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Show ytt T s I5 , can lie acquired by one riparian owner as against another, by the use of water at times when such use does not interfere with the latters use of the same, and when as often as there Is interferance the latter has protested and sought to prevent the use. Nor is there iany superiority in the rights acquired in the same stream for mining and milling purposes. When water of a stream has been appropriated for the purpose of running a mill the mill owner Is entitled to Increase the running capacity of the mill, provided the amount of water used does not exceed the amount first appropriated. He is required to make an economic use of the water appropriated for the purpose of which it was appropriated, and if the capacity of his ditches is greater than is necessary to provide for such use he should be confined to the amount necessary for such economic use. Eruptions On the Face I was troubled with eruptions on my (ace. I thought I would give Hoods Sarsaparilla a trial, and after taking a lew bottles I was cured. I am now also free from rheumatism to which I have been subject for some time. C. E. Babby, 728 Milwaukee Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the best fact the Pnriller. in Hoods Pills One True Blood cure all liver ills. 26 cents. IMPORTANT WATER DECISION. It Das Been Mad a by the California Supreme Court. An important decision of the United States Circuit Court of California, af- fecting the use of water of a stream subject to riparian rights, has recent- for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco babit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c. tl. All druggists. Verdi, the composer, has been busy for some time In Milan going through early psalms and other church music of his com-to position. It is supposed that he Intends publish them shortly. ly been rendered in the case of the Union Mill and Mining Company vs. Dnnlierg. 81 Federal Reports. The court held that uo prescription right to the use ol the water of a stream THE MAN WHO LIVED. He should have been dead. But he wasnt, because- sing the formula for such a very valuable W. H. Lawrence, Editor, The remedy. Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio. Theres nothing succeeds like success. There is no withstanding the living argument of the man who should be dead, who isn't dead, but who would be dead, but for a preserving medicine. Thats about the way it seemed to strike Editor Lawrence, of the Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio. He was afflicted with one of those colds that have, thousands of times over, culminated in consumption, when not promptly cured. In this condition he met a fnena, a con. sumptive, whom he had not expected to see alive. The consumptive friend Dr. J. C. Ayers Cherry Pectoral for the editors cola, on the ground that it had helped him wonderfully. It helped the editor just as wonderfully, giving But read his almost instant relief. letter : About two months ago, T was afflicted with a bad cold, and, meeting a friend, he advised the use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral which, he claimed, had helped him won. derfully. As he was a consumptive, whom I had not expected to see alive for several years, I concluded there must be merit ina this preparation. I accordingly bought couple of bottles, one of which I keep on is certainly my desk all the time. This the best remedy for a cold 1 ever used. It and the J. C. almost instant relief, gives Ayer Co. are to be congratulated on posses-recom-mende- Keep a bottle of Dr. Ayers Cherry Pectoral handy, on the desk, in the office, on the shelf or in the closet at home, and you will have at hand a remedy that is capable at any time of saving you suffering, money, and even life. There is no malady so prolific of evil results as a neglected cold. There is no medicine so promptly effective in curing a cold and absolutely eradicating its effects, as Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Every traveller should carry it. Every household should keep it. It cures every of cough, ana all forms of lung variety and throat trouble. Asthma, bronchitis, croup, and whooping cough, are promptly cured by it, and it has in many cases overcome pulmonary diseases in aggravated forms, when all other remedies failed to help and physicians gave no hope of cure. Those who for convenience have wanted a smaller sized bottle of Dr. Ayers Cherry Pectoral, can now obtain it of their dealer in half stze bottles, at half price 50 cents. Send for Dr. Ayers Curebook, and read more of the cures effected by this remedv. The book contains 100 pages, and is sent free, on request, by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. d 44 -- y OATS WHEAT, HIS VALENTINE. a., ? Wheat at 40c a bu. and 831 bus Oats, 173 bus. Barley, and 1000 bus. Potatoes per acre, bee our great oat alogue, mailed you with 1 Farm Seed samples. upon receipt of this notice and 10c stamps. