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Show f iwn uf - 17 father rose from his Piano on Handcarts Also. grave nighllv diand school bombarded his former of College home, We are not only selling Farrand PUTTING IT GENTLY. asked for the redistrictmg went to the ceraeterv, du the organs but you will soon hear up 18. I was set for corpse, dragged It nearly a mile ftesaine. Nov. our about celebrated also. Pianos al2 b"nieii it. Tlie boy ,va, Br- heariSf.tbp1petUon; , Anderson jntiAL mes The Beautiful Catholic Church creation of SHEEP ARE SLAUGHTERED. at Rock Springs Wyo. also recently Cardon, Ore;, f?a . districts of Wheeler and ov 0. Three bought one of our grandest Farrand Taken under advise- - hundred head of sheep, belonging Organs. to James Cameron were driven off Stephen00Many churches and institutions and 135 in of kaaday them Salt Lake City have purchased White protested against killed, the cattlemen. by Farrand Organs. Never will Trouble nPtf road to La Plata, being presumably between expected sheep and you lien rthnt such important places over land owned by him. The,18 rtleinen as a result of the of worship and learning will aland a heard his complaint, low themselves to buy slaughter. ntinn on it. Organs with less nntioual reputation than the succumbs to Wound. Farrand. Why should you not Putter Mont., Nov. G. ty think as much of your own ' home their taxes Deteetive Charles A. Kay, who was and, supply it with the grandest batch of bills were stubbed jhe usual Edward bj' J. a reed Daley, instrument made? 5 ' n passed. dancing teacher on the 'evening 'of elecion-durin- g a ; ' ' The Farrand Organ. Aggies Lose Again, row, died today, Daley will be Who really, sells the Farraud held for murder by the authorities. The A. C. footballists kept llieir organs? hoodoo welj to the front again AWFUL CRIME CHARGED. The undersigned has been in Yesterday, losing to the Fort Dougbusiness in Logau for 18 years and Cincinnati, 0.,Nov. of 10 to 5. hs crowd by a score all Ihese many years can excitement prevails today at during You could hardly call it a game, conscieneeously in say that I have althis county, over the Harrison, most the about raggedest, being it trial of Louis Blacker and Harry ways sold the best goods the marinteresting exhibition ever put West for an kets of America afford in pianos alleged assault on and To begin a local gridiron. Bp on organs, sewing machines and was started au Malel Wright while returning Bith, the game during part of the time the celefrom sehool last Tuesday evening. Jour too late, and over theprotest brated Home Obmfort ranges - Blacker and West were hunting Soldiers the Aggies continuThe Farrand 0 the in the woods when organs have been He: sold by me now during the past ed the play in. total daikness, Miss Wright at the they ofstopped Ye, my dear young lady, when I was younger they uted to ill their point me the 1 twelve carrying the ball to within 4 yards here lady killer years. say upon my Her screams attracted touchdown when Carr, the guns. . Dld they the ladle She: honor die of er fright? ns a man I do not have one apprehended Blacker-mitetl,isne,'prs.who Fort Douglas umpire added est aud carried the uncon- - single dissatisfied customer. Never the general rottenness of ,an. once yet to my recollection was I Ki froni-4he2B Things by taking thw ball of-pra- ise-for dition. West the l and organs-repairJLC. jbrjiplding, it being a physi Blaeker admita-tfc-anin any sha pe lie was says tune to cal impossibility fit that or form. can take prospective under the influence of liquor. was man fell whether a holding or customers to. houses where the NEWSPAPER MAN A SUICIDE. not. Then Referee Hill called the Farrand organs have been abused i times the Three Aggies G. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. pme. by everybody playing on them and beat the ball up to within 15 yards .Charles 0. FARRAND ORGAN Co., Ziegenfuss, a wel!