Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING 12 OCTOBER 4 1933 Clltv fnnimmr II Lt) reasons may be grouped roughly as Cooperative Inc Roseburg Harry J raising ceremony which was condIV Beernink Washington Cooperative O II apprehensions about certain policies the Vanguards and this " o fthe government and event was followed by the singing Egg Poultry association Seattle ofThere is apprehension among busiot “America" Invocation was Marketing Plan ness men that the government intends fered by David J Wilson bishop of asbeen have held at the Meetings to follow policies which would make the Twelfth ward TURKEY-GRO-UP Speakers on the program were Dr The government through its Resignation of William B Joyce George W Middleton on the “Geology The agreement with ihe California chairman of the board of directors jblue eagle drive has caused business Z of the Great Salt Lake" William men tug and little to pay out more association which was recommended of the National Surety corporation of To the extent that this has Terry bishop df the Eighteenth ward Northwestern Growers End to wages was today telegraphed calls the committee ?wYork by marketing taken from business men some of of the Lake Camp" “The tn Building - "the New York state superintendent dea for cooperative marketing plan their capital it has made them less Meet With Election Ogden' Mayor Leads Cara- and Judge William R Reeder Jr signed to eliminate cutthroat compe- of insurance able to borrow and less eager to borsevhas been who Joyce to and the better assure spending tition of Sketch Seron "Historical row Some business men apprehend Citizens to Journeys van of prices Officers eral months at his Beverly Hills resi- that the for in sold growers highly turkeys of General Fremont" government intends to prodence said he was going into private mote competitive territories ot labor and they vice on Lake Shore Devere Child Vanguaid commisunionizing New in ot business York the One a The association also adopted that increased unionizing sioner of Mt Ogden L D S- stake apprehend With the election of officers and recommendation nabest insurance known men In the of the marketing of labor will result in increased dedirected the unveiling and tape were Mr Jbyce war connected wfth mands for wages and thereby cause Attended byTlarge group ofOg-de- sung by members of the Vanguard the adoption of a plan of cooperation group that- the association retaliate tion 41 the National thesteam railroads by Surety companyjor with the California Turkey Growers" against to b more difficult to make major profits residents led by Mayor Ora troops and sounded by three buglers association "the its was and at to years boat lines executive traffic prot h e diverting This leads business men to be relucof that organization Josepii Ririe went into time it rehabilitation held were services in reductions rail Tuesday pronounced the benediction Bundy viding requested tant to their operations They jnnual convention! rates from west to east are not The National Surety corporation are in expand mood of fear Great numbers evening on the summit of Little Donors of materials for construction of the Northwest was to on created the carry company’s granted of business men who come to Washmountain Incidental to the unveil- of the monument included the fol- ern Turkey Grow insurance work after it was taken ington in connection with N R A feel Business Gains was ing ol the John C Fremont monu- lowing: O B Gilson cement Wheel- era association over New York tho state by superclose to Brown eastern a Benjamin repre Justly or not an atmosphere of hos ment The Ogdenites left the Twelfth wright Construction company sand brought sentative reported an Improvement intendent threat They sense a spirit of Tuesday L D S ward chapel in an automohe would said a tility become Joyce fn east C Noble he aec L which business of the "do as we tell you or else — " They m bile caravan at 6 p Vanguard Striking Grape Pickers insurance broker in New York surety - 516 of Ne on will react the believes acthe home 527 Nosand spread this feeling 524 and go favorably retary troops where be makes his home among other business men prices of turkeys sold for Thanks-’vinOut of Town vada companied the party Driven and Christmas consumption