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, W ig. W. G How to grow I , i tvwwwuvmvwi ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. ores Pimples, cures Headache. Dyspepsia anil Creeses. 26 cts. a box at druggists or br mail lisa Free, addreaa Or. Bosinko Co. Pbila. Pa. 9- REM It cant make a single new - , La Will Immortalize Woman. Superintendent of Public Works Aldridge has decided to give woman a place in the artistic work of the grand stairway In the capitol building at Albany, New l'crk. The heads of governors have been carved in the capitals below the dome, and there are half a dozen spaces for heads remaining uncut Superintendent Aldridge announces that he has selected four women as types In four distinct spheres, and that their portraits shall be carved in the stairway caps. These four women are Captain Molly Pitcher, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Clara Barton and Susan B. Anthony. HALLS Metab,e HAIR send my heart ill rhyme to you, With love in every line, And should it come in time to you To be your valentine. Then listen how it beats for you, And should you chance to guess The question it repeats to you Say yes, Sweetheart, say yesl Oh, send young Cupid back to mo. Nor let him know a tear; And may the word not lack to me I long so mnch to hear; Without it all is dumb for me And life is loneliness, Then let your answer come for mel Say yes, Sweetheart, say yes! Dempster Sherman in February dies Home Journal. ?or People That Are I Sick or Just Dont! Peer Well.1 . - root. But i! the root is there it will give you a thrifty, glossy growth. No gray hair. No dandruff. Rapid Progress. He How are you progressing In your French studies? She Excellently. Last night I saw a French play and understood every bit of It. He Remarkable! Wlint kind of a play was it? She Oh, it was a pantomime. New York Journal. Why She Resigned SLICKER Mrs. Deftly has resigned the presidency of the Keramic club. Why did she do that? She received Christmas presents Of d twenty-thre- e pin trays. Brooklyn Life. Nnn and I are getting up a Dont Worry club." Dont worry about what? Dont WILL KEEP YOU DRY. hand-paine- Dont be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If ou wantacoat that will keep you dry in the hardest storm buy the Tish Brand Slicker. If not for sale in your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mass. worry about other people's troubles. K2 She grew strangely silent. she grew silent. , That is to say, FOR 30 DAYS MORE YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LA GRIPPE tiew n I? r9 it w DC is the most concentrated and powerful specific known. ST Iw Free from opiates aad perfectly harmless. Belief is usually felt the very first night. We have letters f grateful praise from thousands who have been cured by 0X018, and who recommend it to sufferers. t '6 COD BLESS YOU ALWAYS. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Chicago. Dear Friends: Yes, yes, I shall always think of you as my far away friends, and thank God for directing your advertise ment to this place. Yesl oh yes! I will gladly fell the wholo world what your 5 drops has dore for me. It found me racked with pain from head to sounds in my head, i could not eat, foot day and 1night and 1 had dreadful lie doctors gave me medicine and it would stop the pain for nor lest. sleep a Hiort time but it would come again 1 could not have suffered much longer. At times I rated not what be. ame of me, and my kidneys were In a very bad shape. Eveiy doc tor I went to told ms I hsd so many different diseases in iny body that Trade Mai k.l it was difficult to tell where to commence. I conld hardly get across the bless you always, oh, how room. Now 1 run walk one and a half miles and back, and God gl.dly I would lake tl e agS'.ry If It were possible, but I sin poor and have no way of trsvellui around if I should take it. UratUuily youra, Mrs. L. Wallack, McGregor, Iowa, January 8, lsl I CANNOT PRAISE 5 DROPS ENOUCH. Pear Sir.: I thought I would writs a statement of my case. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.. Chicago. two of the bast phyaldaus of our counI was taken in August with Sciatic Ncnralela, and was treated by sent and y for me I saw your 5 DROPS advertisement and ty, tut they 11(1 not help me anj. But 1hap around at all, but now I can go was could get bad, me. hardly a cured bottle very It und lias gnt me. verv done for 1 cannot am I has what it very, grateful for piane 6 DKOIV enough lor what jou have done ior me. Yours truly, hARAH E. Wilson, Spradllng, Kentucky, January 2, is9S. As ft positive cure for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Dyspepsia. Backache, Asthma. anti Neuralgic Headaches, Catarrh, bleeplesanc&g. Nervousness, Nervous Ilsty Fever, La Yt Grippe, Malaria, Creeping Jfeart eakness, Toothache, Earache, Croup, Swelling, Numbness, etc., etc. has never been equalled. g? ffi C flfiflBC If taken but once a day is doso of this great remedy and to enable