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Show i. Page - 18---S- alt - -- ...1-- Lake . City, Utah ,'-- -- .., tl 0 D R ' , á THE N EWS R DESE-I-E- ----- Army Aids , All t - - -- - ' ' . - . - - - - '-- 1 Jece- mber7 Tuesday, a 23,'1-1941---- r , Woolinen Gain Iiiiport On Nazi Rout ., 0 ' - s. , ...... .4, 's,,, - .,. - ' - . 1 1 1-1.- ' - Winter Effect Upon German Army. Gives Wool More Value ' ,.. : . Obituaries , ' Inspect Depot OGDEN, Dec. '23.Lieutenant Colonel Egbert S. Bullene of the officeof the chief of chemical ; aurritsarye and DIcl eeyu teontant B. .1 V! , ififfe4 47. t.' r ,. . , - J e- , . t.. fiedr.feele . . t ,,,.... ' - . , i , , ( ,,,,,,,..s7v.,,,r...., ,,,. ) , or : , , ,, , , . , , 4 ....tcil.".. , 6 .,, .7 ,, Mri. Miner was of the chief of the signal corps, -WEll born Anvil 2. ?0,),... on Monday Inspected ' storage , b 4 Reniren1891, i .in 't 'k ., :::,,L.L, , ,c , units in use at the Utah General ,, 111.--.a shire, Scotland, . . ' . -foj , , Ar. -)-. I of tri,atel , , SupplyDepot. ,,'pt ..cinithtr. n 41r ' .1., , ; conThe two fficera,who I KUM KOVE1 KID ist;scamemccitlittiti KOYI MITA KSI Ittler'a retreat in'Russli has ferred With Lieutenant Colonel , when slim was three ARF,, LISTED BELOW ' woolmen the American L. William placed commanding Mayst, 1111111min litinitimil 1111111111111 1111111111111 111101111111 1411111111 ' P,arls,74:11hon April in a more important j1 the position Utah at GenerirDepofficer was , " , ,to Mr. married In the .United States, F. It. Shop Early, .1r11240ot, said the inspections were 1450 1430 1320 1160 570 o Miller In- the old , Marshall, secretary of the Namade inccinnection with upplies Salt Lake Endow-went : 2 To Get Best The Associational Wool Growers' SeleItion, House. stored at the Utah 106 I VIC NEDIWOODIEtillt PRICE , being LE After :mar. her CILUMZÉVItlire tion, said today on his return 0 IliTWORIIMMOTUA1111 141RPEIMI IN quartermaster's' depot, and plans riage, she and Mr. from Washington. D. C. for reshipment to army posts of Miller 4 Pioneered' 4 ' lysi..11the Riverton "With the retreat of the Ger. the West. ' st eolt' 4011' tr after Shortly ednesday, his 'death on Aug.- 6, 1931. she moved Capt. Edward L. Sheehan . orflp iti, , the Winter iffitoRm to ', Balt Lake resided here since. Racek had 03y Homi and and E. John Lieutenant December 24 11! Long active n Church affairs, she N'. in Russia, America iltroops 1 ,. of the Chicago Quartermaster ,11! Sea Nerved as secretary of Mitt the Creek of the value of warm clothing," the lute of 14 12:u0 PAWN Irriv! and Depot are ,Selitther Society at was wrtafter 1230 A. M. 6:00 P. M. he said. first court. marriage soon at the Utah General Depot Hatch KFILCMBright setae of the Riverton Ward Relief SoMorison ESLCBS"Are You a ESLCBSWilbur Close The 'United States will be able See Richardson For for permanent assignment. of the Orchestra. for 12 years. Later ahe continuMissing Heir?" HDYLNBCLight ciety Used 45 New Paul White- - World. KBYLNBC Mr. Motorist. to equip a force of 5,000.000 men her Church ed the In Third EBTLBey Ire? JohnsonBrooksExcelsior and Roll. activity Q. Thomas Second Lieutenants , HUT NBC mans Music. HUTACavalcade Christ. of She Ward. witel a member of the JorTreasury Specials Dinner if and Gifts last. None the entire betterLiteume necessary Karl guarantees. pro. Cannon of Salt Lake and WhitePaul KWNBC Hour. mail. dan Stake Relief Society Board for it 600 to choose from. Accessories make goodY ductive capacity of American 120 South Main Flour. :304 p.m. man's Orchestra. KLOMBSCedrie Foster. ,.F011,-XMAH. Snow of Denver, also are to number of years. gLoNB0Treasnrv presents. Two.speeds. light generators. mills will be utilized, he said are sons KOVOOrganettes. six li0g0To Be Announced. and 6:00 A. Al t Surviving daughElectric horns. lights. baskets tires, tubes. for to the Utah Depot come MeloMEWSWestern Songs. Max's SBUBMBS ters. C. E. 34.11cr of Riverton: E. Rea DURABLE TRICYCLES 6 TRISIKES 14 K. ease , KSLCBSThe World To- dies. Cominenting on price fixing, NI Miller,' Mrs. Edith Smith of bait Lake: Ladies' training purposes. Toys REPAIRED 1);10 P , day. Not Give Mr. Marshall said that the ceilwas $35 now 7 $1730 Mrs. Julia Dengue of Honolulu. I. H.: a 12:13 P. M. Why iff)1,1, Dude Ranch. Farm GUTHRIE BICYCLE CO. Mrs. Jennie Bills and Mn. Sylvia Ler-- , Gents' 14 C. Case wool on Leon NP placed ing WS. Aunt Jenny's by KSI,,CBS sen of Salt Lake: KOVOMBSWhile n011et KLONBCNews two sisters, Mrs, "Headquarters or Santa Claus" Gift was S57.75. now . ... .S29.75 Henderson was an effort to stop Roundup. Stories. Conference. Agnes Merrill and Mrs. Jeanette ReynE. 