Show GOOD ENOUGH We apprehend there is some mistake in the wired report from Washington that the chairman of the Senate committee on territories terri-tories has requested Judge ZANE to suggest the names of other gentlemen than those named in the Utah Columbian exposition bill It seems to THE HERALD that this is not a matter for Congress to quibble over in fact that the composition of the board is something which does not concern Congress in the least The territorial legislature legisla-ture named twelve gentlemen and three ladies as the board of Worlds fair managers for Utah and that fact should be sufficient for Congress the presumption being that the representatives of the people peo-ple know best who should attend to the business in hand and spend the public money It is assuming a good deal for Congress to pass the bill which was vetoed by the governor The national legislature can find excuse or justification for it only in tho urgent necessity But to go still farther and assume to change in an essential essen-tial particular the bill as it passed the local legislature would be little less than outrageous out-rageous We think we know the sentiment of the people of Utah and we think that sentiment would say better no appearance i whatever at the fair than an exhibition directed di-rected by other than the chosen representatives represen-tatives Furthermore the members of the board were wisely selected by the legislature The gentlemen and ladies are not only well qualified to perform the duties required but they are thoroughly representative of the various sections of the territory and its interests and not less representative politically po-litically and socially They are among our prominent and best respected citizens and all have confidence in them There was manifestly no attempt to reward for political polit-ical services no effort to confer special honors upon anybody The legislature was overwhelmingly Democratic yet on the board we find very officious Republicans and prominent Liberals there are Gentiles and Mormons rich men and poor ones and selections have been made from every section sec-tion of tho territory It would be difficult to find a more representative body But the circumstance that tho board was chosen by the legislature should be sufficient for Congress If Congress is not willing to pass the bill exactly as it went from the Utah legislature TUE HERALD hopes the matter will bo dropped This territory will find a way to make a satisfactory exhibit ex-hibit at the fair |