-o- f yet no repairs were needed. HUKORY, N. C., March 17. li02. s touchdown, and then lost it on j known newspaper man, was found Believe me in my travels I find Detroit, Mich. : i fumble. The soldiers earned their. dead this afternoon in a room in my travels I find many o ihor organs5 F.NTLF.MF.N I with the manufacturing interet of the Fiano and Organ have been bHt scored oue last touchdown first a down town hotel. Au open gas dilapidated and out of tune and en- business since theconnected 1830, having been employed, nt different times, in the Piano year I on a fluke. I will be factories of Chiekerings, L. Gilberts and W'm Bom lies, of Boston, Mass., and the jet, which it is believed was left tirely unsatisfactory. The bright features of the game show you the open accidentally, disclosed the willing to take you to both kinds Organ fretory of Smith Bros , also of Boston. 1 state this in order to a period of 32 years, during which time I have were the terrific line plunging ot manner of his passing. Zeigenfuss of places herein explained to prove j experience which I have had, covering in direct contact with every make of organ and piano. I must truly say that I Look j, ad worked in various capacities mv- iiccti.fmno' re Cm i conic never wai4 lnorP pleased than when I was called upon by Mr. C. T. Morrison, vt'bo is J' nu the principal newspapers of this mend our uite Sewing machines ' agent for your organs at this place, to do some repairs on one or tw-- of your organs, ' The separable features c ountry from New York to San aild Home Comfort ranges as the) Which had received a little damage in shipping to the removal of a without work to me enubled do the are It immense, MRS. NATION IN WRECK. best and all our femall musiyur Francisco and his field of labor . screw of the action. Why some of these improvements have not been nuula before ' New York, Nov. 5. The west- - carried him over to Manila, where is a wondef to me. They enable a workman who has occasion to go into the instruthe there. one edited of ment, to do so without any trouble to fix anything thntinny be wrong with the organ bound Black Diamond express of 'he papers at any time. I sincerely wish that every organ that I have to clean or repair herehe A few years ago managed the which left Lebi Valiev railroad, after might be a Farrand. There is no need of praise from me in regard to tone, Jersey City at noon, was wrecked editorial department of one of the workmanship and materials used, as they speak in volumes for themselves, and there east of Newark about 12:20 p. ui. Honolulu dailies. It excels tli.em all, and as I am often consulted by is no organ like the Farrand. Pur" who Icm? contemplate buying an organ, my theme will always be a Farrand,1 Fifteen persons were more, or When yon wake up with a bad persons want This over instrument. enthusiast letter, the mn In an other. Notice. fact, I taste in your mouth, go nt once to chaseto no seriously hurt, one coach aud the1 know is entirely unsolicited. I write it because you have entirely merited it, yon engine being overturned. The exNotice is hereby given, tjiat there Riter Bros. Drug Store aud get a and you have the profoundest thanks of your humble, servant, , Very respectful)-of Chamberlains press rau on a siding and collided will be n meeting of. the members free sample SALVO,. with an engine. Oue of the passenof The Corporatiou,of the Mem- Stomach and Liver' Tablets; One Piano and Organ Tuner ami Repairer, hurt xvas Mrs. Nation Currie gers bers of the Church of Jesus Christ or two doses will make you tvell. of Kansas, Her hand was slightly of patter-daThe Farrand Organ can be bought at the White Iloue, 41 Saints, residing in They also cure biliousness, sick cut and her arm badlv bruised. Ecclesiastieal ward headache and constipation. tic , lbs Clarkstnn Center street, Logan. in Stake Benson of the of Zion, KIDNAPED HIS GIRL, the county of Cache and State . of JUST received, Ian robes, Victoria, B. C.. Nov, 3. CapF. house of said storm aud stable blankets the at nimjll'lHBl.1 IMUIIWailM meeting Ctah, John M. Column of San Francisco war(jt ou Saturday, the 22nd day varieties. Fister nndNeilson. Fas arrested on the arrival here of November 1902, at 2 oclock p. this uiorni Small WANTED TO BUY ig of the steamer Uma- - m for jie pUrp0se of authorizing hla romSan Franceo, charged Mith home from house, he Board of Directors of said country Scientifically Distilled; Naturally Aged; Absolutely Pure Vith kidtmning Kathylme Column, Jourto acres. four Apply eight the to transfer legal Corporation II. J. DeWITT Safest and Best for all Uses. Sold by ! vhiU. who "as ;( jj e to all the real property belong- - nal office. awarded by .the San Francisco WANTED-JI- OO John bushel. rtng courts to his divorced wife ,in Ravsten, ns Bishop