Show Campus chest success J in year of bigger U Now that the excitement of another Campus Chest drive has all but and the pros and cons of the campaign have been freely we are in a much better position to look at its features objectively and to decide on its relative standing among drives of the past When studied from this the success of the 1949 edition of the Campus Chest drive becomes quite 0 Working with a more efficient and conducting the drive for three weeks less time than in Bud wound up the campaign by reporting that a total of was donated by the student This compares favorably with last year's total of which was compiled after an extended lasting for nearly four con-ducted by a larger and more unwieldy V. The 1948 drive was extended through a ruling which was handed down by the Students Affairs In an effort to streamline the solicitation of student this year's campaign utilized a pre-drive committee headed by Jane Hatch and Laurence Lister which pledged the support of many campus organizations before the drive even had That this idea was effective is shown by the fact that nineteen organizations at the university donated which was a tremendous crease over last year's group Giving all out support to the Campus Chest in the men's were Phi Delta Sigma Alpha Beta Theta Sigma Sigma Sigma Alpha Pi Kappa Hillel and Medical school freshman Women's groups which gave their all were Kappa Kappa Alpha Delta Alpha Delta Pi Beta Chi Phi Alpha Xi Chi Delta Phi and Carlson Diligent efforts on the part of the freshman which contacted the faculty for and the speech students who canvassed provided a tremendous boost in the compilations of the 1949 In view of all of these the Student Affairs committee and the heads of the last Campus Chest drive have desired to go on record as thanking all of the persons who contributed either effort or funds to what they consider to be one of the most successful drives yet conducted at the University of Of the which was collected during the 1200 will be given the to the Community to the Cancer to the Tuberculosis to the Save the Children to the blind students at the and approximately 50 to the Speech This will leave a balance on hand of which will be earmarked for future university Late contributions for this year's Campus Chest are still being received in Union building room or in the graduate manager's Josua |