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Show Millard County Chronicle r - If r V MR. AND MRS. RICHARD D. DRAPER Home Ceremony Unites Couple Miss Kathy Shields and Richard D. Draper exchanged wedding vows Friday, March 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Shields, parents par-ents of the bride. The marriage ceremony was performed per-formed by Bishop Frelen Shurtz of the Sugarville LDS Ward. The bride was attended by her sisters, Mrs. Lorraine Conk and Mrs. Helen Mansor, Rosemary Crafts, Colleen Roundy, Penny Shelby and Judy Draper, sister of the bridegroom. bride-groom. Jay Draper stood as best man for his 'brother. A bridal shower was given in honor of the bride by her mother Saturday, March 18. LADIES Buy Style Shoes for EASTER The talk of the town our new Trim-Treds! Spring-fresh colors . . . deft touches of trim . . . every pair a lilting style success. And their famous maker insists on comfort, too! Come see . . . you'll want them Lome see . . . j you'll want them .by the dozens. 7.98 to 9.98 pr. f D E LTB'S s ""V DEPflRTfflEfVr STORE J JJ'"m .... Thursday, March 30, 1961 Mi" S The young couple are making their home in Delta. Sunshine Club Lula Warnick, assisted by her granddaughter, Patty Dalton, entertained enter-tained us at the home of Patty, March 23rd. Eleven members were present. The program was carried out as usual, i. e., stories, poems and sentiments sen-timents given by members. Remainder of the time was spent visiting. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Next party wll be at Lynn War-nick, War-nick, April 13th. t Shoet tor fl'onuin TJ-J : h ' ? ' 1 -1 H " - i . i . ' j - f r A i j : 1 i ilctrOthctl Mr. and Mrs. Golden Erickson announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Rhea, to Mr. Sterling Church, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Church, of Delta. The couple will be married Saturday Sat-urday at 8 o'clock in the evening at the home of the bride's parents in Sutherland. Bishop Max Johnson, of Sutherland LDS Ward, will perform per-form the wedding ceremony In the presence of the immediate families. MISS P.HEA ERICKSON Fidelity Club Members of the Fidelity Club were entertained by Thelma Black on Thursday, March 23rd. Dinner was served at Hatch's City Cafe to Hannah Larsen, Thel ma Seegmuier, fean snow, Artie Henderson, Inez Moody, Ella Black, Ava Starley, Donna Sorenson, Dorothy Doro-thy Gardner, Zola Wright, Verna Gardner, Romania Bird, Vivian Hol-man, Hol-man, Clara Killpack and guests Glenna Moody and Barbara Black. Following dinner the group went to the Black home. The program on music was in charge of Inez Moody, The music from the comedy, com-edy, "My Fair Lady" was presented by Joe and Glenna Moody, Ladd Black and Darla Terry. It was very Interesting and very well presented. CLEVER CLOVER 4H The Clever Clover 4H Club was organized March 22, with Mrs. Madge Hales as leader. Officers are Judy Taylor, president, Peggy Ann Hales,, vice president, Jean Ashby, secretary, Jackie Evans, reporter, Janet Jane Callister, song leader. Club members are Janet Callister, Peggy Hales, Joan Ashby, Dorothy Young, Jackie Evans, Judy Taylor, Jerrie Ross, Delma Corry and Jean Roberts. Reporter, Jackie Evans SUGARVILLE 4-H NEWS The "Hot Shots" of Sugarville met March 8 at the home of Jerry Hill, club leader. The project chosen cho-sen for the year Is gardening1 and home beautification, Officers elected elect-ed for the coming year are Artie Hill, president; Keith Shurtz, vice president; Eddie Ivie, secretary; Dick Jensen, treasurer, Allen Jensen, Jen-sen, reporter; Roger Shurtz, recreation recrea-tion chairman; Chuck Greene, health chairman and Larry Oliver, safety chairman. Refreshments were served. Next meeting will be at Keith Shurtz's. THANKS TO FIREMEN I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to members of the Delta Volunteer Fire Department for their fine work in putting out