all sufferers to V U H U rO make a trial of its wonderful curative properties, we will send out for thirty days more, S0Od ramp's bottle?. Sue each, prepaid by mail. Even a sample bottle will convince you of Its merit. Best e ard heepett metljrii on earth. Large bottles (800 doses), 1 00; for 30 days, 8 bottles forusS4.r0. Not sold Ljr only l y us and our agents. Agents u anted In new territory. Write Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURB CO.. 167-16- 9 vE DROPS y. , Your Tax for the coming year on baking powder will .be use very light if you buy Schilling's Best and flour. i!y one heaping tcaspoonful to a quart of USE OF ELECTBICITY. ITS EFFECT ON PLANT LIFE BEING STUDIED IN COLLEGE. Current Sant Through Soil It la Proved of Spaed Growth and Vigor of Many Product, of the Field. That It Promotes the The relation of electricity to life is a puzzle that has interested many minds. In the subtle nature of that force which used to be known as the electric fluid there is unquestionably something which suggests the yet subtler life principle. Though quacks abuse the analogy to cheat the sick, their frauds do not make the truth any less true. And the truth is that life Is force, and electricity Is force, and they must he in some way related. It is hard to study the finer effect of electricity upon animal life. Animals may or in some be killed by the fluid cases seemingly helped by it, but the result of any long series of. experiments is spoiled by the difficulty of measuring any change. It is possible that the way to approach this subject is not so direct as some would make it, but must start with plant life, and so work up to man. The life of a plant is not altogether different from that of an animal, hut it is simple, and the results of experiments upon It can be much more easily measured. It is possible that the experiments In electrical farming which are being made at the Massachusetts Agricultural College at Amhurst may be the beginning of discoveries that will not stop with plants. The workers there, under the direction of Henry H. Goodell, LL. D., are proceeding in a perfectly scientific manner, fully measuring every step before they take the next one. Thus far they have proved that certain kinds of electric currents applied In accurately measured amounts produce definitely measurable effects on plant life. Electricity properly applied stimulates the growth of a plant. The experiments of the past year upon white mustard, red clover, barley and other products of the field prove that a rightly regulated electric current Increases growth from 13 to 40 per cent. The subject has been studied for 150 years, but never at any other time and place has the work been so accurately scientific or nearly so conclusive. The method is to take 200 seeds of the same kind and separate them into eight groups of twenty-fiv- e seeds each. These groups are placed in exactly similar germinating pans, and every condition to which they are exposed is rigidly equal, except that some are treated with electricity while others are not The results prove the efficacy of electricity in promoting the speed of growth and the vigor of the plant. They are so definite as to be of use to the farmer, and already on many extensive farms the knowledge gained at the Massachusetts College is being put to practical use. The current is passed through the soil In which the plants grow and the methods are such that large areas may be treated without excessive expense. No scientist can doubt that the time is near at hand when electric energy can be developed more incomparably cheaply than power of any kind has ever been had by artificial means. It will be only a little more expensive than sunlight; and in that day the farm lands of the earth, contracting as the population increases, will yet by their marvelous productivity supply abundant food to the race. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS, f AN AFFLICTED MOTHER. We are asserting In the courts our right to the From the Times, Paw Paw, IU. exclusive use of the word "CASTOKIA, and PITCHER'S CASTOKIA." as our Trade Mark. A resident of this town who has lost two children during the past six years, by vio- I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of PITCHER'S lent deaths has been utterly prostrated b the same that has borne and does now the shock, and seriously sick as a result of bear the ft it. One child (aged 0) was killed by a cysignature of CHAS. H. clone in 90 while at school ; another, three FLETCHER on every wrapper. This Is the years. later was ran over by a Burlington original PITCHERS CASTORIA" which has R. R. train. That griefs and misfortunes been used in the homes of the mothers of may so prey on the mind as to lead to seri, America for over thirty years. Look carefully at the wrapper and see that It Is the kind you ous physical disorders has been well demonstrated in this case. As a result of them, have always bought," and has the signature of her health