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Show Death and Taxes Rites Performed There is an old saying that only two things are sure death and taxes, to which some wag has added that death doesnt get worse every time the legislature meets. . For Area Pair Square Dance Class Mecham-Smit- Formed a YWCA Planned for Mar. 16 An intermediate square dance class, sponsored by the Square Dance Club, is at the YWCA in Salt held being Lake City earh Wednesday at 9 p.m. The teacher is Aand Stephens, Provo. All former square dancers in the county are welcome. Prom-enade- In a ceremony last Friday at the Burton LDS Ward, Mias Lots of Utahns, after reading the governors budget Janet WooUey became the bride message, are going to wish the legislators would pack, up of Rjarne Fristrup. Parents of and go home; but of course they won't, and everybody on tiie newlywed pair are Mr & of bad best to hill make will have a the to Mrs capitol Jack Keith Woolsey, 2583 try situation. S. West Temple, and Mr & Mri Andreas Fristrup, 1477 East When the legislature met last week there was in3010 South. Performing the nupdication that the members were in a conservative mood tial rites was J. Martell Bodell, ai)d likely to take a long look at requests for money. If the I.DS bishop. legislators still feel that way the governors budget may Attending the bride were Miss Michele Bodell, maid of honor, provide plenty of eyestrain. Thomas-Rober- rs ts Nuptials Held h Rites , The engagement and marriage plana for Mar. 16 of Miss Dianne Rutn Aiecham and Lowell E. Smith are being announced by parents of Miss Mr & Mrs Harold A. 3166 South 1885 East. Mrs Ernest P. Smith, Pleasant Grove, is the mother of the prospective groom. is a graduate The bride-to-b- e of Salt Lake Trade Technical Institute School of Nursing; her fiance attended the University of Utah. Me-chaMe-rha- Salt Lake to Host The marriage of Miss Sandra Jehovah's Witnesses The governor reported that requests for school aids, Bailey, and Mist June Fristrup. Earl Anthony as matron of was performed last Satwhich were a little on the ridiculous side, had lxen rut Arlene Woolsey and Suzanne Richard S. Huffman, presidTurner were flower girls. urday in ceremonies at Crest-woo- d of original requests. If the legislature has not Gert to "One-thir- d ing minister of the Murray conFristrup was best man; Villa. Ned Woolsey, Louie Brackett, gregation of Jehovahs Witnesschanged moods, more trimming can In1 exported. The bride is the daughter of es, recently announced that Salt and Earl Woolsey ushered. Citizens are wondering if other budget requests got Tiie pair are now making a Mr Sc Mrs Boyd D. Thomas, Lake has again been selected City. 2291 East 7120 South. Parents as host city to the forthcoming the same two-thirtrimming treatment from the gover- home in Salt Lake semi-annucircuit convention. for the bride of the groom are Mr Sc Mrs y Entertaining nor's shears; if not, the legislature should get ready to ac- have been Mrs Bert State Fairgrounds Utah The Woolsey, 702 South 9th East. Roberts, complish some real pruning because a 2ci increase is Mrs Clayton Turner, Mrs Roldo Miss Penny Harris was maid Coliseum will be used for the Miss Gwen Johnson, of honor, with Connie Thomas, three day convention Feb. 8, 9. in- - Turner, clfearlv out of line. It is foolhardv to consider a Miss Carolyn Passey, Miss sister of the bride, and Pamela and 10. Sixteen congregations crease in taxes when the instrument that pays taxes busBackman, Miss Peggy Thomas, a cousin, as flowed will attend this gathering. An iness is increasing by only about expected 700 ministers will be Green, Miss Patty Gehrke, and girls. r from Utah and Nevada. Miss Judy VanderLinden. present man best for Jim Roberts was r! To raise the money, the governor proposes increasing A main feature of the convenhia brother, with Roy Roberts, Bible refresher course Con Roberts, Blaine Roberts, tion is a thq state property tax from 7.1 to 10 mills (that's a 40 Revealed to help each minister Engagment designed as Thomas ushers. and David increase); raising the cigarette tax from 4 to 0 cents (50 Feb. I to Unite Pair The Ray Roberts will reside become a more mature, qualified teacher. increase); and two new taxes, extending the ror(orntinn in Salt Lake City. of An marriage exchange and tax to all not franchise business?) partnerships (why vows in tiie Manti LDS Temple March 15 Wedding a tax