the, fire at my place Saturday night, it gives us all such a wonderful feel ing of secruity to know that the Delta firemen can be depended upon up-on to arrive at once and work so fast and well to prevent damage from fire. The fire here was in the shed at back in the stack of sawed wood for the fireplace and had a good start before a neighbor reported re-ported the blaze. The firemen soon had the fire out, and I thank them. Mrs. Deona Black SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS 1 New! INSTANT RADIANCE Hair Color i; KCTY HAIR COLOR INSTANT RADIANCE COLORS IN S K.NUTtS USTS THROUGH SHAtfPQCS Color that makes your hair look naturally beautiful beau-tiful from root to tip . . . color that never rubs off on anything . . . color that contains an exclusive exclu-sive conditioning ingredient that gives lustre,-makes lustre,-makes your hair easier to comb and set. 11 EXQUISITE TONES: SLACK RADIANCE STRAWBERRY BLONDE DEEP BROWN GLOSS . ASH CHESTNUT GLOSS BROWN GOLD GOLDEN GLEAM . SILVER ICE TWO MONTHS COPPER FiRE AUBURN EVBERS PURE PJkTiNUM SUPPLY SERVICE Deseret Garden Club UepoH.s The Deseret Garden Club met at the home of Josie Moody, Friday evening, March 24, for its March meeting. Josie Moody and Maesa Cropper were hostesses. We missed out on our February meeting because of a death in the ward, but we had twice as much fun at this one to make up for it. Games were played and prizes ga-1 lore were won by the nineteen, members present, A new feature has been added to add fun and excitement to our , club. A door prize will be presented t tacn nine, ine prize mis lime was a beautiful netted doily, made and donated by Lucille Teeples. Gertrude Gert-rude Western was the recipient, Mrs. Teeples and Winona Dut-son Dut-son are our newest members and we certainly welcome them. I'm sure they will enjoy our club. Win-' ona was lucky enough to win a prize. Other large prizes were won by Beverly Eliason and Edna Christ-ensen Christ-ensen with smaller prizes won by. nearly every member present. J The hostesses served a delicious lunch in keeping with the Easter-theme. Easter-theme. The tables were beautifully decorated for Easter. The hostesses are to be complimented for work and thought they put forth, making mak-ing it such a success. It Happened In Washington By Mrs. Wallace F. Bennett Many V.I.P.'s come to Washington, Washing-ton, particularly in the spring. Last week, Monsieur Jacques Cheban-Delmas, Cheban-Delmas, President of the French National Assembly, and Madame Cheban-Delmas were here. As president of the Congressional Club, I was asked by the State Department De-partment to devote one morning to Madame, and to take her particularly particu-larly to visit the Congressional Club, as it was felt she would be interested in the activities of some of her American counterparts. It was suggested that we provide morning coffee for her at the club. On arrival, when I asked her if we could get her some coffee, she replied, re-plied, "A cold drink, perhaps." So we sipped tomato juice together, much to my pleasure, as I don't drink cofee either. We found several classes being conducted at the club that day, including one in French and one in fashion coordinating, and many of the ladies were busy sewing, making layettes for the Red Cross. I "We have absolutely nothing like this in France," she said. "The wives of the menVbers of our Na tional Assembly have no social contacts con-tacts whatever with each other. The husbands attend the social functions and the wives stay home with the children. If we did, have a place like this, our classes would be very different from yours. We would be teaching cooking, care of children and home nursing." She was very much interested in our club and its operation, however, how-ever, and said she wished they could have something like that in France. I told her she should be a pioneer and go home and organize such a club. That's exactly how our group was started by wishful thinking, followed by action on the part of a few women of vision. