OCR Text |
Show - If You A re: eased a.Tbon we tn satisfied, lor your eatla. aaetlwn la the mtuun of our uooes. . We have pieced So marry people for y years that our reputation for : end reliabilliy is esteblislted Why She Liked Shop. They had been talking at the rate .faJr young daibsels, and the subject mt -their conversation' was, of course, 3e wiae and witty saving, the charms . ssf manner, and the other admirable Knits of chafa"Aei"posSessed by their . respective sweethearts. Dun't you like to nave anybody CaJk shop when, they come to see you f" gurgled Mary. z Indeed, I do. Who's been talking a&& to yon?" . JQh, Charley, of course. He's a trot. &sy conductor, you know., and nearly ewery time he comes to see me he goes aa with his shop talk" '-- - "What does he say?" "Sit closer, please!" Philadelphia 2&quJrer. Bound trip rates to California, $50: t&xxl or six months returning three daily trains. If Interested write at nee to K. C. Kerr, D. 'P. A., Salt Lake City, for any information about, resorts re-sorts and hotels. Ask for booklet. ... Feminine Resource. 34ra. D - with a lady frieud whotw abilities as a scandal-monger and mis-Aiof-maker "were pre-eminent. Wuen las returned he just jioked Ihis head taio the drawing room and said, with at sigh of relief: "That old cat'b gone, 1 suppose?" Yjr an insiant there was a pro Awnd silence, for as he uttered tht tait word he" encountered tbo etonj stare of the lady. .who bad been In hit. mind. Then lis1 wife came to the re cave. "Oh, yea; dear," sh mid. "I sent it to' the cati home In a basket this morning." Tit-Bits. A Helping Hand. Mistress (hurrying frantically). "Wary, what time is it now?" Maid: "Half past two, mum." . Mistress: "Ob, I thought U was la tor; I Mill hare 20 inlnuuea to ctalcb the steamer." Muid: "Yes, mum, I knew you'd b -uahd. so I set the clock back 30 Denver by auto. You can now buy round trip Ucjuts from any station era. the SaJt Lae route to Heaver by automobile from Mil ford. Ask n earnest ear-nest aeiit for full particulars. Another AVorld's Record. "Stpoakln 'o cloeefUied oorpora tlons," remarked Jwd Sinajman as h Ke4p-d himself to iuotlMT handful ol Vntitra, "rewinds me ' h' it ritu 1 faad with th' skldw route In 71. "Mandy an me was latuu tu tram to go an' visit her folks, an' alien (h lujlue come along a duggunti bin hot einJ-r Hew rifcut pluju into my eu "Well. I bad ler bin pcUuful tiiut with thi? cy fT 'bout a tk aiul j flniy bad f g t a oc'liM. aa" have la ' cinclt r (lu ja j "And. do y tijlnk that cko1i, rail- j ro:id w'd iy my dor bill 'r vuje taia'T . j jCiit rtm. tt!in fvn'iit f srexh u;r'U.i. i: ::t '!out It Uv lht-ulfie j t' hae :ij- r- u-d fr tiin' cuaJ." ; Small Dih. Bl rai.lnri uf Arctic attl;:e. not U j fort- an;.tiie, the printer would flg ' ur" It out i! a; Vair WtS'uiaii niA.ii JM ':' a - m dami for lb? lle. JBurliiiKU.n ii i- m-ye ! S.et!y Put. . i ;-u t' rr tire of iuh r-ijuk rh.rT N. ir:l-t-i Tn tb ecu : itj th"'ih I aia arrlt.f tag ! t trry, I U , I ;u ai Tr) thing JiU Tv M-rjli,,l!. tf Jmni'- - i rn !' ; . - e Natural. a "w.. - u '' a COki p "I . - it, f,l . " A. , i i -Ve w - ...a. .55. tatex aj l .'.' ii ssi ' a. I t" Cw-w Factery. "KJ. aa;, "9 Is it j a a-'at rk!a7" "Tsi JH Ul UL. I rrl la s df.M fat-- rj. ai4 1 oa "ie att, s-a Urr'r K-ii ------- - Jtrr"5rm . ;- SAU UtKt Citr, UTAH J r: ---r.i-tit a'l ; :? " !r. aro-jsj ut tLtS'- -v - i v C Ciurit. I I .r a bias-bar 4." t . V . ' - U i J'U-n I".ej ' , "'-T.a -t f:i . y i & Lit , ' t Hoe Kno.n fifttcr. V I V - iv - . ..... , A' 55T" DECVESINTO visit to Paladino deeno a who came Caesar Though aiways . reet on minute. VVhenir-feU to the flootit cDEiplained in EnglishThe medium but understood the complaint and answered it in Italian. Articles of furni ture were moved about, ajbella plate,, up by an immense hand,: Curtains were by some invisible object. All the-tkne room. - "English John," the spirit entity moves .heavy