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Show Piage 8A The Summit Conntjr Bee Media Center Dress Code Gets Stedenlte Court Gets an Overhaul The Legal System Re-Dress- ed! Student Writer: AojShippy The old dress code hu been redressed as of March of this year, and some students may need to change same bad habits because teachers am paying mom attention to the dress code now. The new code calls for the norm boys hair short and neat, girl's hair out of their eyea, dothea neat and dean, ahirts must have no words or symbols depicting criminal activity or violence, no baggy pants or shorts, no tight shirts, and skirts and shorts must be appropriate length. Oh - lets not forget - no hair nets! The dress code now enables teachers to determine whether or not students are wearing gang related dothea, and now they can do something about h. The risk in playing gang", in Kamas is that younger kids will model the behavior and get seriously hurt for wearing the wrong clothes at the wrong place and wrong time. So what and when are the biggest violations of the code? South Summit High School Principal Eric Moser said, 99 percent of the students do very well in compliance with the dress code. But if there is to be a violation, it is in the spring, when the weather is good and people want to wear their baseball hats and short shorts. Moser says that the dress code was created so that, "Students can come and learn without being distracted by wild and far out hub or fashions. 'We have found that students behave similarly with the way they dress. Penalties for not adhering to the ' dress code include either in or out of school suspension. Cuirently, most students know bow to dress, can still make a fashion statement, look great, and feel 'great about themselves causing drest code waves. without Summers Almost Here, Don't Give Up! (Editorial) they can keep their grades up. There is no point in going to school the Student Writer: Rachael Evans With only a couple of weeks of school left, students at South Summit High are eagerly waiting to get out. Especially aince at the end of the year k seems like students get a little bit more homework and get urged to get it done quicker Because of homework and the weather it makes it a lot harder to concentrate. Students would much rather be hanging around outside, even if it is raining. It's spring, and everyone has been shut up all winter and now it seems like people Just need to get out Students need to hang in there so whole year; then flaking out at the end and having Fs show up on report cards. It just cant be worth hi It appears to students to be so hard to be at school once all the snow melts and it starts to get nice outside. teachers certainly However, would prefer that students hang in ' Student Writer:' Ttait Vernon state chorus at UVSC on Saturday May 9. They were challenged by 2A, 3A, 4A, and even SA schools from all over Utah. Tkpestry member Rob Sorensen stated, It was a lot of fun, a good opportunity, and a great learning experience. The Tkpestry group got to go and hear some of the 4A and 5A schools Information et , & Student Writer: , Zontl McAffce Devon Kehnar maliciously murdered Cory Jackson earlier this year in Utah. Or did he? That was the burning question that consumed 96 mock trial teams and 1,000 team 1 members for over two competitive When South Summit first competed against Roland Hall, South This wasnt a real cam however: Orwask? If you ask any mock trial fee hat time, Devon pulled out a gun and shot Cory. The other witnesses were psychologist Denali Morad, played fay Hillary Smoot, and Vice Principal Linden Murphy, played by Rachel WkgstafL The defense attorneys were Meredith Maynes, Hal Mitchell, Melanie Goats, and Zontl McAffee. - Summit was the defense. ' South fee murderer; played by Nick as a teen who unreasonably Cory Jackson, ted Devon for , team member; they will relate the intense emotions Art revealed themselves while working on this case. Some moments brought witnesses to tears and caused their attorneys to sweat blood. The competition which enabled South Summit to edge out 94 other schools in four-competition and a second gain place title was indeed a real case occurring at a California high schooL The trial wm revamped bom California law to Utah Law so feat it could be tried in Utah. Just liks a fireman hanging from a precarious hold 'during a practice fire, fee trial teams saw little differStudent Court la an experience feat ence between this cam and fee real student! wish to avoid? It appears thing. Tb add to fee authenticity, all feat fee possibility of having to be competitions took place in real tried by Student Court makes stucourtrooms and actual judges and atdents Oink twice before doing stu-- . torneys presided over the triaL pid things. What are mock trials about? The only way students can be sent Mock trials are reenactments of real to student court , la if they are cases. A mock trial team begins by referred. For Example:1 If a student dividing its members into two sides, is misbehaving in class their teacher prosecution and defense. Once fee can fill out a paper and tell what team is divided, members tackle happened and send them to court their side of the cue. On each side, -- They actually have a prosecuting members are used to portray witand an defenses attorneys for fee nesses and sttorneys. students. When inside the courtroom there are three judges and a bailiff The bailiff is responsible for raining fee camera. Yes, they do have a camera! . They, do this for et Student1 Court! . Student Writer: Stephanie Cummlagi In the old days if a middle school- er broke the rules they were often met by a