Growers’ associa Little mountain is ten miles west Rumen Injurious He explained the codes of fair com U S CREATES CREDIT at Fallon wa 'lr Of Ogden at the potnt where the 3 ilP) — The ranks tipn Oct Cal Rumors from Washington say that LODI elected president y by the administraprepared petition Southern Pacific cutoff starta acros-Gre- of striking grape pickers were dis ucceeding H P ' tion of the agricultural adjustment TO HELP RECOVERY so soon as businesses show profits the Salt Lake The monument 16 temporarily at least when half Griffin of the act and predicted they will have a businesses will be required to set feet high is on the site of the camp arupted and more hundred or agipickers cobeneficial effect on the type of Southern Mon which Fremont established Septem- tators were aside some of those profits for in(Continued from Pat Onei of out Lodi driven today tana Turkey Grow operative operated by the turkey creased wages and also for insurance ber 5 1843 and which he used as a by as many growers and others rep- ers’ ties association a works this way in normal times against future unemployment Some growers base for exploring Great Salt lake resenting the other side of the situ- Bozeman Mont a plan it does not necessarily result the same members The association adopted end portions of the valley The un- ation of the administration make 25 will save when which C Ed business is so to speak start- offhand statements which per approximately veiling was celebrated at 730 p tn The grower group went Into ac- Clyde going costs in sales and cent the Utal of scratch A benefit or two from mondi the week ing are accepted as adminGeorge Albert Smith president of tion while some 300 special deputy should Producers which show Landschool u growers and Trails Poultry the Utah Pioneer right istration One such rumor volunteers stood by in- Cooeratlve assocle It also was decided to use federal Up to the present men have not says the policy marks association was master of the sheriffs and government will fix the to follow picketers into the tion at Salt Lake tending the of this been faciliuse arin of was the credit The grades marketing year’s ceremonies program making prices at which business men may and prevent any was reelected vice Mr Noble ties On the contrary there has sell turkeys what they make There are ruranged in cooperation with Dr outlying vineyards of trouble of been less use of credit not more The mors vague but alarming that the president and Herbert Beyers George Stewart- leader of Vanguard possibility BORSE STARTS FIRE SaTf "Lake"was again named government through three of its high troop No 518 of the Twelfth L D will take over business IAKOQBIKES LEBANON Pa Oct 3 iff) — James fiscal officials recently scolded the government and general manager "&wardiha !GTlTOhrT1nrmOTTF a large way in Me:ors are e Noble MrBlaUis horse emulated Mrs O’Leary’s American Bankers’ association ment was built under the direction SEATTLE Oct 3 OP)— Forsaking for In the prevailing mood the drive of S D Warner and Percy Hadley hiking alpinists took up biking— for Edmonds Mr Griffin Earl H Brock cow of Chicago fire fame but the re FoFcloing mbre“Ten2ingTThe answer of the government to cause banks Producers’ A1 a But man Idaho Egg associa- suits were not so serious The horse of the bankers is in part that it is assisted by Alfred J Burdett George day Under the leadership of preferred stock to the governBallinger and Leonard Carlson It terworth 15 members of the Washing tion Caldwell P J Davis Colorado kicked over a lantern starting a fire not they who are mainly to blame ment is interpreted some susInc Juncton a on went Association Grand a which barn a bronze club that bears a Poultry destroyed pig sty they are willihg to lend but that picious bankers as a wish on the part Alpine plate with an inscrip- MonNorthern McNicol Fre-was Leon near tion chicken It the deeds housefarm borsound tion describing of borrowers are hesitant to early morning bicycle trip Implements and of the government to own or control — inon- tty u fatiguing as climbing a peak tana Poultry Growers’ association livestock with an estimated value Of row the banks Havre J C Leedy Oregon Turkey $5000 The program began with a flag members said later to Borrow Hesitancy Jesse H Jones chairman