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Show time Judge Laney will be asked to rule Upon the question of whether tho granting grant-ing of the saloon license is a prerogative that is entirely discretionary with the city council. The defense will he represented rep-resented by two giants of tho local bar, Judge Dickson and Judge Powers, while the city will rest its fato with Messrs. Merritt and Eiehuor. in the meantime the volumes of the law library are being handled with bare knuckles, and a precedent promises to bo launched that will determine the question until such time as the legislature legisla-ture may provide for it. A Youthful Crook. Burkey Dare, a fourteen year old marauder, was taken in last evening for stealing brass eastings from the Union Un-ion Pacilic railway yards with a view tn realizing on them at the junk shop. Dare is the son of a father who was convicted con-victed of unlawful cohabitation and who served his term in the penitentiary. He gives excellent promise of reaching the stage before he gets through hove below. The only question is will the the sheriff not be the manager on the occasion of bis debut. Dropped HI Ducat. Charles llerley, a young fellow who likes poker and tho thrice of one exciting ex-citing game drew the "big hand" at a Main street resort during the night and this morning recited his tale of woe to an oilier, lie had entered the place with a draft for $."j0 ou the Eu-elide Eu-elide Avenue National bank, all of which he left behind him. Henley should go before eourt and apply for a guardian who will keep him beyond range of a gaming table. Blanchard In the Box. Frank Blanchard, who is already held to await the action of the grand jury for flooding the city with forgeries, was brought before Judge Laney again this afternoon to answer to the Waldron offense in which he passed a spuriom check for $1)2.80. His tribulations are increasing with each shift of the police force and Marshal Young holds yet another check for $77. SO that bears the counterfeit signature of the Bell Mining Company of Butte, Montana. Let-er.go Gallltrher. Sow that the new year has been initiated, in-itiated, let the patrolman and the vagabond vaga-bond end the game of hide-an-seek. Human safety demands it. Stop the lima. The reign of footpadism, bunkoism and all other nefarious isms, will not cease so long as the vag is tolerated. A Quint Tip. Footpadism can only be reached through tho bombardment of vag-in-fested resorts. , THE GRIME OF A DAY The Debauchee HaB His Drunk Without Interference loot-pads Again to the Front. A GUILTY PAIE ARE ENTRAPPED A Youthful Marauder in Durance The Check Fiend in Court A Ronnd-Up Ronnd-Up with the Police. The police department of this city experienced ex-perienced a New Year's that was probably prob-ably not shared by any rival corps of men in the country. Not an arrest was registered. Of course the debauchee is, under humanity's voluminous book of ordinances, entitled to some latitude, to some licenso on any of tho days we celebrate. The constant reader is cautioned cau-tioned that because the glato was not filled is not evidence that there were no drunks in the town. On the contrary many a man carried a load, to his lodgings. lodg-ings. Unlimited quantities of free punch and egg-nog, a glass of which bore the compliments of the dispenser, jir Vere tapped, but ' ii, Tapped With Rom Conservatism t the average resort. This of itself had tendency to start the worm of the .Hill; but a more tranquil day was never experienced in police circles. k "She looks panicky," caroled Ser- l geant McCurdy, as he cast his eye over the state. "Perhaps the recent squall on Wall street has affected us. It beats All former records in this department. Oh! yes; I saw men who were loaded J and men who . had sworn off. You could mention both in columns, but then it's a constitutional right for you-an'-ine to dictate how we shall chock ( out old man Time and welcome his suc- I cessor," Entrapped tho Lovers. The prisoners' guards who look after ! the motly battalion that is recruited from tho slums and quaUlied through police court, recently detected the footprints foot-prints of the adulterer out at the gravel beds, between First and Second South, and determined to capture him, notwithstanding not-withstanding that he wore rubbers on bis nocturnal voyages. New Year's eve the plans were laid by the two guards, who took their position behind a gravel car and watched for the couple. They presently appeared and were soon iu tho cabin that is resorted to by the 'sojirs" of the chain-gang during elemental ele-mental disturbances. It was a young girl that tripped to the powerful stride of Natural Philosophy. Take care of tho vag and the pedestrian pedes-trian will take care f himself. Academlsts In Crime. The suppression of the vag means the suppression of crime's academy. Police Pickings. A chock was sent into Marshall Young from Bingham that is endorsed a forgery of the name of T. F. Almy whom the perpetrator took to be the secretary of the Daly Mining Co. It calls for $30. Henry Johnson and Frank Jones are down at the city jail for stealing a ride on tho Rio Grande Western. Charles F. Dunce was fined $5 and costs for drunkenness this morning. J. L. Ketchuin aud J. L. Blelock. aro held for petty larceny. James T. Riordau was run in by Officer Eslinger as a suspect. Georgo Martin was arrested during tho night by Ollicer Eslinger on a charge of highway robbery. Now for a chargo on the vngs. The owners of the I. X. L. saloon were done an unintentional injustice when at appeared that the Munley robbery rob-bery was enacted in that place. A Gentleman In Whisk nrs a sort of Ingomar as it were. The trap that bad been so deftly laid was walked into and at a signal tho guards entered. The much-embarrassed couple ' wore identified and invited to take .a walk. The masculine limb of the procession , having threatened to resent the inter-i inter-i mption with violence, the guard proceeded pro-ceeded to Commissioner JiorreU'sofiice, where he swore out a warrant charging charg-ing him with adultery. Tho affair has created a sensation in the neighborhood neighbor-hood and the denizens out there are all agog. Tho affair came near resulting in bloodshed at one period when the guard lifted the woman's chin that he might be positive as to her future identification. rield by the Enemy. The garroter ushered in the new year with a trick that rises above everything in his former record and that should teach the man who is not in his baliwick by sunset to move only in armed squads. The victim on this occasion is Henry G. Folsom. He was moving down the south side of Temple block when two forms issued from tho darkness and commanded him to hold up his hands lie realized that insub- Dr. C. VV. Hlggtns. While in the city don't fail to consult this well known specialist, microscopic and analytic physiciau. Chronic and private diseases a spocialty. Rooms 17 and 18, St. Elmo hotel. ordinatirns implied a desperate penalty and elevated them above the rango of two six-shooters that were leveled upon him. Tho highwaymen began their inventory that had scarcely commenced before two more pedestrians pedestri-ans came around the corner and the (rentry took to their heels. A chase ensued en-sued "in which the fugitives were pursued pur-sued to the alley back of Snndburg's furniture establishment. Here the chase was abandoned as tho Folsom party were without guns, and to proceed pro-ceed further was liko walking into the Jaws of death. To Ueense or Not To, The case of Ferry & Co., who were arrested by Marshal Young on a charge of serving the liipiidescent without authority from the city council has been set for AVednesday'next at which |