objects for her, works, invisible animal of a good deal more strength than hers which does hef bidding bid-ding at times. Sir Oliver Lodge was a member of the English Society for Psychical Research and early in the nineties that organization, was aboyUtQ put its approval upon the Neapolitan medium as a person with supernormal powers, when she was discovered doing some crude trick work at Cambridge. The society then repudiated her. Mme." Paladino left England pjrttyelLdiredlteO among members of the English Society FALCONIO TO The boy was then too young to assume the name of priest and he became a teacher of the classics at St Bona venture college, of which he was later made president. He set diligently to work mastering English from his associates in the faculty and from members of the student body itt If. After a period of six months' further study in the college he was made a priest and was known as Father Diomede. He remained re-mained in college work for three or four years, when he was assigned with Father Anacletus to missionary work at Winsted, Conn. He remained there for two years, and then, in obedience to the command of the minister general be went to Newfoundland In the same capacity. Bishop Carfagninl of Harbor Grace conceived m liking and an admiration for the fervent young prlext and appreciated his executive skill so much that be appointed him vicar general of the diocese and. on going to Rome, intrusted in-trusted him with the entire administration. , - He was rewarded by the pope in August, 1899, with the Important post uf apottollc delegate to the Dominion of Canada. His unusual familiarity with matters of ecclesiastical administration singled htm out for the still more Important pxt at Wafchinxton when a vacancy was created by the appointment of Martinet!! as cardinal. YOUNG GOTHAM FINANCIER ; l-i'.n- Mr MrOarrah ss IU rld-nt. The only way to o It was to combine ! ! Uh tie Mri l'3tiiV National. Tfce mf-rrrr a soon brought about. It w ! 1 c-HitiiHv 4,1-j cwirit to tLe fart that thi to banks were twxi dr to e.nh i , other. i. '.- ktixkrd tbTmigh the wail separaticg tl.em and. the merg. r j 4i "ii .ni - 1 - Mr Mt;rrah I a nntitwr of the rltarir.g houiie committee and wa fur j : two y-:r KH-rttjry cf tl.e rle.rini; Loue. bt-iiig cne of the younc-t m-n to I I oij t.'.at Kt'iiH " - J i It d;ru it h panic of that Mr. McOarma did the b-t work if ' ' I.! : r In oiij h rtU.n l'h nthert of the yuuscer Wall tret men. jimu'E ).r:i 5'ts.r, Wsrtin. c.f the "ha National bank. Daxlixin. then of li t- I -re! Nt:.nal lank. rd p rtt-r, of the Chm' a! bank. wer mjia'Ij j t ; for,.! .' r i. i.c s i ' .t :i u:,i.i ?&e muf.ii u I'.n oi ine uiorutng, n)t tiiK : l ir- .f ea: rg iseU t l.rin-ktt al-osit by the financial c:d!lion. He.va 4 ,,-! . t f t! ln ii'irti!i-f t th! time and wa prwrt at a'l the con r ai. tiir.f t.e'.d t t2.e aJ'ttkB of relief &'4urf. PEACE LEADER IN A WAR i- ? fe-t ps'l r-ares "Tfl r a . ea.. I! a, 4- w t.. a Tb tie rr ti;::i t? tiesr ft ariroe. a L , ssa ' Ijs't 1.. -"" T untr iMt'! tt it J,:re sri-e.y. tr. c-rsra.a r-tft' t I sa ofilE f,r Jsa I 4-.m e4 kelp to 7 Ji.--r la t; :.-1 a put 4ic ',trwa)er. aa iUrie'4t hat o&c ln rew ff r ti Nil tf Sre ftf 1 1 . bk:h rt ff-: !f!t R50Pt;s t;'irt4 If l- t KiJp war. 4 t t at t-e r tie c'f tf a n.t f' fr4 f t Ml.f.? fr ty Awre Crr. It s l!a of t.rTi nrfSk e-itil rr can te awif U ti rir-nt.