2nd So. Dial The My.. the market at a level KDYI.,N130 Other Outatandins Values 6:13 A. M. olds 11 of Many 1EUBMBSWhl te House Salt, and Lake, grandpreceding CS UP tery Man. Conference. for the HOME? children. ACCORDION the SALEMelodies. on XMAS attack Pearl Harbor. LoKWMorning KUTALuneheon with 630 P. M. EASY- - TERMS Limitations 6:30 A. Al. pez. of 50 accordions, 50,000,000, $50 each. complete of - FOR: DAD: thtrist- pounds of wool-f- or KLOCavaleads IESLCBS"Irkansas Tray. ESLSun's UP. wits S months' private lessons. Lawrence Miller the first mac 25 accordions, 1100 each, complete tier." KIDYLbewa Scott. Newcomb Co. Newt three months of 1942 will be Automatic Sam. Jewelry Jaynes with I YEAR'S PRIVATE LESSONSiLawrence Ni1Ier,74, of 150) Fifth IDYLNBCHorace He Idt's filzmusie A La Carter. Coal Stoker $127.95 Sant. KEUBIMNSinain CoLDEST civilian ,JEWELERS" placed "MAR'S Treasure Chest. VIC SMITH, UTAH MUSIC CO. SEE upon East in died Lake a Salt Street, goods. hospital inDec. 6:45 A. M. Ail kinds of TOOLS for his workHour. 163 E. Bdway. Phone 12:30 P. M. "Outside of some immediate , BOUNTIF-1.11.Monday at 1:12 p.m. of a heart ailment. 1942 the Me had no known relatives. crease of in shop. Favorite KSLCBSFletsher 'IDYL Your 11(010M8SNed Jordan. $3,199.29 Inconvenience for firms Wiley. havH EUBMBSSecret Agent. A Henager Business Course H)mris SBVLNBCValiant Lady. ing need for woolen King's Doll Hospital '1 buliget over the one set, up for Owen KLONBCElden goods no FOR MOM: Is a really practical gift. Send for our 920 East Brdwy. Ouor P k167tf-1,Emma B. Tew Leona LBrreirivevrr.-45 1; free rerttmrgtraatTOTrTsIrktlyTo L Modern Beantthflt Corn. Broadway. Sink catalog. tlined by the Bountiful City ter. Ft9LCBSWe The People, KovoNews he Give 95 develop:" declared, $34 Musical Instruments Mrs.pieta Emma Leona 71. BulkleY Tew, 7:00 A. M. Hum and Henager Business College Clean and Color PABCO LINOHDYLNBC l'os SECBIMNCedrie Council, according to Wilford of 526 North Tenth West Street. died ter. Mien. Gael). Williams, city recorder. THIS CHRISTMAS LEUM for Her Kitchen, sq. yd. ...WC Lake hosnital of a Yesterday' in Famous E9LArthur NBC HUTA M. 12:45 P. Patrol. KCYLYawn heart aliment. Jury Trials. A 'public hearing of the 1942 We give' a coins Store Electric Wolters of FREE LESSONS Breakfast NBC KUTA was in She born 21. KSLCBSRais Hopkins. Famous Jury Club. Springville, July ILOBC FOR THE FAMILY: with all cornets, saxophones, trombones, 1870. KDYL NBC Arnold budget, totaling $44,605.29, will daughter of Newman and Jane Gift The Electrical NBC KLO Shop Breakfast etc.. accordions, and very sass guitars. tirimm's Delman Bathroom Latest Set She resided Bountiful held had Draper in Daughter. Salt In the be ir Bulkley. elm. City Club. General Electric Irons, 53.45 up. Electric 15. years and 'was a choir singer KUTAIt's Danes Time. Designs 0233 to $149 21 terms. Cali and see NEUBMewa. Hall next Monday evening. The Lake KOVODawn Busters. Alarm Decorative $2.45 I..amps Clocks, up. KLONello and worker Neighbor. of the Church. temple Newt Light- - Fixtures $ 225 Glen 7:15 P. M. Bros. Music Co. 7:15 A. M. Time. KOVOCheckerboard budget for1941 totalled $41,406. John $1.23 up. Tree lights. Surviving are her husband. For every room in the house and up S. COMPLETE LINES ALL APPLIANCES KEUBMSSchool of the and bond retirements are Henry Tew of Salt Lake, to whom she Notes NOVOM RSArthur Mann frBEMornint Melody. 74 SOUTH MAIN Beautiful! Door Chines and PHONE .$1.49 up FREE ,PELIVERY was married Jan. 2. lam, in the Mend From Lon- KLOCheckerboard Tuna. NEUBM BS largely responsible for the in- none 238 South .State 1100 P. Al. A FINE SELECTION OF TOYS Temple; live sons: J. Juan Tew of don. 7:30 A. Al. Visit said. Our Store Modern Mr. Williams crease, Nephl. C. Elder Tew of Payson. George Including wagons, tricycles, Doll BUS? Despite extra precautions takKSLCBSMin I Matried. Dozens of practical gift ideas 730 P. M. P.. Leo T. and Merrill B. Pew of Salt giallo Sleds. etc. Terms, 30 days. Allowances for various departthe en against inlicide by Japanese KSLMorning Melody. KDYLNBCAgainst FOUNTAIN PENS AND DESK SETS Mrs. Lake: two daughters, William. KDYLNewe. GRANITE FURNITURE CO., Storm. imMSt,ewe. interned in the Salt Lake County ments are as follows: Water Greenhalgh of Santanum and Mrs. A. V. No finer gift for Xmas than Sheaffer pens, Breakfast KOTANBCOrphans 2BC 1050 East 2Ist South of MOMNBCFibber McGee KLO Neilson. Bammond. Jail as "enemy aliens," one prisInd., .a brother, guaranteed lifetime, various styles. $8.75 Club. Divorce. provement and repair,- $3,500; and Molly. George A. Bulkley of West Jordan 38 up.