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Show i SUNDAY HERALD "" "'" , "' ' ' ' 19M " 'IJII II., II. Wilkinson Blasts Trend Toward Socialism In U. S. Before Rotarians The United States has become d a nation,, deeply en meshed in socialism Dr. Ernest Wilkinson told Provo Rotarians "debt-plague- . - Friday. r Brigh am Young University's president was introduced to Provo Rotary .Club by Cullen Y. Chris- tenson, program chairman. s - - i The luncheon meeting - waspre-sfrie- d AIL Lfl expenditures, Congress has voted! increasing military salaries and'j has under consideration such in-- i creased expenditures as a 101 bil-- j lion, dollar highway program; up--j ping of the minimum wage, andi extension of public housing and medical care," said Dr. Wilkin-- i son. i Another Proposal j Where will the money come fsl. 1r. JW t I HQ IB S10 to $1 50v ! ; o i ; I over by Ray Murdock, Ro- from?i;L U W'i ' ytiry president. In 1952, said' Dr. Wilkinson,! On the American debit side. Dr. Wilkinson declared, the total gov Harold Stassen,"who away billions ernment debt now is around 310 in charge, of giving' that the gov- proposed" abroad," billion Hollars; of which 275 billion ernment, in addition to the inis owed by the federal govern- - come tax. should Impose a capital nient; 10 billion by state govern levy on non-ris- k ments, and 25 billion by local; gov- - "Of course, hecapital. only proposed r ernments. t IVz per cent; but I recall a of tax These dollars owed are- - equina that when we adopted the income lent to the nation's total asse tax, proponents advocated . a tax Dr. Wilkinso said. of only lHper cent," said Dbu r: Still More Debts Wilkinson. "Some even claimed -- But United States has still more that five per. cent would be the debts. The f federal government ceiling in time of war . . . In- ' has assumed contingent', liabil tyistead it went up to 90 per cent,' for another 250 billion dollars r The BYU"prexy conceded that cost of World Wars I and II, the Jsusiness debts amount to 265 lion J short term personal loans, Korean War and threat of another 'more than 31bipion, and home war primarily was responsible for high expenditures. mortgages 76 billion. Federal Invasion Considering the national ' debt woman and 'But the tragic fact is that,! alonet every man, child 5wes, $1800, said Dr. these wars and their apart from, son. Since most women and appalling expense, government dren and many lowT income "men has been more and more invad-lngjolives and our Jiberties and pay no taxes, the burden pf pay ing off the national debt rests on our worldly posses- -' spiritual and r some 20 per cent of the popula siuns svu iiiucu so tk.t uuu 4j..t vouay, vve tion. This 20 per cent, said Dr. are in many respects no . longer wiiKinson win shoulder f repay- - a republic with a substantial conment jat .the rate of $10,000 per stitutional safeguards but a socialcapita; and must pay an average istic state," Dr. Wilkinson said. of $2,000 per year for; current anThis Is so apparent, that "denual expenses of the federal gov vout socialists" are dropping their ernment. separate party affiliation''. to ally . mis compares with only $30 a themselves with the liberal-labo- r year in 1914, said Dr. Wilkinson. coalition "inside and just outside ! - .1. has-been- uuXlO ! j . 1 p" tlnnv - - AUTOMATIC Big ,i Why have federal costs risen? When the republic was young, the nation had only one federal employe for every 14,000 Ameri cans, said Dr. Wilkinson. Today, the- - figureUs one in 70. In fact, ; one in six Americans receive money from the federal govern ment in form of pay.pensfontjDr subsidies, he said. To pay for this outflow of cash. the average taxpayer must work two or 4hree months a year just to pay federal .taxes. ' What about the future? f "At this time, when we should be making every sacrifice to cut -- I -- I AIITARI1TI 8-l- iL- : ana Tasrer, tieaner ' iNnurn Get correct drying temperature for every fabric, with Kenmore temperature selector. Flexible cycle can be stopped at any time. Start or advance at any time you wish. capacity. ur . capacity washes clothes to perfection. Swirl agitator that gets clothes c . b. Famous Roto - Why Are Costs Up? 8-I- WASHER off h r b. foe only K )(p)(p)95 jU a the Democratic party," he said. Quotes Browder Dir. Wilkinson quoted Earl1 Browder, former leader of the; communist party in America, as; writing "State capitalism has progressed farther in America than in Great Britain under the labor , government. 