-ii tf tCT-f rial t4 poC'Val ls-rr4r ae4 b- r- rs kr a cr.. t t r . sva trsa:t; for tr i a3 U4. as4 a tfMfTt for lie OTHER WORLD Believers in the occult are all agog over the the Unfed States of Madame Eusapia she pronounces It .Ay-u-sah-pe-a Pala- famous Italian spiritualistic . medium, from her native countryto"b6 exam' inett by the American Society for Scientific Research. Re-search. She is the medium through whom Prof. Lombroso, the criminologist, promised to conyer8eaftet-hla-deathr' Lomhlroso died weentl; and his death has revived interest in the madame. - In the presence of newspaper "reporters and theatrical " people, at a private seance, she performed per-formed feats which ' surprised the beholders, men held her feet and knees and declare tHartheyoidriiorinovef while her hands were visible, - she caused a table to rise four tire stage and remain suspended nair a landed a the .foot of att observer, who cannot understand one word of EJngllsh, a flute .and a tambourine were picked blown about and people were toched an electric light was burning in the - - that accompanies Mme. Paladino and according to Sir Oliver Lodge, like an for Psychical Research. GET RED HAT It is pretty generally believed among Catholics Catho-lics that Mgr. Falconio, papal delegate to the United States, Is to be made a cardinal. Persons Per-sons in a position to know, who have just returned re-turned from Rome, say it is the intention of the pope to confer the red hat on Mgr. Falconio.. . Mgr. Falconio is a native of Abruzzt, which lies in the mountainous country east of Rome, on the Adriatic. He has himself said that at IS he desired to become a priest,-but this desire was rather discouraged by his father, who, although a man of plryis convictions, had cherished other plans for his son. His mother, however, encouraged encour-aged the Idea, and at the age of 18 Diomede Falconio Fal-conio entered the Franciscan order, sailing four years later for America. Gates W. Mctiarrah, president of the Mechanics' Mechan-ics' National bank, went to New York City not. so very long ago from up-state, seeking bis fortune, for-tune, and soon added his name to the long lint of country boys bo have made good in metropolitan metro-politan affairs. He as born about 45 yar,K' at Monro-. Orange county, N. Y. He got fcli first tante of banking asaolcrkin the bank' at Coidirn near his birthplace, . - After some years of eiperlence as a countrr banker, he decided to try New York, and arrived , In the ni-tropolU some 13 years ago. His flrt j petition a at the Produce Kirhance batik. J Then int over to th leather Manufacturfr' f bank, where he worked bl way rlr,ht up the line b-finliig rathler and eventually prcnldnt. Then the Merciiauts' National bank cYtirrd t i fUKftf n !t U hrl lUrtfcolJ', of tht tmih .I ilnil Mitnri. teajr W (irreMent of lf,e Ja-1. Ja-1. rp,r:.i af ; Utf lVa( tflftueal of (m4 trrm list It no fa'.'e that be sill li - tt i3t;rt of lBtert!x.6al M,Wft of tb fT Bee's -a - . . " l- c lo c ,a , ti.. Jf rura'a Ciah Kabers KA Rt rcr.jraaa tr m;r cf ti f M ,U v-"" ,t UhAdUU stfr 45 rr. fine the. I i , i (J V -l" . ... -JZZ " .7:' 'V Vf a " tUt U ff" t:re ret b. of conr. ba a . ' B.YftMtn). . , . . Z . . ";r" U? tm kV " : benit, bat the r of Crspo-Nats ha.' U f - , Ttf AY? l-'tl!r QZ&Z' BACKACHE IS KIDNEVaCHE. Uaually There Are Other Troubles to " Prove-It. - - Pa'it in the back is pain in the kid-ZUrti kid-ZUrti f"Q cases, and it points to - - the need of a spe cial remedy to remove re-move and cure the congestion or inflammation in-flammation of the 'kidneys that is interfering in-terfering with their work and causing that pain that makesyou say: Thompson Wat-kins, Wat-kins, " professional nurse," 420 N. 23rd fitrPairsous, KaitT aays: rFor some time I was annoyed With sharp twinges across the small of my back, and Irregular Ir-regular passages of the kidney secretions. secre-tions. Since, using Doan's Kidney jPilli I am free from these trenbles." Remember the name Doan'a, Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ODD MISTAKE. Short-Sighted Old Gentleman How your little boy has grown! But you shouldn't let him go out without a bat FOROLD PEoSe. - After reaching the age of forty the human system gradually declines. The accumulated poisons in the blood cause rheumatic pains in the Joints, muscles and back. These warnings should be promptly relieved and seri ous illness avoided by using the fol lowing prescription