- Other pens Ail and up. Of DiSymphong KOVOIMNNews. oner was found dead today in his master's salary, $1.560; EUTANBC water KLOMSOrphans BICYCLES TRICYCLES ' grandchildren voree. KEUBNews. Concert. KELLY CO., 23 W. 1 St So. $400; water Stock assessments America's Incline makes of bicycles KOVOMBSMutual Goer cell. RLOAP News. 7:45 A. M. Funeral services will be conducted for water rental- and pumping PRICED AS LOW AS Callrng MOVOM BS 4. Songs $20.45 The pris( ner was Suichl Baba, 4111 shone South & 7th Weill. at 11 a.m. at 36 East Seventh Goes Distinctive line of better .tricycles KKUBMBSMutual KSLBreakfast News. Marching Men. 40, arrested a week ago by the charges, $100; water extensions,'- Saturday. SPECIAL for KDYLMorning Rhythms. HOUSE OF HOPPER 140 E. 3rd South Street by Bishop N. Owen Cat' Songs ME CBM BS Coiling. ' Soutba $1,meters and $1,500; CANARY SINGERS h Twenty-nintFBI the mull hydrants, Men. at of Ward. he Clock. McGill, KOVOMusical Nev., where Headguartera "Better trade wbeel geode., 1:15 P. M. Marching fuKELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS, 634 et2. ft $(175 'Friends 200. the of at tall may Flashes. $9,160. Total, 'UDRFarm was plus Al. a as smelter work. 7:45 P. employed ESLCBSKnox Manning, neral prior to services. Burial will be Priced as low as $129.95, terms. ' 8:00 A. M. KING IRVINE CO.Genuine Holly News. Streets and sidewalks: Imin the Evergreen Cemetery at FURNITURE CO. GRANITE ISLConcers. KDYLNBCMa Perkins. Exclusive Agents for He was found dead at 6:30 a.m. Mistletoe $2,500; and Wreaths and 1053 East 2Ist South MLOSanta Claus. Bs An. ESLBreakfastTreeforof Two. repair, , provement of 1941. RING RUACBSAmanda BAND INSTRUMENTS KDYLXmas 32 W. 1ST. SO. VOGELER'S OVOM BSTo curb and gutter, $500; total, $3,- today by Jailer Harvey Christen. 27 Bost First So. Honeymoon Hill. Kt:TAMeet the Band. Phone nounced. KLO NBC of Amanda The seri. 000. said KLONews. Mabel Ferguson Frew examing physician 800 P. M. For Honeymoon Thom Giffs The Gift Finer a KOVOThrtft Shop. What Family he deadhad inbeen for several AirlinMrs. Mabel Ferguson Frew, 61, widow e Statutory sinking fund and SEE YOUR WATKINS DEALER RSLCBSGlenn Miller Or KEIJBMeloclic Momenta. it,s:5112r-tiovshours. The modified form of hart ers. DLInedn J. Frew, died of a heart ail.. terest. $6,000; interest on out- - of PIANO? 8:13 A. M. chestra. For Gift Suggestions, Twelve BeautiGoes Boni ment 1430 Fifth REUBMBSMutual at her kari was yesterday effected ,.;,3,1 with hand. al 1, IDYLNBCBob Hope's KSLBreakfast For Two. ful Gift Boxes of Toiletries to Choose Select yours nowt A small deposit holds standing bonds, $5,080. Total, East Street. kerchief tied tightly around, the Variety Show. 4 from, 75c to $2.50. Shop at home and Belen kfiett KUTANBC wsa at 1880, born She Christmas 6, or , $11,080. Morris, 1:30 P. M. May piano any 4 .1011 victim's ' neck and a blanket News. of Thomas and Char. avoid the crowds. Phone 441 DeliverySee General' public affairs and lotto aM. daughter KSLBluo Ribbon Radio drawn ,....4.4164000",oeiVikelwa Melodies. HughZOVOM ICLOOrgen Ferguson. over his bead. Inclosely salQuiz. council and two finance: are her SUrViVint sons, mayor Glen Bros. Music Co. KOVOBright Spots.. mother, WATCH STOPPED? NBC' KDYL Hughes. Guiding mates of the same cell were not Spot. 'KEDEMBSBrigitt daughter Mn. John aries and expense, $1,850; record. Louis and Roy Frew; a live MB3 take it to MECB UNUSUAL GIFTS 34434 Light. 74 South Main St. aware of what was happening. Elizabeth Wallace, and prandehil. 