Show SPICE They didnt keep house long No within three months after their wedding phe went home to her mother And Is Bho applying for a divorce Oh no She took him with her Philadelphia Phil-adelphia Press v You say he is a suburbanite of long alandlng Yes ho always gives up his scat In a alrcctcar Toledo Bee What Is tIme difference between a mon olOKUO and a dialogue pn Z A monologue my ron Is a mann wife talking to him nnd n dialogue Is his wife amid her molhcr talking to hlmrorn Topics Did that now doctor succeed In curing your husband of Insomnia 7 Yes but the doctors bill was BO cx I ccaalvo that my husband cannot sleep now for worrj Inp over how he la I lo pay Indianapolis News Mlso Oldun said Mr Gayboy aro you very fond of sports 7 Well or really stammered Miss Vera Oldun 1 suppose Ihercn at least one sport you like more than any other This In so sudden Mr Gnyboy Youre the only real sport whg ever called 1 on me Philadelphia Prcsa I Muggins Havo you an cncvclopedla Bufcplns Well no not exactly but my daughter IB home from Jt young Indies seminary Philadelphia Hccord S t Aftor nil said Mrs GallclRh lilt Isnt so bad to have a husband who sleeps In ehuroh Mine dreamed nil through the sermon last Sunday and 1 ennt help fcillnc glad every time l1 oink about It Why who ever hqTrd of such a thing her frlond exclaimed You see our minister prenchcd a horrid hor-rid Impertinent termoii against women pa lug so much for the clothes they wear and 1 lust know If Jonathan hnd ben awake hod never Ret through quoting It to mcChlemio RecordHerald I e 4 Theres no accounting for toolcs Now Emmas husband You mean her late husband No 1 mean her later husband Shes married again Philadelphia Press |