of the Clark Potatoes for cash at the Natloual oarned to L apt. L. V, Smith, of Wanl of the Church of Jesns Restaurant, 1st North St. 7 doors can Francisco, Column was nr ,ton Christ of Latfed-ilaSaints, in the west of P. 0. rested ouJn for mation.J.elegra plied find of Utah. ( State of nehe, county to Chief FOR SA LE 'etie ap Go ods team r Langley by Chief Wilmar John Ravstex, fifSau Francisco, who said the aud wagon, five saddle harness President of said Corporation, bother, accompanied by au officer three pack saddles, two Wm. J. Griffiths, horses, Yith extradition pairs panniers, camping outfit. rapers. was now Secretary, d route. Cohnan was bookeiLou Apply to William IMerson, 3S9 E Dated, November the Uinat ilia as John V. 2 nd N.Sf .7 Lo g a if U t a 1l Campbell. j To Cure a Cold in One Da v. slain in his doorway. TEAM WANTED The coma: u the C. 1C. G.- -As . Guthrii . U. T.,' Nov. n Contemporary with the sen-Take Laxative Bioiuo (juinine mittee on Fire Department of 4 he Council will purchase the best oI:i Bosnlt of i lie al. W, has the most complete sblets.. .All druggists refund the Logan City piijlonged war being Fire the a team for Department. Yaged between the cattlemen and money if it does not cure. E. W. bargains. Knitted Woolen Here are some of our price? aomesteH' lers in western. Okala Groves signature is on each box. Must Meigli not less than 1250 lle. G s? 1.50 and up- 4 over at under or be not and rn Boma another murder Garments yearsj grades commencing has been 25'. of--ag Woolen Union Suits for Men, wnrds. Ilonie-mad- e tonunitteiL (I. W7 La mvalpfouK LoErrxzoB ren-f rom 80cu pv.nrds. Kent figure Womcn aml ( bdd knsgn among the home , Chairman. Ladies and Childrens Ilose going at jialf tho Baders, was called to his door and: silo or a Shot dead,-cosUxif knitting at hornerLndies Cioehoted Shawls i KTOLEN Fmm Tren f A C 7.'u mid upwards. Ladies and Cluddmi's Ooff- rr nearly Shirley, in Dcwey eountyT much for me man who lias but two or yestenl.iv 17"''. Gloves !15e icr pair. cattleman named three cows But he can pick the ears Monarch Bicycle. . Pfoininent Black, frame, the and have stover liiseorn from grain Mens Woolen Socks (home-made- ) j Joy has been arrested charged No. 296190 below crank hanger, mid the cob, too. If lie so with eotnplif-it3 ground, paifs for one dollar. Ladies heavy- Utah Wooleu handle liars, leather in the crime. Mrs. stover well adjustable have then the wirdies, Jlose 50c. Childrens Hose with double knees and the murdered mans wife, bell on left handle, coaster cured in the field, and when, he takes grips, Reward toes, best east' iron hose that can . be bought. cut Into pieces brake, G. and J. tires. cos ni ord ing toUM. HntWwdtHe-BlankeU.-pti illiam Johnson were also wheel air Journal brought not more than a half Inch long and for recovery with which to desired l bJr the size. We have everything fifiieeps. shorter K ossib!e. Then moisten It office or college. to ns" in person or , supplv tlu$. fall trad6. Apply such ,s convenient " Ilh warm ITERSTIT10V IN 1IUNG VKY wi ite us for jvrices on what ybu may require, We Talk About Organs. b isaSWiA flrrrn ad tes- in--' tlie-t-- aUUa g. busw:: 'jenna, Nov., 0. An extraordi-a,Ttnsta- steam for it weiity-fou- r e nnr eep.M "Stin.waterr racows on each Put traderour before stand of the superstition feeding. t is so as her keep pretty quiet find go our way. prevalent among the tion as much and such graindoes We not Wo dont have mneh lo say. 'condition calls for, nnd if she l 3antry of Hungary is reported do as same. the sell on would Only ns she organs just tib.11 tiross Zorlones, once in a great wliile do we speak! -' jpirjlryrn Deseliitx, The- house' of a It with cold Please read the Mordsbf prn isc:of stover. If obliged to w nanud 1ova had beeVi Tor Mill better standing the celebrated Theo, A. Salvo ini it le water, Didtlio police Mere forty-eich- t hours, to germinate a little this issue. Ffirrand Organs sold1 ole if,) discover, the American Culenlprit. heat by fermentation. at the White ' House, 41 (enter e Widows ' ' son. became' tivator. x young Street Logan. f the r t3 r-;jeu- l SSrist. tof. Ex-Ci- well-Tnow- . r o Hi Unsolicited -il ed d the words 1 Farrand Organs. this-poi- nt . . ! -- T-- - -- f A. arper oye sof -- y 02, r m ! -- . -- - y . . -- i'-w- v; - me K M-- ston-hnnK:a,- el.v idea that .his. r r- - f |