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Show SUNDAY HERALD PAGE 7 Reception for Wedded Pair A delightful reception, honoring Cadet and Mn. Grant M. Bushman Bush-man (Laurel Baird), was held Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baird. The young couple were married July 10, at Lubbock, Texas, and are home on furlough. A program and refreshments were enjoyed by the large number num-ber of relatives and friends calling call-ing at the home during the evening. even-ing. Lovely gifts were presented to the couple, who are returning toTexas. The bride wore a pretty dress of white satin and lace, with dainty sweetheart veil. She carried car-ried pink roses and lilies. Attending At-tending as bridesmaids were her Bister, Anna Lee Baird. and an aunt, Lucille Coleman. Burton D. Bushman, brother of the groom, Was best man. In the receiving line with the bridal party were Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baird and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Bushman, the parents. Mrs. V. J. Bushman and Mrs. Burton Bushman were in the gift room, and were assisted by Miss Leanor Bushman. Miss Nellie Bushman presided In the dining room, with Audrey Baird, Carolyn Carter. Myrel Dayton, Blanche Wright. Ardith Giles and Margaret Mar-garet Young serving. Cadet Bushman recently graduated grad-uated from gunnery school and is going to Hondo, Texas, for advanced ad-vanced navigation training. He Will be in school 'for 18 weeks. Couple to Be Wed in Texas SPRINGVILLE Mrand Mrs. H. A. Baxter announce the engagement en-gagement and approaching marriage mar-riage of their daughter Ruth, to Roger Nielson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles NieLson of Salina. The marriage is planned to take place the middle of February Febru-ary at Camp Barkley, Texas. t g y x " ' , r - -lK W.- JSP-: "., . MRS. ERIE V. BOORMAN, the former Birdie Boyer Edgemont Sajsi DENT A PEARL PLASTIC TEETH ar r a It r el 7 ew In bean tj, comfort, appears are ad itrrifth. . GUARA-NTKED SAVINGS OF 60'. and MORE! 1 1 11 11 - - - - GENUINE DU PONT ACRYLIC PLATE FOR ONLY $2295 USE YOUR CREDIT AdTnce In I'rlce! "o C wrrrliig ' ''"run,: All Dental Platen ar made only upon receipt of lmireinnt and order or-der from Ctuh Urenited Dent tut . Workmanvblp and materials folly coaranteed. All urk nude bj union mechanic. MAY WIIHERS Dental Laboratory Service 174'2 SO. MAIN Salt Lake City. Dial 4-7200 At 2nd South Main Above I'ulita Candy Open to p. m, Sat, 'til 1 p. m. Seaman 1-c Norman Smith spent a -short furlough here with his wife, son and parents Tues day and Wednesday. His leave was for only sixty hours and he came to Salt Lake City by plane. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Smith ana sister, Merleen Smith and his wife and son returned to Salt Lake City with him Wednesday Wed-nesday evening to take the plane back to Port Hueneme, California, where he is stationed with the navy engineers. Mrs. Emma Brereton was hostess host-ess to Edgemont Literary club Friday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Amy Taylor gave a pleasing pleas-ing review of the book, "The Good Shepherd," a story of Iceland Ice-land by Gunnar Gunnarsson. Mrs. Ethel Taylor played a piano solo and refreshments were served by Mrs. Brereton to those named and Mesdames Bertha Salisbury, Hilda Conder, Tana Richards, Lucile Kemper, Mary Rowley, Jessie Looney and Eva Gillespie. Honoring her seventh birthday Valdis GiUespie entertained a group of little friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. wilford Gillispie. Games were played, and dainty refreshments served, the table being centered with a beautiful birthday cake. Those present were Carol, Norma, Billie and David Hull. Micheal. Kathryn and Becky Ann Jones, ; Barbara and Carolyn Wiscombe, 1 Beverly Bounous, Coleen Ferguson, Fergu-son, Marveen Elliott, Jimmie Gillespie, Gil-lespie, Billie Frampton, Melvin Smith, Lois Conrad, Shirley Miller, Mil-ler, Janisc Taylor. Joseph Hunn, jjoan, Joyce and Dannie Gillespie. ; Mrs. Annie James of Melba, i Idaho, arrived the fore part of the I week to be with her mother, Mrs. Martha Davis, who passed away Thursday evening at the family home, after a short illness. Funeral Fun-eral services will be conduc 1 I Monday at 1:30 In the ward chapel. 