of 1 rent a bottle on soft drinks. Feb. 1 will unite Miss Jean Set by Couple Wonder if he plans to include the tax on the soft Karen Timmerman and J. Howto 1 dnnk that isn't Kittled, but is served in a glass? Or is that ard Johnson, according plans Bill Be A March 15 wedding at the being announced by Mr & Mrs tat-free- ? Center is being planAnd what about the fellow who buys a set-up- ? Reception Timmerman, 3051 Melned by Miss Judie Gay AnderDoes he get off without tax while the school kid gets nirk-- a Henry bourne St. (1840 East,) parents sen and Leland Jay Smith. Makof the bride-to-bpenny for his bottle of pop? ing the announcement of their Mr & Mrs Bert C. Johnson, A bill granting Utah title to engagement and marriage plans Delta, are parents of the proMr Sc Mrs Malcolm G. Anthe shores of Great Salt Lake are spective groom. After their dersen, 1231 East 33rd South, marriage the young couple plan as of the date of statehood, parents of the bride-to-bto make their home in Delta. Mr Sc Mrs Alden B. Smith, Jan. 4, 1896, will be introduced soon in both the Senate and the 3220 Margie Ave., (3150 South) Heart Fund Memorials House of Representatives, it are Iceland's parents. was announced today. Upon their return from a wedj Established in Area Reps. Sherman P. Lloyd and Woodstock Has PTA ding trip to Nevada and CaliLaurence J. Burton, the BeeestabMemorials have been Self-Hel- p fornia Mr Sc Mrs Lynn D. Ges-se- l Progarm hive State's two Republican with December lished during House 'members, and Utah's will make their home, in Woodstock PTA is sponsoring Serving the Holladay, Cottonthe Utah Heart Association in senior Senator, Republican Walwool and East Mill Creek com- Salt Lake City. medical self-hel- p a training residents seven to will late tribute introduce lace F. Bennett, munities of South Salt Lake . Mrs Gessel before her mareach Wednesday at the course bills. the was it Lake of Salt the the at area, last Monday " riage 7 p.m. County. A similar bill was submitted school, commencing at daughter of Mr & Mrs announced today by Dr O. Mar9. Jan. The began program Sen. but last year by Bennett; Application to mail as second ception Center was Miss Vickis vin held been Two have Lewis, president. meetings was opposed by the Kennedy das matter is pending at the Fred C. LeMon, 1467 East 4800 Gifts were received in mem- itAdministration, and it died in thus far. It will continue through post office at Salt Lake City, South. The groom is the son of Feb. 27. Mrs Dean H. Baxter 20 East Utahna Mrs of Lee, committee. Mr k Mrs Fred H. Gessel, 2770 ory Utah. is chairman, assisted by Mrs 7th South; William J. Graef, Jr., South 3450 East. Purpose of the legislation is Conrad Fuller. Mrs Frank 4156 Office 2259 East 4800 South, Shanna Street; over to the settle LDS stake controversy Wayne Prince, 2nd 1872 South Salt Lake City 17, Utah. West; ownership of several thousand president, officiated at the cere- Ford, Norman T. Van Pelt, 1355 Mil- acres of lakebed which have mony; a reception followed. 6 Phone 1350 been exposed by shrinkage of Attending the bride were Mrs ler Ave.; Claude Richards, Miss Virginia Well- the lake area aince 1896. Plant 136 N. Main St., Mid- Earl Anthony at matron of hon- Yale Ave.; The- bill has had the backing or, Miss Lynae Nilsson, Miss er, 159 - 1st Avenue Jiqd vale, Utah. Phone AM ' Sandra Sackett, Miss Jeril Ann Chambers, 2952 Imperial St. Gov. George ojUtaleducatora, ' The contributions will be used-t- D LeMon, - and Miss Carolee LeSubscription rata: . and the State Land $3.00 per year Mon. support research to gain new Bdfis. Best man for hia brother was knowledge about the diseases of Sen. Bennett said the ownerPublished every Wednesday Ted Gesell. Ushers were Basil the heart and blood vessels, and ship of the acreage would be J. Parr Godfrey, Publisher Gessel, Ronald LeMon, Gary to make that knowledge quickly important to the schools of Utah LeMon, Alan LeMon, and Earl available to the practicing phy- since revenues from mineral James M. Landers, Editor-Mgsician. Anthony. wealth of the Great Salt Lake bed go to the state's Uniform School Fund. I certainly hope the Kennedy Administration reverses its opposition to this meritorious bill and gives Utahs school Sen. Benchildren a break, nett said. Rep. Lloyd said: Utahs enabling act gave the state title to the lakebeds of all navigable lakei within the state, and I think it is clear that