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Show From Uu Nation. ith wbat she should display tolunibia, puMled Day Mtni9bmmakoBherCntnnial h 8cratch4 bi ho4, Aokoi Brolbr Jonatbau: Whittled a while rtflectttoly, and sid, too? , vYonr o n invention and own making, Why, any child could tell ye what to Show 'tin jour Civil Serrife, aod explain i How all wen t ! everybody' gafu; Miow your new patent to lucrae your rem Tly paving quarter fur collecting how your short cut to cure financial UU y making paper collan current bill: tlhow yot-- r new bleachiug roc,cheap and brier, Te wit jury ch aea by ibe thief; how yonr State Legislatures; sho y.ur Ringa, A ad challenge Europe, to produce sucli thing As biih offloiaU iittiog half iu eight To share tlie plurder aud to fix things riilit If that don't fetch her, why, yon only need to show your atyle iu martyr Iwiea, he'll Bud It bard to bide spiteful t ar n At lash advance in one poor Uuudred year. R. I J i: . latt A Man or Xervc. From the Dowagiac Monitor As a test f nerve, the recent experience of a wayfarer, trarelling a wood road near Oljwpia, Washing ton Territory, was a remarkable fie anf on record. Thd man was a tpeculator, looking cut wild land, and he trudged through the forest, following the almost unused path formed by ao old road made Vy pion: His niiud. eers in the wilderness. to one sabjectthe, critical examination of the kind of, trees upon the land about him, and of the character of the soil, and he lailed to notice for some time a "pita-pat" upon the dead leaves near him. He at first scarcely Jookcd .down, when he felt sometluBg rubbing cgainst his legs and heard a slight purring sound, but wheb he did look his heart came up in his mouth and a cold sweat started as suddenly as though Ite were suspended by a weak. rope oyer Niagara. Fressing itself softly against his Legs, twining about him as he wdked, moving its flexile body swiftly, but with nevei a sound, turning up fierce eyes with something almost like & terrible laugh in them, was a huge cougar! No chicken was this man in the woods, but his account of the manner in which his bat was raised by his hair is not to be considered as apocryphal at all. Sleek and supple tod muscular the beast glided about. and at intervals it would como closer ' again, and press its body against the legs of the man, the light touch making gooeeflesh of every inch in his form. was de?oted , Des Moines Correspondent cf J.UUUUVJ the Chi- - Vta-g- remarkable incident occurred near;Viroqua, a lew days ago, in a fannlv whose name my lniormani could, not remember. There were three little children, the oldest bejng five years, two of whom went to the barn to find hens' nests: They found one, and crawled to it, an,d one of them thrust his hand forward to get the eggs, when he quickly withdrew it, sayiog the old hen had bitten him. The other said he wasn't afraid, aod thrust hU hand forward, when he too was bitten. Both then screamed, which quickly brought their mother to tbe epot. when it was discovered that they had been struck by a rattlesnake coiled in the nest. The mother seized the little bovs in her arms and hastened to the house, where a new horror met ner gaze. In her haste to secure the boys at the barn she had set down a boiler or hot water, into. which the babe had fall- T en., in thirty minutes all ner cnu- dren were dead. A til 1 1 Hurled It Back. At a recent spelling match at Columbia, Tenn., for the benefit of one of the churches there, the teacher premeditatedly brought on a personal difficulty betwen a clerk in a grocery store and the word "rhapsody." No sooner was the unoffending word thrown at the young man than, with the wildest confidence in his ability to knock both Worcester and Webster into the middle of next week at a single blow, mangled, mutilated and bleeding, thus : s "W-r-a-- p wrap so, , wrap, soda. wrap d-- a, s-- o, A Stylish colored gentleman of unusual literary proclivities and uncommon blackness walked into a book store recently, and inquired of the obliging clerk if he had a copy cf The clerk assured him Shakespeare. that he had, and produced the desired copy, whereujpon the colored "gemtnan'V took it,' sat down, and began leisurely to turn over the leaves. After half an hour's inspec tion of its contents be suddenly look ed up and exclaimed: "I say don't you sot some dime tip on being answered in the negative be gently laid down, William Shake-speur- e and siluritly .stole away. tcrribls expcrience,thai int terview with the cougar in the forest primeval, and it was well for the man that his nerves were of the kind to