was shattered and she has been CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the No a constant sufferer since 1890. Her prin- one has authority from me to Wrapper. use my name been of trouble has the cipal neuralgia The Centaur Company of which Chas. stomach which was very painful, and ex- except Fletcher la President. hibited all the symptoms of ordinary neu- H.March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER. M. D. ralgia, nervousness and indigestion. Physicians did her no good whatever. She Miss Ethel I wonder if that gentleman was discouraged and abandoned ali hope hear me when I sing? Maid Of course of getting well. Finally, however, a cer- can he can. He is closing the window already. n tain pill was recommended London (Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People.) She supplied herself with a quantity of Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lite Iwsy. them and nad not taken them two weeks To quit tobacco easily and forever, be magwhen she noticed a marked improvement netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take r, that makes weak men the strong. All druggists, 50c. or 81. Cure guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. A well-know- Tit-Bit- s. Sweet young girls! How often they j develop into worn, listless, and hope- less 'women because mother has not ' impressed upon them the fTK importance of - -attending to physical development. No woman . is exempt from physical weakness and per- iodicai pain, and young . girls just budding to wonder-worke- , - . Of course; world. A Constant Sufferer, in her condition. She continued taking the pills until seven or eight boxes had been consumed and she considered herself entirely cured. She can npw eat all kinds of food, which Is something she has not been able to do for years. She is not troubled in the least with nervousness as she was daring the time of her stomach troub.es. She is now well and all because of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People a complete cure has been made. If any one would like to bear more of the details of her suffering and relief gained by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People they may be obtained probably, by writing the lady direct. She is n one of our residents, Mrs. Ellen A. Oderkirk, Paw Paw, 111. their jokes kill off other people." We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our lished testimonials are proven to be not uine. The Piso Co., Warren. Pa. . a ! pubgen- What la an Infant prodigy, grandpa? An Infant prodigy is a little boy who knows so much that be never has to ask , questions. t I she may not wish is the leading brand of the world, because it is the best. . - .1. , ni t Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. well-know- 10c. Beal Joy. Of all the joys that fate can fix. This makes the heart elate: six To hear the bell at half-paAnd not get up till eight. tion, but which are essential to a full understanding of her case, and if she is frank, help is certain to come! Origin of Oxygen. ' . Jimmy Nom, he didnt. Demand for More Battleships. , Horrified Teacher The Ma make God Secretary of the Navy has demanded says didnt my pa. Jimmy more and there can be no doubt shes made him what he is. New York Jour- that battleships, will consider his recommenda' Congress nal. tions. Protection Is what our sea ports require. and fortifications will not adequately t SIOO. 100 Beward, supply this. Defense against all disorders of a malarial type is, however, adequately The readers of this paper will he afforded by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, an one to learn is at least there that pleased efficient remedy, also, for constipation, bildreaded disease that science has been able iousness, dyspepsia, rheumatism, and nerto cure In all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the only vousness. l : rr '1 positive cure now known to the medical Jones says he Is never cold; he must have fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional a better circu'atioa' than the rest of us. treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Perhaps he is only a bigger liar. internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the oatlent strength by building up the constitution and asdoing Its work. The sisting nature in so much faith In its proprietors have curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. . Sold by druggists 75c. , Halls Family Pills are the best. , CIKOY CATHM10 A Diagnosis. Cholly Addlepate "Aw, doctah, I have wecently been afflicted with fearful headaches. Doctor I see. Some of thorn aching voids we read about. ' Purely vegetable, of taste. Palatable Perfume the breath. Pleasant of action, Powerful yet mild. Potent but Perfect laxative, Positively guaranteed to ' non-gripin- g. LA HI pot fMIPF consTiPATion. ; ! A booklet and sample free for the asking, or you can buy a box for xoc, 35c, 50c at your drag store Satisfaction guar an teed 73 t Sisrilnq Remedy Co. Chicaqo. Montreal. HewYorb Bo"5 a11 enaraowedtooure To-n- U I U'DAu bacco Habit by all druggist. Your greatest enemy Is dirt. Will you allow us to you more Sample Free about Ki remedy ?U klike to, and CLEAN ALL by letter! We sW on application. Fend a 8&mrL'fFy-- I cue. Fbr bras, bicycle eaflmTl, sinrer, wood 4 kitchen ware, rust on nickel and metal parte of farm Implements R' has no equal. Pull else box, 25c. C HALF ANT NOVELTY CO., P. O. Box 669, Chicago, III. - grow paying crops because theyre fresh and alwaye the beet. For sale everywhere. Refuse eubstltatei. Stick to Ferrys Seeds and prosper. 