Show MINING NOTICES application FOR PATENT STATES starrs IAD 1 SALT HALT artt uzia V blat 2 21 1 iti 1573 js OTICE it Is he rollAy given that Lawro noti li L A lee a m base addrue is ij vj uliar bir city ulab tiu has mado made application lor for a patent adt lor for the iho silver treasure mining alaila la in ophar mining county utai territory Terri territory tor imil a dioro lauy gully in ia lit tho D puk plat ach bulj bl nobud of file be arroy survey on oa ilia 1110 in ia thu this u foil lows to wit at in tbt inina ou oil the claim oath month SO J degrees JU minutes e but ut loo mt to put past no 1 thence north SJ au degrees 60 it mAuu tate caiet falot topmost 1402 north TJ J 21 west fol fuit tto lo 10 poet ago jf a thence ia 0 d 1 40 into atla wat it 1001 fixl feet to pelt to i 4 I 1 kaoo nib alb euc fcc 20 0 mianna cul cast lou IOU foot acet to 10 the CA LAg muing ta an it uc e a or of uru of il luid I 1 irom ram said di du b elver point united maws manral moon meair m tut nu 7 batard laate 71 degrutt au N minutes minute west tt ill 6 10 fol fiot tho the to lou djou ib lj is of record la the of abo abe of liable vally beaming district at Stack tAu utah tto teo dearede known joea loc tion is li the ho ladi cator aimos clean on the iho 1 direct that lilt this notice lo be luLl for the full of sixty da juja it ju in tax balt balf itha 1 DILY a pal ladled the bo Ic of 01 kau belve TremAn fei A fatton r application FOR PATENT UV ITEl STATES LAHU 0 11 fick 1 SILT iaac aa city ull 1 october ail amr N OTICE to hereby given clou that tram U D jl coriou claibo u 1 haw hayball ball joba jelin bhul mabion jn Law reaca and willis IL 11 J whose Loto ld 14 dijt ajla city viah and aj julia joha IT V and ud farinon I 1 uray flou address is ophir cipher city utah bah have eaula lur jot a 11 patent for ties ilia clautu patia lu in mining DiAl atu ori aki Tim lory and moro more fully folly jArib ID I 1 att uio a plat abil bom of carroy alt site of tho ilia lit j south 11 west IDA feet to southerly t LAI of center line lindof of the iho claim boullt tit grotti ICU ivet to poet NO ho I 1 76 degros ct WO JQ 1 feet 11 1 1117 2 thence north I 1 U I 1 delre cd ItCo 18 11 ll 10 pwe 1 l NO 9 1 thonol south I 1 70 lo 10 it e colit u ot VM acot to root pot no ii i I 1 1 li wt west KM fott feet to sold poet no na 1 contorts see lari arks of mt il 67 1 to lorca of land arom said rid post port no ho 2 min mia crl no 1 W 0 minutes levs lt 13 1 I foo foot dul lams illo iho bolion I 1 lj d of cf record in the cole vl of tho lulao l or flush V N ARCY alining Ia mafrice frice aa Bio cllon ull tito tilt ollio tod and goto dolium I 1 direct ehst lh thid colico bo 60 published liml for tha tau tall parlea of slaty days lu in file eal bill 9 lal baby Tn Tri kaoo bace a newspaper aan piper arast tha location of idd Aak loix cluid fallen A oca V va MINING NOTICES application ron roa PATENT ri TEAT r V S lard LAND orrim bill llo city bert VS 1 N 0 il 0 E ii I 1 a hereby her oby giten iv cn that john bici DO aa nefer p m rl I 1 ill farm whose post al Is i hilt it liko lake vill oily uth utah atri day lica ab a 1 r n for A rateus alcot for four banerd ban aps rod 2100 2400 aatu lear feet fed of the ho diio I 1 va rino lime lodo lode or mine or voin vein sit or aas cud two ITO it al foot tin la it situates italic I 1 kod and being ing la W wot t eon laing county only of 8 ilist t like 0 nil ad territory orel or of auh h mil lend knoire n anad nd cot t by 67 alia it a ucla id notes and nia a I 1 ill pill let on if a la this abl diluco file M a lot no ko ki tin 0 ox nor bound oil aties of said oid lot N a u follows fol lowi to wit variation 17 all corn in monalee at post no 1 I the tronco aco south louth 47 do 9 groci r J 3 au U M i 0 n tc g F kiwi A S iwo w 0 d fl foot t to poll po copo no 2 aba north dh DO 42 dr dogre uca irs 0 SC t n t c E u ut t w 0 1 v 0 a mil t loty w e ty i g t i w 0 to 0 0 t b abot f 0 e I 1 no 3 north norm 11 dogram EILA tort tarco area arc nl v 