1 Saturday evening. February 5th, is honor night for the boys in service from Edgemont ward at Scera theater it is announced iby Mrs. Leo Hansen, chairman 'of the bond drive in this ward. If you were away when the war bond drive members called, please purchase your bonds at the Scera , theater between the hours of 12 and 10 p. m. daliy, and have Boyer-Boorman Wedding Held During ceremonies in the Ros-well, Ros-well, New Mexico army air field chapel Saturday evening, Birdie Boyer and Lt. Erie V. Boorman, well known couple, were united in marriage. Miss Boyer, prominent on the B. Y. U. campus, is a daughter of Dr. D. D. Boyer, and Lt. Boor-man, Boor-man, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Boorman, of Springville, is a navigator navi-gator in the army air forces, now stationed at Roswell as a student officer for bombardiering. The attractive bride wore a gown of white silk jersey, fa shioned with long pointed sleeves, sweetheart neckline and low waist, with beaded lace trim. A filmy fingertip veil of white net fell from a Queen Mary of Scotland headdress. Attending as bridesmaids were Mrs. Charles Allen and Mrs. Arthur Ar-thur J. DelHnger, and Lt. Jack Blzang waB best man. Mrs. Boorman, mother of the groom, was present, as well as friends of the young couple. A wedding dinner followed at a Roswell hotel. For the dinner, the bride changed to a smart black silk model, with patent leather accessories acces-sories and orchid corsage. Lions Dancing Club At Party A delightful semi-formal function func-tion was held by the Lions Dancing Danc-ing club Saturday evening at the Golf clubhouse. A large crowd of dancing couples enjoyed the party. Home Wedcling Is Arranged: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Triton of Provo, recently of Pittsburgh, Pa., announce the engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Dorothy, to DiiVon M. Nielsen, son of State Senator and Mrs. Emil K. Nielsen, of this city. February IS, has been set as the date of marriage quiet weddiig to be held at the Tilton home.! The young couple 1 Plan to live in Provo. Miss Tilton Is a graduate of Bentwood high school in Pittsburgh. Pitts-burgh. The family moved to Provo several months ago. Mr. Nielsen was graduated from Provo high school, and attended the B. Y. U. for two years. Steamed Nut Bread Is Bridge Party Treat- By GAYNOB MADDOX NEA Staff Writer You may not have as much time for bridge as you used to, but once in a while everyone can find time for a session at the card table with old friends. You will relax and have fun and feci refreshed for the next day's war work. You'll want refreshments of course, and won't have mich time for fussing. Let sandwiches with ration-free fillings, plus a; molded salad and tea or coffee, be the evening's climax. Steamed Nut Bread-One Bread-One cup bread flour, 2 teaspoons soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup corn meal, 1 cup whole wheat flour, i cup molasses, 2 cups soiir milk or buttermilk, 1V4 cups chopped nut meats. Sift flour, soda and sal. Mix with com meal and whole wheat flour. Mix molasses with sour milk; add dry ingredients. Beat well. If desired, add raisins or nuts. Steam 2 hours in greased molds filled two-thirds full and covered tightly. . Jellied Carrots and Peae (Serve 6-8) One package, lemon-fhwored gelatin, li cups hot water, or hot water and vegetable stock,, and 1 bouillon cube. 3 tablespoons vine gar, Vt teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon H scraped onion, 1 cup cooked diod f carrots, 1 cup cooked peesj dash of cayenne. Dissolve gelatin In hot stock. add vinegar, salt, andtonion. Chill. When slightly thickened, fold in vegetables, seasoned with cayenne. Turn into indfvidual molds. Chill until firm. USimold on crisp lettuce, sprinkled' with French dressing. Garnish with mayonnaise. : Jellied Vegetable Entree-Prepare Entree-Prepare gelatin mixture es directed di-rected above. Cover bottm of ring mold with slightly thickened gelatin. Arrange slices of hard-cooked