1898 Seed Annual free. Write for It D. M. FERRY k CO., DetroR. Mich. - ' TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT. ' ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25o - The slatne of Jules Simon, to be made by will probably be erected in the Place de la Madeleine, in Paris, near which , . he lived. M. Fr-ml- rt, Mrs. Winslows Syrup For children teethingoftene Soothing the gums.reduces pain, cane wind colic. Si cente n bottle- Its no use for a mannot?to buy anything for his family. His wife alWhy ways knows a place where she could have got the same thing cheaper. , Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts. It doesnt do any good to scold the Janitor about your cold rooms. Yes, it does-get all warmed up when I talk to him. , I To Core Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. tail to cure, druggists refund money. I had a narrow escape last night. I asked Miss Zoozlebarun What was It? if she favored annexation and she thought I was proposing to her. . ON0 KXJOYO , Both the' method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts FOR 14 CERTO gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, WeVish tocsin 150,000 new 0U i Liver and jSowels, cleanses the systoraers, ana hence offer IPkg. 18 Day Radish. 100 tem effectually, dispels colds, I1 Pks. Ksrly Spring Turnip lOo Earliest Red Beet, and fevers and cares habitual Bismarck Cucumber, ' 0e I1 1 constipation. Syrup of Figs is the l n Brilliant Iflower Seeds, only remedy of its kind ever pro Worth $1.00, for 14 cents. duoed, pleasing to the taste and ac Above 10 pfcgs. worth $1.00, we will in to the mail stomach, you free, together with our prompt ceptable and need Catal great Plant of its action and truly beneficial m its upon receipt this notice an metage. w invite your trade end enow when yon once try Salaers i effects, prepared only from the most (eedsyou will never get alone with- - ( out them. Potatoes at 8160 L healthy and agreeable snhstances, its A Bb . Catalog alone 6c. No. w Gj many excellent qualities commend it 0ALZXR BIRD GO., Li CROSSE, WIS T IOHS to all and have made it the most eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej popular remedy known. MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS. ROMfi CURE. Book FREE. DU. J. C. Syrup of Figs ' is for sale in 50 OPIUM HOW1AK, Isabella gldf., CHICAGO, ILU cent bottles by all leading drugSend 10c for trial lesson CUABTUAlin rflCC&nd particulars. L. h, gists. Any reliable druggist who dmininftflu MCE 1 St Ksoauaba. Mich. Elmore 10 NORMAN, may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who A T ft D C We want your stories, poems and book MSS.; best prices; Inclose wishes to try it Do not accept any 8AUlnUnO tamp. Authors and Writers Unlon.CMoago.HL J' substitute. The best Red Rope Rooting for lo. per sq. ft., eaptb and nails Included CALIFORNIA FiO SYRUP CO. Substitutes for Plaster, Samples . SOo head-aoh- . es 4 M I 11 8AN FRANCISCO, LOUISVILLE, a. , CAL NEW YORK, , N.t. 11 The Pay Manilla Booting Co CaaStl.i, free. DROPSY OftSee. HEW DISCOVERY; ghee qnick relief and cures worst Send for book of testimonials and lOdATft treatment Free. x X X X X X X X X X hX X X r t AFTER NEARLY i i The record is unbroken. it .. The record still goes on. . . . t ST. JACOBS OIL Is the Master Cure for RHEUMATISM, T , NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, X X X X X X X X X X H X X hr. u.u.iukS8S0S9,Atuau,.L. PENSIONS Get your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Writ CAPT. OFARRELL, Pension Agent, 1428 New I ork Avenue. WASHINGTON, D.C CLAIITANTS FOR PENSIQfrT write to NATHAN BIOKFOKD, Washington, D. C., thev B. nth N. U. Vois. will receive quick replies. (tall 24th Corps. Prosecuting Claim, since 1878. CURE YOURSELF! I Cse Big G for unnatural I discharges, Inflammations. Ooaraatosd J irritations or ulcerations swtiMuv f mucous membranes. fl eoaiaftoun .PvsTDts painless, and not astnn l(oSTHsEvm3 CHEMimOq gent or poisonous, 1 ld by Drwfgtats, eiMCJman,o.l 0.8.A, t 1 p? sent In plain wrapper. CCBEs fin l to 5 . J Circular sent on request. , liURtS WhEHt AIL ELSE fAILS. m Bost Cough. Byrup. Tastes Good, tlso In time. Sold bv druetrlnts. SBEHjiflhsgEgar - W. N. U.