830 A. M. 25 So. West Other clerk's' KUTANBCJohn's Hughes. $2,400; PARES, Temple. er and treasurer, Don't fail to see our unusual quality U. S. and count jail authoridren. all of Salt, Lake: two brothers,. Wile. or back. Satisfaction 8:15 P. M. your money KSLNews. H. marshal, and Coke $300; Price R. salary Roy Ferguson of salary. giftsfrom 25c up. A complete line Other ties had taken great pains to reReveille KLONBCSohn's !IDYL 4; -- of quality mirrors. marFerguson of Salt Lake, and a sister. PHONOGRAPH expense,-$1,82RADIO Wife. and ISLBig Gates On Little Roundup. deputy move that ChristLake SHERWIN4VILLI4M5 ars. one be of L. CO.. 227 So. State Salt Fenton under your anything Heltn ACCORDIONSput might Hinges. Airliners. shal, salary and expense, $750; Bands KUTAThis Rhythmic Age. Funeral services will be conducted mas tree at absolutely no cost to you, COMBINATION used for suicidal purposes. ILOM BSSpotlight Orch. M. StrineS. P. 1:15 exKLOMBSSingmg GET and HIM A DEER 1 574 PROEast fire First 48 Bass $49 50. 120 Bass $95. Nat Brandwyune RIEWQR SHOTGUN... p.m. at Wednesday at department, salary AIRLINE 11 TUBE PHONO- - I KOVO NES Singing ESLCBSWoman of CourSouth Street. Burial will be in lat. GRESSIVE .SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 342k East GRAPH COMBINATIONwill Spotlight Strings. IOVOMBS .191 ,0 ea Most Models in stock. Jenkins, 428 State. pense, $806; health and quarans Bands. age. Olivet Cemetery. 3rd South, Pius. rec$250; and 10, KEUBMBSPope expense, records; tine, salary play 12, IBS Spotlight MICR KDYLNBCVic and Sada 8:45 A. M. ords. Automatic record changer, 10 Inch Batteries $4.95 Exchange KUTA NBC Jost Plain Bands. up attorney's fees, $360; justice fees 000xlil TIRE $6.95 WITH OLD TIRE. Bill. and tube foreign reception, tone spectker William.D. SUGGESTIONS Hone CHRISTMAS the court $200; costs, Pile.. and building 8:30 P. M. ESLTurning ,KLONBCJust Plain Bill. control, Illuminated Lucite Dial, Tuning-EyEDYLNews. Proles$2,Western Auto For Parts families. Doctor's and wives. street lOr SPANISH William FORKServices $300; Orch. lighting, repair, ESLCBSSecond Husband. ELITANBCW a I Street 'KECBMBSDancti Loop Antenna, F. M. Television plug-in- . 1324 So State. sional items. We also carry a complete Hone, 53, who died in the HughIs News. expense and David BOYLNRCRect SkeltonAb1 Christmas Carole. 500; advertising es Memorial Hospital at 12:45 pan. yes. line of. TRUSSES abdominal supporters MUTANBCLum and VOLAUTOMATIC 2:00 P. M. EIONBCWall Street $400; insurance, compenT terday, will be held in the First Ward and electricil stockings : Lady attendant. audit, ner. Xmas Carols. UME CONTROL Cabinet size 34 in. high, DESERET GYMNASIUM under direction of Bishop J. Angus sation and fire, $600; stationary and Ab- KCVO PMCBSStep Mother. UBS Cheer UP KDYLNBC The Physicians Supply Co. 3412 in. wide, 177e in. deep. Needle furn- Christensen but the exact time has not i3ackstage Bet $400; assessing and A total of 490 cases of cornand Gant. MEMBERSHIPS printing. 2000 records.t BenWife. ished. in been be the Interment set. will Plays Defense ZOYOMSSYour EKUBMBS Cheer UP ,KLONBCClub Matinee. 48 West 2nd South GIFTS niAr KEEP ON GIVING municahle diseases were reportcollecting, $300; ball park, $300; jamin Cemetery. Buy now. delivery day' before Xmas Reporter. Gang. Com builda if result of as the died DHone Mr. wish. $1,040; you MSS tour to LKOYOClubwomen ed theState Department of hauling garbage, 9:00 A.-- 31. e-ZEUS injury which followed a millMONTGOMERY WARD tenseReporter. Health last week, compared to ing Inspection fees, $400; notes brain Ession Sunday about noon of a car in ESLNews and Commentar- KEUBMBSRichard 8:45 P. M. a alit that will reton. 432 1st so. at Main Salt Lake City in the previous week and 5,- - payable and interest, $4,135.29; which he was riding, and driven by Jo- ECKERPHOTSOrgrICies. tinted Hand him of you the portrait limind IIITA:Complete Newspapes EDYLNBCMary 2:15 P. M. $2,250. eeph Hanson, and one driven by Eimer in oils, with leatherette 387 cases a year ago when an inmiscellaneous expense, folder, Air. size, of the year round. Llewellyn, both of Spanish Fork. ELOReliable Specials. 1 and Marge $21,356.29. Grand total, fluenza SPECIAL Total, Howell Bell 6 was 1495. Is Elaine. ffStCBSMyrt and Mr. Hone was in born epidemic Benjamin, EOThis April raging. S. Bercovi. him KOVOMBSB. cp subscription zGive KEYLNBCS tells Dallas 3E0YOPhilitarmonic Orch Diseases were reported as fol14, 18115. son o$ David William and Mari Revere Home Movie Cameras. $4,605.29. et. , GIFTS OF GLASS to the NLONBCClub Matinee. PI 13 EAST FIRST SOUTH estra. He was educated in BetS. EELIBMBS-1- 1. lows: Income from city taxes will be Arm Ludlow ofHone. NOVOTo Be Announced. DESERET NEWS School ILEUBLest We Forget. District. the Nebo COYiei. S' - Chicken with theHeschools FRAMINGS-TAB- LE KEUBGems of Melody. PLATEAUS approximately $18,503.23, pox, 202; influenza, was married to Ruth ,Irene Jex. A XMAS Present the whole family can 9:00 P. M. ., circulation 9:13 A. M. or call FOR write GLASS PURPOSE EVERY P. M. 230 from estimated :Fork and later in departtwo; measles, 19; German meas$26,123 July 90, INS, Spanish enjoy forever. Insulate now. It pays 'V Andy. 8SLCB9-4m- os DE LUXE GLASS CO. in the Salt Lake Temple. Be was acfor itself. Acme Insulating Co. 6.5145. Dept. fees. mental KSLBetty Crocker. 