do honor to a frontier adventurer. Steadily pursuing his course with A lumberman, being but poorly steps that would falter occasionally, he kept on, and with him. the beuat provided with materials of sustenance continued its tieacherous gambols. for hi men, fed them with pork At times it would glide a few pacqs cooked with the rind upon it. A to the front, and roll over aod over young mn of the company, not likin the road, and wait for the man to ing that outer portion of the food, come up, and then it would circle was observed by the host to be carearound him again, until the impulse, fully removing the outside covering. almost too strong to be resisted, would Whereupon mine host said, "Young come upon him to spring upon the (.man, we eat rind and all here." To brute, opposing fists to fangs, and which the youth replied, "All right, coding the intolerable suspense at old man, I m cutting it off for you." any risk. The movements of the Just think of it ! It costs one' mil terrible animal were but as the playlion two hundred and fifty thousand ing of a cat with a mouse, and the five and eighty-nin- e hundred dollars knew it. The moment came, at man and to cents ten the women of keep length, when the straiu could be in this for imported corsets borne no longer, and the man kicked country one year. What a waste. Exthe as beast it at desperately passed him. In an iiistant it bounded in change. Stay! its not a waste, it is front and ., crouched for a spring, one of thuir means of eipport. growling hoarsely and showing its 4'o, sir," remarked Mrs. Sheridan, teoth The man stopped and shouted with gruat firmness, at their farm in hopelessly for aid. while the cougir the couutry; "It's of no use to tell did not spring at- once, but appeared Rio that 30,000 Clack Hills Iudiang waiting to gratify its humor a little ars up in arms; that briudle cow has longer. The shout, fortunately, was got to be milked."- - The Lieutenant not in vain. . . There were hunters and, dogs it General said something about "ntg-lecti- n the public interest," but he the immediate vicinity, as rare forfor the barn. started tune would have it, and the hounds dashed suddenly. from the covert m A certain young gentleman of the cougarv seeing (hem, leaped for a Cranston, lad , recently accompanied tree. A few monicjUi.iatcr thecast a. young lady to a train to keener fell a victim to bullets, and the man safely started on ber journey. He Vho had taken a stroll was telling his carried railroad ticket in his pocket story and trying to restore the nor- for safety, aud found it there, when mal condition of his nerves by inter he reached home, some hours after toal applications from a 6mall flat-Itthe traiu left. It was ooe of the episodes which Iondon has another new industry. tarn mtn's hair grayone which A man advertises himself as "Knockwould, doubtless, have brought death er to a man with Itsa nerve thin the up and window tickler, from three ' i to seven." Ue wakea heavy sleepers hero of the affair. who with to get up oarly. Window "I wonder what mikes my eyes so tickling i waking without ringing wak,"iaid a fop to 'gentleman. the bell, by means of a lorn: pole, 1 with which he tap5 oc the window They are in a weak W," irpoo Id ifc latter. pane. was a song-book- . , If Hi- THE Tlirce Little Children ed fit Ouce. The . . sf NTfiR- - OCUN WeeklT,Semi-Weekl- vuv.a i... presrntative & Daily. y t,.n lUpu-dica- ear three airo at a pledged to PP Re- - maiu-tai- n of and defend the principle, and orgmztttion 1 the National Republican Purty.the IN wa early pushed to the foretrout, ofjourn i.lum and achieved a nccs unprecedented in the universal assent hUtory of Mich enterprise. aBy it bat been aauiscned position Wbolesale ibealeps IX THE SOUTHWEST. , nnliiiral character doe the INTKK-OCKAits claim to popular favor. It aim at the highest excellence iu u uriu-ment- . aud in thi era of progressive journalism aspires to position among the best. niaK' The lTJiK-OClSespecial ciaiui a Kn oi.ina nn ret ' NEWSPAPER. FAMILY A Its cohuim are carefully guarded against objectionable matter, and every effort is made t" reud-- r it a pleasant aud profitable companion to the home tirwide. Staple er chandi The Commercial Department Is conducted with weat care, and everything pos-iblei doneti make the MARKET KKl'ORTS such a the FARM KRS and 1! US IN ESS MO oi the Northwest can KKL.Y UPON. e! Required by the Trade in the The Agricultural Depaitment I IN ALL' KINDS OP O O TL carefully edited by gentlemen of ability and 2" MOUNT A. -- I 3XT S, sxperience, In Literature, Local and General News, Foreign k Domestic