- -D ENVER. NO. 7 Vben Answering Advertisements Mention col i . How about that bill you promised to InI kept troduce? Inquired the constituent. my promise, replied the member of ConI Introduced It, but nobody apgress. peared to desire its further acquaintance. Washington Star. us Parisian Art. When a lady is sitting to a Parisian photographer for a portrait the operator does not, in a perfunctory manner, coldly request her to look pleasant now, if you please. He says to hef In the most natural and graceful manner In the world: It is quite unnecessary to ask madame to look pleasant'; The she could not look otherwise. lady, of course, acknowledges the compliment with her most gracious and high-bre- d smile. "Click! goes the camera, and the picture is obtained, revealing the sitter to the greatest possible advantage. men- - to Lord Kelvin showed In a recent address that all the oxygen in the atmosphere probcame from the action of sunlight on ably i plants. When the earth was a globe of hot liquid It contained no vegetable fuel, and probably no free oxygen. But as it cooled off plants appeared on its surface, and these OH, WHAT SPLENDID COFFEE. Mr. Goodman, Williams Co., 111., began to evolve oxygen through the medium of the sunbeams. the oxygen thus dewrites: "From one package Salzers rived we depend forUpon the maintenance of life we When German Coffee Berry costing 15c I by breathing. we use burn coal, or other fuel, up oxygen, and it is grew 300 lbs. of better coffee than I vegetable to plants again that we owe the restoration to the air. If they of lost the thus 30 In stores can buy at cents a lb. oxygen to keep up a sufficient supply, the atA package of this and big seed cata- failed would mosphere gradually part with Its oxof the earth would logue Is sent you by John A. Salzer ygen, and the iuhabltants asSeed Co., La Crosse, Wis., upon receipt gradually disappear In consequence of phyxiation. of 15c stamps and this notice, w.n.g. I suppose you think He (apologetically) I'm a regular bear? She (bravely) No, I ; One He Did Not Create. . dont. Bears are said to hug at least, Sunday School Teacher Yes, children, God sometimes. Yonkers Statesman. made us all. to-da- , '1 stating de-- I tails that Star Tobacco Is your wife literary? Yes; every time I step out of the house at night she says: Quo vadis? woman, not to a man. Do not hesi-- i tate about , Gooeroslty. shy and awkward youths happy by the swim. drawing them Into When I was a girl, says a writer in the New York Tribune, several of us who knew people and therefore had (this was her plenty of partners modest version of her success) "agreed with each other that we would secretly (so as not to wound any girls amour propre) form an aid society in the ballroom and that we would look after the wallflowers and see that shy or uninteresting girls had partners for the cotillons and suppers. We also promised to each other that we would keep our organization a secret and would never parade or even acknowledge the fact that we made any point of assisting other girls to have a good time. We kept this little aid society up for several winters, until we were all married, In fact, and this Is the first time I have ever spoken of our work, which I am sure added much to the happiness of many a bashful and girl during those winters. I only do It now, continued the fair philanthropist of society, "as a suggestion that others should go and do likewise. in- woman- hood should be guided physicalI . ly as well as morally. If you know of any young lady who is sick and needs motherly advice, ask i her to address ' Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Penelope And what do yon think? Marie writes me that the count has at last ex- Mass., and tell every detail of her sympEthel Hm! O. pressed his love to her. toms, surroundings and occupations. O. D., I suppose? She will get advice from a source that FITS vermanentlyCorod. Isofits ornervoiuneM after has no rival in Nerve s Dr. experience of womens Kline Great of Restorer, use first day's bend for FREE S2.00 trial bottle and treatise. ills. .Tell her to keep nothing back. Dr. It H. Klin r, Ltd.. 931 Arofi St., Philadelphia, Pa. Her story Cheerful people live longest in this is told to Beauty Is Blood Deep. No Clean blood means a clean skin. without it. Cascarets, Candy Catharbeauty It is not only in the slums or in the tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by the lazy liver and driving all imcollege settlements that charity may stirring up to from the body. Begin y find opportunities to shine. For In- purities Danish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, stance, it Is a charming thing to see a and that sickly bilious Complexion by taking beauty for ten cents. All druggirl who is both unselfish and a favor- Cascarets, 10c, 25c, 50c. ite in the ballroom taking advantage o! gists, satisfaction guaranteed, her own popularity to provide partners I havent seen you for months, Julln. Goodyou caught a husband yet? for less fortunate damsels and making Have ness! yes; Ive caught three and let two go. Ballroom Young Womanhood. This Paper ' 1893 Kindly |