24; mumps, 134; les, IDYLNBCErred Waring. ESLConcert, EDYL NBC was work Church tive in and pneumonia, NBO Lorenzo Pepper EDT!, serving DIAL 141 EAST BROADWAY NUTAMiracles of faith. seven; scarlet fever, nine; whoopas a ward teacher at the time of his Cameras, exposure meters, tripods, develYoung's Family. Jones. IELOAP News. Poe. KOVOMBSJohnson ram. death. oping outfits, alums, flashlight reflectors, 24; gonorrhea, ing cough. Parade of ELOMBSMusical 14; 3E0YOMBS and flash ban, rang. finders. filters. traits. He is survived by his widow ily. News. k Fluorescent Floor tamps 6 Room Lighting mother-- of Per- KEUR MBS Johnson syphilis, 49; septic sore throat. Benjamin- and the following ZEUSMSSTo be ann. EOVOMBSMusical WOMEA s Bendix; Royal Vacuums; Zenith, R. O. A., two; tuberculosis, onerheumatic Utah Photo Material traits. Elmer R, David children: William, Family. TA W. Heaters. Contest-Judge9:15 P. AL Electric Gas Reirigs of Ranges; Leon James. EEUBMBSMusical Pot.' Edward SpanR.. (Ted). 27 W. So. Temple 34404 fever, one and acute contagious 2:43 P. M. INTERMOUNTAIN UTILITIES 151 So. State traits. ish Fork and Leon of Lehi. Mn. Louisa Lou. pp. iishwonsom-dopionwittiESLCBSStories America jaundice, two. Erma Room Evans, Mrs. Irene Ewell, Mrs. THE WHOLE FAMILY ENJOYS 9:30 A. M. . . - ,s 4 .4 i 4 , zg: oCooltotnioeol, Itt ' All, . Funeral secrices' for Mrs. Miller, $5, widow of Charles ' E. Miller Street. died ing)1 $34 SaltSclathkelta, In hospital Saturday of Pneumonia.. were conducted. today in ethaLizbbi,rs Stridoft rt., Brew. ' ; - ''"; . , Christine 9. ,: , - Christine G. Miller c , it . , t 4 szttema ,, , . ', t ' ri: , , 2 - - - -- , !. - 4ffuesday,IWednesday-'''- 24 and-',Fir- - ct. , - , BC.YCLESY Out , $25-4- Watch ,5 - Sets'and l. Bountiful Hikes Budget Practical ' 0 11 4 , -- , Hari Karl Takes Life Of Japanese Held In - - - 11 L. Jail 4 KETCHUM, Builders Supply and---ei- -- Align kip KEUB-11B- sThe a .1 - ac Disease Cases - Increase Since Previous Week eirti - MIRRORS-PICTU- RES , 1 Lighting rig ----- tnYLNBCNews IUTANBCBob Allen's Orchestra. ILONBCPopular era.9:30 P. M. ESLArthur Gael's. EDYLNBCJohnny Orches- Loves. ESLKearns ' St. Chorus. Lone EDYL-e-NB- C NBC Ann's KDYL Brown. NUTANews. Widdet ...Jour- KOVOMBSBoaks Carten EUTAPatty Jean's Health KNOBMBSBoak carter Club. 3:00 P. M. ELO Associated Press of eation's News. KSLLighting Me104 ney. . MBS Xmas Tree and President Senator Speaks. KOVO Roosevelt Message. Strings. ROYOMBSRudy Bundle KEUB of MelodY HUTANBCLighting SIBS Orchestra. A the News Community Christmas Strings. IEUSMBS.BBC Tree. Talk by President Orch. 9:43 A. 3L Roosevelt.- 9:45 P. M. ICSLNaney Pinch. KLOhiBSPresident Roosand Home. EDYLNBCOavid Harm. evelt lights Whitehouse xttIlearth EUTAMOC.Preacott Pre. Xmas Tree. Et.ITAN SCMusic. Of ELOM ssRudy Bundy's genie. ELOJohn Metcalfe Choir KEUBMBSLighting - Orchestra. National Xmas tree by Loft. President Roosevelt. ftEUSMBSDanee reit.. t. ILOTour KOVOMISSChoir-Lof- 10:00P1t. KEUBMBSChoir Loft. IEStSports Revue. 10:00 A. pt. EDYLN BOAdventures of ESLCBSKate Smith. Thin Man. KDYLMorning, Melodies. ETTANears.. Commen- EUTANews. ELONSONews ICLOClassified on the Air. tator. NOVOWomen'. Journal. RO V 0.News. KEUBNews. IBLISNews. 10:15 A. M. 10:15 P. M. . , 8SLThe ESLCBSBig Sister. 3:13 P. M. KSLModern Tempos. KDYLNBCPortm Life. KLOBread Radio Aids. KOVOMBSShaftee Pee. ker's Circus. 330 P. M. !KSLCBteO'Neils IEDYLNBCWe. the Ala. bolts. Patrol. 111.1TAThe KUTANISO.Flying EUTAKitchen Preview. Want. KL0,Snot Williams. KoV011omelightSweet Rome. Or- KLONBCGwen ILONBCPopular KOVOM BSThis Is Life. 1KEUBLettee from Sen.,P.1-chestra. Duchin's EECBHits and1. Encores, bert D. Thomas. 10:30 A.-5Orchestra. 3:43 P. M. Night. ESLCBSHelen Trent. CBS .Est. Scattergood EDYL World M. .10:30 Coverage Bates , Boys. You KCYLMorning Kuala P. Baines.-- News. StNewt. NBC MITA of the Home Hour. Sexes. How-- , , ILOMSSEddy ard's Orchestra. 