Congress g bounintended the daries should be used to determine ownership and not 1963 boundaries. Sen. Bennett noted the Interior Department has questioned whether or not Great Salt Lake is considered a navigable lake. He pointed out the lake always has been regarded as navigable, and the courts have taken notice of this fact. He said the Federal Government should not put the state to the expense of litigation to confirm a fact that is so well established. The controversy over ownership of the land came to a head ... two years ago when the Bureau of Land Management said a current survey of the present water mark should be the official limit of the states ownership of the lakebed. Sen. Bennett said: Utahs schools are being deprived of thousands of dollars in revenues Aram the lands because of the uncertainty as to who owns them. The Utah Senator said: The Kennedy Administrations delaying tactics on this legislation a year ago is a most serious and unfortunate setback for the citizens of Utah. Instead of proCircle these reasons why 4 of 5 new homes in this area longing the conflict, the Federal Government should join with us enjoy flameless electric ranges: and give Utah its legal ownership. CONTROLS. You can cnuiii on conAbsolute takes sistently good results, automatically. accuracy UTAH'S FIRST the guesswork out of cooking. Miss Gwen Johnson, Miss Carol r The Holladay Polio Clinics ts ds De-Lo- Jo-An- 3. Salt Lake County, Ut. Sun-Neighb- Page 2 Wednesday Will Begin Clinics in most areas will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2-3 sheets will be Registration made available before that The KO POLIO campaign time so names and ages can be which opens in Utah on Mar. 2 filled out to save time at the and 3 is designed to perman- clinics. With ample clinics and ently eradicate the crippling dis- careful planning, no delays are ease in this community and the March Jan 30, 1963 expected, People may donate 25 cents to help defray costs of the vaccine and materials, but those who cannot afford that sum will get the protective cubes free. All workers are volunteering their services. state. If citizens will just take the time to eat the three prepared sugar cubes over the three-mont- h program, we can end polio as a threat in Utah now and for all time, reports Dr Alan P. Macfarlane, chairman of the state polio committee. The new Sabin oral vaccine not only provides personal protection, but also eliminates carriers of polio who sometimes pass on the disease even though they are not sick themselves. About 170 clinics will be set up in all sections of the state to make it convenient to attend. There are three types of polio and three types of vaccine needed for immunity. The first type will be given at the opening round clinics on Mar. 2 and 3. This is the type that causes the most cases of polio. The No. 3 type will be given on the second round, scheduled for Apr.. 20 and 21; the No. 2 type will be given on May 25 and 26. LOOKING INTO 1963 START YOUR CAR IN THE NEW YEAR WITH THE RIGHT KIND OF Lake Shore NOW . . . is Formal to Introduced SERVICE O Anti-Free- ze e. Bridal Pair m Neicrlibor Complete Line ToLiveinSLC i O We have a of long and short Formals Wedding WALKER'S DANSEUSE Bridal Dresce Formals Tuxadoas Sales 4 Rentals HU4-638- 1 1115 E 21st S. Sugar House 278-262- - - There's o r. MONEY In Your Closets, then-existin- Basement, Attic... Take Action Now to turn over . . . your unused, unneeded RINGS items around the rest Sell Them Fast automatically! with NEIGHBOR STAY CLEANER. Because (tameless electric heat without is clean as electric light, utensils keep mirror-brigk and curtains rewood kitchen wot and walls, scouring quire less laundering and care. THINGS There are a number of exciting new features in modern electric ranges rotisseries . . . removable doors . . . grills . . . automatic surface models with the built-i- n look units ... double-ovewithout the cost! n, Youlh Hockey Clinic A to p.m. free-standi- $5 Covers ice time and stick rental If it's electric, it's better Fathers and Sons Como on out! Hygeia Iceland Better buy from your dealer now. UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. BUY LINES 6 SATURDAYS Starting Jan. 26 1201 E. 21st S. IN 644 11 SUGAR HOUSE 278-262- 6 O Atlas Snow Tires & Tubes O Accessories Free Pick-u- p and Deliivrjr Dresses . JD, Lubricants and Oils CHEVRON SERVICE 6218 Highland Dr. 277-099- 4 |