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Smith and son Richard, of Concord, Calif., were Delta visitors from Saturday to .Tuesday with their parents, Mr. and thers, Mrs. LaVonne Morrison, Ron, Mike and Bill Mortensen, and families. fa-milies. They went on to Provo to visit their daughter Barbara, freshman fresh-man at BYU. 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE Rinse by At last! No brassy or orangey tones, even in hardest-to-color brown hair! ' Colors in 5 minutes ...stays on through 5 shampoos! Covers gray hair I 50 I plus tax DRUG . Fine Arts Club Met on Monday The Fine Artd Club met Monday, with Mrs. Alta' Ashby and Mrs. Es-telle Es-telle Gardner as hostesses, for dinner din-ner at the City Cafe, and a program later at thp Ashby home. Present' were Barbara Ashby, Louise Lyman, Lenore Gardner, Rae Huff, Clare Stephenson, Harriet Eliason, Eli-ason, Clea Eliason, Alta Ashby, Mary Wright, Estelle Gardner and Melba Jacobson, club members and guests, Mary Henrie, Alice Gardner Gard-ner and Faye Jacobson. The program was on Civil Defense De-fense and an interesting talk was given by Fay Jacobson. THANKS FIREFIGHTERS I am deeply thankful to members mem-bers of the Delta Volunteer Fire Dept., Utah Highway Patrol, and all others who helped put out the fire at my farm Friday. Their prompt and efficient action soon had the fire under control and saved a considerable amount of property. The garage' burned down, and a car and truck were damaged. But the firemen kept the blaze from spreading and the house was saved, thanks to their efforts. Earl Johnson HOSPITAL NOTES Eldon Nielson, Delta, had surgery at the Delta Hospital March 22, and was released Tuesday. 1 CLASSIFIED RATES: 2c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over S lines ISc a line thereafter. Display ads. 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra pe r insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEEK. For Sale COME IN and look over our Bargain Bar-gain Square, where prices are slashed for sure clearance. Men's sweaters, shirts, coats, etc., The DELMART. FOR SALE: 3-bedroora, modern home, 164 East 300 South, Delta. Phone 3471. 3130 FOR SALE: Modern 2-bedroom home at 336 So. 3rd West, Delta. Garage and other outbuildings. See N C. Spor, Delta, Utah. 330 FOR SALE: 120 Bass Accordion. Contact Lynn Tarbot. Excellent condition. Real bargain. , HOME FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, at 1st W. 70 So. Small down payment, ' easy terms. See Sam Bringard, i Delta. iou GENTLEMENT shop now for New Spring Suits, Sport Coats, Shirts, Ties, Sox, Oxfords at D. Stevens Co., Delta's Dept. Store. LADIES shop now for New Easter Dresses, Millinary, Purses, Gloves, Hosiery at D. Stevens Co., Ladies' Dept. OUR NEW meat processing plant was opened and in operation the 13th of March. We will be serving you from the back of Marion's and Dean's A. G. Market. We have installed in-stalled a new walk-in quick freeze and many other new facilities to make your meat processing the best possible. We wiU also be selling sell-ing wholesale deep freeze orders of beef, pork and lamb. TALBOT PACKING CO. MARION'S AND DEAN'S A. G. MARKET FOR SALE: Vacant lot, 123' x 247Vi' with hole dug for basement. See Kennard Riding, 242 South 4th W., Delta, Utah. i;5;61tf BUY new shoes for Easter. New Spring Shoes now on display at D. Stevens Co., Shoe Dept. IS ft. USED Frozen Food Chest. This sale only $175.00. Come in and see at Workman's Home Furnishings. Furnish-ings. COME IN and look over our Bargain Bar-gain Square, where prices are slashed for sure clearance. Men's, women's, girls', and boys' shoes. The DELMART. RECLINERS. $39.95 and up at Workman's Home Furnishings. GATES TIRE SALE: year-end. all commercial tires beginning with 600x16. Buy 1 parr or more to qualify qual-ify for xk savings. (Unconditional