which shows wonderful won-derful results even after the first few doses and it will eventually restore physical strength. "One 'ounce compound syrup of Sarsaparilla; one ounce Toris com pound; half pint of high grade whiskey. whis-key. This to be mixed and used in tablespoonful doses before each meal and at bedtime. The bottle to be well shaken each time." Any druggist has these ingredients or can get . them from his wholesale house. May Paste Million Posters, Artists, billposters, printers, paper manufacturers and tuberculosis fight ers are all united in a gigantic crusade agalnSt tuberculosis which is about to be started under the -direction of the National Association, for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. In addition to the gifts of free space on billboards and free printing of posters tnade by the Associated Billposters and Distributors of America and the Poster Printers' Association, several hundred paper manufacturers have given paper for the posters to the value of several thousand dollars, and artists from all over the Tnlted States re contributing sketches for potcr. free of charge. The local, state and national anti-tuberculoyls association will see that the posters are placed Is cities and . towns where they are most needed. The posters are nine feet long and prrn feet wide and wHl be printed tn several colors. I. sufSclent paper U procured a million will be panted up. The value of th-se vario'is contributions contribu-tions would reach fully Ihi0.0H) If paid for at commercial rate. Unburdening. "You must at leaat give font candidate candi-date credit for (peaking his mind." "Yes." replied JJl Cayenne. "But It's unfortunate that people tuo; wilting wilt-ing to speak tbelr mind are so often tnofe whose mentalities are more or ! unpleasant" As an eye-opener, what's the mat ter with an alarm elm k. RESULTS OF FOOD Health and Natural Conditions Come Frem Right Feeding. Man. physlcair?. aaould be Lie a : j nrfectij regulated machine, each rrt sorklnn easily ta Its appropriate place. J j A -!itt tteraegenient causes undae ! 1 fi let Ion and er, and frequently ruins ' tie en:ir tyttetn. I A eil knoa educator of Pottos I ; f jnd a way to keep li. brain and tbe ' bod la that haraoclos eo-cperatioa tlch rcaaes a )oy of Urine. - i I "To years aso. the write. "Vln Is a con i!-ion of nervous nhamtlon. I T generry ctaha ny entire trak ft on a raw rrtr ltea leto fr , IA t::h or hoi -aur I Uk. ti atraw:r. mT td allUt. a4 ay tovrla tak rare of then: . I t-id cy braia pr ad rbyiSoJ rr 4 t J'h c?atr r.d I karw that it cm of th CnpoS'-ts taa cot-triv d ur?y to tiu r:t. '11 to lia fewaft of rmt?J that 1 arl'.a Ilia tMT!&ciX. aa4 rrt tt ay b tha fcrs of aiijef 'hers ta Orr erjh tnr ka!'h" Lrsrk la jlr. for ti t tr "Tba E4 to WeUr'w " Tbr" a BTwe s fe eke- vete-f A tee Set Hal. IWf (Cm H vi ft'. I M I , AAJ3L. ll.k E slsWssMBaWsWsWssBwMsWra-atajOT-sSsWB . ' j' . - - ' a 1fT i. mi W . . - JUST 8UIT HER. Employet-What wewantls a atghf watchman that watches somebody I who can sleep with one eye open and both ears, and who is not-afraid to tackle anything. See? - - Appiicant--I see, boss; IU send me wife 'round." Taught by Experience. ' "So the jury returned a verdict without leaving the . courtroom." said the visitor. . ,: ' '"Yep," answered -Broncho Bob, "That's the way Crimson Gulch juries always do nowadays. The boys have had so much trouble that vthey stay where- they are instead of takfng chances on getting separated from their hats and overcoats." . I One Dye for All Goods. Up to quite recently, wool, silk and cotton each required a separate dye. An enterprising chemist has now perfected per-fected Dyola Dyes which color all goods with one dye, producingsame resultsr Ask-rouf - dealers If ;.he has not stocked them yet, send 10 cents to Dy-o-la, Burlington, Vt, stating stat-ing color desired and we will send same wtt&olorxarU"and book -of direction; Sufficient Evidence. "Father was evidently drinking again last night" . "What make you thmk that?" "He sassed the Janitor -when-bfe came In'-T-Louisville Courier-Journal. II AVE TOP A CO"'H, OR COLDT If n take l or.ee A'.ln' I .one j'tlna and tratrk remits. Himpte. i(e. effertiTe. All dealers. Fope-lar Fope-lar prices &c 60c and tl.UU soltles. When his satanlc majesty tempts some people they want him to get behind be-hind them and push. