and in fostering community, welfare i and relief among the . , .107 Provo High School. entatlves for Fourth FRIENDS AND FOES ' U.S. AMBASSADOR TO PRAISE HIM ALIKE ENGLAND SUCCESSOR ovmiaooa h 'zt city " duced. POR STREETS UOrfTirKJ IN AVERAGE, ' : Late Developments Show Un- Secretary of State Hughes to usual Strength of President Resign from Cabinet March 4. Orer Lawnukers. ElVhn company eommercialised the electric arc lamp for street.- - lighting jmrrmsPBrtjTMywBi; topgg fttaaaa WIIIiiERS CONGRESS it v;VVf faily efficient but otherwise unsatisfactory street ftlumlnant;- - In 80S great progress in operation Mrs. L. R. Edwards to Leadui made when the sre was en ActM-ties Out in Auxiliary closed, but this was done at a sacrifor 1925. fice of efficiency,' . Modern street lighting really had Its Inception with, the luminous Carnation instead - of. poppies, arc lamp In 1005. This metallic arc, silver and china instead of the old which Is struck between electrodes men tear, spotless linen Instead of fit poppeOn4flagnetlteJ,wlth. very modifications, the dark brown earth, tonga of cul- alight mechanical -has all other arc superceeded voices tured instead of screaming lamps and today it the standard for sheila, deliriously baked ham in- street lighting in many of our larg stead of dry crisp bacon, light hot est cities. The luminous or magne rolls jjpstead of hardtack' biscuits tite arc lamp was adapted for orna months old,-jolighting purposes and laughter In- mental white-wa- y stead of groans of the wounded in 1911, the first installation being greeted membes of Provo post No. in New. Haven, Conn. 13 of the American Legion, members Meanwhile Incandescent the of the auxiliary and a"iew fortu- lamp was sot standing stllL By 1008 nate prospective members who were ai filament of tungsten had super Invited guests at the installation of eaed.irtt. carbon. Shortly tfter; officers at lfieT3otet Boberta Fri? wards lamps in au sizes were avail" ' ' ,. able np to 350 C. p. The tungsten day evening. The spirit of goodfelMwship pre filament wa first burned' In vailed as only the legion and aux raeuum. Iq1814 the gas filled lliary members know good fellow Masda lamp was commercialised and lamps in much larger sizes and Frank W, Demlng, .retiring" post commander and first vice - com' mander of the department of Utah; presided ait' the luncheon until the nw forinstarmnoir of officers ar rived when John E. Booth, depart: ment commander, took charge. A ladles trio JeOmposed of Mrs. James A. Bullock, Mrs. Mark Pyne and Miss AJcea I'oulton, . accom d panied, by Mrs. F. K. Dunn, two selections, and Mrs. Bullock and Mrs, Pyne also' sang a . park with this A few month lamp. ' GOOD FELLOWSHIP t ... -- Editorial IS PIBI81 IS D01H , Office....... PRICE TWO CENTS COOLIE LfGHTING about-Men- hr . Burfaeaa r" PROVO, UTAH, SUNDAY, JANUARY SHALL COST CEREMONIES 9 : EXPERTSHOWS OF herald rnoxxs wiTnwnwqisco5iBiNEpTnE provo posy By A. F. DICKEKSON. Cbht Engfaier, IllimihatW Engi- Mering LbonUary, General Efectrie Cwnpahy. v , Electric "street liglbBng waa lni tlated In 1879 with the Invention-o- f the incandescent lamp by Thomas Com- - Edison andjha lighting of thejroad 1 Si1ERALD in- - terest in Callfornls, Dr. and Mrs. Brlmhall have returned Qeorgo-H- . ' to their home in Piwo? t and ttapping..: JVit to about J2S Provo Bethrning Taking ah apartment in Loag Beach they ylsited in'. San' Diego, years ago,, lie has lived here cop- - Loa AngolM, Cstalina 'Islands and J In nonsly since tljcn., 1I has been also attendedhe vonrnament ? of a tanrttiar Trbaracter around Provo roses at. Pasadena-onNew Tear's river and I'tih lake having done" cnslderable fishing for years.' day, besides many ( beaches Surviving him are" two grandr parka.,:; chilOn trip they viewed sons and two the newly discovered Indian city In dren of Letirande Demlng of Salt Nevada which Is now being excarkt-ed- . Lake City, two brothers, James and ? . grand-daughter- - .t "v." . . ' Thomas King of Provo, and one sifter, Mrs, Sarah King Everett of Salt Mrs. BrimhaH were accompanied on their trip by their two, sons. Golden and Arip, their daugh- Tr; and Lake City. - Funeral servleea will be held Jn ter and family .Jit. nd Mra.Fusene th Second ward chapel Tuesday at Crandall and baby r.etty and their t p. "w . under the direction BUihop L. m Kalsou, sister Mrs. Gracs Matley.. . 'f . ' , f fir I.'- -, , . - ' - .' . ". |