3E0'9'0MSSEddy ., ard's Orchestra. .10:45 P. M. IESLNight Wind EUTAMusic. and How- : NBC Melodies. NBC Home Hour. S.LO ad Girl. Steels Enter. Perm and KDYLTed tains, VIM Farm and KUTANBCWayne Dyne. Van KLONBC Wayne ' luhion. Dyne. KOVOPrA Program. NEUBMBSOld Fashion. KEUBLatin Ainerican ed Girl. 10:43 A. M. 4:00 P. M. ESLCBSOur - Support Given For Airport Work Supplementjng motions by Mayor. Ab Jenkins and Parka Commissioner P. H. Goggln to the effect that all revenues d rivedfrom the Salt Lake Aird port entirely at the source in 1942, Joseph Bergin, airport manager, urged the City Commission to appropriate at least $45,000 for airport expen diture 'next year. He pointed out that-thcity's tentative budget provides only $30,000 for 1942 airport maintenance and conditions at the city's main airfield that warrant the expenditure of $87,000 in 1942 for "very essential work." Mr. Bergin's requests were supported by a delegation from the United Air Lines and Western Air Lin. es. The commission took the request under advisement for consideration before the final budget Is adopted. be,re-investe- Decide Tonight BOUNTIFUL, Dec.' of the Christmas lighting contest for the city of Bountiful take place this evening at 8 4,,according to Charles pit ley and Albert Olsen, chairmen Coo- representing the Bountiful Lions Club and the.Junior Chamber .of Le. Entry blanks, both for business houses and residences, must be in the hands of the committee before 8 p.m., Mr. Cooley Merchandise prizes amolmt to 8105 and will be awarded to first, second and third place win., ners in the residential classification, and first and second places iwthe business, division. Prizes will be awarded Christmas Eve at the Muir Appliance Company, corner of Main and Center Streets, at 8 p.m. Mayor the pre. Lloyd Riley will make sentations. This is the second year that'a Christmas lighting contest has been conducted in Bountiful. -- Destruction Be tter Than Nazi Tentacles, Says Letter - serve its very existence and de. Declaring that "we believe ills KStCBSJoyoó day.. KDYLIgews. better for Italy to be destroyed ILOMSSEddie Howard's RDYLRoad mocratic institutions. We , as of Life. KUTA-- 570 IOrchestra. than to be forever in the tent. t American citizens or residents of EOVOMBSWayne West. KLOChriatmas Special. ' 11:00 P. 81 KEUBMBS Wayne West, KOVOMBSNews and Hal acles of the Nazi regime- -1 this free nation who are of ' Master songs. Columbia ESL Leonard's Orchestra. group of American citizens of Italian extraction realize that the Works. & or11:00 M. A. KEUBMBSraslews 1 IDYL Italian descent today had--- writ. time has nowte come to prove that Coverage lyor ESLCBS Life Can Bs chestra News. ,... ten Gov. Herbert Et.- 'Mnberelef-appfeciathe high 4:15 P. lit. Beautiful. IIITANBC.Glenn Miller's EDYLRefreshment to us by the Tims, KSLCBSHedda privilege Orchestra. given Hopper's, ing their "lives and property to -KOVOHome Service Pro. the cause of democracy." Hollywood, American government to be a 1 IttoMBSBay Noble's Or. gram. chestra. 1 KDYLSiesta. The letter to the governor part of the people of this great ESUBMBS-1- 11 rind Mr 1KLOMBSMann7 Prager's TN 101,0Good Night. was signed by Joseph C. Pratt, nation and receive the benefits Way." Orchestra. 1 : 11:15 P. M Irouj' - that result from this privilege. 11:13 A. M. n While KOVOMusio president of the Men's EDYLMusle You Want. - ESL Work. CBS Civic League; Mrs. E. Woman In "The powers of aggression 3ELOU. S. Recruiting SereWhite. 430 P. M. I. - Etat, president of the Wo-- I ice. have struckwithout warning. a Johnson. ESLCBSFrank EDYLNBC.,Be. Parker. 11:30 P. M. Civic Meal; Italien.American KUTANBCTed Malone. They must and shall be defeat. Sonta. Blade's KWMusical Train. League: and Bruno Perri, presed. We are in 'complete accord ISL.CBSJohnny KDYLHita and Encores. KOVOMBSRelen Holden. K UTANews. Orchestra. ident of the Cristoforo Colombo with our president, that it Is not 1OCITANBORenry Busse's KEUBMBSBelen Holden. KLOHoHywood Express. Societe. a sacrifice but a privilege to Orchestra. KOVO Movie 'Merry-111:30 A. M. ILO 14 ews. Their letter said: serve in any manner the federal mon& ItSle'CBS...titht to Rao- - KEUBReauest tovoGood Night. Hour. "The United States is now enor state governments see fit to , tones& 1143 P.