hard-cooked egg against sides of mold. Chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce, sprinkled with French dressing. Fill center of mold: with mayonnaise. Garnish with watercress water-cress and radish roses. your boys or friends honored at this entertainment. The Teachers topic and theology lesson will be given at Relief society Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. All ladies of the ward are invited to attend. A "talent" program will be presented at mutual Tuesday evening and should prove an outstanding out-standing event. Talent from all families of the ward will be represented rep-resented and all members of the ward are urged to attend, at 7:30 p. m. FINAL Clea ranee 9 One Group LADIES' COATS & SUITS Price! A Fair Selection of .Various Styles and Materials Taylor Bros. Co Ladies' Ready-to-Wear (l 1 f hi y WE CAN TAKE THE SPOTS OFF A LEOPARD! We're only kidding but we can come pretty close to it on your clothing. We've got all the new spot removing processes under our thumb and no spot or stain can resist us. Bring in your hardest problem clothing . . we welcome the chance to show what we can do. Quality Cleaning UNIVERSITY CLEANERS 170 North Univ. Ave. PHONE 214 j 1 8E 5 MISS DOROTHY TILTON Bride-elect of DeVon M. Nielsen Orem Literary Club Meets OREM Mrs. Dean Park entertained en-tertained members of the Orem Laterary club at her home Thursday Thurs-day afternoon. The delicious luncheon was served at one table. A Valentine motif was carried out in the decorations with a lovely boquet of white stocks and red carnations as centerpiece. Mrs. Thomas Cordner gave an interesting review of the book, "Boom Docks," twenty one true experiences of the marines on Guadalcanal. A business meeting followed. In attendance were Mrs. Harold Calder, Mrs. Curtis Gordon, Gor-don, Mrs. Roy E. Park, Mrs. Clifton Clif-ton T. Pyne, Mrs. J. D. Park. Mrs. Thomas Cordner, Mrs. Boyd Davis, Mrs. J. Erval Christensen, Mrs. E. B. Terry, Mrs. V. Emil Hansen. Mrs. Ada Skinner, Mrs. R. D. Wells, Mrs Thomas Jacobs Mrs. Verde Washburn and the hostess. Bride-f o-Be Is Complimented SPRINGVILLE Honoring Ruth Baxter, whose engagement and approaching marriage to Roger Nielson of Salina, is announced, her sister Delia Baxter, entertained entertain-ed at a "brunch" at the Baxter home, at which formal announcement announce-ment of the engagement was made to friends. Miniature soldier boys carried telegrams which gave the an- Elks' Cabaret Dance Benefits Polio Fund Elks and their ladies enjoyed a gala party Saturday night at the Elks' home, when a cabaret dance was held to benefit the infantile paralysis fund. Proceeds were swelled through the supper arrangement, the ladies taking attractive box - lunches, which were purchased by the men in old-fashioned "choose-your-part-ner" style. Rex and Carlos Jensen were co-chairmen co-chairmen on arrangements for the delightful semi-formal. nouncement to each guest seated at small tables. Roses, daffodils and pussywillows formed attractive attrac-tive decorations for the entertaining entertain-ing rooms. Guests Included, Mrs. Bert Rrown. Mrs. Max Sumsion, Mrs. Warwick Palfreyman, Mrs. LaRell Johnpon, Mrs. Kay Johnson, Mrs. Theon Laney, Mrs. Charles Dean. Mrs. Earl McKenzie, Elaine Cran-dall, Cran-dall, Annie Starr, Martha Bird, Bernice Palfreyman, Bonnie Baxter, Bax-ter, the hostess and guest of honor. Honoring the bride-to-be, also, a trousseau tea will be given by her mother this afternoon at the Baxter home, to which more than Save the Difference and invest in War Bonds Prices Have Been Greatly Reduced for This Special Sale of Upholstered Living Room Furniture. i 7?!2Zh i , LjA Here Are Examples . . . 2-Pc. TAPESTRY SUITE $69 Was a good value when marked . $ii4 2-Pc. MOHAIR SUITE 1 educed from $13R Make your selection from a big stock of MOHAIR - TAPESTRY -FRIEZE and BROCADE Covered Suites 0 Wi W I I ,iy- 11 m HI lift Jin ni CHECK THIS NUMBER A 2-PIECE BED-FORMING SUITE Your choice of Bleached Mahogany or Maple Frame, i with attractive covers. The Couch makes a comfort- able, full-sized bed, and the Chair is an easy, platform rocker 95 D R Complete Home Furnishers |