0 aioo chat t tooth ant at to pot poet sa N a 1 4 ah north r IS 15 minutes et eight hundred and lovea forma oil ix months foot fil to post poll no S 5 thence north 67 dobrota 45 5 minotti west two hundred lino drol feet fatt to past no 0 1 ti 1 from am which U Is U femoral moun 1 lacet 1 1 0 o 1 were north 63 52 kl GO minute u ers aut six hundred I and right eight fact thence from said poet poat no 0 6 ROQUI iu 32 degrees 16 mt act mil and forty algat to conr jontha feet to 0 post no 1 7 south 21 11 degrees act hundred sixty end DI two feel to post no 8 e thence north 42 degrees W bodt 1 bandied bODil rol anil and avent on ODO 0 months feet to pout pona no 2 1 place flue of 0 contain hig scrod a clah lj 0 oo 00 a ilia southwest by tho 0 0 urh alllan in livo a yel Yan loo and y b by ile alio Allt lio three being tho the alad ra log clilan td sald live pino al mining ed claim I 1 acim T 0 of dili luine la its doly dulco of we wit 9 af mauu on n batice mining district bingham oily ull SAIL lilo conely utah territory Torri tory in look D 11 tit of Local Loca looi gloria pe paget any ady lad au all pardons claiming ad atil bervely toy any portion of uld paid livo live 1100 r mafle inc or dij described ua taro arod to ilia thur nl ad verso cladue with ith clio Bogis tvr of ilia nan land union office silt salt J mo city la in the territory of oth during tho the sixty lily days day of publication hordof or thoy they will bo be barred by virt virtal neol ol 01 tuo the provisions or of this statute I 1 throat direct this collet to bo be in the bo salt liko like daily Tribu major tor tho the of a DoWd paper to tho ili ull sald mine ciro ci 0 ro 8 OLIVER A aarron application OB PANT usi rei LID ori on xoe IOE 11 SILT SAIT LAIUS laim CITY cirr nor MOT NOTICE OTICE Is henby ria given that thai in fince Anco of ofiLa tin act of congress Oon gress 01 ika to promote the of f abo mining roson reto of 0 tho the 8 is fee L Merici fel and andio id both of salt hut lake olt oily taj and county tod and utah territory claiming fifteen linear feet feel of tho the let la vella uno veto lodo lode or mineral deposit waring gedid lod oily arraco ground three tarco hundred fact IQ in width and being will A in the american Amerl caa pork ark mikolog chatrick county of utah and utah oth territory hu bait made application to the united brates for a patent lor for the aili ail mikolog defeat witten it Is LOOP a tally fully described to 11 to mote bounds by tho the C WOW par hera 1 ill lad and by too dichl notes ool of there thereof of now DOW filed la iho flee of she of the tf I 1 lands whittle held field notes colm of urrey duct do teethe the boundaries md of mud bud CWM claim on oil 1116 bo surface with kith varja tion kt at north IT 17 de free a 30 cast as i follows follow to mt wit Begio ing at the dieca U 8 mineral monument N ko I 1 wars booth 17 degrees 11 41 minutes ceet feet da delict than co I 1 loath 1 aj doratt aj tonics out cut on oa ilia tra 1 aioo ino of the claim ISS feet thence south IN 11 degreed 30 nut catino loot south 72 degroes dir 21 out 23 25 ft foot to pool no 1 the n as nor th 17 degrees 30 minutes out cut foot to corner coraor for bodt no 3 2 which post bo be north 17 degrees so 50 minutes ou ciet t foot cot distant from the disco ducor ve err ry shaft on oa the cooler center lino line cf tho ho claim n orth north 7 72 2 tele groes 30 minutes w west 0 t aw foot theO theolor loo donth 0 th 17 degre SO 30 m cintes west ito fott feet thence north aj alca desroc roes 30 west mt foot to post no A 1 which post pooi Is also the triage tri oge coraor for poet past no 3 which post I 1 bo north 17 to be mine cast lai t hot ft distant mouth 72 degrees 30 minutes rut cut feet to post no 1 the fanco baca of beginning containing 2033 loo a etc 0 01 I 1 area the BAR 11 mining claim of record jo in the of the of american kork ork mieton alestri L at foust alft in tho the county md and a roro jaiL abo presumed general cour d erection of the aboid said