road hazard guarantee on all tires) LOVELL. & ROPER SERVICE. tf SEE our new spring lines of Girls' Dresses, Bonnets, Purses, Blouses, Pedal Pushers, Shorts, Slim Jims, all new for Easter selling" Buy now at D. Stevens Co., Ladies' Dept. NOW AVAILABLE Purebred Land-race Land-race breeding stock. Weaner age. S35.00 each. Contact Karl M. Workman, Work-man, Hinckley, Utah. 3 30 BEAUTIFUL Foam Rubber Freize 2-piece Laving Room Set. Reg. S229. This week, $179. Workman's Home Furnishings. WE WILL AUCTION HOGS every other Tuesdav, March 14, 28, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION. tf Chrome Kitchen Chairs. Sets of 4. Mother of Pearl, $39.95. While they last. Workman's Home Furnishings. MEN Come in and pick your Spring Straw Hat. New for Easter. The DELMART. FOR SALE: 40 acre farm near Delta; Del-ta; modern 3-bedroom home, new milking barn, good out-buildings; 10 milk cows and milking equip.. phone 690J3. 4 6 NEW EASTER SHOES ior Women and girls in stock. See them now at the DELMART. FOR SALE: "B" John Deere Trac-1 tor, good cond; John Deere heavy duty rubber-tired wason. 8 x 13 plank decking. See at Walt Manis Sen ice Station, Hinckley. 3 30 ) Mr. and Mrs. Don T. Bishop re-j turned to Delta Tuesday from a vi- . sit of two weeks in California, where they visited their son, Max and family at Costa Mesa and converts con-verts and friends in seven other . cities. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop filled j an LDS mission in Southern Cali-i fornia 8 years ago, and on this -visit at Costa Mesa they were present pre-sent when the son of one of their. j converts was ordained to the Aaro- ARCTIC EASTER FOR SUNDAY -70c COME IN and look over our Bargain Bar-gain Square, where prices are slashed for sure clearance. Ladies' dresses, sweaters, capri sets, etc., The DELMART. catteries for Cars. Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop. Priced from $10.75. Guaranteed 2, 3 and 4 years. All adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta, tl MUST SELL: 160 acre leveled, cultivated cul-tivated farm, majority in Buffalo alfalfa; 109 shares Delta water; 40 shares Deseret water; small home, good corrals. Make offer Phone 6913. 313-4120 FOR SALE: 4-room modern home. New bathroom; furnace; 52-gal. water heater. New room in basement. base-ment. Movable. Terms arranged Write Harry McCardell, 1701 Spring Lane, Salt Lake City 17, Utah. 4 13 FOR SALE: SO shares Deseret water; wa-ter; 1 Surge Milker complete with pump and 2 buckets; ten 10-gal. milk cans. Ph. 8933. 5-PIECE KITCHEN Chrome Set. Reg. $98.00. Now only $79.00. Workman's Work-man's Home, Furnishings. FOR SALE: Econo-Mat Coal Heater. Heat-er. Real bargain. Call Duane Galli, 6921. 3123-4,6 Use our efficient Carpet Shampoo- er FREE with purchase of Blue Lustre shampoo. Workman's Home Furnishings. GATES TIRE SALE: year end. all commercial tires beginning with 600x16. Buy 1 pair or more to qualify qual-ify for xk . savings. (Unconditional road hazard guarantee on aU tires) LOVELL & ROPER SERVICE. tf BATTERIES All sizes on hand Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE, Phone 3791, Delta, Utah. 3'23tf PIANO One blond One dark finish fin-ish spinet built by Baldwin Located Lo-cated near here will sacrifice rather rath-er than return to Salt Lake store Write Adjuster P.O. Box 2033 Salt Lake City 10, Utah. 3'23-30 Wan toil WANT TO BUY CHAFF. See Joe Morris, Hinckley, or phone 695J2 2:9-23 Lost mid Found LOST. IN THE DELTA AREA Saturday, Sat-urday, a lady's Timex gold wrist watch, on black cord wrist band. If found, please notify Jessie GUlette, ph. 465J1, Delta. For Ilcnt FOR RENT: 2-bedroom deluxe a- partment; heat; air conditioning; automatic washer and dryer. Ph. 3671 or 4251. 39 tf FOR RENT: Some Deseret and Abraham Ab-raham water. Dell Shurtliff, Hinckley. Hinck-ley. . ' FOR RENT: Modern apt three large rooms and utility room, furnished furn-ished at 124 So. 1st West, Delta. See H. O. Wilcox, ph. 593J1, or Mrs. Lionel Taylor, ph. 2311. 