Correspondence, Purchasing direct from Manufacturers or the most extensive ih alers, ana liaving special And everything that goes tonialce advantages from buying in large A First-claNewspaper quantities we Can offer to ss It ia not excelled by any publication in the country. The INTR-OCA- ill MERCHANTS NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ona that will be found usefnl and interesting to Americw in every part of the globe. W hile it eapenally represenU the GRKAT INTERJTS of the NORTHWEST, it is National in it views Firm and comprehensive in it in it noli'ical faith, it is not bigoted, and in a' I discussions aims to be candid, dignified, and above personal abuse. has the largest aggregate The INTER-OCEAcirculation of any newspaper published in the Northwest. It ia sent to more than 0.000 nd Territory distributed in every 8tt in the United States, in all the British Province, and numeriou foreign State ana countries. s. N Post-office- Terms of Subscription. DAILY. $12.00 Rt mail (payable In advance), per year iu advance), mail .(payaVle threes month 3.U0 lly . . : . : J I A ..A o. .uu oaauar uiuua, per tbbt iexiri . AND THE JOBBING EETAIL TRADE & Indaceruents Unequalled by any oilier House in U tail. SHIPMENTS MADE TO ALL POINTS. 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INTER-OCEAmade with country pub- Special arrangements iiK&eri tor ciunci' g with their publications. SampU coni e free. Money can be sent by draft, money order, express, er registered letter, at out The X. 1 SIMMONS & CLODGH ORGAN CO.'S CABI IMPROVED NET ORGANS AND , O N ma. . . Address 1NTER-0CEA- o X, 119, Lake St., Chicaed WILD OATS, u u W PROSPECTUS FOB 1875 'Iff1 & ? m i:i THE CHAMPION AMERICAN GOMIC PAPKR. lLU'STUTb by a corps of the beet Amirtcan artists, and Contribulb to by the most popular humorists and satirists of Thx Dat- WILD 0AT3 now enter successfully upon the sixth year of iu existeuce, and ha become the established humorous and satirical paper of the country, it was started ana coutmusd tho first year a a monthly, then, to satisfy the demand of the pnblic, it w&a cbuueed to a fortnightly. Still continuing it good work of hitting folly as it rues, ana snowiug ap the political aud social shams by iu wtmterly cartoons and pungent FITTED W1TII THE NEWLY INVENTED editorial, it achieved even greater success than , a recognized a the ablest aud before, aud of PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, brightest it class, fince then we have yielded still fnrtber to the public demand, and now pub I lish wild OATS wctiEjy it has literally grown of ff j? into its present shape on it intrinsic merits, being An invention having a moat important bearing on the future reputation Wi f- : the first sucoesaful weekly hnmoiou paper ever gtrumcnts, by means of whiah the quantity or Volume of tone is published in thi country. ' creased, and quality of tone rendered Among tbe artists especially engaged to furnish PIP-ORG1XS illustration lor WILD OATS are rank SolJew, Thomas Worth, Hopkins, Wales, 8helton, Wolf, Jump, Kefttles, Btnckhardt. Day, Poland, and ' i se veral other who are yet unknown to fai.e. Io it literary department WILD OATS will, Out celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Ixuis Patent," "Vox Humana," "VTilcox Ftel a it always baa, ataud alone aud unapproachable. At least ona first class serial story will always be "Octate Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stoys, wa found in ite page, by the beet humorous, satirical and character writers iu the United gtaus, while All iAte ImproTemcnts Can be Obtained Oaly i its sketches And squibs will be sparkling, original Grand Combination Organs, SCRinNElt'S tt... : EQUAL TO THAT OF THE BEST OF THE SAMli CAFACITr. i the nd pointed. WILD OAT will be first rlas in every particular, and oh this account may be taken into tbe best families without fear or suspicion, a no word or illustration will appear that can offend the moetfitstidious. Cor-Fo A Amb Costiwci YouMiLr.-i- a 8in 8fU 8occrlptiom Price: M.00 ' fix M 'tth 2,00 . Three Montn., ifin . .0,10 PmgleCofie Oo parsoc sending a club of five subscriber for one yfar will reiva cop gratis, PM ALL, I uWichfrs, AWf. COLLIJJ 1:9, fnlKm isireet, A. I.. , . This Yew Thirty-fir- e mil' m Organs. v ' Different Stytes, For the J'arlor and the Church, The Bert Material tnd JTorkmtui'P 'ejt Quality and Volume of tne lnQu FACTOM PRICES, AND WARERCOM9. 1Inr CONGRESS ST J. COto GOO COB 6th k MICH10AN AGENTS WANTED IN EVEKY ' EjtAB 1SKXD IH 1850. AJPIBXS8, 5lMMOKf & C0lT- mT. - " MkbuClci'.gr Oaoan Co., Piixoix, 1; - |