big bad wolf called die ' principal or assistant principal. This still may be the case however at ; South Summit something is afoot Nowadays when niles are broken there is a great chance that something different will take place; that something is know as Student Court "Students are starting to take Student Court more seriously," said Student Court advisor Chip Hayes. South Summit Middle School has only had Student Court for two . . . years. Last year there were 52. cask compared to this year which held 21 cases. Could it be that going to It, appears that making school more like fee real world is catching on, A- v Time will tell if Student Court jeally makes a differences, but it sure seems Ip be making a difference New & Used stage presence, and overall perfor- mancc was just as good if not better than some of the SAachools. Even though they didnt get fee i highest score in the whole state, they did get the highest score in their , their opponents and consistently heard fee gavel fell in their favor. hilMIIM V Gall now - . hr Rut Contral hr Past Coatrel GB4-B2- 26 Plymouth Jeep & Eagle Dodge & Plymouth Mini-Va- . ns Dodge Trucks Rams & Dakotas Russ Corrigan Motors No hidden charges or ugly surprises? you sure this is a . i' I . Morgan, Utah 829-324- cat-ego- ry. When yon walka 5 ' Utah! Website: .Highlights Utah's resorts, ad agrjmi'N a Sana and aub-tte- m to you. That wap youll know exactly what you'ra getting. Alow Mather pqnnaat A low i .A'; retaSar in a laaaa, a ituuty thing happanarwe avplaia every ducloaure, iiirces of the nations largest lender. lodging and transportation options. Snow report update daily by 6 a.m. MST: www.skiutah.com . Sales & Service Dodge, Chrysler sing after their performance. A couple of members gave their opinion on how .they did on their performance saying, "We think feat our McAlfee. Because Sooth Summit excelled to both semi-fin- al and final rounds, they woe able to play each side of fee case twice. But they did mote than just that, they outmaneuvered wiODQ-322- 6 . Theres only a couple of weeks left. Bear with it for just that long, and then you can be out running into die sunset in the nice summer ait ' . When South Summit went up against Davis High, South Summit was fee prosecution which represented the state. The state believed that the murder was cold blooded and that fee defendant, Devon Kelmai; deserved a sentencing of first degree murder. The prosecution witnesses were Kendall Lynch, Cory's best friend, played by Holly Carmen Butler, psychologist Nichols, played by Liz Curtis, and Police Officer Lee Kim, play by Nick Wolf. Prosecution attorneys were again, Meredith Maynes, Hal Mitchell, Melanie Goats, and Zontl OUHTAin VALLEY HEED 0 PEST COUTDOL backup..,,, there. . ; Students Rule Ski Summit Libertarian et computer age. Now imagine doing this to .21 computers that have to be hooked up all to printen, servers, and over the school, and you may begin .to realize the incredible task of moving all the new computers to their new location in the media centet: The media centre is being remodeled to indude the computer tab in it for a couple of reasons. Finti it .. . win give a much larger number of students access to the internet where cuirently there is only room for a few. Second, the old computer lab will be converted for the ed-nclasses to accommodate for the enrollment numbers. growing ed-nThe current plans for the media centre will be to build a watt a few feet in front of the current south wan and to place the computers in that newly formed cove. The books that are currently on the south waU will be moved up to the new waU. This new plan will allow for a more efficient library, and an ed-nroom huge enough to support 20 Remember the day you attempted to installed your new compute:; the endless knot of cords, the "On" button that turns the computer off, the screen that comes up a blank. All these things have plagued computer ownen since the dawn of the Tapestry Sings at State Chorus Student Writer: Amanda Haakensou South Summit s Thpestry went to May 15, 1998 down payment Plenty of Mileage each yean Aadi oh, wo alaoat forgot, a great car too. Y County jj MUM. lV ... $12,696. SL1 Party: Wasatch Brew Pub in Park City on the last Tuesday of every month, 7: IS p.m. 1 Public invited. Call 9. or . MS Mr 0216. Down 649-24S- 783-529- Kamas Library Hours: The Kamas Library is located at 110 N. Main, Kamas in Summit County Services building. Phone: We are open 9:30 a.m.-- 3 p.m. 783-435- ice of a local lender. .with the pei IXBfOSSr. MORTGAGE l p.m. Open two hours Summlt St--1. Mothtaf sIm kuhJtoli pint imiotolna, ACmi nwwonilMkia wall H.I.I r at Inm OJLu MIm0i Auftof tf.15 Dakwry awnbt latoa fraairataSwbyS3198 Solos Representative 123 So. Main Stmt, Suites 5 Haber City; Utah 84032 County Schedule: Summit County Bookmobile Headquarters located at the Coalville Gty building. New' 12:30 p.m. to hours: 12:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.; to 7 p.m.; Sat, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Itowwli ham oa 199S 0I15 Mike Todd later onTuesday evenings un- -. til 7 p.m. We have an after hours book return by the front door of building for your con- - Bookmobile for 35 months due at lease signing 0. Monday through Friday. Gosed for lunch from 12:30 p.m.-- 0216. Month Office (435)654-7148- ., Fax (435)654-715- 0 Mobile (435)671-149- 4 &6 F, iBjMIMfto60pMHeljen6w T-T- Qmeetm Im WlifrMimrkmiiTriihfiiiif - www.gaturn.com e Saturn of Salt Lake Saturn of Orem 1250 S. SandhiU 221-125- ffl 5 i ' 1. 800 S. Wat Tbrnple Salt Lake City 0 and University Parkway 1-1- A DirrBBBMT BIND . - COMPANY. 521-50- A 5 57 DIFPBBBNT KIND CAB. - |