- M. '4:45 P. M. KDI'L NBC Bachelor's direct us. gaged in a death struggle to pre. ' Children. Buses World To. RUTANBCHenry KSLICBSTh We regret that Italy has chos. IKUTAThe Cavalcade of day. Orchestra. en the path which will ultimate. BS Al Rave lin's Christmas. Sum KDYLNBCThres ROVOTo Tour Health. Orchestra. awsmsrammerazaTiorAizranczq Trio. ly lead to her destruction. but we klis and BECBRhythm Revue. mica cou pumas 12 MIDNIGHT sincerely believe it is better for His Straight Shooters. Al. 11:45 A Carol. 11,CBSAn4ta her to be destroyed than to he LON BCTom Mix. K DYLNews. KSLNews ' KEUBRenuest Hour. 6 forever in the tentacles of the Brandwynne ' KOTAGood Nicht. KCYLNBC.Dr. Kate. TONIGHT, 1:13 P. X.. OVER 5:00 P. AI KLOMBS Bob Crosby's KtITANBCliews I Nazi regime.' tip. KSLSt017 Telling Time. "Mr. Governor. we as Amer'. KLO KOVOMBBTo P4 KVIL Aw Latest News 1215 A. 11. cans, Once anore solemnly pledge nouneee. ' Flashes. 11:11.0CYCLIS IDYL 100 our lives and property to the Jimmy EZUBMBSCecti it mi. ILTUNE Ity430 KOTAFMEasy Walsba Resta Orchestra. la.0.-1- 4 BOEasy Aces. cause of democracy." , News. Jordan.-- - Sun-- I -- -- . - - maw-pledg;- , ,, 2' Italian-America- 0 - R1,0-14- -- Nat 77-7-- 4 . Joan Aerriam HUMPTY Cruser's Jewelry, West First So. decorative dinner set, specially priced at Slag. An ideal gift. 272 So. State HEADQUARTERS FOR ELECTRICAL cirrs Fred N. Nye Chins Shop the Store "Where You Can Grills, Irons, Mixmasters, Gifts, Electric Always Shop to Advtago Waffle Irons, Toasters, Lamps, Coffee AXELRAD'S FURNITURE CO, 255 Eck State Makers, Sewing Machines, Pyrex Sets. 11ICE(AM:1"..- 14 INTERMOUNTAIN $1950 Fully Toweled Wrist Watch - Zinik at Ladies. Men 118 so. Christmas John H. Strange SANDYJohn Henry Rank) I -- . Strange, died late Sunday at the Midvale plant of the United States Smelting. Relining and Mining Company of at heart attack. Mr; Strange was born In Leamington, April23, 1900. son of Charles W. and Me had resided' Rachel Kelly -- Strange. in Sandy for 12 years. Prior to being employed by the smelting' company, he well a lineman for the Utah Power and Light .Company.. Surviving are Uls wide, Mrs. Grace Nelson Strange, and bli parents, of Sandy. and two sisters, Mrs. Zane Nei- -, son. Midvale, and Mrs. Margaret Foster., Salt Lake City. Services will be conducted Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the Sandy First-Wa- rd by Bishop J. Clement Crap. Friends may call Tuesday from 4 p.m. to p.m. at 10 West Center Street, Midvale, and at the family home in Sand, Wednesday before services. Burial will be in the Sandy City Cemetery. r1 41,, . Goods MAIN ....., 01 Piracies, WOOD. State A LEIATHE14 METAL 371 SO. MAIN. 23.---- dress-rehears- early-Yuletid- Emmons, Utah: five grandchildren and 16 Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at I p.m. In the Francis Ward by Bishop E. C. Bradshaw. Friends may call at 36 East Seventh South Street in Salt Lake until Tuesday evening and at Abe residence In Francis Wednesday trod, Id am, to time of services.. Mt. general public. it will collie as a climax to this season's holiday observance. Supplementing a capable cast, there will be musical selections by the Mapuvelo Chorus. direct, ed by ,Mrs.LucyBaugh and augmented by male voices chosen, from the various wards of Logan and Cache Stakes. Prof. S. E. Clark will be at the organ con. , - - - oil :I ' 711r4 ' Nursery Awarded ping Arniy LandscaDec. , 4 BOUNTIFUL Kirkland Nursery Company of Bountiful was this week award. ed a contract by the United States government for landscape planting of the project, army industrial establishment at Ogden. Plans call for complete 'plant. ing of trees, shrubs and vines at the government housing project. which has just recently been 'completed near Harrison ,r3oule. Street, yard and Thirty-eightOgden, and which 'contains 155 - for project family dwellingsworkers. All work Is to be corn. pleted before the summer of 23.--T- he . - I Party Wednesday Dec.. 23. ' , TOOELE, ' Tooele i ewfhfaeit i 6 - , - i - , .. t . Mel-yi- n ,, Lamm, Ti Pete:ion, of Salt LAWN - , I 1942. Merchants party for children un. pageant will combine col12 years of age and sponsor. orful costuming. dramatic inter. , der ed by the Toocle Lions Club will , est, music and colorful lighting be Joseph Morgan Jr. is gen- - In thh:ldcoWunedtynecsoduayrt aHtolu:s30e.,p.1.11. Oiarles N. Woodard of the chairman FRANCIS.' Summit' CCM!) ty:Char)es Committee members state. that trank Baugh Jrp9roisducoord Northrup Woodard Jr.. lit Francis farmer for many pears. died at the home of,, arrangements have been. made ,inator. , Ed wards a rrardson hue Sunday at eaop.m. for a- personal appearance- - of -Mary Peterson were Born in Salt Lake Aug. 3. 