Show 0 OBITUARY 13 IT U A R yi T krof apoplexy lexy or congestion of tho the brain on tuesday buee ay the of january 1878 la in saint charles bear lake county countr idaho ORISSA ANG ANO elia ELTA allred wiro wire ot of wm 31 allred aged ta years 6 months and 12 days deceased was born lorn in henderson jefferson county new NOW york august lith 1823 was baptized by elder orson awatt in 1839 emigrated to nauvoo ilass ilia in 1840 was married to 10 brother allred allied in the tha year 1812 w ith whom she has hag reared and leaves ten child children reni resi some are mantled married and represent 18 grandchildren all of whom wh are levinz in saint charles and were wore present durfor during her and attended her funeral on wed ved january auth aoth sister slater allred alired faithfully endured the trials and afflictions bolth with the balata in their expulsion froin from nauvoo nauva she was alope the first emigrants to settie settle in 14 winter quarters Qu arters artera now florence in the year 1851 she the came with her family to salt lake lmke valley and budwith with her husband was among the fint first settlers in bear lake valley where shots she bhe is known and esteemed as a true friend a wire wife a kind mother and a good saint she was engaged in tho the sabbata Sab batti school on the tha sunday prec preceding edler her demise in which calling bhe she has bas labored faithfully during six and wai a teacher of no ordinary ability and merit president IWIllia ta th budge deliver delivered cd a funeral discourse solemn and affecting and R nia hla counselors and bishop john hunt followed with some bome appropriate 1 rema remarks ks the tha procession of 54 vehicles containing friends relative relatives ag beigh bors bora and school children all mourning the joss m of the departed of whom it may be said mankind has ha a lost a andimo and no one has lost an enemy con COM coz |