1 thus we have ,Why accepted socialism? he asked. t "By departure from basic con cepts of our constitution,' said Dr. I $10 Down, $15 Month m , , I. . Wis.." v mr A j j. j Wilkinson: He urged "political repentance and moral regeneration of the American people" to combat the paralysis of socialism." Appren tice Tra in ing In Utah County Ale viates Shortage Of Needed Skilled Workmen V Trainine Drocram of various The report follows: firms and industries throughout "Utah County employers who Utah County have greatly in havp taken advantage creased the number of trained young workers to fill ofthetraining needs workers needed throughout the of skilled who or have workers, county, the JBureau. of Apprentice- - instituted industrial plant train snip of the Department of Labor ing -- 10 raise me level or Dotn said in a Idea report jlssued skilled and d work v Saturday, men, have been able to materiof ally overcome the the many American Fork News trained workers in shortage crafts. Utah County has been and is still very- training conscious and the large, as well as .the small companies, are trainine workers to better fill the reauire- ments of their jobs in the shortest possible, time and with the lowest ' accident and cost rate. II semi-skille- mmmm mil 5-Y- - i CC Exec:utive Attends Goast Confab 'The eorrmanlps of Ttah rmm. ty are training over 400 apprentices and hundreds of industrial By 'DENA5 S. GRANT workers trained in the AMERICAN 'FORK LeRoy R different are being for more efficient plants Griffin, executive secretary of efforts and this is raDidlv the American Fork Chamber of ing about irreater. production and Commerce,, has returned from finer products. Palo Alto. Cal.t" where for the "The United States TAnartiv ant second consecutive year he at of Labor through the Bureau nfi tended the Western Institute for C. of C. executives. Dailyclasses Apprenticeship workine with thi' were given including parking Central Utah Vocational Srhnni the United States Employment' problems, industrial areas pro Service, the Department of Emmotion, retail promotion, convenployment Security, and the Local j tions, membership aHvpaigns, news writing, transportation, tax- Unions of Oranized Labor, the Provo Chamber- - of Com ation and others. " and many private emnlmwi The school, for trade and com- have and in mercial executives, has been out- m a ny underway tine t training progra ms-thlined for a three; year periods wm assist very .greatly in overcoming jthe shortage of sTriiiAH The Citizenship and Patriotism workmen in this area. Committees bf the Lions Club has comnanv or nrpani-waiinAny been asked to see that, the who may need. assistance in orflag is raised immediately ganizing programs on preceding the playing of all In the job or training who would ;lilr trwiai djstrial Leagttegames in the trainingiior their workers may local baseball park. Harold Ram receive Ithe necessarv hpiSKw say, Marion Merier and Emmett on the Bureau of ApprenTittensor comprise the commit- piling 220 South West Temple ticeship tee in charge. The club provided oixeec, aaat Lake City, Utah; This a metal pole which was installed assistance is without cost from' early in the year. the bureau and given in all kinds of skilled; semiBob Clements, son of Mr. and skilled, or other needed train" Mrs. Welby L. Clements, is en- ing." ...j joying a furlough here With his family md friends Bob has beeu together with Walter Stef-- f in Germany and French Morroc affair, Charles en, Cornell, Ersel Fagan co. He leaves Auff'4 for Wash and Nelson and thpir, Clyde. ington, D.C., where he will be Wives. stationed until released 'i next April. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Conder; A canyon party was enjoyed and family have return pH in by the members of the Lions home 'in Los AtippIpc sft v w viaClub and their wives Thursdav here at the home ofMr. Conder's night at the Cave Camp in Ameri- parents. Mr. andMrs. Win- -r can Fork Canyon. The annual der and ai the home of Mr. and! outing Included, besides a de- airs, uien Austin. Mrs. Austin i licious supper, a program and a sister of Mr. Conder. The visit other entertainment. Rulon Win- was especially occasioned bv th ter and Edward Smith, assisted recent wedding of Reel L. Makin bj- their wives, chairmaned the ana uienda May Austin. 229 ear Protection Plan $10 , 00 Popular, 14.7 cu. ft. 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