LA 12 taint lode 0 r oderal dapo it being shown upon ilia plit plat ted fes an near a as on can ua dziur d air mine I 1 from wing for fifteen haldred linear fuel thereof together with uio surface granad ahuna upon tho the plat pint tho the said vela vein loJo bolind iDil lim hereby to lo be puts pat acius bounded on oa the north as ut mouth by the tha of tho the west no 2 lily lady annio ingling claims the ho LAI IA claita loing u lot no 19 43 in fa ilia official plat pin berci nth An yandall persons claiming adversely file plin g ground vein W lodo promises or an toy Y thereof no ito dw abod surveyed nr TOi plat aj a for MS are hereby noti notified tied bial that onto t beir adverse klaimi are duly daly moil fik l as according cording ic to law and tho clio regola thoua willian sixty dayi from froal tho clio dato date liere hereof of iab malj ilia of uio the U B S luil ellico it balk S lt IALO CUT city la 14 uio the connay ot of salt of U feretory fern territory tory they wd alfi I 1 bo be barrod in 10 virtue of 0 the of bald statute I 1 direct that this doti gotico for the iho tall fall period of fit bifi A 10 abo lla lake dilly ball y treb duo a tho the location of pall indicator mak a cApar mio I 1 log ag CWM OLIVER A PATTON novi walter begin lor application OK PATENT stairs L LAIH AND 0 I 1 salt bolt lulu lake city utah noy HOY S aj 1575 f botic is id hereby given that george froy jamb r Polle mao john W ebey A via frer willlim richmond iniz and koppelkom address is isalt itsko city utia utah have rado made to ilia colled states tor for i talent tor for the sunday mining 0 1 aim ditale din la american lork mining al didt sanet not county and Torn Torr tory etory of utah d dod ed a IV 1100 by bo 11 held field notes noted a 2 d plat oa g m a la ahl 0 u lot no 63 68 ach held notes u 0 y dL the boa darks aad extent of e fid x 11 claim 1 nuh ith mantuo TA T nation at 16 degrees 3 aj minutes tut 13 follows follow to wit it at pool poat no tho the southwest coraor of the alaj in north degreed west feat to pot so no 2 2 thence north 01 degrees cut cast 1500 foot 1001 to lo from rom which post poat no 3 hears bw son onta ill 01 61 dacz dista distant ot fl Africa bouth 26 ro do 0 arx grein out foot cot t to As from which witban A rt post no t I 1 be acari are son houlb ili 61 bait ciu tool foot distant heroo south bulb LAI west 1500 foet 01 to the ili iliyof cof of ciocia beitia riugi a 11 ell 10 IU loo scrod cru of from alom the iho dIeCO Tory of said claim the ibo U S mineral no I 1 bw south 17 aj 1 5 M 1 0 lea out 2 foot dial t a d julling ciricus are I 1 ifill orly extension of tho the miller lode on tho south and west ila lor on the ibo north itic fand queen of ilia act mining claimed on oa tit ho a W tut abo T tho location lo caloo of bill bald sunday WO lojo ia n dal duly rec cArded la in the iho oma of amen cio cao lork mining district fit forest city county and Turn Torri fory tary of utah on oa pajo page lit of rook look A of ul field re clordA I 1 direct ibis notice to bo be IQ ia ton SALT laila dault Tia form for the ibo tau fau briod period of sixty days a Dowd paper r fab ab lahod lod file said name mine edg 11 A ratton ifa lk gater application FOR PATENT UNITED STATES OFFIC 1 SILT arty oct ocl 0 A 1875 Is iii hereby given that aebel jebel atler biall 1 ilenia beebe lizo addre lAa tit salt liko laka city utah huh have this uil day filed abich application for a for or fioto I 1 tio retell a uteri a t t its g aulne or vein bearing silver lohl load mil and 0 L h orlu with ground two liao hall dred fit mt to 10 width wiil hi king lu in west Mou Mote altia etain district county of hilt lako atod territory Tern tory of gail aud deAg makil by the field dattos slid PILI plat oo on dlo itla itice ws mt a be lot no ne WJ bj 1 bo be ex exterior hound aried of sall lot no SJ idoa as follows tol lOOT to 10 wit alf variation I 1 11 i degrees rant commencing at t pott aca no 1 dalh 32 30 initiates ciul t it fitl to 10 post poll no 2 