4 6 ( HOUSE FOR RENT: Modern 2-bed-j rooms, unfurnished. Close to high j schools. See E. D. Harris, Jr., Del-' ta, ph. 2741. i;i9tf APT. FOR RENT: at 183 North 3rd' West, Delta. Furnished or unfurnished. unfurn-ished. Heat, hot water, automatic washer furnished. See Rex Harris, ph. SS71. 3,16tf Miscellaneous WILL HELP DO HOUSEWORK and ! spring house cleaning. Call 3091. 4 13 WE NOW DO large and small appliance ap-pliance repair. VAN'S Jewelry. Delta, Del-ta, Utah. Dealer for Hospoint Appliances. Ap-pliances. "" 4 6 nic Priesthood. The Ward meetings are held in the new chapel for which Mr. and Mrs. Bishop helped start the building fund when there to serve their mission. : - George Van was in Salt Lake City on Tuesday of last week at the Ilotpoint School on repairing appliances. 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE CIRCLE SPECIAL- I o BALLROOM DANCING CLASS will be taught by Eileen's School of Dancing for 8 weekly lessons, beginning be-ginning April 1, 1S61, at 5 p.m. in the studio above Delta Drug Store. Basic foxtrot and waltz, Swing, cha-chacha, cha-chacha, etc. $8. per couple for the course. Please bring your own pard-ners. pard-ners. ALL SHOES LEFT over 30 days at Bill's Shoe Repair Shop, Delta, will be sold for the repair bill, effective March 16, 1961. 3j30 JUST ARRIVED Linoleum Rugs 9x12. Beautiful colors, only $7.49. Workman's Home Furnishings. FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMEN WHO CAN DRIVE ... If you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regularly each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Delta, and are willing to make light deliveries, de-liveries, etc., write to STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. WN43,. Glendale, California. Route will pay up to $3.50 per hour. ' ' SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. representative will be here once each week at Killpack Motor Lodge in Delta. Sewing Machines, Vacuum Vac-uum Cleaners. Repairs, Rentals, Fashion Aids, Notions. Information, call 4401, or leave name at desk. . 3!23tf LADIES shop now for New Spring lines of Slim Jims, Pedal Pushers, Jamaica Shorts, Blouses. Buy now at D. Stevens Co., Ladies' Dept. ALL OCCASION Fiberglass Chairs. Assorted colors. Reg, $16.95. Now, $12.95. See them at Workman's Home Furnishings. Phone 4432. NEEDING COAL? Contact Calvin or Howard Dutson, Oak City. Browning or Spring City. 39-30 CARS POLISHED & WAXED. $10.00 to $13.00. KELLY'S SERVICE. 22tf 1 CENT RECORD SALE 1 12-IN. STEREO LONG PLAY FOR $2.98 2 FOR $239 Also 12-inch long play records 98 CENTS 45 RPM Children's Records 49 CENTS See MORRIS SUPPLY Hinckley, Utah STANDING AT STUD: Texas Cody. No. P-66999; sire. Bill Cody out of Wilson's Lady. One of the top breed studs, booked full last year. Standing in 1961 at private treaty. Now in training at Marlow Cropper ranch, Deseret. Drop in and see him. For sale: one Palomino 3-year old gelding; one unregistered granddaughter of High Step, 8 yrs. old, will foal this spring. Contact Don U Anderson, Jr., Oak City, Utah. 22tf Complete Miscellaneous stock, of ELECTRICAL, SUPPLIES Sockets, plugs, switches, fuses, recepticals, transformers, extension cords, etc. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALES NOW anyoe can buy DIRECT from U.S. Government SURPLUS DEPOTS, by mail for yourself or for resale. Cameras, binoculars, binocu-lars, cars, jeeps, trucks, boats, hardware, office machines and equipment, tents, tools and tens-of-thousands of other items at a fraction of their original cost. Many Items brand new. For list of hundreds of U.S. Government Surplus Depots, located In every State and overseas with pamphlet pamph-let "How Government Can Ship Direct To You," plus procedures, HOW TO BUY and how to get FREE SURPLUS, mail $2.00 to SURPLUS SALES INFORMATION SERVICES, P. O. Box No. 1818. Washington 5, D.C ADS |