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrap. Per eblMrea teething-, softens ths guns, reduces ts-ftaaainallua,aUajspala, ts-ftaaainallua,aUajspala, cures eladcuUn. SicaoutUe. Don't believe everything you hear over a telephone wire. ALCOHOL-3 per cent AVrciat4 Preparation forks-imiIollnrtieFoodarffReguJa forks-imiIollnrtieFoodarffReguJa ling Itve 5 lonachs and Dowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerful-ness Digcslion.Cheerful-ness and Resl Contains ncitfwr Opium .Morphirve nor Mineral Not N'Anc otic Atpr sc? BrsiviUftriMtt 5 Aissfte Smi ' rneea " ' .WeaearJMe kmrm St4 I a i On Apcrfecl Remedy forConlipa-lion forConlipa-lion . Sour Stonwh.Dtarrtaje. orms .Conwif sions .Fetr i sh-ncss sh-ncss and LOSS OF SlXCP fc $im.W; Si.'Witiir of TKl CtXTAtH Conpav. NEW YORK. Csact Copy of Wrappet, it ! ' ""r."" " M'e.aa;... ....... t I I ': .si;r-ii"Kt w I WMITt rsN. r DISTEMPER v t rD I Ii en s-e s.wne a e. A giggling girl is aptito becoma-. cackling woinan. - i Dr. Pierced Pleasant Plleu re3ltn teTf. oral atomaca, lirer and bowi-ia. biuar-aoatad! tinj gnuwtoa. Bas to take ai candj. I It is usually costly to follow cheap advice. V SICK HEADACHE Positively cored by thesa. Little Pills. T&tT also rellere Dta -traasfj-om Dyspepsia, lop digestion and Too Heart Eating. A perfect rem- ed for Dizzineaa, Nan Taste In the Mouth. Coate ed ToDfroe, Pain In the Rlda. TORPIB t.IVFB. They regnlata the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. 1 SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Beoncilull Trociies Aa abaslutaly karmlo renxdr to Sore Thiajt, Hoanmcai and Cocna. Giva Immediate ralici ia Branchial and Lung Aiftctiona, Fihy yean' reputation. - -" Price, 2 S cents, SO cents and $(.00 par boa,1 Sample sent en request. j JOHN I. BROWN fe SOW. Barton. Mam. -V iL - ' r HOWARD E. BURTOI.-AWM."D RnM-inM nrtoAr ilnA KIItap ImJ-D Klfr, TSe; Gota, Hie; Zlne or Copper, Tl. 1 enrelones and full or! re list sent nn annllrariniw ilinfl Oontrci and umpire work solicited. I.estdvlllek ..1 U .. V 1 . .1 ,. - nftt'f nino mnp mn ppit naii-run ti sj sy efar t i w iui vui iM'aMBj price Uiand taut. Highest prices paid and satisfsi-tory returns. . LOTZ HIIK WUOL CO. CW. CrawSnd, SspM Orj, . s SUFFERERS FROM WEAK KIDNEYS Backache. Rhenmatle Paine and Weak Back. Cot this ont and nd lo me with 10c Inude of .4dara and 1 trill srn on a SOc box of Maria' Kid-Ne-Tar onosoulr. liaifi. Keeliii,iniaeBX,CBleasu,liii rJEPO JURES CATIRRH rwr.lliiiiSi ti. Two weeks' treatment erel oa nxelpt of . etrwoa., IsSBmmsSU, SMSIfe,!.!. CAMERA t d complete outfit with kavlbereue erncr. Takee Bret-clane -m-ciate inns ponir-i i enures., tv-ne Address tudoo.MoiWl.N. T.Cit. sue fur bargatsi. Per Infants and Children. Tfio Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CARTER'S EJlTTLE IVER PILLS. CARTERS r7mit flVEV cored to stay eurrd. Kminetrt t B H L uUecs. mlniprs, congrebtunea LSI ftn lnA mediral prcos declare jl I I a " cures 4M-raian-nt. I cure t.m U 1 aneroibers'fail. Vt'RlTBTO- 1 J)V rorl lKKU BOOKLKT. el Address Dr. TV. Towns, t und da 1m, Wis. Af f - . T enaieTwrSnt amd ai swr ne Isee sis ir tfsal reO swkj rfw e s4 i RATO sa it -f dVwe. Ss;'''' W s e- ft sea. - " ' - te awe e ww T " -- . m.w taw enejies a rwt -.Mt CONTIMINTAL OIL CX)SirJLY Usui Tit SJ rsJ Fy. rrtoofS 1 r. Caietrrkal ! IZ.JV U3f I S at - a twaf ,w r1 mm "is -a -- an tsw Weta saj aa ve fa -,-o tKMKcf "ii. jk. a H4t t uiti cf uff-!jJ u. se4 a a'. ew steetwaswe tre Bs4 favU t I |