of the To the extent that the trouble lies Reconstruction Finance corporation in histancy of business men to bor- specifically denies this More denials row it is important to seek the rea- of similar rumors would remove the son When sound borrowers fail to principal impediment that now preborrow or bankers hesitate to lend vents business men from doing the the reason is usually one It is lack and carrying out the exol confidence To express it another borrowing of business which the govpansion wav it is apprehension about some- ernment so much desires e thing (New York Service) At such a time as the present after four years of the spectacle of depresThe new government airmail sersion if is natural for men to be w a vice between Fairbanks and Juneau mood of apprehension even without Alaska makes the trip in six hours any specific reason There are how- as compared with about seven days ever some specific reasons These by steamer “Throng Gathers For Unveiling of NEVADANHEADS ucted-by Fremont Marker Head Regigns AUERBACH CO Al -- of - f jf Turks at The nctv COOLIE BRIM fits like a turban — - — FUR FELT HS $ 10-sel-l ty - 5 We’ll wager you’ve looked for just such a hat every Winter! That’s why we thought of flattening its brim in back close to the head I Makes it comfortable as a turban with fur collars but keep the nice flattery of a brim ! Tokey eel xlundee black and brown — Try the new ‘ Softee Nook Herald-Tribun- Newest Softee Bento V (Millinery Salon— Second Fluor) The wee ones certainly get the breaks In this and In the warm “New Deal” a was there sale of blankets it’s ever If way this one— stacks and stacks of ’em in every adorable design soft downy blankets for grand gifts nr for your own precious darling' 1200 Esmond Warmspun BABY BLANKETS At “Pre-Inflation- GROUP Prices ” 1 Just the cunningest little figures you ever saw on pink or blue backgrounds with stitched edges Some plain and some scalloped all around Sizes 30x40 Others $119 and $139 Fashion’ it&mp of approval lstha little blue' and ailver Vogue seal on GROUP 2 dresaea All the glamour and richnesa of magnificent materials is mould--t by master artista New lines are seen in the silhouette ideas taken away or added to the sleeves— everything done to confirm a woman’s reputation for chie Every garment is chosen by the editors of Vogue Magazine style-righ- i' With the chill of autumn in the air you’ll want something heavier to wrap the little one in— here a heavy crib blanket with double stitched it is! Cute little ribbon and sateen bound edges Size 36x50 patterns In nursery designs all-ov- er Others $198 and $249 LEFT— Jenny Wren brown Forstmann Hoffman woolen in a new suit with -length coat Long tuxedo levers of Mink gills a very flattering and ' long wearing Nr BIGHT—A suede leather jacket at S° swanky - with a loose weave sweater priced S249 The Herringbone skirt at 5393 completea the smart outfit $748 - ' ' TOP Center— Vogue selects this suit because taey believe that the suit will be a runner and tlus Is A" particularly mart- -' one Imported Kempy tweed it' is with skirt and Jacket one color top-co-at with scarf collar in a deeper tan of the same color top-co- at Blankets Sketched— Top to Bottom OiP Persian lamb! genuine Alervcon lace Beautiful ' der lines and new sleeves s ar “Baby Peppered” isn’t the 2 puppy— but the trademark slen- "7P y07J yLjD white Second Floor) sASJERBACH CO $139 Little duck figures’ trail along most all over this satin--0 bound blanket ot blue and (PI QQ 4 J name of a cunning little of quality Fringed and : RIGHT— Dress of Wahnetah’s rope ridge silk crepe with long side closing of satin and satin bow on HC the shoulder (Ready-to-we- gone “Scotch" is this soft and downy (7Q 1Aoneblanket I done in a pink and white plaid LEFT— A stunning dress of the new Re vers and cuffs of Cordo Faille silk a SEATED FIGURE -la wearing woolen suit— the dress and Jacket of Underwood rust trimmed with black satin and little collar of t ’ 1 in pink White kittens play blankets that are scalloped and stitched all around hide-and-se- ek GERTRUDES— For the tiny tiny tot outing flannel and Just 39C as cute as cm be te GOWNS— Plain or with crocheted edges of pink or blue outing flannel Ad-whi- te (AUERBACH’S— STOFlt CORNER-SECO- ND 98c to $298 39c FLOOR) |