corob 67 chi grees JO ulta laid 4 jo 10 feet MI to lo post no 3 thence north 60 tit grood 30 kut east 10 real to no lio 4 ai the co ca north 0 29 ife deAr KretS rees toa dejules west witta 21 0 mt to patting 6 garoni from U H S no I 1 board bira north 13 0 degrees ik 17 bulauk lut last 1111 1115 amt thence from said post amt pmt no a 5 LO 10 do 1 giett 30 nat 10 falt 0 to o poi 1 I io 0 6 eolith 57 degreed SO 30 ra fre duk dok act est G cia 2 0 10 I 1 loot to pox 9 no a 1 til alio risen 0 of r bi be ning C a 2 ahoo 1 tarca t W I 1 hid claim is all on 00 ill atio N 1 9 by file allgoo ald ld ou oil t iho youth oil ly by uin to Alln hiedi jin then bums being it t binm ini C claim MO 10 lo fuld 11 0 u muing a all the liouliou liMu liou of I 1 bimo Is ij baly lo corded to so tho 0 at vr 0 ot i wot dist t city ollir bounly count ol of e liko it cuili la akk dj t ot of locations lo clion pago any ind all pirjo claiming claim iaK adversely of uld said lloD nolia mino r u ill are ruptured rui to ille clarai with willi ilia lf cHT 0 of ilia ahelf od cadd flee m bsh lie IL a city la in tho the territory tory of utah during ilia liny autty days ported 0 of pub ti lreroy Lr eror or they well to here isguby by virtue of the provia laos of the U UK IS statute atal ia broa causel ado lead aal provided lauon faulls 1 direct illie alil aiu bo for or the iho lull full 41 of af baila lake 1 barf Tribu au a pullus bcd tho the lock tiou 0 or r bald aj guin ing cla ilij OLIV ER A PATTON i kli U r MINING delinquent sael EVER 1 E consolidate MIS MIN ING anet company of 0 P oct 0 0 of in salt 89 atko site cily ity clui I 1 Loci lIoa a of 0 war n g cot t lonii ow ch it C tharo oro id 14 ilo do 1 upon abo follon rio ioe ri is eatock k on motor e a t 1 no 4 3 to off ibo daiy diy of 0 october C tobo r 1 1875 5 the ibo several mon a Is bot 0 elc it 1 0 I 1 iho lh a be namoi of cf file ro F five I 1 a 01 1 C u follows fol lovi t no no ko name cert shares aint greco flake 09 10 1 oo 00 aroca j roalf blako green blako to 10 6 50 50 green nake aia 40 aco i CO I 1 oritia j oil 69 59 aito C DO 11 once m aal 23 40 illnois 11 alb is 15 1 CO mary jane harris mb ab of 01 83 85 beauly kally samuel it jarman ab 1241 10 13 1 3 I 1 aluc nickon 4 40 samuel amual 25 2 50 samuel nican fib 2 20 emock sicken hicken ingoe am 00 lufler OM 10 till 1 ark wales 3 2 20 ark ditlea 2 20 hark wales IKI SS 34 3 go hark wales tl 1 10 it ark wales lu 7 70 richard yori 83 33 It ichard york UA 27 2 70 richard ichird ll york lia ila 40 11 chard lark I 1 16 b lg 10 OU jolia john ata sa 59 sj 55 ag 0 colu Joli olarD ED 11 0 1000 Wil wulim luem 2 rs Ackle clay martin marda 73 patrick oneil diw W 25 oo 00 r e trick oneil 10 GO m rd M E taylor nil 12 GO at 31 W B aright 8 aw 1 tit 10 00 W it wright acl if 11 IV ig arigi sil 3 3 caa david alowa 11 we 8 low i am AV bior ill dig 3 loo 10 co hamilka amblo amblo MS IJ 11 3 pr W U 9 1 b 67 2 jolin john bargery 5 60 john bargery 6 5 60 iff N dames 10 aw ball 1 3 J ripa dailler Daill ad cr r W 12 CO 60 1 92 10 foster greenwood BM 10 20 I 1 CO foster fi greenwood Or winwood oil fill 20 21 2 henry hershey Ur licy ggs io 10 hoary henry horaney wl I 1 aco G 10 john W jenk tod wl KI 2 25 2500 00 eliza lizi jno jana kelz kelly lob 8 83 miles mile litchford Illch Litch for ford va Uns sued HOD 1100 00 M C iun me D a if lab 3 SO 30 john 0 mortimer GIN I 1 3 20 0 peter millor miller IS 15 polor ator miller 25 2 SO 50 W a 2 20 hand J iga sa luita loo 10 ciui 1 u s J ha m 1 0 avo 2 10 CO el iz s jane wyatt I 1 lib I 1 b IS 15 lucy 1 bhea csc W 1 10 dabid 17 1158 10 oterah uirl marta Ito biown son ool doi 21 me doorbell do ordell apt P T smith lou IOU 10 to 10 P T smith lib SOO EO 10 lio I 1 and in 10 accordance with wilb lir law aud and ilia bylaws of the company oj d anle pu paid lofaro so no many shares baru tf of loach oice parcel of such lok lo k as relay mi v bo be will bo be sold hi at cubito pabito auction at the bilica jilica of ilia corn com puy far boom no |