Show MRS IRS W V D MAJOR WAS 83 LAST SATURDAY sirs W D major of kaysville Kays ville a pioneer of 1854 was eighty three years old saturday marc a i 3 notwithstanding 0 that she has ha abeen been an all invalid for several years she can see sec to read the f clipper I 1 I 1 and books without cles I 1 about a dozen of her neighbors I 1 and friends gave her a surprise ur prise saturday afternoon alo el 1 they brought all kinds of goo gaoa things to eat cat with them gain gamas were played ifer her stepdaughter step daught olit t mrs airs J D harrod of Layton fc D H major of centerville Cent erville a and d bruce major of kaysville Kays ville wera present mrs major wishes to chank ank her friends for their kindness |