1357. he The cast includes: Ruby Ever- Saant- thaus who will give each conducted FiLLMORFrServicee wait a son of Charles Northrup and ton, LaBelle Rich, Patricia Nel-- , Sunday for Mary Peterson Edwards. child present a stocking filled. Margaret Ann Malin Woodard. He was wife of Elias Edwards, who died at her son, Bob Preston, Thomas Way- a member of the Church. with candy and nuts. , home Thursday after a lingering illness. M are s Sarviving Scott, Dorothy Mywidow, If She is survived by her husband; tour mantha Jane Russell Woodard of Fran. sons. Harold, Gale, CULten', and Lutz. Georgenee JDaamvieds JEohonseort Gelraarentnc JeenFkelinxix. - .' Mai at son. Alonzo Russell Woodard of Edwards. and one daughter, .14 Francis:. two sisters. Mrs. Emma Gar. Simpson, Luana Edwards. and her mother t Mrs. Jr. 4 s h the Tabernacle tower Christmas morning for one hour preceding . the pageant. The facade of the building will be brilliantly light-Th- e a 1 - housing , , sole. Carols will be broadcast from , NEWS Call Circulatiors-;Dept. 45521 ---- 107 E. BREIWY. CENK CAMERA BIRDS, DESERET EQUIPMENTSee our complete selection An appreciated gilt. CAMERA ME t singers and Ilth F.. Guar. SingersCages. becmtiful young 1483 So. Stands, Dot; Harness, Collars. alp. bus. kits, ,Goldfish. Aquariums: Porter Walton Co., 42 W. 1st So. if you wamt your gift her to be a SOUTCO of 1D.C4C4011 stant companionship her a comfort, years give p subscription to 'the Stokes, Studi o Special Fqature 24 Beautiful Cards la Novelty Box for 50e DESERET NEWS PREZIS 29 Itichards St. CANARY FRAMES IN Special Assortments 50c to $1 .00 Box the. anLOGAN, Dec. nual Christmas morning pageant, I sponsored by Logan and Cache State M. I. A. organizations, went Into the stage this evening, there were indications that the 1941 production will be one of the most interesting in e of. the history of Wings. A drama, "They That Sit In Darkness", forms the nucleus of t the pageant, which will be given in the Logan Tabernacle Dec. 25 at 6 a.m., under direction of Mrs. Noama Nelson. Free to the of Cache Valley and resident of Benson the put 13 years. died Monday at his horne In Benson following an extended illness. Mr. Hoffman was formerly a Logan,. He was born April 1. IVO. contractor. In Logan, eon of Casper and Ida Dovish He married Margaret Cron. Hoffman. Feb. 14, 1006. in Logan. quit He was an elder In the Benson Ward. Surviving are his Widow the following sons and daughters: A. Alton. Lyle and Kate Hoffman of Benson. Dr. O. D. Hoffman of Briggs. Ida.: Mrs. Laura Munk and C. R. Hoffman of Logan. and Mrs. Paul Rosenbaum of Brigham City: seven grandchildren. one brother and throe dieters: Edward Hoffman, Mre. C. W. Miller and NM lens Hick- man of Logan. and Mrs. Marie Chatun of Pocatello. Ida. So. PURNITURE GRANITE 1050 East 21st South CANARIES, Fine Portraits Card , - ABSYS;va--P' Cache Stake. Prepares Outsteidding Yule Pageant nativt 151 I extra largo selection. CEDAR Priced as low as 81415. Avoaor-wwps---,Arov- - Easy Terms Jewelry CI Sporting UTILITIES, 1 CHEST. Xmas Special $12.95 - She is survived by the parePts and two brothers,- Glade and Dalej, three sisters, Dixie. Bonnie' and Carolyn; also one grandparent, John Bailey- of Moroni. 12. Easy Credit Terms MUSIC CO. Ph. Call at SUMMERHAYS 17 W. lit South CHOCOLATES and 5 Lb. Boxes. 1- -2-3 1541. Albert Hoffman Unusual Xmas Bargains In Reliable Used Pianos pi: Makers of the onapry and INSPIRATION mg Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry FOR of Box GLADE'S ..... Joan for MARTI, Ctih.JServices Merriam. infant daughter o of Lawrence Merriam-what died and Hazel Bailey the family residence here Sunday at 13 o'clock noon of a heart ailment. will be conducted in the Mend Funeral by t Bishop Chapel Wednesday at 1 p.m., William IL Peterson el the Manti-CenteWard. Interment will be In the Mani! Cemetery. Friends may call' at INV mortuary Tuesday evening, and- Wednesday morning prior to services. She was born in Mantl on' June 11.- BENSONAlbert Hoffman. A ":141 1..a.. Aa . ,.,. ... Ewell and Miss Maxine Hone, all of Spanish Fork. There are also nine grandchildren. .inDoers,auntr.ml,eV.airyDriofiroe - Rionlineertervil---McKinnev,--snd-lfryvt-- ... KFliv. - .... , .,. .. . - k , - , 1 |